public static CieStudentIdentity Decode(byte[] encodedAttribute) { try { // decodifica o atributo como string var content = Asn1Util.DecodePrintableString(encodedAttribute); var cieId = new CieStudentIdentity(); // nas primeiras 8 (oito) posições, a data de nascimento do titular, no formato ddmmaaaa; cieId.DataNascimento = DateTime.ParseExact(content.Substring(0, 8), "ddMMyyyy", null); // nas 11 (onze) posições subsequentes, o Cadastro de Pessoa Física (CPF) do titular; cieId.Cpf = content.Substring(8, 11); // nas 15 (quinze) posições subsequentes, o número da matrícula do estudante; cieId.Matricula = content.Substring(19, 15).TrimStart('0'); // nas 15(quinze) posições subsequentes, o número do Registro Geral-RG do titular do atributo; // nas 10(dez) posições subsequentes, as siglas do órgão expedidor do RG e respectiva UF. cieId.RG = content.Substring(34, 15).TrimStart('0'); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cieId.RG)) { cieId.RGEmissor = content.Substring(49, content.Length - 49 - 2).Trim(); cieId.RGEmissorUF = content.Substring(content.Length - 2, 2); } return(cieId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new FormatException("Error while decoding CIE student identity fields. Invalid format.", ex); } }
private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (saveFileDialog.FilterIndex == 2) { byte[] data = ChangeDataFormat(currentFormat); if (data != null) { Stream fs = saveFileDialog.OpenFile(); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); currentFileName = saveFileDialog.FileName; currentFileSize = fs.Length; fs.Close(); } } else { ChangeDataFormat(DataFormat.PEM); byte[] data = Asn1Util.StringToBytes(dataStr); Stream fs = saveFileDialog.OpenFile(); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); currentFileName = saveFileDialog.FileName; currentFileSize = fs.Length; fs.Close(); } openFileDialog.FilterIndex = saveFileDialog.FilterIndex; openFileDialog.FileName = saveFileDialog.FileName; openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory; ShowFileName(); } }
private static string getStringFromSubNode(Asn1Node nn) { string dataStr = null; if ((nn.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) == Asn1Tag.OCTET_STRING && nn.ChildNodeCount > 0) { Asn1Node n = nn.GetChildNode(0); switch (n.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) { case Asn1Tag.PRINTABLE_STRING: case Asn1Tag.IA5_STRING: case Asn1Tag.UNIVERSAL_STRING: case Asn1Tag.VISIBLE_STRING: case Asn1Tag.NUMERIC_STRING: case Asn1Tag.UTC_TIME: case Asn1Tag.UTF8_STRING: case Asn1Tag.BMPSTRING: case Asn1Tag.GENERAL_STRING: case Asn1Tag.GENERALIZED_TIME: { if ((n.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) == Asn1Tag.UTF8_STRING) { UTF8Encoding unicode = new UTF8Encoding(); dataStr = unicode.GetString(n.Data); } else { dataStr = Asn1Util.BytesToString(n.Data); } } break; } } return(dataStr); }
private void OpenFile() { pemHeader = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(openFileDialog.FileName).Replace("-", ""); if (openFileDialog.FilterIndex == 2) // Binary file { OpenBinaryFile(); } else if (openFileDialog.FilterIndex == 1) // PEM File { OpenPemFile(); } else { if (Asn1Util.IsPemFormatedFile(openFileDialog.FileName)) { OpenPemFile(); openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1; } else { OpenBinaryFile(); openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2; } } saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = openFileDialog.FilterIndex; saveFileDialog.FileName = openFileDialog.FileName; saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = openFileDialog.InitialDirectory; }
public static CieStudentData Decode(byte[] encodedAttribute) { try { // decodifica o atributo como string var content = Asn1Util.DecodePrintableString(encodedAttribute); var cieData = new CieStudentData(); // nas primeiras 40(quarenta) posições, o nome da instituição de ensino; cieData.InstituicaoEnsino = content.Substring(0, 40).Trim(); // nas 15 (quinze) posições subsequentes, o grau de escolaridade; cieData.GrauEscolaridade = content.Substring(40, 15).Trim(); // nas 30 (trinta) posições subsequentes, o nome do curso cieData.Curso = content.Substring(55, 30).Trim(); // nas 20 (vinte) posições subsequentes, o município da instituição cieData.InstituicaoEnsinoCidade = content.Substring(85, content.Length - 85 - 2).Trim(); // nas 2 (duas) posições subsequentes, a UF domunicípio. cieData.InstituicaoEnsinoUF = content.Substring(content.Length - 2, 2).Trim(); return(cieData); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new FormatException("Error while decoding CIE student data fields. Invalid format.", ex); } }
private void menuItemOpen_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (openFileDialog.FilterIndex == 2) { Stream stream = openFileDialog.OpenFile(); byte[] data = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); stream.Close(); string hexStr = Asn1Util.ToHexString(data); hexStr = Asn1Util.FormatString(hexStr, hexLineLen, 2); richTextBox.Text = hexStr; currentFormat = DataFormat.HEX; SetButtons(); } else { Stream stream = openFileDialog.OpenFile(); byte[] data = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); stream.Close(); string dataStr = Asn1Util.BytesToString(data); richTextBox.Text = dataStr; } } }
public static int IntTrailingZerosCnt(int w) { return(0x20 - (((w & 0xffff) != 0) ? (((w & 0xff) != 0) ? ((((w & 15) != 0) ? (((w & 3) != 0) ? (((w & 1) != 0) ? 8 : 7) : (((w & 4) != 0) ? 6 : 5)) : (((w & 0x30) != 0) ? (((w & 0x10) != 0) ? 4 : 3) : (((w & 0x40) != 0) ? 2 : (((w & 0x80) != 0) ? 1 : 0)))) + 0x18) : (((((w = Asn1Util.UrShift(w, 8)) & 15) != 0) ? (((w & 3) != 0) ? (((w & 1) != 0) ? 8 : 7) : (((w & 4) != 0) ? 6 : 5)) : (((w & 0x30) != 0) ? (((w & 0x10) != 0) ? 4 : 3) : (((w & 0x40) != 0) ? 2 : (((w & 0x80) != 0) ? 1 : 0)))) + 0x10)) : ((((w = Asn1Util.UrShift(w, 0x10)) & 0xff) != 0) ? ((((w & 15) != 0) ? (((w & 3) != 0) ? (((w & 1) != 0) ? 8 : 7) : (((w & 4) != 0) ? 6 : 5)) : (((w & 0x30) != 0) ? (((w & 0x10) != 0) ? 4 : 3) : (((w & 0x40) != 0) ? 2 : (((w & 0x80) != 0) ? 1 : 0)))) + 8) : ((((w = Asn1Util.UrShift(w, 8)) & 15) != 0) ? (((w & 3) != 0) ? (((w & 1) != 0) ? 8 : 7) : (((w & 4) != 0) ? 6 : 5)) : (((w & 0x30) != 0) ? (((w & 0x10) != 0) ? 4 : 3) : (((w & 0x40) != 0) ? 2 : (((w & 0x80) != 0) ? 1 : 0))))))); }
private void OpenPemFile() { Stream stream = openFileDialog.OpenFile(); byte[] data = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); currentFileName = openFileDialog.FileName; currentFileSize = stream.Length; stream.Close(); string dataStr = Asn1Util.BytesToString(data); if (Asn1Util.IsPemFormated(dataStr)) { currentFormat = DataFormat.PEM; pemHeader = Asn1Util.GetPemHeader(dataStr); } else if (Asn1Util.IsHexStr(dataStr)) { currentFormat = DataFormat.HEX; } else { currentFormat = DataFormat.BASE64; } richTextBox.Text = dataStr; SetButtons(); currentFileName = openFileDialog.FileName; ShowFileName(); }
private static void BuildTicket(Ticket ticket, Asn1Node asn1Node) { Asn1Node childNode1 = asn1Node.GetChildNode(0).GetChildNode(0); for (int index = 0; (long)index < childNode1.ChildNodeCount; ++index) { Asn1Node childNode2 = childNode1.GetChildNode(index); switch (KerberosAuthorizeMessageBuilder.GetContextNumber(childNode2)) { case 0: ticket.TicketVersionNumber = (int)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(childNode2.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 1: ticket.Realm = childNode2.GetChildNode(0).GetDataStr(false); break; case 2: ticket.ServiceName = new PrincipalName(); KerberosAuthorizeMessageBuilder.BuildPrincipleName(ticket.ServiceName, childNode2); break; case 3: ticket.EncPart = new EncryptedData(); KerberosAuthorizeMessageBuilder.BuildEncryptedData(ticket.EncPart, childNode2); break; } } }
private void CheckAlg(bool decode) { AlgorithmId algorithmId = null; foreach (var alg in PkiConstants.SupportedAlgorithms) { if (alg.Id.Equals(Algorithm)) { algorithmId = alg; break; } } if ((algorithmId != null) && ((decode && (Parameters != null)) && (algorithmId.Type != null))) { try { var buffer = new Asn1BerDecodeBuffer(((Asn1OpenType)Parameters).Value); Parameters = (Asn1Type)Activator.CreateInstance(algorithmId.Type.GetType()); Parameters.Decode(buffer, true, 0); buffer.InvokeEndElement("parameters", -1); } catch (Exception exception) { Asn1Util.WriteStackTrace(exception, Console.Error); throw ExceptionUtility.CryptographicException(Resources.Asn1TableConstraint); } } }
private static void BuildKrbApReq(KrbApReq krbApReq, Asn1Node asn1Node) { Asn1Node childNode1 = asn1Node.GetChildNode(0); for (int index = 0; (long)index < childNode1.ChildNodeCount; ++index) { Asn1Node childNode2 = childNode1.GetChildNode(index); switch (KerberosAuthorizeMessageBuilder.GetContextNumber(childNode2)) { case 0: krbApReq.ProtocolVersionNumber = (int)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(childNode2.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 1: krbApReq.MessageType = (MessageType)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(childNode2.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 2: krbApReq.APOptions = (APOptions)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(childNode2.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 3: krbApReq.Ticket = new Ticket(); KerberosAuthorizeMessageBuilder.BuildTicket(krbApReq.Ticket, childNode2); break; case 4: krbApReq.Authenticator = new EncryptedData(); KerberosAuthorizeMessageBuilder.BuildEncryptedData(krbApReq.Authenticator, childNode2); break; } } }
public byte[] Encode() { // Normalize (trim, remove punctuations and diacritics (accents), pad or crop if needed) var normInstituicaoEnsino = normalizeText(InstituicaoEnsino, 40); var normGrauEscolaridade = normalizeText(GrauEscolaridade, 15); var normCurso = normalizeText(Curso, 30); var normInstituicaoEnsinoCidade = normalizeText(InstituicaoEnsinoCidade, 20); var normInstituicaoEnsinoUF = normalizeText(InstituicaoEnsinoUF, 2); // Encode string var content = new StringBuilder(); content.Append(normInstituicaoEnsino); content.Append(normGrauEscolaridade); content.Append(normCurso); /* * "As 10 (dez) posições das informações sobre órgão emissor do RG e UF referem-se * ao tamanho máximo, devendo ser utilizadas apenas as posições necessárias * ao seu armazenamento, da esquerda para a direita. O mesmo se aplica às 22 * (vinte e duas) posições das informações sobre município e UF da instituição de * ensino;" */ content.Append(normInstituicaoEnsinoCidade.Trim()); content.Append(normInstituicaoEnsinoUF.Trim()); // Encode string as PrintableString return(Asn1Util.DerEncodePrintableString(content.ToString())); }
public static bool IsCertInCRL(byte[] crl, X509Certificate2 cert) { var asnParser = new Asn1Parser(); var strCRL = Asn1Util.BytesToString(crl); if (Asn1Util.IsPemFormated(strCRL)) { asnParser.LoadData(Asn1Util.PemToStream(strCRL)); } else { asnParser.LoadData(new MemoryStream(crl)); } if (7 > asnParser.RootNode.GetChildNode(0).ChildNodeCount) { return(false); // empty CRL } var revokedCertificates = asnParser.RootNode.GetChildNode(0).GetChildNode(5); // throw revoked certs into a list so someday we eventually cache CRLs var revoked = new List <long>(); for (var i = 0; i < revokedCertificates.ChildNodeCount; i++) { revoked.Add(Asn1Util.BytesToLong(revokedCertificates.GetChildNode(i) .GetChildNode(0) .Data .Reverse() .ToArray())); } return(revoked.Contains(Asn1Util.BytesToLong(cert.GetSerialNumber()))); }
private AppleReceipt ParseReceipt(Asn1Node data) { if (data == null || data.ChildNodeCount != 1) { throw new InvalidPKCS7Data(); } Asn1Node set = GetSetNode(data); var result = new AppleReceipt(); var inApps = new List <AppleInAppPurchaseReceipt> (); for (int t = 0; t < set.ChildNodeCount; t++) { var node = set.GetChildNode(t); // Each node should contain three children. if (node.ChildNodeCount == 3) { var type = Asn1Util.BytesToLong(node.GetChildNode(0).Data); var value = node.GetChildNode(2); // See switch (type) { case 2: result.bundleID = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 3: result.appVersion = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 4: result.opaque = value.Data; break; case 5: result.hash = value.Data; break; case 12: var dateString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); result.receiptCreationDate = DateTime.Parse(dateString).ToUniversalTime(); break; case 17: inApps.Add(ParseInAppReceipt(value.GetChildNode(0))); break; case 19: result.originalApplicationVersion = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; } } } result.inAppPurchaseReceipts = inApps.ToArray(); return(result); }
public static bool IsHexStr(string inStr) { bool retval = false; byte[] hex = Asn1Util.HexStrToBytes(inStr); retval = true; return(retval); }
public byte[] ChangeDataFormat(DataFormat dataFormat) { byte[] data = null; dataStr = richTextBox.Text; string msg = ""; try { switch (currentFormat) { case DataFormat.BASE64: msg = "BASE64"; data = Convert.FromBase64String(dataStr); break; case DataFormat.HEX: msg = "Hex"; data = Asn1Util.HexStrToBytes(dataStr); break; case DataFormat.PEM: msg = "PEM"; data = Asn1Util.PemToBytes(dataStr); pemHeader = Asn1Util.GetPemHeader(dataStr); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid " + msg + " data: " + ex.Message); return(data); } switch (dataFormat) { case DataFormat.BASE64: dataStr = Convert.ToBase64String(data); dataStr = Asn1Util.FormatString(dataStr, base64LineLen, 0); break; case DataFormat.HEX: dataStr = Asn1Util.ToHexString(data); dataStr = Asn1Util.FormatString(dataStr, hexLineLen, 2); break; case DataFormat.PEM: dataStr = Asn1Util.BytesToPem(data, pemHeader); break; } currentFormat = dataFormat; richTextBox.Text = dataStr; SetButtons(); richTextBox.Focus(); return(data); }
private void buttonOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string msg = ""; string heading = ""; try { switch (checker) { case DataChecker.Hex: heading = "Verify Hex String"; isOK = IsHexStr(textBoxNodeContent.Text); break; case DataChecker.Oid: heading = "Verify OID String"; isOK = IsOidStr(textBoxNodeContent.Text); break; case DataChecker.Roid: heading = "Verify RELATIVE-OID String"; isOK = IsRoidStr(textBoxNodeContent.Text); break; default: isOK = true; break; } ; if (!textBoxTag.ReadOnly) { isOK = IsHexStr(textBoxTag.Text); byte[] xb = Asn1Util.HexStrToBytes(textBoxTag.Text); if (xb.Length > 0) { aNode.Tag = xb[0]; } } int unusedBits = Convert.ToInt16(textBoxUnusedBits.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { msg += ex.Message; isOK = false; } if (!isOK) { MessageBox.Show(this, msg, heading); } else { this.Close(); } }
private void ParseNode(Asn1Node root) { if ((root.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) != Asn1Tag.SEQUENCE || root.ChildNodeCount != 3) { throw new InvalidX509Data(); } // TBS cert TbsCertificate = root.GetChildNode(0); if (TbsCertificate.ChildNodeCount < 7) { throw new InvalidX509Data(); } rawTBSCertificate = new byte[TbsCertificate.DataLength + 4]; Array.Copy(root.Data, 0, rawTBSCertificate, 0, rawTBSCertificate.Length); // get the serial number Asn1Node sn = TbsCertificate.GetChildNode(1); if ((sn.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) != Asn1Tag.INTEGER) { throw new InvalidX509Data(); } SerialNumber = Asn1Util.ToHexString(sn.Data); // get the issuer Issuer = new DistinguishedName(TbsCertificate.GetChildNode(3)); // get the subject Subject = new DistinguishedName(TbsCertificate.GetChildNode(5)); // get the dates Asn1Node validTimes = TbsCertificate.GetChildNode(4); if ((validTimes.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) != Asn1Tag.SEQUENCE || validTimes.ChildNodeCount != 2) { throw new InvalidX509Data(); } ValidAfter = ParseTime(validTimes.GetChildNode(0)); ValidBefore = ParseTime(validTimes.GetChildNode(1)); // is this self signed? SelfSigned = Subject.Equals(Issuer); // get the pub key PubKey = new RSAKey(TbsCertificate.GetChildNode(6)); // set the tbs cert & signature data for signature verification Signature = root.GetChildNode(2); }
public static int GetUlongBytesCount(long value) { var number = -72057594037927936L; var num2 = 8; while ((num2 > 1) && ((value & number) == 0L)) { number = Asn1Util.UrShift(number, 8); num2--; } return(num2); }
private static int getIntegerFromSubNode(Asn1Node nn) { int retval = -1; if ((nn.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) == Asn1Tag.OCTET_STRING && nn.ChildNodeCount > 0) { Asn1Node n = nn.GetChildNode(0); if ((n.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) == Asn1Tag.INTEGER) { retval = (int)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(n.Data); } } return(retval); }
private void OpenBinaryFile() { Stream stream = openFileDialog.OpenFile(); byte[] data = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); currentFileName = openFileDialog.FileName; currentFileSize = stream.Length; stream.Close(); string hexStr = Asn1Util.ToHexString(data); hexStr = Asn1Util.FormatString(hexStr, hexLineLen, 2); richTextBox.Text = hexStr; currentFormat = DataFormat.HEX; SetButtons(); ShowFileName(); }
private static void BuildPrincipleName(PrincipalName principalName, Asn1Node asn1Node) { Asn1Node childNode1 = asn1Node.GetChildNode(0); for (int index = 0; (long)index < childNode1.ChildNodeCount; ++index) { Asn1Node childNode2 = childNode1.GetChildNode(index); switch (KerberosAuthorizeMessageBuilder.GetContextNumber(childNode2)) { case 0: principalName.NameType = (PrincipalNameType)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(childNode2.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 1: principalName.NameString = new List <string>(); KerberosAuthorizeMessageBuilder.BuildPrincipleNameList(principalName.NameString, childNode2); break; } } }
public SignerInfo(Asn1Node n) { if (n.ChildNodeCount != 5) { throw new InvalidPKCS7Data(); } Asn1Node tt; // version tt = n.GetChildNode(0); if ((tt.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) != Asn1Tag.INTEGER) { throw new InvalidPKCS7Data(); } Version = tt.Data[0]; if (Version != 1 || tt.Data.Length != 1) { throw new UnsupportedSignerInfoVersion(); } // get the issuer SN tt = n.GetChildNode(1); if ((tt.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) != Asn1Tag.SEQUENCE || tt.ChildNodeCount != 2) { throw new InvalidPKCS7Data(); } tt = tt.GetChildNode(1); if ((tt.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) != Asn1Tag.INTEGER) { throw new InvalidPKCS7Data(); } IssuerSerialNumber = Asn1Util.ToHexString(tt.Data); // get the data tt = n.GetChildNode(4); if ((tt.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) != Asn1Tag.OCTET_STRING) { throw new InvalidPKCS7Data(); } EncryptedDigest = tt.Data; }
public byte[] Encode() { // Normalize (trim, remove punctuations and diacritics (accents), pad or crop if needed) var normCpf = normalizeNumber(Cpf, 11); var normMatricula = normalizeNumber(Matricula, 15); var normRG = normalizeNumber(RG, 15); var normRGEmissor = normalizeText(RGEmissor, 8); var normRGEmissorUF = normalizeText(RGEmissorUF, 2); // Encode string var content = new StringBuilder(); content.Append(DataNascimento.ToString("ddMMyyyy")); content.Append(normCpf); content.Append(normMatricula); content.Append(normRG); /** * "Se o número do RG não estiver disponível, não se deve preencher o campo de * órgão emissor e UF;" * * "As 10 (dez) posições das informações sobre órgão emissor do RG e UF referem-se * ao tamanho máximo, devendo ser utilizadas apenas as posições necessárias * ao seu armazenamento, da esquerda para a direita. O mesmo se aplica às 22 * (vinte e duas) posições das informações sobre município e UF da instituição de * ensino; */ if (normRG != "000000000000000") { content.Append(normRGEmissor.Trim()); content.Append(normRGEmissorUF.Trim()); } // Encode string as PrintableString return(Asn1Util.DerEncodePrintableString(content.ToString())); }
private void FormNodeContentEditor_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { textBoxTag.Text = String.Format("{0:X2}", aNode.Tag); textBoxNodeContent.Text = aNode.GetDataStr(pureHexMode); string msg = ""; msg = String.Format("Tag:{0} (0x{0:X2}) : {1} \r\n" + "Offset:{2,4} (0x{2:X8})\r\n" + "Length:{3,4} (0x{3:X8})\r\n" + "Deepness: {4}\r\n" , aNode.Tag, Asn1Util.GetTagName(aNode.Tag), aNode.DataOffset, aNode.DataLength, aNode.Deepness ); if ((aNode.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) == Asn1Tag.BIT_STRING) { msg += "Unused Bits: " + aNode.UnusedBits.ToString() + "\r\n"; } msg += "Path: " + aNode.Path + "\r\n"; textBox1.Text = msg; if (aNode.ChildNodeCount > 0) { textBoxNodeContent.Enabled = false; buttonOK.Enabled = false; } else { textBoxNodeContent.Enabled = true; buttonOK.Enabled = true; } textBoxTag.ReadOnly = !enableTagEdit; if (textBoxNodeContent.Enabled) { textBoxNodeContent.Enabled = !enableTagEdit; } }
public static string CDPFromCertificateExts(X509ExtensionCollection exts) { var cdp = ""; foreach (var ext in exts) { if (ext.Oid.Value.Equals("")) // id-ce-CRLDistributionPoints { if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { var asnData = new AsnEncodedData(ext.Oid, ext.RawData); cdp += asnData.Format(false).Split('=')[1]; } else { var strCDP = Asn1Util.BytesToString(ext.RawData); strCDP = strCDP.Replace("\u0086.", "="); cdp += strCDP.Split('=')[1]; } } } return(cdp); }
private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (saveFileDialog.FilterIndex == 2) { byte[] data = ChangeDataFormat(currentFormat); if (data != null) { Stream fs = saveFileDialog.OpenFile(); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Close(); } } else { string dataStr = richTextBox.Text; byte[] data = Asn1Util.StringToBytes(dataStr); Stream fs = saveFileDialog.OpenFile(); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Close(); } } }
private static void BuildEncryptedData(EncryptedData encryptedData, Asn1Node asn1Node) { Asn1Node childNode1 = asn1Node.GetChildNode(0); for (int index = 0; (long)index < childNode1.ChildNodeCount; ++index) { Asn1Node childNode2 = childNode1.GetChildNode(index); switch (KerberosAuthorizeMessageBuilder.GetContextNumber(childNode2)) { case 0: encryptedData.EncryptionType = (EncryptionType)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(childNode2.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 1: encryptedData.KeyVersionNumber = new uint?((uint)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(childNode2.GetChildNode(0).Data)); break; case 2: encryptedData.Cipher = new byte[childNode2.GetChildNode(0).DataLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)childNode2.GetChildNode(0).Data, 0, (Array)encryptedData.Cipher, 0, encryptedData.Cipher.Length); break; } } }
public DistinguishedName(Asn1Node n) { /* Name: * SET * SEQ (attr) * Object Identifier * Printable String || UTF8String */ if (n.MaskedTag == Asn1Tag.SEQUENCE) { for (int i = 0; i < n.ChildNodeCount; i++) { Asn1Node tt = n.GetChildNode(i); if (tt.MaskedTag != Asn1Tag.SET || tt.ChildNodeCount != 1) { throw new InvalidX509Data(); } tt = tt.GetChildNode(0); if (tt.MaskedTag != Asn1Tag.SEQUENCE || tt.ChildNodeCount != 2) { throw new InvalidX509Data(); } Asn1Node oi = tt.GetChildNode(0); Asn1Node txt = tt.GetChildNode(1); if (oi.MaskedTag != Asn1Tag.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER || !( (txt.MaskedTag == Asn1Tag.PRINTABLE_STRING) || (txt.MaskedTag == Asn1Tag.UTF8_STRING) || (txt.MaskedTag == Asn1Tag.IA5_STRING))) { throw new InvalidX509Data(); } var xoid = new LipingShare.LCLib.Asn1Processor.Oid(); string oiName = xoid.Decode(oi.Data); var enc = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); switch (oiName) { case "": // countryName Country = enc.GetString(txt.Data); break; case "": // organizationName Organization = enc.GetString(txt.Data); break; case "": // organizationalUnit OrganizationalUnit = enc.GetString(txt.Data); break; case "": // commonName CommonName = enc.GetString(txt.Data); break; case "": // serial number SerialNumber = Asn1Util.ToHexString(txt.Data); break; case "": // dnq Dnq = enc.GetString(txt.Data); break; case "": // state State = enc.GetString(txt.Data); break; } } } }
static public bool EditNode(IWin32Window parent, Asn1Node aNode, bool enableTagEdit, bool pureHexMode) { byte[] val; byte[] data; FormNodeContentEditor ed = new FormNodeContentEditor(); ed.aNode = aNode; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); ed.checker = FormNodeContentEditor.DataChecker.None; ed.enableTagEdit = enableTagEdit; ed.pureHexMode = pureHexMode; if ( ((aNode.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) == Asn1Tag.BIT_STRING) && (aNode.ChildNodeCount < 1)) { ed.panelUnusedBits.Visible = true; ed.textBoxUnusedBits.Text = aNode.UnusedBits.ToString(); } else { ed.panelUnusedBits.Visible = false; } if (pureHexMode) { ed.checker = DataChecker.Hex; ed.ShowDialog(parent); if (!ed.isOK) { return(false); } data = Asn1Util.HexStrToBytes(ed.GetValueStr()); aNode.Data = data; } else { byte[] oidVal; switch (aNode.Tag) { case Asn1Tag.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER: ed.checker = DataChecker.Oid; ed.ShowDialog(parent); if (!ed.isOK) { return(false); } Oid xoid = new Oid(); xoid.Encode(ms, ed.GetValueStr()); ms.Position = 0; oidVal = new byte[ms.Length]; ms.Read(oidVal, 0, (int)ms.Length); ms.Close(); aNode.Data = oidVal; break; case Asn1Tag.RELATIVE_OID: ed.checker = DataChecker.Roid; ed.ShowDialog(parent); if (!ed.isOK) { return(false); } RelativeOid roid = new RelativeOid(); roid.Encode(ms, ed.GetValueStr()); ms.Position = 0; oidVal = new byte[ms.Length]; ms.Read(oidVal, 0, (int)ms.Length); ms.Close(); aNode.Data = oidVal; break; case Asn1Tag.PRINTABLE_STRING: case Asn1Tag.IA5_STRING: case Asn1Tag.UNIVERSAL_STRING: case Asn1Tag.VISIBLE_STRING: case Asn1Tag.NUMERIC_STRING: case Asn1Tag.UTC_TIME: case Asn1Tag.GENERAL_STRING: case Asn1Tag.GENERALIZED_TIME: ed.ShowDialog(parent); if (!ed.isOK) { return(false); } val = Asn1Util.StringToBytes(ed.GetValueStr()); aNode.Data = val; break; case Asn1Tag.UTF8_STRING: ed.ShowDialog(parent); if (!ed.isOK) { return(false); } UTF8Encoding u8 = new UTF8Encoding(false); val = u8.GetBytes(ed.GetValueStr()); aNode.Data = val; break; case Asn1Tag.BMPSTRING: ed.ShowDialog(parent); if (!ed.isOK) { return(false); } //byte[] tmpval = Asn1Util.StringToBytes(ed.GetValueStr()); byte[] tmpval = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes(ed.GetValueStr()); val = new byte[tmpval.Length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < tmpval.Length; i++) { val[i * 2] = 0; val[i * 2 + 1] = tmpval[i]; } aNode.Data = val; break; case Asn1Tag.INTEGER: case Asn1Tag.BIT_STRING: ed.checker = DataChecker.Hex; ed.ShowDialog(parent); if (!ed.isOK) { return(false); } aNode.UnusedBits = (byte)(Convert.ToUInt16(ed.textBoxUnusedBits.Text) % 8); data = Asn1Util.HexStrToBytes(ed.GetValueStr()); aNode.Data = data; break; default: if ((aNode.Tag & Asn1Tag.TAG_MASK) == 6) // Visible string for certificate { ed.ShowDialog(parent); if (!ed.isOK) { return(false); } val = Asn1Util.StringToBytes(ed.GetValueStr()); aNode.Data = val; } else { ed.checker = DataChecker.Hex; ed.ShowDialog(parent); if (!ed.isOK) { return(false); } data = Asn1Util.HexStrToBytes(ed.GetValueStr()); aNode.Data = data; } break; } ; } return(true); }