Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void AddVersionInformation(TextWriter writer, AbstractWrapper wrapper)
            AddSectionHeader(writer, "Version Information");

            var docs35           = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("net35"), wrapper);
            var docs45           = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("net45"), wrapper);
            var docsCore20       = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("netstandard2.0"), wrapper);
            var docsNetCoreApp31 = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("netcoreapp3.1"), wrapper);

            // If there is no documentation then assume it is available for all platforms.
            var boolNoDocs = docs35 == null && docs45 == null &&
                             docsCore20 == null && docsNetCoreApp31 == null;

            // .NET Core App
            var netCoreAppVersions = new List <string>();

            if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docsNetCoreApp31 != null))

            if (netCoreAppVersions.Count > 0)
                writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Core App: </strong><br/>Supported in: {0}<br/>", string.Join(", ", netCoreAppVersions));

            // .NET Standard
            var netstandardVersions = new List <string>();

            if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docsCore20 != null))

            if (netstandardVersions.Count > 0)
                writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Standard: </strong><br/>Supported in: {0}<br/>", string.Join(", ", netstandardVersions));

            // .NET Framework
            var netframeworkVersions = new List <string>();

            if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docs45 != null))
            if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docs35 != null))

            if (netframeworkVersions.Count > 0)
                writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Framework: </strong><br/>Supported in: {0}<br/>", string.Join(", ", netframeworkVersions));

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void AddVersionInformation(TextWriter writer, AbstractWrapper wrapper)
            AddSectionHeader(writer, "Version Information");

            var docs35    = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("net35"), wrapper);
            var docs45    = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("net45"), wrapper);
            var docsCore  = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("netstandard1.3"), wrapper);
            var docsPCL   = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("pcl"), wrapper);
            var docsUnity = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("unity"), wrapper);

            // If there is no documentation then assume it is available for all platforms, excluding Unity.
            var boolNoDocs = docs35 == null && docs45 == null && docsCore == null && docsPCL == null && docsUnity == null;

            // .NET core Framework
            if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docsCore != null))
                writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Core: </strong><br/>Supported in: 1.3<br/>");

            // .NET Framework
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docs45 != null))
            if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docs35 != null))
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(", ");
                sb.Append("4.0, 3.5");

            if (sb.Length > 0)
                writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Framework: </strong><br/>Supported in: {0}<br/>", sb.ToString());

            if (boolNoDocs || docsPCL != null || _referAsyncAlternativePCL)
                writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>Portable Class Library: </strong><br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Windows Store Apps<br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Windows Phone 8.1<br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Xamarin Android<br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Xamarin iOS (Unified)<br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Xamarin.Forms<br/>");

            if (docsUnity != null || _unityVersionOfAsyncExists || _referAsyncAlternativeUnity)
                writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>Unity: </strong><br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported Versions: 4.6 and above<br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Standalone<br/>");

Exemplo n.º 3
        public MethodWriter(GenerationManifest artifacts, FrameworkVersion version, MethodInfoWrapper methodInfo)
            : base(artifacts, version, methodInfo)
            this._methodInfo = methodInfo;

            this._isFakeAsync = this._methodInfo.FullName == "Amazon.Lambda.Model.InvokeAsyncResponse InvokeAsync(Amazon.Lambda.Model.InvokeAsyncRequest)";

            if (_isFakeAsync || !this._methodInfo.Name.EndsWith("Async", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                //This is not an Async method. Lookup if an Async version exists for .NET Core.
                this._hasAsyncVersion = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentationAsync(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("netcoreapp3.1"), methodInfo) != null;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public MethodWriter(GenerationManifest artifacts, FrameworkVersion version, MethodInfoWrapper methodInfo)
     : base(artifacts, version, methodInfo)
     this._methodInfo = methodInfo;
     // true when this is an Async method and the unity version is present
     this._unityVersionOfAsyncExists = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentationUnityAsync(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("unity"), methodInfo) != null;
     // refer to asynchronous versions if the synchronous version doesn't exist but the async version does
     this._referAsyncAlternativeUnity = (NDocUtilities.FindDocumentationUnityAsyncAlternative(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("unity"), methodInfo) != null) &&
                                        (Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("unity") != null) &&
                                        (NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("unity"), methodInfo) == null);
     this._referAsyncAlternativePCL = (NDocUtilities.FindDocumentationPCLAsyncAlternative(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("pcl"), methodInfo) != null) &&
                                      (Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("pcl") != null) &&
                                      (NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("pcl"), methodInfo) == null);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected void AddVersionInformation(TextWriter writer, AbstractWrapper wrapper)
            AddSectionHeader(writer, "Version Information");

            var docs35  = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("net35"), wrapper);
            var docs45  = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("net45"), wrapper);
            var docsPCL = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("pcl"), wrapper);

            // If there is no documentation then assume it is available for all platforms.
            var boolNoDocs = docs35 == null && docs45 == null && docsPCL == null;

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docs45 != null))
            if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docs35 != null))
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(", ");
                sb.Append("4.0, 3.5");

            if (sb.Length > 0)
                writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Framework: </strong><br/>Supported in: {0}<br/>", sb.ToString());

            if (boolNoDocs || docsPCL != null)
                writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>Portable Class Library: </strong><br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Windows Store Apps<br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Windows Phone 8.1<br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Xamarin Android<br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Xamarin iOS (Unified)<br/>");
                writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Xamarin.Forms<br/>");
