Exemplo n.º 1
 internal static bool checkPanelRotationGesture(double horizontal_stretch_sensitivity,
                                                ref ArmPosition left_arm_position, ref ArmPosition right_arm_position)
     // Calling the static method to update the arm position states:
                                          ref left_arm_position, ref right_arm_position));
Exemplo n.º 2
        // This trigger position is when the arms are stretched out horizontally:
        private static bool triggerPosition_1(double horizontal_stretch_sensitivity,
                                              ref ArmPosition left_arm_position, ref ArmPosition right_arm_position)
            bool ret_bool = false;

            // We first check to see if ShoulderCenter is above the two other shoulders:
            if (GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder].Position.Y >
                GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Y &&
                GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder].Position.Y >
                double shoulder_left_Y  = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Y;
                double shoulder_right_Y = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.Y;
                double elbow_left_Y     = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.Y;
                double elbow_right_Y    = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position.Y;

                // Then we check to see if the height between shoulder and elbow is not too much:
                if (Math.Abs(shoulder_left_Y - elbow_left_Y) < horizontal_stretch_sensitivity &&
                    Math.Abs(shoulder_right_Y - elbow_right_Y) < horizontal_stretch_sensitivity)
                    left_arm_position  = ArmPosition.ArmStretchedOutHorizontally;
                    right_arm_position = ArmPosition.ArmStretchedOutHorizontally;
                    ret_bool           = true;
                    left_arm_position  = ArmPosition.Unknown;
                    right_arm_position = ArmPosition.Unknown;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Task(int Id, BodyPosition Body, ArmPosition Arm, DOF dof, InputType Input = InputType.TRIGGER)
     this.Id              = Id;
     this.Round           = 0;
     this.BodyPos         = Body;
     this.ArmPos          = Arm;
     this.DegreeOfFreedom = dof;
     this.Input           = Input;
     this.Circles         = new List <Circle>();
     this.Stack           = new List <Position>();
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static bool panelRotationInitialCondition(double horizontal_stretch_sensitivity,
                                                           ref ArmPosition left_arm_position, ref ArmPosition right_arm_position)
            bool ret_bool;

            /*ret_bool = Gesture_PanelRotation.triggerPosition_1(horizontal_stretch_sensitivity, ref left_arm_position,
             *                                                     ref right_arm_position);*/

            ret_bool = triggerPosition_2(.3, .3, ref left_arm_position,
                                         ref right_arm_position);
Exemplo n.º 5
        static byte tableLenght = 255;    // Duzina stola (u ciklusima ScanMovementa)

        // Resetuje ruku na polozaj 0 (Open)
        static void ArmCalibrate()
            LcdConsole.WriteLine("Kalibracija ruke...");


            armPos = ArmPosition.Open;
            LcdConsole.WriteLine("Kalibracija završena");
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Pomera ruku na odredjeni polozaj
        static void ArmMove(ArmPosition targetPos)
            LcdConsole.WriteLine("Pomeranje ruke na položaj {0}", targetPos.ToString());
            int   armTacho  = armMotor.GetTachoCount();
            int   direction = Math.Sign((uint)targetPos - armTacho);
            uint  steps     = (uint)Math.Abs((uint)targetPos - armTacho);
            sbyte speed     = (sbyte)(C.armSpeed * direction);

            motorWH = armMotor.SpeedProfile(speed, 0, steps, 0, true);
            armPos = targetPos;
            if (armPos != ArmPosition.Lifted)
            LcdConsole.WriteLine("Pozicija motora ruke: {0}", armMotor.GetTachoCount().ToString());
Exemplo n.º 7
        public Gesture_PanelRotation(ArmPosition left_arm_position, ArmPosition right_arm_position,
                                     double horizontal_stretch_sensitivity)
            angle_buffer        = new double[BUFFER_LENGTH];
            buffer_filled_spots = 0;

            this.horizontal_stretch_sensitivity = horizontal_stretch_sensitivity;

            left_arm_rotation  = new Rotations();
            right_arm_rotation = new Rotations();

            this.left_arm_position  = left_arm_position;
            this.right_arm_position = right_arm_position;

            shoulder_to_elbow_left  = new Vector3D();
            shoulder_to_elbow_right = new Vector3D();
            average_angle           = 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /* 1. Select a person most likely for gesture
         *  2. Wait until triggering conditions are met
         *  3. Wait for 0.5 seconds when triggered before starting the reading
         *  4. Read while checking the boundaries
         *  5. When a rotation is made, and the hands are still again, send a bluetooth signal
         *      a. at each correct angle reading, measure the time spent at that angle
         *      b. if the time exceeds some threshhold (1 second), send a signal
         *      c. if the person wants to continue rotating, he needs to wait a particular amount of time (based on motor rotation speed)
         *      d. reading to commence again for a new rotation
         *  6. Wait until another rotation is made */

        /* Constructor: */
        public GesturesMasterControl()
            stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
            stopWatch_single_event = new Stopwatch();
            stopWatch_trigger      = new Stopwatch();

            running_gesture = GestureRunningState.Unknown;

            right_elbow_general_state = JointGeneralState.Unknown;
            left_elbow_general_state  = JointGeneralState.Unknown;
            right_arm_position        = ArmPosition.Unknown;
            left_arm_position         = ArmPosition.Unknown;

            lf_elbow_prev_pos = new Joint[PREV_FRAMES_ARRAY_LENGTH];
            rt_elbow_prev_pos = new Joint[PREV_FRAMES_ARRAY_LENGTH];

            shoulder_to_elbow_left  = new Vector3D();
            shoulder_to_elbow_right = new Vector3D();
            elbow_to_hand_left      = new Vector3D();
            elbow_to_hand_right     = new Vector3D();
Exemplo n.º 9
 public MoveCommand(ArmPosition position)
     Position = (ArmPosition)position.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 10
 public MoveCommand(double x, double y, double z)
     Position = new ArmPosition(x, y, z);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is designed to trigger a gesture at any angle, not just horizontally stretched.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vert_arm_diff_sensitivity"></param>
        /// <param name="position_sensitivity"></param>
        /// <param name="left_arm_position"></param>
        /// <param name="right_arm_position"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool triggerPosition_2(double vert_arm_diff_sensitivity, double position_sensitivity,
                                              ref ArmPosition left_arm_position, ref ArmPosition right_arm_position)
            bool short_arm_limb_steady = false, long_arm_limb_steady = false, right_Z_dist_steady = false,
                 left_Z_dist_steady = false;

            // We get the Y differences between all arm joints:
            double left_Y_shoul_elbow_diff = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Y -
            double right_Y_shoul_elbow_diff = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.Y -

            double left_Y_elbow_wrist_diff = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.Y -
            double right_Y_elbow_wrist_diff = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position.Y -

            double left_Y_shoul_wrist_diff = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Y -
            double right_Y_shoul_wrist_diff = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.Y -

            double shoulder_spine_Y = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder].Position.Y;
            double left_elbow_Y     = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.Y;
            double right_elbow_Y    = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position.Y;

            // First lets check to see if the elbows are not both above or below the spine shoulder:
            if ((left_elbow_Y - shoulder_spine_Y > 0 && right_elbow_Y - shoulder_spine_Y > 0) ||
                (left_elbow_Y - shoulder_spine_Y < 0 && right_elbow_Y - shoulder_spine_Y < 0))
                // Check if both elbows are not horizontal:
                if (Math.Abs(left_elbow_Y - shoulder_spine_Y) > trigg_2_horizontal_sensitivity &&
                    Math.Abs(right_elbow_Y - shoulder_spine_Y) > trigg_2_horizontal_sensitivity)

            left_Y_shoul_elbow_diff  = Math.Abs(left_Y_shoul_elbow_diff);
            right_Y_shoul_elbow_diff = Math.Abs(right_Y_shoul_elbow_diff);
            left_Y_elbow_wrist_diff  = Math.Abs(left_Y_elbow_wrist_diff);
            right_Y_elbow_wrist_diff = Math.Abs(right_Y_elbow_wrist_diff);
            left_Y_shoul_wrist_diff  = Math.Abs(left_Y_shoul_wrist_diff);
            right_Y_shoul_wrist_diff = Math.Abs(right_Y_shoul_wrist_diff);

            //TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Y Shoulder Elbow Diff: " + Math.Abs(left_Y_shoul_elbow_diff - right_Y_shoul_elbow_diff).ToString("n5"), 4);
            //TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Y Elbow Wrist Diff: " + Math.Abs(left_Y_shoul_elbow_diff - right_Y_shoul_elbow_diff).ToString("n5"), 4);

            // We need to see if the differences between the first two pairs (short limbs) are within a limit:
            if ((Math.Abs(left_Y_shoul_elbow_diff - right_Y_shoul_elbow_diff) < trigg_2_short_limb_diff_sensitivity) &&
                (Math.Abs(left_Y_elbow_wrist_diff - right_Y_elbow_wrist_diff) < trigg_2_short_limb_diff_sensitivity))
                short_arm_limb_steady = true;

            //TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Y Long Diff: " + Math.Abs(left_Y_shoul_wrist_diff - right_Y_shoul_wrist_diff).ToString("n5"), 4);

            // We need to see if the differences between the last pair (short limb) is within a limit:
            if ((Math.Abs(left_Y_shoul_wrist_diff - right_Y_shoul_wrist_diff) < trigg_2_long_limb_diff_sensitivity))
                long_arm_limb_steady = true;

            // We check the Z distances from the camera:
            double left_shoulder_Z  = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Z;
            double right_shoulder_Z = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.Z;
            double left_elbow_Z     = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.Z;
            double right_elbow_Z    = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position.Z;
            double left_wrist_Z     = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.WristLeft].Position.Z;
            double right_wrist_Z    = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.WristRight].Position.Z;

            /*TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Left Shoulder Z: " + left_shoulder_Z.ToString("n5"), 4);
             * TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Right Shoulder Z: " + right_shoulder_Z.ToString("n5"), 4);
             * TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Left Elbow Z: " + left_elbow_Z.ToString("n5"), 4);
             * TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Right Shoulder Z: " + right_elbow_Z.ToString("n5"), 4);
             * TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Left Wrist Z: " + left_wrist_Z.ToString("n5"), 4);
             * TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Right Wrist Z: " + right_wrist_Z.ToString("n5"), 4);
            if ((Math.Abs(right_shoulder_Z - right_elbow_Z) < trigg_2_Z_short_dist_sensitivity) &&
                (Math.Abs(right_elbow_Z - right_wrist_Z) < trigg_2_Z_short_dist_sensitivity) &&
                (Math.Abs(right_shoulder_Z - right_wrist_Z) < trigg_2_Z_long_dist_sensitivity))
                right_Z_dist_steady = true;

            if ((Math.Abs(left_shoulder_Z - left_elbow_Z) < trigg_2_Z_short_dist_sensitivity) &&
                (Math.Abs(left_elbow_Z - left_wrist_Z) < trigg_2_Z_short_dist_sensitivity) &&
                (Math.Abs(left_shoulder_Z - left_wrist_Z) < trigg_2_Z_long_dist_sensitivity))
                left_Z_dist_steady = true;

            if (short_arm_limb_steady == true && long_arm_limb_steady == true &&
                right_Z_dist_steady == true && left_Z_dist_steady == true)
Exemplo n.º 12
        private Class2.Vector4[] CreateCube(float scale, Class2.Vector4 position, float yaw, float pitch, float roll, ArmPosition position2)
            //задаем координаты точек узлов робота
            drRobot = new Class2.Vector4[14];

            //Создаем список сочленений
            float koef = 1.5F;

            drRobot[0] = new Class2.Vector4((float)0 * koef, (float)0 * koef, (float)0 * koef, 1);
            drRobot[1] = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[0] * koef, (float)position2.Y[0] * koef, (float)position2.Z[0] * koef, 1);
            drRobot[2] = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[1] * koef, (float)position2.Y[1] * koef, (float)position2.Z[1] * koef, 1);
            drRobot[3] = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[2] * koef, (float)position2.Y[2] * koef, (float)position2.Z[2] * koef, 1);
            drRobot[4] = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[3] * koef, (float)position2.Y[3] * koef, (float)position2.Z[3] * koef, 1);
            drRobot[5] = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[4] * koef, (float)position2.Y[4] * koef, (float)position2.Z[4] * koef, 1);
            drRobot[6] = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[5] * koef, (float)position2.Y[5] * koef, (float)position2.Z[5] * koef, 1);

            drRobot[7]  = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[6] * koef, (float)position2.Y[6] * koef, (float)position2.Z[6] * koef, 1);
            drRobot[8]  = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[7] * koef, (float)position2.Y[7] * koef, (float)position2.Z[7] * koef, 1);
            drRobot[9]  = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[8] * koef, (float)position2.Y[8] * koef, (float)position2.Z[8] * koef, 1);
            drRobot[10] = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[9] * koef, (float)position2.Y[9] * koef, (float)position2.Z[9] * koef, 1);
            drRobot[11] = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[10] * koef, (float)position2.Y[10] * koef, (float)position2.Z[10] * koef, 1);
            drRobot[12] = new Class2.Vector4((float)position2.X[11] * koef, (float)position2.Y[11] * koef, (float)position2.Z[11] * koef, 1);

            //матрица масштабирования
            var scaleM = Class2.Matrix4x4.CreateScale(scale / 2);
            //матрица вращения
            var rotateM = Class2.Matrix4x4.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll);
            //матрица переноса
            var translateM = Class2.Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(position);
            //результирующая матрица
            var m = translateM * rotateM * scaleM;

            //умножаем векторы на матрицу
            for (int i = 0; i < drRobot.Length; i++)
                drRobot[i] = m * drRobot[i];

Exemplo n.º 13
 private void OnNewArmPosition(ArmPosition position) => Commands.Add(new MoveCommand(position));