Exemplo n.º 1
        //private Dictionary<string, Assembly> asm_find_cache = new Dictionary<string, Assembly>();
        //public Assembly FindAsm(string name)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        if (!asm_find_cache.Keys.Contains(name))
        //        {
        //            asm_find_cache.Add(name, Assembly.Load(name));
        //        }

        //        return asm_find_cache[name];
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {
        //        asm_find_cache.Add(name, null);
        //        return null;
        //    }

        public SrvProvider()
            AsmMap   = new AsmContainer(this);
            TypeMap  = new TypeContainer();
            ModelMap = new ModelContainer(this);

            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(GetAssembly);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool Init(CacheFile target, int selectedIndex, string replacementFilePath)
            //Todo: Make some reuseable helper functions to shorten this up. Ex:
            //Todo:  - Copy file, parent, asm, and cpu/gpu sister file between caches
            //Todo:  - Repack parent with edited file
            //Todo:  - Update asm file with new values

            PegEntry selectedEntry = target.PegData.Entries[selectedIndex];

            PegName        = target.PegData.cpuFileName;
            SubTextureName = selectedEntry.Name;

            //Set TrackedByAsm and find asm name
            CacheFile    asmFile         = null;
            AsmContainer targetContainer = null;
            AsmPrimitive targetPrimitive = null;

            if (target.Parent.PackfileData.ContainsAsmFiles)
                TrackedByAsm = true;
                foreach (var asm in target.Parent.PackfileData.AsmFiles)
                    foreach (var container in asm.Containers)
                        foreach (var primitive in container.Primitives)
                            if (primitive.Name != target.Filename)

                            AsmName         = primitive.Name;
                            targetContainer = container;
                            targetPrimitive = primitive;

                if (AsmName == null || targetContainer == null || targetPrimitive == null)

            //Copy edited files to project cache
            if (!ProjectManager.CopyFileToProjectCache(target.PegData.cpuFileName, target.Parent, out CacheFile cpuFile))
            if (!ProjectManager.CopyFileToProjectCache(target.PegData.gpuFileName, target.Parent, out CacheFile gpuFile))
            if (TrackedByAsm && !ProjectManager.CopyFileToProjectCache(AsmName, target.Parent, out asmFile) || asmFile == null)

            //Update entry data
            selectedEntry               = cpuFile.PegData.Entries[selectedIndex];
            selectedEntry.Bitmap        = new Bitmap(replacementFilePath);
            selectedEntry.Edited        = true;
            selectedEntry.RawData       = Utility.Helpers.ImageHelpers.ConvertBitmapToByteArray(selectedEntry.Bitmap);
            selectedEntry.width         = (ushort)selectedEntry.Bitmap.Width;
            selectedEntry.height        = (ushort)selectedEntry.Bitmap.Height;
            selectedEntry.source_height = (ushort)selectedEntry.Bitmap.Height;

            //source_width sometimes equals width and sometimes equals 36352. This is a quick hack for now until that behavior is understood.
            //Not properly setting this causes the game to improperly scale the texture
            selectedEntry.source_width = selectedEntry.source_width == selectedEntry.width
                ? (ushort)selectedEntry.Bitmap.Width
                : (ushort)36352;
            cpuFile.PegData.Write(cpuFile.FilePath, gpuFile.FilePath);

            //Update asm data if applicable
            if (TrackedByAsm)
                var cpuFileInfo = new FileInfo(cpuFile.FilePath);
                var gpuFileInfo = new FileInfo(gpuFile.FilePath);

                int sizeDifference = (int)cpuFileInfo.Length - (int)targetPrimitive.HeaderSize;
                sizeDifference += (int)gpuFileInfo.Length - (int)targetPrimitive.DataSize;

                targetPrimitive.HeaderSize = (uint)cpuFileInfo.Length;
                targetPrimitive.DataSize   = (uint)gpuFileInfo.Length;

                //Todo: Finish packfile writing code
                //Todo: Pack str2 and update CompressedSize
                var parentPackfile = cpuFile.Parent.PackfileData;
                                             asmFile.Parent.FilePath, true, true, true);

                if (!cpuFile.Parent.PackfileData.TryGetSubfileEntry(cpuFile.Filename, out var cpuFileEntry))
                if (!cpuFile.Parent.PackfileData.TryGetSubfileEntry(gpuFile.Filename, out var gpuFileEntry))

                targetContainer.CompressedSize = parentPackfile.Header.CompressedDataSize;
                targetContainer.DataOffset     = parentPackfile.DataStartOffset;
                targetPrimitive.HeaderSize     = cpuFileEntry.DataSize;
                targetPrimitive.DataSize       = gpuFileEntry.DataSize;

                //Todo: Update primitive sizes
                //Todo: Update DataOffset
                //Todo: Make sure to update other primitives in the same str2 if their offsets/values have changed


            //Todo: Generate modinfo.xml data for this

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void FromZip(byte[] buff)
            using (ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(new MemoryStream(buff)))
                ZipArchiveEntry iConfig = zip.GetEntry("config.json");
                if (iConfig != null)
                    using (Stream s = iConfig.Open())
                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s, Encoding.UTF8))
                            Config = new Configuration();

                AsmMap = new AsmContainer(this);
                for (int i = 0; i < Config.AssemblyCount; i++)
                    ZipArchiveEntry it = zip.GetEntry("assemblies/" + i.ToString() + ".dll");
                    if (it != null)
                        using (Stream s = it.Open())
                            byte[] buffer = new byte[it.Length];
                            s.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                            AsmObj add = new AsmObj();

                TypeMap = new TypeContainer();
                foreach (AsmObj it in AsmMap)

                ModelMap = new ModelContainer(this);
                for (int i = 0; i < Config.ModelCount; i++)
                    ZipArchiveEntry it = zip.GetEntry("models/" + i.ToString() + ".json");
                    if (it != null)
                        using (Stream s = it.Open())
                            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s, Encoding.UTF8))
                                ModelObj add = new ModelObj(this);

            //ZipArchiveEntry iModels = zip.GetEntry("models");
            //if (iModels != null)
            //    using (MemoryStream ms = iModels.Open() as MemoryStream)
            //    {
            //        ModelMap = new ModelContainer(this);
            //        ModelMap.FromZip(ms.ToArray());
            //    }

            //ZipArchiveEntry iAssemblies = zip.GetEntry("assemblies");
            //if (iAssemblies != null)
            //    using (MemoryStream ms = iAssemblies.Open() as MemoryStream)
            //    {
            //        AsmMap = new AsmContainer(this);
            //        AsmMap.FromZip(ms.ToArray());
            //    }