public void AssetReference_SetEditorAsset_ReturnsNullIfObjectTypeIsIncorrect()
            AssetReferenceT <Sprite> incorrectlyTypedAssetReference = new AssetReferenceT <Sprite>("badguid");

            Assert.IsNull(incorrectlyTypedAssetReference.editorAsset, "Attempting to set an editor asset of an incorrect type should return null.");
        public void AssetReference_SetEditorAsset_SucceedsOnMatchedTypeAssetReference()
            AssetReference typeCorrectReference = new AssetReferenceT <TestSubObject>("badguid");

            Assert.NotNull(typeCorrectReference.editorAsset, "Attempting to set editor asset on an AssetReferenceT should return the first matching object at the guid");
            Assert.AreEqual(subSO, typeCorrectReference.editorAsset, "Attempting to set editor asset on an AssetReferenceT should return the first matching object at the guid");
        public void AssetReference_SetEditorAsset_NullsOnAttemptWithWrongTypeFromDerivedType()
            var            guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(m_ScriptableObjectPath);
            AssetReference typeConflictReference = new AssetReferenceT <Animation>("badguid");

            Assert.IsNull(typeConflictReference.editorAsset, "Attempting to set editor asset on an AssetReferenceT should return null if the types do not match.");
        public void AssetReference_SetEditorAsset_ReturnsCorrectObjectIfMultipleOfSameTypeExist()
            AssetReferenceT <TestSubObject> typedAssetReference = new AssetReferenceT <TestSubObject>("badguid");

            Assert.AreEqual(subSO2, typedAssetReference.editorAsset, "When using a typed asset reference, the editor asset should be set to the requested object even if its a subobject.");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(subSO, typedAssetReference.editorAsset, "When using a typed asset reference, the editor asset should be set to specifically the requested object, not just an object with the same type and guid.");
        public void AssetReference_SetEditorAsset_CorrectlySetsSubAssetWhenUsingTypedReference()
            AssetReferenceT <TestSubObject> typedAssetReference = new AssetReferenceT <TestSubObject>("badguid");

            Assert.AreEqual(subSO, typedAssetReference.editorAsset, "When using a typed asset reference, the editor asset should be set to the requested object even if its a subobject.");
            AssetReference typedAssetReference2 = new AssetReferenceT <TestSubObject>("badguid");

            Assert.AreEqual(subSO, typedAssetReference2.editorAsset, "When using a typed asset reference, the editor asset should be set to the requested object even if its a subobject.");