public static string GeneratedFile(AssetRef scriptRef, AssetRef ref1, AssetRef ref2, AssetRef ref3) { return($@"%YAML 1.1 %TAG !u!,2011: --- !u!114 &11400000 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {{fileID: 0}} m_PrefabInstance: {{fileID: 0}} m_PrefabAsset: {{fileID: 0}} m_GameObject: {{fileID: 0}} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {{fileID: {scriptRef.fileId}, guid: {scriptRef.guid}, type: 3}} m_Name: Testito m_EditorClassIdentifier: stuff: {{fileID: {ref1.fileId}, guid: {ref1.guid}, type: 3}} stuffjoijoijfiodjfsdojfsdodfjd: {{fileID: {ref2.fileId}, guid: {ref2.guid}, type: 3}} stuffjoijdoijafoidjfsdoaijfdsofjsdofjdsofjdsaofjsdofjosdjfsdojfsadjojojojoofj: {{fileID: {ref3.fileId}, guid: {ref3.guid}, type: 3}} "); }
protected override void Import(AssetRef asset, ThreadData data, object oLock) { //Don't export if the file already exists. if (File.Exists(ResourceDir + "/Models/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asset.Name) + ".obj")) { return; } //De-serialize using (MemoryStream modelMemoryStream = asset.Pack.CreateAssetMemoryStreamByName(asset.Name)) { Model model = null; while (model == null) { model = ObjectPool.GetPooledObject(); } bool deserializeResult = model.InitializeFromStream(asset.Name, asset.DisplayName, modelMemoryStream); if (deserializeResult) { ExportModel(model, data.StringBuilder, ref data.TextureBuffer); } ObjectPool.ReturnObjectToPool(model); } }
private async Task LoadZoneTerrain(Zone zone) { AssetRef[] assets = assetManager.GetAssetsByType(AssetType.CNK1, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zone.Name)); if (assets == null || assets.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("Could not locate any chunk data associated with zone \"{0}\". Skipping load of terrain.", zone); return; } Task <ForgelightChunk>[] chunkTasks = new Task <ForgelightChunk> [assets.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++) { AssetRef assetRef = assets[i]; chunkTasks[i] = terrainFactory.CreateChunk(assetRef, zoneTerrain.transform); statusReporter.ReportProgress("Loading Terrain Chunks", i, assets.Length); await new WaitForUpdate(); } foreach (Task <ForgelightChunk> task in chunkTasks) { await task; } statusReporter.ReportProgress("Loading Terrain Chunks", assets.Length, assets.Length); zoneTerrain.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-2, 2, 2); }
public static async Task <string> GetTextAsync(this AssetRef asset, string?encoding, IAssetFileStore assetFileStore, CancellationToken ct = default) { using (var stream = DefaultPools.MemoryStream.GetStream()) { await assetFileStore.DownloadAsync(asset.AppId, asset.Id, asset.FileVersion, null, stream, default, ct);
public AssetRef Load(string path, TYPE type = TYPE.Prefab, string assetBundlePath = null) { path = Core.Path.instance.Resolve(path, type); var name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); var assetRef = FindAssetRef(path); if (assetRef != null) { Log.Resource.I("Load {0} in Cache", name); return(assetRef.Refrence()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetBundlePath)) { assetBundlePath = Core.Path.instance.Resolve(path, TYPE.AssetBundle); } var assetBundleRef = LoadAssetBundle(assetBundlePath); if (assetBundleRef == null) { return(null); } var assetBundle = assetBundleRef.Get <AssetBundle>(); var asset = assetBundle.LoadAsset(name); assetRef = new AssetRef(path, asset, new List <AssetRef>() { assetBundleRef }); CacheAssetRef(assetRef.Refrence()); return(assetRef); }
public void AsyncLoad(string bundlePath, string assetName, LoadDelegate lad) { StartCoroutine(AsyncLoadBundle(bundlePath, delegate(BundleHolder bh) { if (bh == null) { lad?.Invoke(null); return; } StartCoroutine(AsyncLoadAsset(bh.bundle, assetName, delegate(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { lad?.Invoke(null); bh.TryRelease(); return; } AssetRef ar = new AssetRef(); ar.asset = obj; = bh; ar.Retain(); lad?.Invoke(ar); bh.TryRelease(); })); })); }
public void SetTexture(int i) { if (textures.IsEmpty()) { return; } if (Platform.isPlaying) { GetLoader().Load(textures[i], null); } else { #if UNITY_EDITOR i = MathUtil.Clamp(i, 0, textures.Count); if (GetLoader().Target != null) { AssetRef r = textures[i]; r.LoadAsset <Texture>(t => { GetLoader().Target.mainTexture = t; #if UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.MarkAllScenesDirty(); #else UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(GetLoader().gameObject); #endif }); } #endif } }
public MaterialRef(ComponentRef <Renderer> renderer, int materialIndex) { _materialRef = null; _materialIndex = materialIndex; _renderer = renderer; _editorCollapsed = false; _material = null; }
public MaterialRef(AssetRef <Material> materialRef) { _materialRef = materialRef; _materialIndex = -1; _renderer = new ComponentRef <Renderer>(); _editorCollapsed = false; _material = null; }
public GameObject Instantiate(AssetRef assetRef) { assetRef.Refrence(); var clone = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(assetRef.Get <GameObject>()); clone.OnDestroyAsObservable().Subscribe(_ => assetRef.Release()); return(clone); }
public void AddRef(AssetRef assetRef) { if (assetRef == null) { return; } assetRefList.AddRef(assetRef);//增加引用 }
public MaterialRef(ComponentRef <Graphic> graphic) { _materialRef = null; _materialIndex = kGraphicMaterialIndex; _renderer = new ComponentRef <Renderer>(); _graphic = graphic; _editorCollapsed = false; _material = null; }
public void SetData(string icon, string name, int count) { AssetRef.setImage(mIcon, icon); mNum.text = count.ToString(); if (mName != null) { mName.text = name.ToString(); } }
public static void RefAssetWithGameObject(GameObject go, Object asset) { AssetRef abRef = GetAssetRef(asset); if (abRef != null) { RefAssetWithGameObject(go, abRef); } }
public StateRef(TextAsset asset, int stateId, StateMachine parentStateMachine = null) { _file = new AssetRef <TextAsset>(asset); _stateId = stateId; _editorExternalLinkPosition =; _parentStateMachine = parentStateMachine; _state = null; _editorCollapsed = false; _editorStateName = null; }
public void CacheAsset(AssetRef assetRef, bool isStrong = false) { if (!isStrong) { weakRefs.AddRef(assetRef); } else { strongRefs.AddRef(assetRef); } }
public GameObjectRef(eSourceType sourceType) { _sourceType = sourceType; _objectName = string.Empty; _scene = new SceneRef(); _sceneObjectID = -1; _prefab = new AssetRef <GameObject>(); _gameObject = null; _sourceObject = null; _editorCollapsed = false; }
private Object LoadMainAsset() { if (MainType != null) { if (MainType == typeof(object)) { return(null); } AssetRef rMain; if (TypedAssets.TryGetValue(MainType, out rMain)) { if (rMain.Asset != null) { var asset = rMain.Asset.GetWeakReference <Object>(); if (asset) { return(asset); } } } } if (ManiItem != null && DepBundles.Count > 0) { var bi = DepBundles[DepBundles.Count - 1]; if (bi != null && bi.Bundle != null) { var path = ConcatAssetPath(); var asset = bi.Bundle.LoadAsset(path); if (!asset) { MainType = typeof(object); return(null); } if (asset is Texture2D) { var sprite = bi.Bundle.LoadAsset(path, typeof(Sprite)); if (sprite) { asset = sprite; } } MainType = asset.GetType(); TypedAssets[MainType] = new AssetRef() { Asset = new WeakReference(asset) }; return(asset); } } return(null); }
public Skybox( AssetRef <ImageSharpTexture> front, AssetRef <ImageSharpTexture> back, AssetRef <ImageSharpTexture> left, AssetRef <ImageSharpTexture> right, AssetRef <ImageSharpTexture> top, AssetRef <ImageSharpTexture> bottom) { _front = front; _back = back; _left = left; _right = right; _top = top; _bottom = bottom; }
public static void CopyTexture(TexSetter s, TexLoader l) { if (l.Target.mainTexture != null && AssetBundlePath.inst.IsCdnAsset(l.Target.mainTexture)) { AssetRef r = new AssetRef(); r.cdn = true; r.SetPath(l.Target.mainTexture); s.textures.Add(r); EditorUtil.SetDirty(s); } }
static void TryToAddAsset(string name, Object asset) { AssetRef assetRef; if (!dictOfAssetRefs.TryGetValue(name, out assetRef)) { assetRef = new AssetRef(); = name; assetRef.asset = asset; dictOfAssetRefs.Add(, assetRef); } }
public override bool Draw(string label, ref AssetRef <T> obj, RenderContext rc) { object assetName = obj.ID.Value; if (DrawerCache.GetDrawer(typeof(string)).Draw(label, ref assetName, rc)) { obj = new AssetRef <T>((string)assetName); return(true); } return(false); }
public override Object Load(Type type) { if (MainType == null) { var main = LoadMainAsset(); if (MainType == typeof(object) || type == null || type.IsAssignableFrom(MainType)) { return(main); } } else if (MainType == typeof(object)) { return(null); } else if (type == null || type.IsAssignableFrom(MainType)) { return(LoadMainAsset()); } AssetRef rAsset; if (TypedAssets.TryGetValue(type, out rAsset)) { if (rAsset.Asset != null) { var asset = rAsset.Asset.GetWeakReference <Object>(); if (asset) { return(asset); } } } if (ManiItem != null && DepBundles.Count > 0) { var bi = DepBundles[DepBundles.Count - 1]; if (bi != null && bi.Bundle != null) { var path = ConcatAssetPath(); var asset = bi.Bundle.LoadAsset(path, type); TypedAssets[type] = new AssetRef() { Asset = new WeakReference(asset) }; return(asset); } } return(null); }
public virtual async Task <AssetRef> LoadAsync(string path, TYPE type, LoadingOption option, string assetBundlePath) { path = Core.Path.instance.Resolve(path, type); var name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); var assetRef = FindAssetRef(path); if (assetRef != null) { Log.Resource.I("LoadAsync {0} in Cache", name); return(assetRef.Refrence()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetBundlePath)) { assetBundlePath = Core.Path.instance.Resolve(path, TYPE.AssetBundle); } var assetBundleRef = await LoadAssetBundleAsync(assetBundlePath, option); if (assetBundleRef == null) { return(null); } var assetBundle = assetBundleRef.Get <AssetBundle>(); var assetBundleRequest = assetBundle.LoadAssetAsync(name); var result = await Loading.instance.Wrap(async() => { return(await HookProgress(assetBundleRequest, option.progress, 0.7f)); }, option); if (!result) { return(null); } var asset = assetBundleRequest.asset; if (asset == null) { return(null); } assetRef = new AssetRef(path, asset, new List <AssetRef>() { assetBundleRef }); CacheAssetRef(assetRef.Refrence()); return(assetRef); }
private static AssetRef createAssetRef(UANode node) { //AssetRef // -> Key (multiple) AssetRef ass = new AssetRef(); var keys = addSemanticID(node); foreach (Key key in keys) { ass.Keys.Add(key); } return(ass); }
public void AddRef(AssetRef assetRef) { if (assetRef == null) { return; } int instId = assetRef.InstId; if (!m_assetRefs.ContainsKey(instId)) { m_assetRefs.Add(instId, assetRef); } assetRef.Ref(); }
public void DelRef(AssetRef assetRef) { if (assetRef == null) { return; } int instId = assetRef.InstId; if (m_assetRefs.ContainsKey(instId)) { assetRef.UnRef(); m_assetRefs.Remove(instId); } }
private LinkData Get(int index) { if (list.ContainsKey(index)) { return(list[index]); } var cellPrefabRef = new AssetRef(cellPath, cellPrefab); var presenter = context.presenter as Presenters.Framework.List; var data = presenter.Build(cellPrefabRef, cellPath); data.node.transform.SetParent(context.gameObject.transform); list.Add(index, data); return(data); }
public void Load(AssetRef asset, Action <Texture> callback) { if (Target != null && !asset.isEmpty) { if (asset.cdn) { Load(asset.path, callback); } else if (asset.GetReference() != null) { this.loadedCallback = callback; SetTexture(asset.GetReference() as Texture); } } }
//生成Manifest配置文件 public static void BuildManifest() { //获取manifest文件 var manifest = GetManifest(); AssetDatabase.RemoveUnusedAssetBundleNames(); var bundles = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetBundleNames(); List <string> dirs = new List <string>(); List <AssetRef> assets = new List <AssetRef>(); for (int i = 0; i < bundles.Length; i++) { var paths = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathsFromAssetBundle(bundles[i]); foreach (var path in paths) { var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); dir = dir.Replace("\\", "/"); var index = dirs.FindIndex((o) => o.Equals(dir)); if (index == -1) { index = dirs.Count; dirs.Add(dir); } var asset = new AssetRef(); asset.bundle = i; asset.dir = index; = Path.GetFileName(path); assets.Add(asset); } } manifest.bundles = bundles; manifest.dirs = dirs.ToArray(); manifest.assets = assets.ToArray(); var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(manifest); var bundleName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath).ToLower(); SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant(assetPath, bundleName, null); EditorUtility.SetDirty(manifest); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
static void TryToAddAsset(string name, Object asset) { AssetRef assetRef; if (! dictOfAssetRefs.TryGetValue (name, out assetRef)) { assetRef = new AssetRef (); = name; assetRef.asset = asset; dictOfAssetRefs.Add (, assetRef); } }