Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void EmitSmmul(ArmEmitterContext context, MullFlags flags)
            OpCode32AluMla op = (OpCode32AluMla)context.CurrOp;

            Operand n = context.SignExtend32(OperandType.I64, GetIntA32(context, op.Rn));
            Operand m = context.SignExtend32(OperandType.I64, GetIntA32(context, op.Rm));

            Operand res = context.Multiply(n, m);

            if (flags.HasFlag(MullFlags.Add) && op.Ra != 0xf)
                res = context.Add(context.ShiftLeft(context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, GetIntA32(context, op.Ra)), Const(32)), res);
            else if (flags.HasFlag(MullFlags.Subtract))
                res = context.Subtract(context.ShiftLeft(context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, GetIntA32(context, op.Ra)), Const(32)), res);

            if (op.R)
                res = context.Add(res, Const(0x80000000L));

            Operand hi = context.ConvertI64ToI32(context.ShiftRightSI(res, Const(32)));

            EmitGenericAluStoreA32(context, op.Rd, false, hi);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Ldm(ArmEmitterContext context)
            OpCode32MemMult op = (OpCode32MemMult)context.CurrOp;

            Operand n = GetIntA32(context, op.Rn);

            Operand baseAddress = context.Add(n, Const(op.Offset));

            bool writesToPc = (op.RegisterMask & (1 << RegisterAlias.Aarch32Pc)) != 0;

            bool writeBack = op.PostOffset != 0 && (op.Rn != RegisterAlias.Aarch32Pc || !writesToPc);

            if (writeBack)
                SetIntA32(context, op.Rn, context.Add(n, Const(op.PostOffset)));

            int mask   = op.RegisterMask;
            int offset = 0;

            for (int register = 0; mask != 0; mask >>= 1, register++)
                if ((mask & 1) != 0)
                    Operand address = context.Add(baseAddress, Const(offset));

                    EmitLoadZx(context, address, register, WordSizeLog2);

                    offset += 4;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void Stm(ArmEmitterContext context)
            OpCode32MemMult op = (OpCode32MemMult)context.CurrOp;

            Operand n = GetIntA32(context, op.Rn);

            Operand baseAddress = context.Add(n, Const(op.Offset));

            int mask   = op.RegisterMask;
            int offset = 0;

            for (int register = 0; mask != 0; mask >>= 1, register++)
                if ((mask & 1) != 0)
                    Operand address = context.Add(baseAddress, Const(offset));

                    EmitStore(context, address, register, WordSizeLog2);

                    // Note: If Rn is also specified on the register list,
                    // and Rn is the first register on this list, then the
                    // value that is written to memory is the unmodified value,
                    // before the write back. If it is on the list, but it's
                    // not the first one, then the value written to memory
                    // varies between CPUs.
                    if (offset == 0 && op.PostOffset != 0)
                        // Emit write back after the first write.
                        SetIntA32(context, op.Rn, context.Add(n, Const(op.PostOffset)));

                    offset += 4;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void Vstm(ArmEmitterContext context)
            OpCode32SimdMemMult op = (OpCode32SimdMemMult)context.CurrOp;

            Operand n = context.Copy(GetIntA32(context, op.Rn));

            Operand baseAddress = context.Add(n, Const(op.Offset));

            bool writeBack = op.PostOffset != 0;

            if (writeBack)
                SetIntA32(context, op.Rn, context.Add(n, Const(op.PostOffset)));

            int offset = 0;

            int range    = op.RegisterRange;
            int sReg     = (op.DoubleWidth) ? (op.Vd << 1) : op.Vd;
            int byteSize = 4;

            for (int num = 0; num < range; num++, sReg++)
                Operand address = context.Add(baseAddress, Const(offset));

                EmitStoreSimd(context, address, sReg >> 2, sReg & 3, WordSizeLog2);

                offset += byteSize;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void EmitAdc(ArmEmitterContext context, bool setFlags)
            Operand n = GetAluN(context);
            Operand m = GetAluM(context);

            Operand d = context.Add(n, m);

            Operand carry = GetFlag(PState.CFlag);

            if (context.CurrOp.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Int64)
                carry = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, carry);

            d = context.Add(d, carry);

            if (setFlags)
                EmitNZFlagsCheck(context, d);

                EmitAdcsCCheck(context, n, d);
                EmitAddsVCheck(context, n, m, d);

            SetAluDOrZR(context, d);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void Vrshr(ArmEmitterContext context)
            OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
            int  shift           = GetImmShr(op);
            long roundConst      = 1L << (shift - 1);

            if (op.U)
                if (op.Size < 2)
                    EmitVectorUnaryOpZx32(context, (op1) =>
                        op1 = context.Add(op1, Const(op1.Type, roundConst));

                        return(context.ShiftRightUI(op1, Const(shift)));
                else if (op.Size == 2)
                    EmitVectorUnaryOpZx32(context, (op1) =>
                        op1 = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, op1);
                        op1 = context.Add(op1, Const(op1.Type, roundConst));

                        return(context.ConvertI64ToI32(context.ShiftRightUI(op1, Const(shift))));
                else /* if (op.Size == 3) */
                    EmitVectorUnaryOpZx32(context, (op1) => EmitShrImm64(context, op1, signed: false, roundConst, shift));
                if (op.Size < 2)
                    EmitVectorUnaryOpSx32(context, (op1) =>
                        op1 = context.Add(op1, Const(op1.Type, roundConst));

                        return(context.ShiftRightSI(op1, Const(shift)));
                else if (op.Size == 2)
                    EmitVectorUnaryOpSx32(context, (op1) =>
                        op1 = context.SignExtend32(OperandType.I64, op1);
                        op1 = context.Add(op1, Const(op1.Type, roundConst));

                        return(context.ConvertI64ToI32(context.ShiftRightSI(op1, Const(shift))));
                else /* if (op.Size == 3) */
                    EmitVectorUnaryOpZx32(context, (op1) => EmitShrImm64(context, op1, signed: true, roundConst, shift));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static Operand EmitLoadExclusive(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, bool exclusive, int size)
            if (exclusive)
                Operand value;

                if (size == 4)
                    Operand isUnalignedAddr = InstEmitMemoryHelper.EmitAddressCheck(context, address, size);

                    Operand lblFastPath = Label();

                    context.BranchIfFalse(lblFastPath, isUnalignedAddr);

                    // The call is not expected to return (it should throw).
                    context.Call(typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ThrowInvalidMemoryAccess)), address);


                    // Only 128-bit CAS is guaranteed to have a atomic load.
                    Operand physAddr = InstEmitMemoryHelper.EmitPtPointerLoad(context, address, null, write: false);

                    Operand zero = context.VectorZero();

                    value = context.CompareAndSwap(physAddr, zero, zero);
                    value = InstEmitMemoryHelper.EmitReadIntAligned(context, address, size);

                Operand arg0 = context.LoadArgument(OperandType.I64, 0);

                Operand exAddrPtr  = context.Add(arg0, Const((long)NativeContext.GetExclusiveAddressOffset()));
                Operand exValuePtr = context.Add(arg0, Const((long)NativeContext.GetExclusiveValueOffset()));

                context.Store(exAddrPtr, context.BitwiseAnd(address, Const(address.Type, GetExclusiveAddressMask())));

                // Make sure the unused higher bits of the value are cleared.
                if (size < 3)
                    context.Store(exValuePtr, Const(0UL));
                if (size < 4)
                    context.Store(context.Add(exValuePtr, Const(exValuePtr.Type, 8L)), Const(0UL));

                // Store the new exclusive value.
                context.Store(exValuePtr, value);

                return(InstEmitMemoryHelper.EmitReadIntAligned(context, address, size));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void EmitDynamicTableCall(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand tableAddress, Operand address, bool isJump)
            // Loop over elements of the dynamic table. Unrolled loop.

            Operand endLabel      = Label();
            Operand fallbackLabel = Label();

            void EmitTableEntry(Operand entrySkipLabel)
                // Try to take this entry in the table if its guest address equals 0.
                Operand gotResult = context.CompareAndSwap(tableAddress, Const(0L), address);

                // Is the address ours? (either taken via CompareAndSwap (0), or what was already here)
                                          context.ICompareEqual(gotResult, address),
                                          context.ICompareEqual(gotResult, Const(0L)))

                // It's ours, so what function is it pointing to?
                Operand targetFunctionPtr = context.Add(tableAddress, Const(8L));
                Operand targetFunction    = context.Load(OperandType.I64, targetFunctionPtr);

                // Call the function.
                // We pass in the entry address as the guest address, as the entry may need to be updated by the
                // indirect call stub.
                EmitNativeCallWithGuestAddress(context, targetFunction, tableAddress, isJump);


            // Currently this uses a size of 1, as higher values inflate code size for no real benefit.
            for (int i = 0; i < JumpTable.DynamicTableElems; i++)
                if (i == JumpTable.DynamicTableElems - 1)
                    // If this is the last entry, avoid emitting the additional label and add.
                    Operand nextLabel = Label();



                    // Move to the next table entry.
                    tableAddress = context.Add(tableAddress, Const((long)JumpTable.JumpTableStride));


            EmitBranchFallback(context, address, isJump);

Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void EmitExtend16(ArmEmitterContext context, bool signed)
            IOpCode32AluUx op = (IOpCode32AluUx)context.CurrOp;

            Operand m = GetAluM(context);
            Operand res;

            if (op.RotateBits == 0)
                res = m;
                Operand rotate = Const(op.RotateBits);
                res = context.RotateRight(m, rotate);

            Operand low16, high16;

            if (signed)
                low16  = context.SignExtend8(OperandType.I32, res);
                high16 = context.SignExtend8(OperandType.I32, context.ShiftRightUI(res, Const(16)));
                low16  = context.ZeroExtend8(OperandType.I32, res);
                high16 = context.ZeroExtend8(OperandType.I32, context.ShiftRightUI(res, Const(16)));

            if (op.Add)
                Operand n = GetAluN(context);
                Operand lowAdd, highAdd;
                if (signed)
                    lowAdd  = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I32, n);
                    highAdd = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I32, context.ShiftRightUI(n, Const(16)));
                    lowAdd  = context.ZeroExtend16(OperandType.I32, n);
                    highAdd = context.ZeroExtend16(OperandType.I32, context.ShiftRightUI(n, Const(16)));

                low16  = context.Add(low16, lowAdd);
                high16 = context.Add(high16, highAdd);

            res = context.BitwiseOr(
                context.ZeroExtend16(OperandType.I32, low16),
                context.ShiftLeft(context.ZeroExtend16(OperandType.I32, high16), Const(16)));

            EmitAluStore(context, res);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void EmitShrImmOp(ArmEmitterContext context, ShrImmFlags flags)
            OpCodeSimdShImm op = (OpCodeSimdShImm)context.CurrOp;

            Operand res = context.VectorZero();

            bool scalar     = (flags & ShrImmFlags.Scalar) != 0;
            bool signed     = (flags & ShrImmFlags.Signed) != 0;
            bool round      = (flags & ShrImmFlags.Round) != 0;
            bool accumulate = (flags & ShrImmFlags.Accumulate) != 0;

            int shift = GetImmShr(op);

            long roundConst = 1L << (shift - 1);

            int elems = !scalar?op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size : 1;

            for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++)
                Operand e = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size, signed);

                if (op.Size <= 2)
                    if (round)
                        e = context.Add(e, Const(roundConst));

                    e = signed
                        ? context.ShiftRightSI(e, Const(shift))
                        : context.ShiftRightUI(e, Const(shift));
                else /* if (op.Size == 3) */
                    e = EmitShrImm64(context, e, signed, round ? roundConst : 0L, shift);

                if (accumulate)
                    Operand de = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rd, index, op.Size, signed);

                    e = context.Add(e, de);

                res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, e, index, op.Size);

            context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void Sys(ArmEmitterContext context)
            // This instruction is used to do some operations on the CPU like cache invalidation,
            // address translation and the like.
            // We treat it as no-op here since we don't have any cache being emulated anyway.
            OpCodeSystem op = (OpCodeSystem)context.CurrOp;

            switch (GetPackedId(op))
            case 0b11_011_0111_0100_001:
                // DC ZVA
                Operand t = GetIntOrZR(context, op.Rt);

                for (long offset = 0; offset < (4 << DczSizeLog2); offset += 8)
                    Operand address = context.Add(t, Const(offset));

                    context.Call(new _Void_U64_U64(NativeInterface.WriteUInt64), address, Const(0L));


            // No-op
            case 0b11_011_0111_1110_001:     //DC CIVAC
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static void EmitVectorShrImmNarrowOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, bool round)
            OpCodeSimdShImm op = (OpCodeSimdShImm)context.CurrOp;

            int shift = GetImmShr(op);

            long roundConst = 1L << (shift - 1);

            int elems = 8 >> op.Size;

            int part = op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd128 ? elems : 0;

            Operand res = part == 0 ? context.VectorZero() : context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd));

            for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++)
                Operand e = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size + 1);

                if (round)
                    e = context.Add(e, Const(roundConst));

                e = context.ShiftRightUI(e, Const(shift));

                res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, e, part + index, op.Size);

            context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static void Ldp(ArmEmitterContext context)
            OpCodeMemPair op = (OpCodeMemPair)context.CurrOp;

            void EmitLoad(int rt, Operand ldAddr)
                if (op.Extend64)
                    EmitLoadSx64(context, ldAddr, rt, op.Size);
                    EmitLoadZx(context, ldAddr, rt, op.Size);

            Operand address = GetAddress(context);

            Operand address2 = context.Add(address, Const(1L << op.Size));

            EmitLoad(op.Rt, address);
            EmitLoad(op.Rt2, address2);

            EmitWBackIfNeeded(context, address);
Exemplo n.º 14
        private static void EmitHadd8(ArmEmitterContext context, bool unsigned)
            OpCode32AluReg op = (OpCode32AluReg)context.CurrOp;

            Operand m = GetIntA32(context, op.Rm);
            Operand n = GetIntA32(context, op.Rn);

            Operand xor, res, carry;

            // This relies on the equality x+y == ((x&y) << 1) + (x^y).
            // Note that x^y always contains the LSB of the result.
            // Since we want to calculate (x+y)/2, we can instead calculate (x&y) + ((x^y)>>1).
            // We mask by 0x7F to remove the LSB so that it doesn't leak into the field below.

            res   = context.BitwiseAnd(m, n);
            carry = context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(m, n);
            xor   = context.ShiftRightUI(carry, Const(1));
            xor   = context.BitwiseAnd(xor, Const(0x7F7F7F7Fu));
            res   = context.Add(res, xor);

            if (!unsigned)
                // Propagates the sign bit from (x^y)>>1 upwards by one.
                carry = context.BitwiseAnd(carry, Const(0x80808080u));
                res   = context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(res, carry);

            SetIntA32(context, op.Rd, res);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private static void EmitSignExtend(ArmEmitterContext context, bool signed, int bits)
            IOpCode32AluUx op = (IOpCode32AluUx)context.CurrOp;

            Operand m = GetAluM(context);
            Operand res;

            if (op.RotateBits == 0)
                res = m;
                Operand rotate = Const(op.RotateBits);
                res = context.RotateRight(m, rotate);

            switch (bits)
            case 8:
                res = (signed) ? context.SignExtend8(OperandType.I32, res) : context.ZeroExtend8(OperandType.I32, res);

            case 16:
                res = (signed) ? context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I32, res) : context.ZeroExtend16(OperandType.I32, res);

            if (op.Add)
                res = context.Add(res, GetAluN(context));

            EmitAluStore(context, res);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static void Smlab(ArmEmitterContext context)
            OpCode32AluMla op = (OpCode32AluMla)context.CurrOp;

            Operand n = GetIntA32(context, op.Rn);
            Operand m = GetIntA32(context, op.Rm);

            if (op.NHigh)
                n = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I32, context.ShiftRightUI(n, Const(16)));
                n = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I32, n);

            if (op.MHigh)
                m = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I32, context.ShiftRightUI(m, Const(16)));
                m = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I32, m);

            Operand res = context.Multiply(n, m);

            Operand a = GetIntA32(context, op.Ra);

            res = context.Add(res, a);

            // TODO: set Q flag when last addition overflows (saturation)?

            EmitGenericAluStoreA32(context, op.Rd, false, res);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static void Sys(ArmEmitterContext context)
            // This instruction is used to do some operations on the CPU like cache invalidation,
            // address translation and the like.
            // We treat it as no-op here since we don't have any cache being emulated anyway.
            OpCodeSystem op = (OpCodeSystem)context.CurrOp;

            switch (GetPackedId(op))
            case 0b11_011_0111_0100_001:
                // DC ZVA
                Operand t = GetIntOrZR(context, op.Rt);

                for (long offset = 0; offset < (4 << DczSizeLog2); offset += 8)
                    Operand address = context.Add(t, Const(offset));

                    InstEmitMemoryHelper.EmitStore(context, address, RegisterConsts.ZeroIndex, 3);


            // No-op
            case 0b11_011_0111_1110_001:     //DC CIVAC
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static void Smlaw_(ArmEmitterContext context)
            OpCode32AluMla op = (OpCode32AluMla)context.CurrOp;

            Operand n = GetIntA32(context, op.Rn);
            Operand m = GetIntA32(context, op.Rm);
            Operand a = GetIntA32(context, op.Ra);

            if (op.MHigh)
                m = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I64, context.ShiftRightUI(m, Const(16)));
                m = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I64, m);

            Operand res = context.Multiply(context.SignExtend32(OperandType.I64, n), m);

            Operand toAdd = context.ShiftLeft(context.SignExtend32(OperandType.I64, a), Const(16));

            res = context.Add(res, toAdd);
            res = context.ShiftRightSI(res, Const(16));
            Operand q = context.ICompareNotEqual(res, context.SignExtend32(OperandType.I64, res));

            res = context.ConvertI64ToI32(res);

            UpdateQFlag(context, q);

            EmitGenericAluStoreA32(context, op.Rd, false, res);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static void Sys(ArmEmitterContext context)
            // This instruction is used to do some operations on the CPU like cache invalidation,
            // address translation and the like.
            // We treat it as no-op here since we don't have any cache being emulated anyway.
            OpCodeSystem op = (OpCodeSystem)context.CurrOp;

            switch (GetPackedId(op))
            case 0b11_011_0111_0100_001:
                // DC ZVA
                Operand t = GetIntOrZR(context, op.Rt);

                for (long offset = 0; offset < DczSizeInBytes; offset += 8)
                    Operand address = context.Add(t, Const(offset));

                    InstEmitMemoryHelper.EmitStore(context, address, RegisterConsts.ZeroIndex, 3);


            // No-op
            case 0b11_011_0111_1110_001:     // DC CIVAC

            case 0b11_011_0111_0101_001:     // IC IVAU
                Operand target = Register(op.Rt, RegisterType.Integer, OperandType.I64);
                context.Call(typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.InvalidateCacheLine)), target);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static void EmitCsel(ArmEmitterContext context, CselOperation cselOp)
            OpCodeCsel op = (OpCodeCsel)context.CurrOp;

            Operand n = GetIntOrZR(context, op.Rn);
            Operand m = GetIntOrZR(context, op.Rm);

            if (cselOp == CselOperation.Increment)
                m = context.Add(m, Const(m.Type, 1));
            else if (cselOp == CselOperation.Invert)
                m = context.BitwiseNot(m);
            else if (cselOp == CselOperation.Negate)
                m = context.Negate(m);

            Operand condTrue = GetCondTrue(context, op.Cond);

            Operand d = context.ConditionalSelect(condTrue, n, m);

            SetIntOrZR(context, op.Rd, d);
Exemplo n.º 21
        private static void EmitMull(ArmEmitterContext context, MullFlags flags)
            OpCodeMul op = (OpCodeMul)context.CurrOp;

            Operand GetExtendedRegister32(int index)
                Operand value = GetIntOrZR(context, index);

                if ((flags & MullFlags.Signed) != 0)
                    return(context.SignExtend32(value.Type, value));
                    return(context.ZeroExtend32(value.Type, value));

            Operand a = GetIntOrZR(context, op.Ra);

            Operand n = GetExtendedRegister32(op.Rn);
            Operand m = GetExtendedRegister32(op.Rm);

            Operand res = context.Multiply(n, m);

            res = (flags & MullFlags.Add) != 0 ? context.Add(a, res) : context.Subtract(a, res);

            SetIntOrZR(context, op.Rd, res);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private static Operand EmitPtPointerLoad(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, Operand lblFallbackPath)
            Operand pte = Const(context.Memory.PageTable.ToInt64());

            int bit = MemoryManager.PageBits;

                Operand addrPart = context.ShiftRightUI(address, Const(bit));

                bit += context.Memory.PtLevelBits;

                if (bit < context.Memory.AddressSpaceBits)
                    addrPart = context.BitwiseAnd(addrPart, Const(addrPart.Type, context.Memory.PtLevelMask));

                Operand pteOffset = context.ShiftLeft(addrPart, Const(3));

                if (pteOffset.Type == OperandType.I32)
                    pteOffset = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, pteOffset);

                Operand pteAddress = context.Add(pte, pteOffset);

                pte = context.Load(OperandType.I64, pteAddress);
            }while (bit < context.Memory.AddressSpaceBits);

            if (!context.Memory.HasWriteWatchSupport)
                Operand hasFlagSet = context.BitwiseAnd(pte, Const((long)MemoryManager.PteFlagsMask));

                context.BranchIfTrue(lblFallbackPath, hasFlagSet);

            Operand pageOffset = context.BitwiseAnd(address, Const(address.Type, MemoryManager.PageMask));

            if (pageOffset.Type == OperandType.I32)
                pageOffset = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, pageOffset);

            Operand physAddr = context.Add(pte, pageOffset);

Exemplo n.º 23
        public static Operand EmitLoadExclusive(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, bool exclusive, int size)
            if (exclusive)
                Operand value;

                if (size == 4)
                    // Only 128-bit CAS is guaranteed to have a atomic load.
                    Operand physAddr = InstEmitMemoryHelper.EmitPtPointerLoad(context, address, null, write: false, 4);

                    Operand zero = context.VectorZero();

                    value = context.CompareAndSwap(physAddr, zero, zero);
                    value = InstEmitMemoryHelper.EmitReadIntAligned(context, address, size);

                Operand arg0 = context.LoadArgument(OperandType.I64, 0);

                Operand exAddrPtr  = context.Add(arg0, Const((long)NativeContext.GetExclusiveAddressOffset()));
                Operand exValuePtr = context.Add(arg0, Const((long)NativeContext.GetExclusiveValueOffset()));

                context.Store(exAddrPtr, context.BitwiseAnd(address, Const(address.Type, GetExclusiveAddressMask())));

                // Make sure the unused higher bits of the value are cleared.
                if (size < 3)
                    context.Store(exValuePtr, Const(0UL));
                if (size < 4)
                    context.Store(context.Add(exValuePtr, Const(exValuePtr.Type, 8L)), Const(0UL));

                // Store the new exclusive value.
                context.Store(exValuePtr, value);

                return(InstEmitMemoryHelper.EmitReadIntAligned(context, address, size));
Exemplo n.º 24
        private static Operand GetAddress(ArmEmitterContext context, long addend = 0)
            Operand address = default;

            switch (context.CurrOp)
            case OpCodeMemImm op:
                address = context.Copy(GetIntOrSP(context, op.Rn));

                // Pre-indexing.
                if (!op.PostIdx)
                    address = context.Add(address, Const(op.Immediate + addend));
                else if (addend != 0)
                    address = context.Add(address, Const(addend));


            case OpCodeMemReg op:
                Operand n = GetIntOrSP(context, op.Rn);

                Operand m = GetExtendedM(context, op.Rm, op.IntType);

                if (op.Shift)
                    m = context.ShiftLeft(m, Const(op.Size));

                address = context.Add(n, m);

                if (addend != 0)
                    address = context.Add(address, Const(addend));


Exemplo n.º 25
        private static Operand EmitPtPointerLoad(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, Operand lblSlowPath)
            int ptLevelBits = context.Memory.AddressSpaceBits - 12; // 12 = Number of page bits.
            int ptLevelSize = 1 << ptLevelBits;
            int ptLevelMask = ptLevelSize - 1;

            Operand pte = Ptc.State == PtcState.Disabled
                ? Const(context.Memory.PageTablePointer.ToInt64())
                : Const(context.Memory.PageTablePointer.ToInt64(), true, Ptc.PageTablePointerIndex);

            int bit = PageBits;

                Operand addrPart = context.ShiftRightUI(address, Const(bit));

                bit += ptLevelBits;

                if (bit < context.Memory.AddressSpaceBits)
                    addrPart = context.BitwiseAnd(addrPart, Const(addrPart.Type, ptLevelMask));

                Operand pteOffset = context.ShiftLeft(addrPart, Const(3));

                if (pteOffset.Type == OperandType.I32)
                    pteOffset = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, pteOffset);

                Operand pteAddress = context.Add(pte, pteOffset);

                pte = context.Load(OperandType.I64, pteAddress);
            }while (bit < context.Memory.AddressSpaceBits);

            context.BranchIfTrue(lblSlowPath, context.ICompareLess(pte, Const(0L)));

            Operand pageOffset = context.BitwiseAnd(address, Const(address.Type, PageMask));

            if (pageOffset.Type == OperandType.I32)
                pageOffset = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, pageOffset);

            return(context.Add(pte, pageOffset));
Exemplo n.º 26
        private static void EmitNativeCallWithGuestAddress(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand funcAddr, Operand guestAddress, bool isJump)
            Operand nativeContextPtr = context.LoadArgument(OperandType.I64, 0);

            context.Store(context.Add(nativeContextPtr, Const((long)NativeContext.GetCallAddressOffset())), guestAddress);

            EmitNativeCall(context, nativeContextPtr, funcAddr, isJump);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public static void EmitClearExclusive(ArmEmitterContext context)
            Operand arg0 = context.LoadArgument(OperandType.I64, 0);

            Operand exAddrPtr = context.Add(arg0, Const((long)NativeContext.GetExclusiveAddressOffset()));

            // We store ULONG max to force any exclusive address checks to fail,
            // since this value is not aligned to the ERG mask.
            context.Store(exAddrPtr, Const(ulong.MaxValue));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public static void Vsra(ArmEmitterContext context)
            OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
            int shift            = GetImmShr(op);
            int maxShift         = (8 << op.Size) - 1;

            if (op.U)
                EmitVectorImmBinaryQdQmOpZx32(context, (op1, op2) =>
                    Operand shiftRes = shift > maxShift ? Const(op2.Type, 0) : context.ShiftRightUI(op2, Const(shift));

                    return(context.Add(op1, shiftRes));
                EmitVectorImmBinaryQdQmOpSx32(context, (op1, op2) => context.Add(op1, context.ShiftRightSI(op2, Const(Math.Min(maxShift, shift)))));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public static void Umaal(ArmEmitterContext context)
            OpCode32AluUmull op = (OpCode32AluUmull)context.CurrOp;

            Operand n   = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, GetIntA32(context, op.Rn));
            Operand m   = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, GetIntA32(context, op.Rm));
            Operand dHi = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, GetIntA32(context, op.RdHi));
            Operand dLo = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, GetIntA32(context, op.RdLo));

            Operand res = context.Multiply(n, m);

            res = context.Add(res, dHi);
            res = context.Add(res, dLo);

            Operand hi = context.ConvertI64ToI32(context.ShiftRightUI(res, Const(32)));
            Operand lo = context.ConvertI64ToI32(res);

            EmitGenericAluStoreA32(context, op.RdHi, false, hi);
            EmitGenericAluStoreA32(context, op.RdLo, false, lo);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public static void Vpadd_V(ArmEmitterContext context)
     if (Optimizations.FastFP && Optimizations.UseSse2)
         EmitSse2VectorPairwiseOpF32(context, Intrinsic.X86Addps);
         EmitVectorPairwiseOpF32(context, (op1, op2) => context.Add(op1, op2));