Exemplo n.º 1
		public void DoWork()
            WorkerTaskInfo objThreadTaskInfo = new WorkerTaskInfo();
			AssemblyContainer objExecutor = null;
            int intBatchCounter = 0;

            // Create TaskInfo instance for use by each individual Batch
            objThreadTaskInfo = new WorkerTaskInfo();
            // Common to all Batches
            objThreadTaskInfo.MethodInformation = mobjTaskInfo.MethodInformation;
            // Starting Range and per Batch ItemCount
			objThreadTaskInfo.BatchSize = mobjTaskInfo.BatchSize;
			objThreadTaskInfo.BatchInformation.StartOfRange = mobjTaskInfo.BatchInformation.StartOfRange;
            objThreadTaskInfo.BatchInformation.EndOfRange = mobjTaskInfo.BatchInformation.StartOfRange + mobjTaskInfo.BatchSize;

            while (intBatchCounter < mobjTaskInfo.NoOfBatchesRequired)
				// Perform Work
				if (HasStopWorkRequestBeenReceived == true)
					IsBusy = false;
					OnCallback(this, "Thread received Stop request (BatchCounter=" + intBatchCounter.ToString() + ")");
				// Logging (Optional)
				if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("LoggingMode") == "verbose")
					Logging.WriteToLog(this, "Commencing Batch {" + intBatchCounter.ToString() + "}" + " " + "Start of Range = " + mobjTaskInfo.BatchInformation.StartOfRange.ToString());
					// Dynamically Invoke Method for current Batch
					objExecutor = new AssemblyContainer();
                    // Prepare to Invoke Method for next Batch
                    objThreadTaskInfo.BatchInformation.StartOfRange += (objThreadTaskInfo.BatchSize + 1); // + 1 assumes a BETWEEN query in SQL
                    objThreadTaskInfo.BatchInformation.EndOfRange = objThreadTaskInfo.BatchInformation.StartOfRange + objThreadTaskInfo.BatchSize;
                    intBatchCounter += 1; // Increment Batch Counter
				catch (Exception excE)
					OnException(this, excE);

			// End Work
			IsBusy = false;
			OnCallback(this, "Thread completed its work (BatchCounter=" + intBatchCounter.ToString() + ")");