Exemplo n.º 1
 private void DoOpen(AssetList resolve)
     bool includeFolder = true;
     Asset.States[] states = new Asset.States[] { Asset.States.Conflicted };
     this.assetList = resolve.Filter(includeFolder, states);
        private static string StateToString(Asset.States state)
            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.AddedLocal))
                return("Added Local");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.AddedRemote))
                return("Added Remote");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal) && !IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                return("Checked Out Local");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote) && !IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                return("Checked Out Remote");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.Conflicted))

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.DeletedLocal))
                return("Deleted Local");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.DeletedRemote))
                return("Deleted Remote");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.Local))

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                return("Locked Local");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                return("Locked Remote");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.OutOfSync))
                return("Out Of Sync");

Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void Open(AssetList assets)
     Task task = Provider.Status(assets);
     Asset.States[] states = new Asset.States[] { Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal, Asset.States.DeletedLocal, Asset.States.AddedLocal, Asset.States.Missing };
     AssetList revert = task.assetList.Filter(true, states);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void DoOpen(AssetList resolve)
            bool includeFolder = true;

            Asset.States[] states = new Asset.States[] { Asset.States.Conflicted };
            this.assetList = resolve.Filter(includeFolder, states);
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal static string StateToString(Asset.States state)
            string result;

            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.AddedLocal))
                result = "Added Local";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.AddedRemote))
                result = "Added Remote";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal) && !Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                result = "Checked Out Local";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote) && !Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                result = "Checked Out Remote";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.Conflicted))
                result = "Conflicted";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.DeletedLocal))
                result = "Deleted Local";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.DeletedRemote))
                result = "Deleted Remote";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.Local))
                result = "Local";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                result = "Locked Local";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                result = "Locked Remote";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.OutOfSync))
                result = "Out Of Sync";
            else if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.Updating))
                result = "Updating Status";
                result = "";
        // Handle asset moving
        public static AssetMoveResult OnWillMoveAsset(string from, string to)
            if (!Provider.enabled || EditorUserSettings.WorkOffline)

            if (!Provider.PathIsVersioned(from))
            if (!Provider.PathIsVersioned(to))

            if (InternalEditorUtility.isHumanControllingUs && Directory.Exists(from) && !EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm version control operation", L10n.Tr($"You are about to move or rename a folder that is under version control.\n\nFrom:\t{from}\nTo:\t{to}\n\nAre you sure you want to perform this action?"), "Yes", "No"))

            Asset asset = GetStatusCachedIfPossible(from, true);

            if (asset == null || !asset.IsUnderVersionControl)

            Asset.States assetState = asset.state;
            if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.OutOfSync))
                Debug.LogError("Cannot move version controlled file that is not up to date. Please get latest changes from server");
            else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.DeletedRemote))
                Debug.LogError("Cannot move version controlled file that is deleted on server. Please get latest changes from server");
            else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote))
                Debug.LogError("Cannot move version controlled file that is checked out on server. Please get latest changes from server");
            else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                Debug.LogError("Cannot move version controlled file that is locked on server. Please get latest changes from server");

            // Perform the actual move
            Task task = Provider.Move(from, to);


            return(task.success ? (AssetMoveResult)task.resultCode : AssetMoveResult.FailedMove);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void Open(AssetList assets)
            Task task = Provider.Status(assets);

            Asset.States[] states = new Asset.States[] { Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal, Asset.States.DeletedLocal, Asset.States.AddedLocal, Asset.States.Missing };
            AssetList      revert = task.assetList.Filter(true, states);

Exemplo n.º 8
 public bool IsOneOfStates(Asset.States[] states)
     for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++)
         Asset.States states2 = states[i];
         if ((this.state & states2) != Asset.States.None)
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void DrawOverlay(Asset.States state, Rect iconRect)
            Rect atlasRectForState = Provider.GetAtlasRectForState((int)state);

            if (atlasRectForState.width != 0f)
                Texture2D overlayAtlas = Provider.overlayAtlas;
                if (!(overlayAtlas == null))
                    GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(iconRect, overlayAtlas, atlasRectForState);
        void DrawOverlayDescription(Asset.States state)
            Rect atlasUV = Provider.GetAtlasRectForState((int)state);
            if (atlasUV.width == 0f)
                return; // no overlay

            Texture2D atlas = Provider.overlayAtlas;
            if (atlas == null)

            GUILayout.Label("    " + Asset.StateToString(state), EditorStyles.miniLabel);
            Rect r = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
            r.width = 16f;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(r, atlas, atlasUV);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static void DrawOverlay(Asset.States state, Rect iconRect)
            Rect atlasRectForState = Provider.GetAtlasRectForState((int)state);

            if ((double)atlasRectForState.width == 0.0)
            Texture2D overlayAtlas = Provider.overlayAtlas;

            if ((Object)overlayAtlas == (Object)null)
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(iconRect, (Texture)overlayAtlas, atlasRectForState);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void DrawOverlayDescription(Asset.States state)
            Rect atlasRectForState = Provider.GetAtlasRectForState((int)state);

            if (atlasRectForState.width != 0f)
                Texture2D overlayAtlas = Provider.overlayAtlas;
                if (!(overlayAtlas == null))
                    GUILayout.Label("    " + Asset.StateToString(state), EditorStyles.miniLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
                    Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
                    lastRect.width = 16f;
                    GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(lastRect, overlayAtlas, atlasRectForState);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public bool IsOneOfStates(Asset.States[] states)
            bool result;

            for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++)
                Asset.States states2 = states[i];
                if ((this.state & states2) != Asset.States.None)
                    result = true;
            result = false;
Exemplo n.º 14
        static void DrawOverlay(Asset.States state, Rect iconRect)
            Rect atlasUV = Provider.GetAtlasRectForState((int)state);

            if (atlasUV.width == 0f)
                return; // no overlay
            Texture2D atlas = Provider.overlayAtlas;

            if (atlas == null)

            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(iconRect, atlas, atlasUV);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void ShowScriptPopup(Rect r)
            int length = m_DefaultTimeScripts.Count;

            string[] names         = new string[length];
            bool[]   enabled       = new bool[length];
            var      lockedScripts = new HashSet <MonoScript>();

            if (Provider.enabled)
                var assetList    = new AssetList();
                var pathToScript = new Dictionary <string, MonoScript>();

                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    var metaPath = AssetDatabase.GetTextMetaFilePathFromAssetPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_DefaultTimeScripts[i]));

                    if (Provider.GetAssetByPath(metaPath) != null)
                        pathToScript.Add(metaPath, m_DefaultTimeScripts[i]);


                const Asset.States kExclusiveLockedRemote = Asset.States.Exclusive | Asset.States.LockedRemote;
                foreach (var asset in assetList)
                    if ((asset.state & kExclusiveLockedRemote) == kExclusiveLockedRemote)

            for (int c = 0; c < length; c++)
                names[c]   = m_DefaultTimeScripts[c].GetClass().FullName;      // TODO: localization with a proper database.
                enabled[c] = !lockedScripts.Contains(m_DefaultTimeScripts[c]); //List item is disabled when asset is locked
            EditorUtility.DisplayCustomMenu(r, names, enabled, null, MenuSelection, null);
Exemplo n.º 16
        // Handle asset moving
        public static AssetMoveResult OnWillMoveAsset(string from, string to)
            if (!Provider.enabled)

            Asset asset = GetStatusCachedIfPossible(from, CachedStatusMode.Sync);

            if (asset == null || !asset.IsUnderVersionControl)

            Asset.States assetState = asset.state;
            if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.OutOfSync))
                Debug.LogError("Cannot move version controlled file that is not up to date. Please get latest changes from server");
            else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.DeletedRemote))
                Debug.LogError("Cannot move version controlled file that is deleted on server. Please get latest changes from server");
            else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote))
                Debug.LogError("Cannot move version controlled file that is checked out on server. Please get latest changes from server");
            else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                Debug.LogError("Cannot move version controlled file that is locked on server. Please get latest changes from server");

            // Perform the actual move
            Task task = Provider.Move(from, to);


            return(task.success ? (AssetMoveResult)task.resultCode : AssetMoveResult.FailedMove);
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void DrawOverlayDescription(Asset.States state)
            Rect atlasRectForState = Provider.GetAtlasRectForState((int)state);

            if ((double)atlasRectForState.width == 0.0)
            Texture2D overlayAtlas = Provider.overlayAtlas;

            if ((UnityEngine.Object)overlayAtlas == (UnityEngine.Object)null)
            GUILayout.Label("    " + Asset.StateToString(state), EditorStyles.miniLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();

            lastRect.width = 16f;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(lastRect, (Texture)overlayAtlas, atlasRectForState);
Exemplo n.º 18
 private static bool IsState(Asset.States state)
Exemplo n.º 19
 public bool IsState(Asset.States state)
     return(Asset.IsState(this.state, state));
Exemplo n.º 20
 internal static bool IsState(Asset.States isThisState, Asset.States partOfThisState)
     return((isThisState & partOfThisState) != Asset.States.None);
Exemplo n.º 21
        internal static string AllStateToString(Asset.States state)
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.AddedLocal))
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Added Local");
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.AddedRemote))
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Added Remote");
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal))
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Checked Out Local");
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote))
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Checked Out Remote");
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.Conflicted))
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.DeletedLocal))
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Deleted Local");
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.DeletedRemote))
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Deleted Remote");
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.Local))
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Locked Local");
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Locked Remote");
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.OutOfSync))
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Out Of Sync");
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.Synced))
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.Missing))
            if (Asset.IsState(state, Asset.States.ReadOnly))
Exemplo n.º 22
        static void DrawOverlays(Asset asset, Asset metaAsset, Rect itemRect, bool isHierarchy = false,
                                 bool isProject = false, bool otherIcons = false)
            if (!EditorUserSettings.overlayIcons && !EditorUserSettings.hierarchyOverlayIcons &&

            if (isHierarchy && !EditorUserSettings.hierarchyOverlayIcons)

            if (isProject && !EditorUserSettings.overlayIcons)

            if (otherIcons && !EditorUserSettings.otherOverlayIcons)

            float iconWidth = Mathf.Min(itemRect.height / 2 + 4, 16);
            // slightly offset icons since their texture space is not filled with content entirely
            float offsetX = 0;
            float offsetY = 2;

            Rect topLeft     = new Rect(itemRect.x - offsetX, itemRect.y - offsetY, iconWidth, iconWidth);
            Rect topRight    = new Rect(itemRect.xMax - iconWidth + offsetX, itemRect.y - offsetY, iconWidth, iconWidth);
            Rect bottomLeft  = new Rect(itemRect.x - offsetX, itemRect.yMax - iconWidth + offsetY, iconWidth, iconWidth);
            Rect bottomRight = new Rect(itemRect.xMax - iconWidth + offsetX, itemRect.yMax - iconWidth + offsetY, iconWidth, iconWidth);

            Asset.States assetState = asset.state;
            Asset.States metaState  = metaAsset != null ? metaAsset.state : Asset.States.None;

            Asset.States unmodifiedState       = Asset.States.Local | Asset.States.MetaFile | Asset.States.ReadOnly | Asset.States.Synced;
            bool         isMetaUnmodifiedState = metaAsset == null || (metaState & unmodifiedState) == unmodifiedState;

            Asset.States localMetaState  = metaAsset == null ? Asset.States.None : metaState & (Asset.States.AddedLocal | Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal | Asset.States.DeletedLocal | Asset.States.LockedLocal);
            Asset.States remoteMetaState = metaAsset == null ? Asset.States.None : metaState & (Asset.States.AddedRemote | Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote | Asset.States.DeletedRemote | Asset.States.LockedRemote);

            bool keepFolderMetaParans = asset.isFolder && Provider.isVersioningFolders;

            bool providerActive = Provider.isActive;

            if (!isHierarchy)
                // Local state overlay
                if (!providerActive)
                    GUI.DrawTexture(topLeft, s_DisconnectedIcon);
                else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.AddedLocal))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.AddedLocal, topLeft);

                    // Meta overlay if meta file is not added or already in repo and unmodified.
                    if (metaAsset != null && (localMetaState & Asset.States.AddedLocal) == 0 && !isMetaUnmodifiedState)
                        DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
                else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.DeletedLocal))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.DeletedLocal, topLeft);

                    // Meta overlay if meta file is not deleted but asset is and meta file is still present or missing (ie. should have been there)
                    if (metaAsset != null && (localMetaState & Asset.States.DeletedLocal) == 0 &&
                        Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.Local | Asset.States.Missing))
                        DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
                else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.LockedLocal, topLeft);

                    // Meta overlay if meta file is not locked or unmodified.
                    if (metaAsset != null && (localMetaState & Asset.States.LockedLocal) == 0 && !isMetaUnmodifiedState)
                        DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
                else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal, topLeft);

                    // Meta overlay if meta file is not checked out or unmodified.
                    if (metaAsset != null && (localMetaState & Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal) == 0 && !isMetaUnmodifiedState)
                        DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
                else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.Local) &&
                         !(Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.OutOfSync) ||
                           Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.Synced)))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.Local, bottomLeft);

                    // Meta overlay if meta file is not local only or unmodified.
                    if (metaAsset != null &&
                        (metaAsset.IsUnderVersionControl || !Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.Local)))
                        DrawMetaOverlay(bottomLeft, false);
                // From here the local asset have no state that need a local state overlay. We use the meta state if there is one instead.
                else if (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.AddedLocal))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.AddedLocal, topLeft);
                    if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                        DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
                else if (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.DeletedLocal))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.DeletedLocal, topLeft);
                    if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                        DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
                else if (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.LockedLocal, topLeft);
                    if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                        DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
                else if (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal, topLeft);
                    if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                        DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
                else if (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.Local) &&
                         !(Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.OutOfSync) ||
                           Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.Synced)) &&
                         !(Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.Conflicted) ||
                           (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.Conflicted))))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.Local, bottomLeft);
                    if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                        DrawMetaOverlay(bottomLeft, false);

            if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.Conflicted) ||
                (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.Conflicted)))
                if (isHierarchy)
                    bottomLeft.x += 5;

                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.Conflicted, bottomLeft);

            if (providerActive && !isHierarchy)
                if ((asset.isFolder == false && Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.Updating)) || (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.Updating)))
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.Updating, bottomRight);

            // Remote state overlay
            if (!providerActive)
                // nothing; disconnected icon was already drawn for local overlay above
            else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.AddedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.AddedRemote, topRight);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not added or already in repo and unmodified.
                if (metaAsset != null && (remoteMetaState & Asset.States.AddedRemote) == 0)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.DeletedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.DeletedRemote, topRight);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not deleted but asset is and meta file is still present or missing (ie. should have been there)
                if (metaAsset != null && (remoteMetaState & Asset.States.DeletedRemote) == 0)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.LockedRemote, topRight);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not locked or unmodified.
                if (metaAsset != null && (remoteMetaState & Asset.States.LockedRemote) == 0)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote, topRight);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not checked out or unmodified.
                if (metaAsset != null && (remoteMetaState & Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote) == 0)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            // From here the remote asset have no state that need a remote state overlay. We use the meta state if there is one instead.
            else if (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.AddedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.AddedRemote, topRight);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.DeletedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.DeletedRemote, topRight);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.LockedRemote, topRight);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote, topRight);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);

            if (Asset.IsState(assetState, Asset.States.OutOfSync) || (metaAsset != null && Asset.IsState(metaState, Asset.States.OutOfSync)))
                if (isHierarchy)
                    bottomLeft.x += 5;
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.OutOfSync, bottomLeft);
                    DrawOverlay(Asset.States.OutOfSync, bottomRight);
Exemplo n.º 23
        private void OnSubmitGUI()
            if (this.submitResultCode != 0x100)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            Event current = Event.current;

            if (current.isKey && (current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape))
            GUILayout.Label("Description", EditorStyles.boldLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            if ((this.taskStatus != null) && (this.taskStatus.resultCode != 0))
                Asset.States[] states = new Asset.States[] { Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal, Asset.States.DeletedLocal, Asset.States.AddedLocal };
                this.assetList = this.taskStatus.assetList.Filter(true, states);
                this.taskStatus = null;
            else if ((this.taskDesc != null) && (this.taskDesc.resultCode != 0))
                this.description = (this.taskDesc.text.Length <= 0) ? string.Empty : this.taskDesc.text;
                if (this.description.Trim() == "<enter description here>")
                    this.description = string.Empty;
                this.taskDesc = null;
            else if ((this.taskStat != null) && (this.taskStat.resultCode != 0))
                this.assetList = this.taskStat.assetList;
                this.taskStat = null;
            Task task = ((this.taskStatus == null) || (this.taskStatus.resultCode != 0)) ? (((this.taskDesc == null) || (this.taskDesc.resultCode != 0)) ? (((this.taskStat == null) || (this.taskStat.resultCode != 0)) ? this.taskSubmit : this.taskStat) : this.taskDesc) : this.taskStatus;

            GUI.enabled = ((this.taskDesc == null) || (this.taskDesc.resultCode != 0)) && (this.submitResultCode == 0x100);
            GUILayoutOption[] options = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Height(150f) };
            this.description = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(this.description, options).Trim();
            if (this.m_TextAreaControlID == 0)
                this.m_TextAreaControlID = EditorGUIUtility.s_LastControlID;
            if (this.m_TextAreaControlID != 0)
                GUIUtility.keyboardControl        = this.m_TextAreaControlID;
                EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = true;
            GUI.enabled = true;
            GUILayout.Label("Files", EditorStyles.boldLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            Rect screenRect = new Rect(6f, 206f, base.position.width - 12f, base.position.height - 248f);

            GUILayoutOption[] optionArray2 = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true) };
            GUILayout.Box(string.Empty, optionArray2);
            this.submitList.OnGUI(new Rect(screenRect.x + 2f, screenRect.y + 2f, screenRect.width - 4f, screenRect.height - 4f), true);
            GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            if (this.submitResultCode == 0x100)
                if (task != null)
                    GUIContent content = GUIContent.Temp("Getting info");
                    content.image = WindowPending.StatusWheel.image;
                    GUILayout.Label(content, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
                    content.image = null;
                if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel", new GUILayoutOption[0]))
                GUI.enabled = (task == null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.description);
                bool flag3 = (current.isKey && current.shift) && (current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return);
                bool flag4 = flag3 && !this.allowSubmit;
                if (Provider.hasChangelistSupport && (GUILayout.Button("Save", new GUILayoutOption[0]) || flag4))
                if (this.allowSubmit)
                    bool enabled = GUI.enabled;
                    GUI.enabled = ((this.assetList != null) && (this.assetList.Count > 0)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.description);
                    if (GUILayout.Button("Submit", new GUILayoutOption[0]) || flag3)
                    GUI.enabled = enabled;
                bool flag6 = (this.submitResultCode & 1) != 0;
                GUI.enabled = flag6;
                string text = string.Empty;
                if (flag6)
                    text = "Finished successfully";
                else if (task != null)
                    GUILayout.Label(WindowPending.StatusWheel, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
                    text = task.progressMessage;
                    if (text.Length == 0)
                        text = "Running...";
                GUILayout.Label(text, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
                if (GUILayout.Button("Close", new GUILayoutOption[0]))
            GUI.enabled = true;
            if (task != null)
Exemplo n.º 24
        static void DrawOverlays(Asset asset, Asset metaAsset, Rect itemRect)
            float iconWidth   = 16;
            float offsetX     = 1f;  // offset to compensate that icons are 16x16 with 8x8 content
            float offsetY     = 4f;
            float syncOffsetX = -4f; // offset to compensate that icons are 16x16 with 8x8 content and sync overlay pos

            Rect topLeft     = new Rect(itemRect.x - offsetX, itemRect.y - offsetY, iconWidth, iconWidth);
            Rect topRight    = new Rect(itemRect.xMax - iconWidth + offsetX, itemRect.y - offsetY, iconWidth, iconWidth);
            Rect bottomLeft  = new Rect(itemRect.x - offsetX, itemRect.yMax - iconWidth + offsetY, iconWidth, iconWidth);
            Rect bottomRight = new Rect(itemRect.xMax - iconWidth + offsetX, itemRect.yMax - iconWidth + offsetY, iconWidth, iconWidth);
            Rect syncRect    = new Rect(itemRect.xMax - iconWidth + syncOffsetX, itemRect.yMax - iconWidth + offsetY, iconWidth, iconWidth);

            Asset.States unmodifiedState       = Asset.States.Local | Asset.States.MetaFile | Asset.States.ReadOnly | Asset.States.Synced;
            bool         isMetaUnmodifiedState = metaAsset == null || (metaAsset.state & unmodifiedState) == unmodifiedState;

            Asset.States localMetaState  = metaAsset == null ? Asset.States.None : metaAsset.state & (Asset.States.AddedLocal | Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal | Asset.States.DeletedLocal | Asset.States.LockedLocal);
            Asset.States remoteMetaState = metaAsset == null ? Asset.States.None : metaAsset.state & (Asset.States.AddedRemote | Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote | Asset.States.DeletedRemote | Asset.States.LockedRemote);

            bool keepFolderMetaParans = asset.isFolder && Provider.isVersioningFolders;

            // Local state overlay
            if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.AddedLocal))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.AddedLocal, topLeft);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not added or already in repo and unmodified.
                if (metaAsset != null && (localMetaState & Asset.States.AddedLocal) == 0 && !isMetaUnmodifiedState)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
            else if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.DeletedLocal))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.DeletedLocal, topLeft);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not deleted but asset is and meta file is still present or missing (ie. should have been there)
                if (metaAsset != null && (localMetaState & Asset.States.DeletedLocal) == 0 && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.Local | Asset.States.Missing))
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
            else if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.LockedLocal, topLeft);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not locked or unmodified.
                if (metaAsset != null && (localMetaState & Asset.States.LockedLocal) == 0 && !isMetaUnmodifiedState)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
            else if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal, topLeft);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not checked out or unmodified.
                if (metaAsset != null && (localMetaState & Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal) == 0 && !isMetaUnmodifiedState)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
            else if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.Local) && !(asset.IsState(Asset.States.OutOfSync) || asset.IsState(Asset.States.Synced)))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.Local, bottomLeft);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not local only or unmodified.
                if (metaAsset != null && (metaAsset.IsUnderVersionControl || !metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.Local)))
                    DrawMetaOverlay(bottomLeft, false);
            // From here the local asset have no state that need a local state overlay. We use the meta state if there is one instead.
            else if (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.AddedLocal))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.AddedLocal, topLeft);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
            else if (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.DeletedLocal))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.DeletedLocal, topLeft);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
            else if (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.LockedLocal, topLeft);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
            else if (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal, topLeft);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topLeft, false);
            else if (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.Local) && !(metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.OutOfSync) || metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.Synced)) &&
                     !(asset.IsState(Asset.States.Conflicted) || (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.Conflicted))))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.Local, bottomLeft);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(bottomLeft, false);

            if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.Conflicted) || (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.Conflicted)))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.Conflicted, bottomLeft);

            if ((asset.isFolder == false && asset.IsState(Asset.States.Updating)) || (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.Updating)))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.Updating, bottomRight);

            // Remote state overlay
            if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.AddedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.AddedRemote, topRight);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not added or already in repo and unmodified.
                if (metaAsset != null && (remoteMetaState & Asset.States.AddedRemote) == 0)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.DeletedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.DeletedRemote, topRight);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not deleted but asset is and meta file is still present or missing (ie. should have been there)
                if (metaAsset != null && (remoteMetaState & Asset.States.DeletedRemote) == 0)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.LockedRemote, topRight);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not locked or unmodified.
                if (metaAsset != null && (remoteMetaState & Asset.States.LockedRemote) == 0)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote, topRight);

                // Meta overlay if meta file is not checked out or unmodified.
                if (metaAsset != null && (remoteMetaState & Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote) == 0)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            // From here the remote asset have no state that need a remote state overlay. We use the meta state if there is one instead.
            else if (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.AddedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.AddedRemote, topRight);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.DeletedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.DeletedRemote, topRight);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.LockedRemote, topRight);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);
            else if (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote, topRight);
                if (keepFolderMetaParans)
                    DrawMetaOverlay(topRight, true);

            if (asset.IsState(Asset.States.OutOfSync) || (metaAsset != null && metaAsset.IsState(Asset.States.OutOfSync)))
                DrawOverlay(Asset.States.OutOfSync, syncRect);
Exemplo n.º 25
 private void OnSubmitGUI()
     if (this.submitResultCode != 0x100)
         GUI.enabled = false;
     Event current = Event.current;
     if (current.isKey && (current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape))
     GUILayout.Label("Description", EditorStyles.boldLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
     if ((this.taskStatus != null) && (this.taskStatus.resultCode != 0))
         Asset.States[] states = new Asset.States[] { Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal, Asset.States.DeletedLocal, Asset.States.AddedLocal };
         this.assetList = this.taskStatus.assetList.Filter(true, states);
         this.taskStatus = null;
     else if ((this.taskDesc != null) && (this.taskDesc.resultCode != 0))
         this.description = (this.taskDesc.text.Length <= 0) ? string.Empty : this.taskDesc.text;
         if (this.description.Trim() == "<enter description here>")
             this.description = string.Empty;
         this.taskDesc = null;
     else if ((this.taskStat != null) && (this.taskStat.resultCode != 0))
         this.assetList = this.taskStat.assetList;
         this.taskStat = null;
     Task task = ((this.taskStatus == null) || (this.taskStatus.resultCode != 0)) ? (((this.taskDesc == null) || (this.taskDesc.resultCode != 0)) ? (((this.taskStat == null) || (this.taskStat.resultCode != 0)) ? this.taskSubmit : this.taskStat) : this.taskDesc) : this.taskStatus;
     GUI.enabled = ((this.taskDesc == null) || (this.taskDesc.resultCode != 0)) && (this.submitResultCode == 0x100);
     GUILayoutOption[] options = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Height(150f) };
     this.description = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(this.description, options).Trim();
     if (this.m_TextAreaControlID == 0)
         this.m_TextAreaControlID = EditorGUIUtility.s_LastControlID;
     if (this.m_TextAreaControlID != 0)
         GUIUtility.keyboardControl = this.m_TextAreaControlID;
         EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = true;
     GUI.enabled = true;
     GUILayout.Label("Files", EditorStyles.boldLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
     Rect screenRect = new Rect(6f, 206f, base.position.width - 12f, base.position.height - 248f);
     GUILayoutOption[] optionArray2 = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true) };
     GUILayout.Box(string.Empty, optionArray2);
     this.submitList.OnGUI(new Rect(screenRect.x + 2f, screenRect.y + 2f, screenRect.width - 4f, screenRect.height - 4f), true);
     GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]);
     if (this.submitResultCode == 0x100)
         if (task != null)
             GUIContent content = GUIContent.Temp("Getting info");
             content.image = WindowPending.StatusWheel.image;
             GUILayout.Label(content, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
             content.image = null;
         if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel", new GUILayoutOption[0]))
         GUI.enabled = (task == null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.description);
         bool flag3 = (current.isKey && current.shift) && (current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return);
         bool flag4 = flag3 && !this.allowSubmit;
         if (Provider.hasChangelistSupport && (GUILayout.Button("Save", new GUILayoutOption[0]) || flag4))
         if (this.allowSubmit)
             bool enabled = GUI.enabled;
             GUI.enabled = ((this.assetList != null) && (this.assetList.Count > 0)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.description);
             if (GUILayout.Button("Submit", new GUILayoutOption[0]) || flag3)
             GUI.enabled = enabled;
         bool flag6 = (this.submitResultCode & 1) != 0;
         GUI.enabled = flag6;
         string text = string.Empty;
         if (flag6)
             text = "Finished successfully";
         else if (task != null)
             GUILayout.Label(WindowPending.StatusWheel, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
             text = task.progressMessage;
             if (text.Length == 0)
                 text = "Running...";
         GUILayout.Label(text, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         if (GUILayout.Button("Close", new GUILayoutOption[0]))
     GUI.enabled = true;
     if (task != null)
Exemplo n.º 26
        internal static string StateToString(Asset.States state)
            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.AddedLocal))
                return("Added Local");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.AddedRemote))
                return("Added Remote");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal) && !IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                return("Checked Out Local");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote) && !IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                return("Checked Out Remote");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.Conflicted))

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.DeletedLocal))
                return("Deleted Local");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.DeletedRemote))
                return("Deleted Remote");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.Local))

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedLocal))
                return("Locked Local");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.LockedRemote))
                return("Locked Remote");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.OutOfSync))
                return("Out Of Sync");

            if (IsState(state, Asset.States.Updating))
                return("Updating Status");
