Exemplo n.º 1
        private static ArgumentSyntax DefineCommand(string args)
            var cmd = new AccountUpdateCommand(
                NoopSettings(), (u, k) => new Mock <IAcmeContext>().Object, new FileUtil());

            Assert.Equal(CommandGroup.Account.Command, cmd.Group.Command);
            return(ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args.Split(' '), syntax =>
                syntax.HandleErrors = false;
Exemplo n.º 2

        private void PublishMicroservice()
            var publish   = new PublishCommand();
            var arguments = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(
                new[] { publish.Name, _microserviceFolderPath, "--no-cli", "--project-config", _projectConfigurationName },
                syntax => publish.BindToCommandLine(syntax)


            _microserviceFolderPath = publish.PublishFolderPath;
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void ProcessCommandLine(string[] args)
            string configFile = default;

            // Parse command line args first.
            var argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                configFile = syntax.DefineOption("c|config", "configs/Manager.conf").Value;

            // Read config file..
Exemplo n.º 4
    int Run(string[] args)
        ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
            syntax.DefineOption("b|bool", ref _boolOption, "Bool option");
            syntax.DefineOption("s|string", ref _stringOption, "String option");

        Console.WriteLine($"Bool option: {_boolOption}");
        Console.WriteLine($"String option: {_stringOption}");

Exemplo n.º 5
        static int Main(string[] args)
            IReadOnlyList <string> compile = Array.Empty <string>();
            IReadOnlyList <string> refs    = Array.Empty <string>();
            IReadOnlyList <string> generatorSearchPaths = Array.Empty <string>();
            string generatedCompileItemFile             = null;
            string outputDirectory = null;

            ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.DefineOptionList("r|reference", ref refs, "Paths to assemblies being referenced");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("generatorSearchPath", ref generatorSearchPaths, "Paths to folders that may contain generator assemblies");
                syntax.DefineOption("out", ref outputDirectory, true, "The directory to write generated source files to");
                syntax.DefineOption("generatedFilesList", ref generatedCompileItemFile, "The path to the file to create with a list of generated source files");
                syntax.DefineParameterList("compile", ref compile, "Source files included in compilation");

            if (!compile.Any())
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No source files are specified.");

            if (outputDirectory == null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("The output directory must be specified.");

            var generator = new CompilationGenerator
                Compile       = compile,
                ReferencePath = refs,
                GeneratorAssemblySearchPaths = generatorSearchPaths,
                IntermediateOutputDirectory  = outputDirectory,


            if (generatedCompileItemFile != null)
                File.WriteAllLines(generatedCompileItemFile, generator.GeneratedFiles);

            foreach (var file in generator.GeneratedFiles)

Exemplo n.º 6
        private ArgumentSyntax ParseCommandLine(string[] args)
            IReadOnlyList <string> inputFiles     = Array.Empty <string>();
            IReadOnlyList <string> referenceFiles = Array.Empty <string>();

            bool           waitForDebugger = false;
            AssemblyName   name            = typeof(Program).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName();
            ArgumentSyntax argSyntax       = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.ApplicationName = name.Name.ToString();

                // HandleHelp writes to error, fails fast with crash dialog and lacks custom formatting.
                syntax.HandleHelp   = false;
                syntax.HandleErrors = true;

                syntax.DefineOption("h|help", ref _help, "Help message for ILC");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("r|reference", ref referenceFiles, "Reference file(s) for compilation");
                syntax.DefineOption("o|out", ref _options.OutputFilePath, "Output file path");
                syntax.DefineOption("cpp", ref _options.IsCppCodeGen, "Compile for C++ code-generation");
                syntax.DefineOption("nolinenumbers", ref _options.NoLineNumbers, "Debug line numbers for C++ code-generation");
                syntax.DefineOption("dgmllog", ref _options.DgmlLog, "Save result of dependency analysis as DGML");
                syntax.DefineOption("fulllog", ref _options.FullLog, "Save detailed log of dependency analysis");
                syntax.DefineOption("verbose", ref _options.Verbose, "Enable verbose logging");
                syntax.DefineOption("systemmodule", ref _systemModuleName, "System module name (default: System.Private.CoreLib)");
                syntax.DefineOption("multifile", ref _multiFile, "Compile only input files (do not compile referenced assemblies)");
                syntax.DefineOption("waitfordebugger", ref waitForDebugger, "Pause to give opportunity to attach debugger");

                syntax.DefineOption("singlemethodtypename", ref _singleMethodTypeName, "Single method compilation: name of the owning type");
                syntax.DefineOption("singlemethodname", ref _singleMethodName, "Single method compilation: name of the method");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("singlemethodgenericarg", ref _singleMethodGenericArgs, "Single method compilation: generic arguments to the method");

                syntax.DefineParameterList("in", ref inputFiles, "Input file(s) to compile");

            if (waitForDebugger)
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for debugger to attach. Press ENTER to continue");
            foreach (var input in inputFiles)
                Helpers.AppendExpandedPaths(_inputFilePaths, input, true);

            foreach (var reference in referenceFiles)
                Helpers.AppendExpandedPaths(_referenceFilePaths, reference, false);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var    launchDebugger = false;
            string logFilePath    = null;
            var    logLevel       = LogLevel.Warning;

            logFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), "ShaderTools");

            ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.DefineOption("launchdebugger", ref launchDebugger, false, "Set whether to launch the debugger or not.");
                //syntax.DefineOption("logfilepath", ref logFilePath, true, "Fully qualified path to the log file.");
                syntax.DefineOption("loglevel", ref logLevel, x => (LogLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(LogLevel), x), false, "Logging level.");

            if (launchDebugger)

            LanguageServerHost languageServerHost = null;

                languageServerHost = await LanguageServerHost.Create(
            catch (Exception ex)

                await languageServerHost.WaitForExit;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            int    port     = 5000;
            int    uiPort   = 5001;
            bool   runWebUi = false;
            string input    = null;
            string output   = null;
            bool   verbose  = false;

            ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.DefineOption("p|port", ref port, "Port to listen for incoming connections on.");
                syntax.DefineOption("o|output", ref output, "Path to save downloaded files to.");
                syntax.DefineOption("v|verbose", ref verbose, "Show detailed logging information.");
                var uiPortArgument = syntax.DefineOption("ui", ref uiPort, false, "Run a web UI, optionally specifying the port to listen on (default: 5001).");
                runWebUi           = uiPortArgument.IsSpecified;

                syntax.DefineParameter("input", ref input, "Path of torrent file to download.");

            if (verbose)
                LogManager.Configure(factory => factory.AddConsole(LogLevel.Debug));
                LogManager.Configure(factory => factory.AddConsole(LogLevel.Information));

            var client = new TorrentClient(port);
            var extensionProtocolModule = new ExtensionProtocolModule();

            //extensionProtocolModule.RegisterMessageHandler(new PeerExchangeMessageHandler(client.AdapterAddress));
            extensionProtocolModule.RegisterMessageHandler(new MetadataMessageHandler());

            if (runWebUi)
                var uri = client.EnableWebUI(uiPort);
                Console.WriteLine($"Web UI started at {uri}");

            var download = client.Add(input, output);



Exemplo n.º 9
            public Config(string[] args)
                // Get configuration values from JIT_DASM_ROOT/asmdiff.json


                _syntaxResult = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                    // Diff command section.
                    syntax.DefineCommand("diff", ref _command, Commands.Diff, "Run asm diff of base/diff.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("b|base", ref _baseExe, "The base compiler exe or tag.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("d|diff", ref _diffExe, "The diff compiler exe or tag.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("o|output", ref _outputPath, "The output path.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("a|analyze", ref _analyze,
                                        "Analyze resulting base, diff dasm directories.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("t|tag", ref _tag,
                                        "Name of root in output directory.  Allows for many sets of output.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("m|mscorlibonly", ref _mscorlibOnly, "Disasm mscorlib only");
                    syntax.DefineOption("f|frameworksonly", ref _frameworksOnly, "Disasm frameworks only");
                    syntax.DefineOption("v|verbose", ref _verbose, "Enable verbose output");
                    syntax.DefineOption("core_root", ref _platformPath, "Path to test CORE_ROOT.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("test_root", ref _testPath, "Path to test tree");

                    // List command section.
                    syntax.DefineCommand("list", ref _command, Commands.List,
                                         "List defaults and available tools asmdiff.json.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("v|verbose", ref _verbose, "Enable verbose output");

                    // Install command section.
                    syntax.DefineCommand("install", ref _command, Commands.Install, "Install tool in config.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("j|job", ref _jobName, "Name of the job.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("n|number", ref _number, "Job number.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("l|last_successful", ref _lastSuccessful, "Last successful build.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("b|branch", ref _branchName, "Name of branch.");

                // Run validation code on parsed input to ensure we have a sensible scenario.





                // Now that output path and tag are guaranteed to be set, update
                // the output path to included the tag.
                _outputPath = Path.Combine(_outputPath, _tag);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Parse(string[] args)
            ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                IReadOnlyList <string> filters = Array.Empty <string>();
                    ref filters,
                    "Filter to apply to repositories of the config json - wildcard chars * and ? supported");
                Filters = filters;

                string configPath = null;
                    ref configPath,
                    "Path to the config json file");
                ConfigPath = configPath;

                string gitUser = null;
                    ref gitUser,
                    "GitHub user used to make PR");
                GitUser = gitUser;

                string gitEmail = null;
                    ref gitEmail,
                    "GitHub email used to make PR");
                GitEmail = gitEmail;

                string gitAuthToken = null;
                    ref gitAuthToken,
                    "GitHub authorization token used to make PR");
                GitAuthToken = gitAuthToken;

            // Workaround for https://github.com/dotnet/corefxlab/issues/1689
            foreach (Argument arg in argSyntax.GetActiveArguments())
                if (arg.IsParameter && !arg.IsSpecified)
                    Console.WriteLine($"error: `{arg.Name}` must be specified.");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            int result = 0;

                ICommand[] commands = Container.GetExportedValues <ICommand>().ToArray();

                ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                    foreach (ICommand command in commands)

                // Workaround for https://github.com/dotnet/corefxlab/issues/1689
                foreach (Argument arg in argSyntax.GetActiveArguments())
                    if (arg.IsParameter && !arg.IsSpecified)
                        Logger.WriteError($"error: `{arg.Name}` must be specified.");

                if (argSyntax.ActiveCommand != null)
                    // Capture the Docker version and info in the output.
                    ExecuteHelper.Execute(fileName: "docker", args: "version", isDryRun: false);
                    ExecuteHelper.Execute(fileName: "docker", args: "info", isDryRun: false);

                    ICommand command = commands.Single(c => c.Options == argSyntax.ActiveCommand.Value);
                    if (command is IManifestCommand manifestCommand)

            catch (Exception e)

                result = 1;

Exemplo n.º 12
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            int result = 0;

                ICommand[] commands =
                    new BuildCommand(),
                    new GenerateTagsReadmeCommand(),
                    new PublishManifestCommand(),
                    new UpdateReadmeCommand(),
                    new UpdateVersionsCommand(),

                ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                    foreach (ICommand command in commands)

                // Workaround for https://github.com/dotnet/corefxlab/issues/1689
                foreach (Argument arg in argSyntax.GetActiveArguments())
                    if (arg.IsParameter && !arg.IsSpecified)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine($"error: `{arg.Name}` must be specified.");

                if (argSyntax.ActiveCommand != null)
                    ICommand command = commands.Single(c => c.Options == argSyntax.ActiveCommand.Value);
            catch (Exception e)

                result = 1;

Exemplo n.º 13
            public Config(string[] args)
                _syntaxResult = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                    // NOTE!!! - Commands and their options are ordered.  Moving an option out of line
                    // could move it to another command.  Take a careful look at how they're organized
                    // before changing.
                    syntax.DefineCommand("list", ref _command, Command.List,
                                         "List jobs on dotnet-ci.cloudapp.net for the repo.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("s|server", ref _server, "Url of the server. Defaults to http://ci.dot.net/");
                    syntax.DefineOption("j|job", ref _jobName, "Name of the job.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("b|branch", ref _branchName,
                                        "Name of the branch (default is master).");
                    syntax.DefineOption("r|repo", ref _repoName,
                                        "Name of the repo (e.g. dotnet_corefx or dotnet_coreclr). Default is dotnet_coreclr.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("m|match", ref _matchPattern,
                                        "Regex pattern used to select jobs output.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("n|number", ref _number, "Job number.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("l|last_successful", ref _lastSuccessful,
                                        "List last successful build.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("c|commit", ref _commit, "List build at this commit.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("a|artifacts", ref _artifacts, "List job artifacts on server.");

                    syntax.DefineCommand("copy", ref _command, Command.Copy,
                                         "Copies job artifacts from dotnet-ci.cloudapp.net. "
                                         + "This command copies a zip of artifacts from a repo (defaulted to dotnet_coreclr)."
                                         + " The default location of the zips is the Product sub-directory, though "
                                         + "that can be changed using the ContentPath(p) parameter");
                    syntax.DefineOption("s|server", ref _server, "Url of the server. Defaults to http://ci.dot.net/");
                    syntax.DefineOption("j|job", ref _jobName, "Name of the job.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("n|number", ref _number, "Job number.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("l|last_successful", ref _lastSuccessful,
                                        "Copy last successful build.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("c|commit", ref _commit, "Copy this commit.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("b|branch", ref _branchName,
                                        "Name of the branch (default is master).");
                    syntax.DefineOption("r|repo", ref _repoName,
                                        "Name of the repo (e.g. dotnet_corefx or dotnet_coreclr). Default is dotnet_coreclr.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("o|output", ref _outputPath, "The path where output will be placed.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("or|output_root", ref _outputRoot,
                                        "The root directory where output will be placed. A subdirectory named by job and build number will be created within this to store the output.");
                    syntax.DefineOption("u|unzip", ref _unzip, "Unzip copied artifacts");
                    syntax.DefineOption("p|ContentPath", ref _contentPath,
                                        "Relative product zip path. Default is artifact/bin/Product/*zip*/Product.zip");

                // Run validation code on parsed input to ensure we have a sensible scenario.
Exemplo n.º 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string inputDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string outputDir = Path.Combine(inputDir, "bin", "dpkg");
            string overrideName = null, overrideVersion = null;

            ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.ApplicationName = "dotnet deb-tool";
                syntax.DefineOption("i|input-dir", ref inputDir, "The path to the package source directory (default: current directory)");
                syntax.DefineOption("o|output-dir", ref outputDir, "Where to create the final .deb files (default ./bin/dpkg)");
                syntax.DefineOption("override-name", ref overrideName, "Override the package name in the debian_config.json file");
                syntax.DefineOption("override-version", ref overrideVersion, "Override the package version in the debian_config.json file");
Exemplo n.º 15
 public CommandLineOptions(string[] args)
     ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
         syntax.ApplicationName = "Editor";
         syntax.DefineOption("opengl", ref _preferOpenGL, "Prefer using the OpenGL rendering backend.");
         syntax.DefineOption("project|p", ref _project, "Specifies the project to open.");
         syntax.DefineOption("scene|s", ref _scene, "Specifies the scene to open.");
             ref _audioPreference,
             s => (AudioEnginePreference)Enum.Parse(typeof(AudioEnginePreference), s, true),
             "Specifies the audio engine to use.");
Exemplo n.º 16
        public bool ParseArgs(string[] args, out bool hasErrors)
            hasErrors = false;
            if (args == null || args.Length == 0)

            bool squirrelOption = false;

                ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                    syntax.HandleHelp   = false;
                    syntax.HandleErrors = false;
                    if (DefineSquirrelOption(syntax, "squirrel-install", CommandEnum.SquirrelInstall, true) ||
                        DefineSquirrelOption(syntax, "squirrel-updated", CommandEnum.SquirrelUpdated, true) ||
                        DefineSquirrelOption(syntax, "squirrel-obsolete", CommandEnum.SquirrelObsolete, true) ||
                        DefineSquirrelOption(syntax, "squirrel-uninstall", CommandEnum.SquirrelUninstall, true) ||
                        DefineSquirrelOption(syntax, "squirrel-firstrun", CommandEnum.SquirrelFirstRun, false))
                        // If this is a Squirrel option, we don't need to continue processing args
                        squirrelOption = true;
            catch (Exception)
                // Don't worry about errors from the first pass
            if (squirrelOption)

            // Second pass for non-Squirrel options
            ArgumentSyntax parsed = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.DefineCommand("update", ref Command, CommandEnum.Update, "Update to the latest version.");
                syntax.DefineCommand("add-path", ref Command, CommandEnum.AddPath, "Add the installation path to the PATH system environment variable.");
                syntax.DefineCommand("remove-path", ref Command, CommandEnum.RemovePath, "Remove the installation path from the PATH system environment variable.");

            hasErrors = parsed.HasErrors;
            return(!(parsed.IsHelpRequested() || hasErrors));
Exemplo n.º 17
        private (ICliCommand Command, ArgumentSyntax Syntax)? MatchCommand(
            string[] args, IEnumerable <ICliCommand> groupCommands, ArgumentSyntax groupSyntax)
            string helpText = null;

                var         isHelpRequested = IsHelpRequested(args);
                ICliCommand matchCommand    = null;
                var         cmdSyntax       = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args.Skip(1).ToArray(), s =>
                    s.HandleErrors = false;
                    s.HandleHelp   = false;
                    s.ErrorOnUnexpectedArguments = false;
                    s.ApplicationName            = $"{groupSyntax.ApplicationName} {groupSyntax.ActiveCommand}";
                    foreach (var cmd in groupCommands)
                        var arg = cmd.Define(s);
                        if (arg.IsActive)
                            matchCommand = cmd;

                    if (isHelpRequested)
                        helpText = s.GetHelpText();

                if (!isHelpRequested)
                    return(matchCommand, cmdSyntax);
            catch (ArgumentSyntaxException)
                if (!IsHelpRequested(args))

Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Parse(string[] args)
            ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                string aspnetVersion = null;
                Argument <string> aspnetVersionArg = syntax.DefineOption(
                    ref aspnetVersion,
                    "ASP.NET version to update the Dockerfiles with");
                AspnetVersion = aspnetVersion;

                string runtimeVersion = null;
                Argument <string> runtimeVersionArg = syntax.DefineOption(
                    ref runtimeVersion,
                    ".NET runtime version to update the Dockerfiles with");
                RuntimeVersion = runtimeVersion;

                string sdkVersion = null;
                Argument <string> sdkVersionArg = syntax.DefineOption(
                    ref sdkVersion,
                    "SDK version to update the Dockerfiles with");
                SdkVersion = sdkVersion;

                string gitHubEmail = null;
                    ref gitHubEmail,
                    "GitHub email used to make PR (if not specified, a PR will not be created)");
                GitHubEmail = gitHubEmail;

                string gitHubPassword = null;
                    ref gitHubPassword,
                    "GitHub password used to make PR (if not specified, a PR will not be created)");
                GitHubPassword = gitHubPassword;

                string gitHubUser = null;
                    ref gitHubUser,
                    "GitHub user used to make PR (if not specified, a PR will not be created)");
                GitHubUser = gitHubUser;
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse commandline options
        /// </summary>
        private ArgumentSyntax ParseCommandLine(string[] args)
            bool           verbose   = false;
            ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.ApplicationName = "R2RDump";
                syntax.HandleHelp      = false;
                syntax.HandleErrors    = true;

                syntax.DefineOption("h|help", ref _help, "Help message for R2RDump");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("i|in", ref _inputFilenames, "Input file(s) to dump. Expects them to by ReadyToRun images");
                syntax.DefineOption("o|out", ref _outputFilename, "Output file path. Dumps everything to the specified file except help message and exception messages");
                syntax.DefineOption("x|xml", ref _xml, "Output in XML format");
                syntax.DefineOption("raw", ref _options.Raw, "Dump the raw bytes of each section or runtime function");
                syntax.DefineOption("header", ref _options.Header, "Dump R2R header");
                syntax.DefineOption("d|disasm", ref _options.Disasm, "Show disassembly of methods or runtime functions");
                syntax.DefineOption("naked", ref _options.Naked, "Naked dump suppresses most compilation details like placement addresses");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("q|query", ref _queries, "Query method by exact name, signature, row id or token");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("k|keyword", ref _keywords, "Search method by keyword");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("f|runtimefunction", ref _runtimeFunctions, ArgStringToInt, "Get one runtime function by id or relative virtual address");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("s|section", ref _sections, "Get section by keyword");
                syntax.DefineOption("unwind", ref _options.Unwind, "Dump unwindInfo");
                syntax.DefineOption("gc", ref _options.GC, "Dump gcInfo and slot table");
                syntax.DefineOption("sc", ref _options.SectionContents, "Dump section contents");
                syntax.DefineOption("e|entrypoints", ref _options.EntryPoints, "Dump list of method / instance entrypoints in the R2R file");
                syntax.DefineOption("n|normalize", ref _options.Normalize, "Normalize dump by sorting the various tables and methods (default = unsorted i.e. file order)");
                syntax.DefineOption("v|verbose", ref verbose, "Dump disassembly, unwindInfo, gcInfo and section contents");
                syntax.DefineOption("diff", ref _diff, "Compare two R2R images");
                syntax.DefineOption("ignoreSensitive", ref _ignoreSensitive, "Ignores sensitive properties in xml dump to avoid failing tests");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("r|reference", ref _options.ReferenceAssemblies, "Explicit reference assembly files");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("rp|referencepath", ref _options.ReferencePaths, "Search paths for reference assemblies");
                syntax.DefineOption("isb|inlineSignatureBinary", ref _options.InlineSignatureBinary, "Embed binary signature into its textual description");
                syntax.DefineOption("sb|signatureBinary", ref _options.SignatureBinary, "Append signature binary to its textual description");

            if (verbose)
                _options.Disasm          = true;
                _options.Unwind          = true;
                _options.GC              = true;
                _options.SectionContents = true;
                _options.EntryPoints     = true;

Exemplo n.º 20
        public static void Run(string[] args)
            string input = null;
            IReadOnlyList <string> componentDirectories = Array.Empty <string>();
            string output = null;

            var cliOptions = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, options =>
                options.ApplicationName = "cdcli circuit";

                options.DefineOptionList("components", ref componentDirectories, "Path to components directory.");
                options.DefineOption("o|output", ref output, "Path to output file.");
                options.DefineParameter("input", ref input, "Path to input circuit.");

            if (input == null)
                cliOptions.ReportError("Input file must be specified.");
            if (componentDirectories == null)
                cliOptions.ReportError("Components directory must be specified.");
            if (output == null)
                cliOptions.ReportError("Output path must be specified.");

            Console.WriteLine($"{Path.GetFileName(input)} -> {Path.GetFileName(output)}");

            var reader = new CircuitDiagramDocumentReader();
            CircuitDiagramDocument circuit;

            using (var fs = File.Open(input, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                circuit = reader.ReadCircuit(fs);

            var descriptionLookup = new DirectoryComponentDescriptionLookup(componentDirectories.ToArray());
            var renderer          = new CircuitRenderer(descriptionLookup);
            var drawingContext    = new SkiaDrawingContext((int)circuit.Size.Width, (int)circuit.Size.Height, SKColors.White);

            renderer.RenderCircuit(circuit, drawingContext);

            using (var outputFs = File.OpenWrite(output))
Exemplo n.º 21
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var noShellMap = false;
            var definition = GameDefinition.FromGame(SageGame.CncGenerals);

            ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.DefineOption("noshellmap", ref noShellMap, false, "Disables loading the shell map, speeding up startup time.");

                string gameName    = null;
                var availableGames = string.Join(", ", GameDefinition.All.Select(def => def.Game.ToString()));

                syntax.DefineOption("game", ref gameName, false, $"Chooses which game to start. Valid options: {availableGames}");

                // If a game has been specified, make sure it's valid.
                if (gameName != null && !GameDefinition.TryGetByName(gameName, out definition))
                    syntax.ReportError($"Unknown game: {gameName}");

            Platform.CurrentPlatform = new Sdl2Platform();

            // TODO: Support other locators.
            var locator = new RegistryInstallationLocator();

            var game = GameFactory.CreateGame(
                // TODO: Read game version from assembly metadata or .git folder
                // TODO: Set window icon.
                () => Platform.CurrentPlatform.CreateWindow("OpenSAGE (master)", 100, 100, 1024, 768));

            game.Configuration.LoadShellMap = !noShellMap;

            while (game.IsRunning)

Exemplo n.º 22
        private (IEnumerable <ICliCommand> Commands, ArgumentSyntax Syntax)? MatchCommandGroup(
            string[] args, ILookup <CommandGroup, ICliCommand> commandGroups)
            string helpText        = null;
            var    isHelpRequested = IsHelpRequested(args);

                IEnumerable <ICliCommand> commands = null;
                var groupSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, s =>
                    s.HandleErrors = false;
                    s.HandleHelp   = false;
                    s.ErrorOnUnexpectedArguments = false;
                    s.ApplicationName            = "certes";
                    foreach (var cmdGroup in commandGroups)
                        var cmd = s.DefineCommand(cmdGroup.Key.Command, help: cmdGroup.Key.Help);
                        if (cmd.IsActive)
                            commands = cmdGroup;

                    if (isHelpRequested)
                        helpText = s.GetHelpText();

                return(commands, groupSyntax);
            catch (ArgumentSyntaxException)
                if (isHelpRequested)

Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Parse(string[] args)
            ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                string gitHubEmail = null;
                    ref gitHubEmail,
                    "GitHub email used to make PR (if not specified, a PR will not be created)");
                GitHubEmail = gitHubEmail;

                string gitHubPassword = null;
                    ref gitHubPassword,
                    "GitHub password used to make PR (if not specified, a PR will not be created)");
                GitHubPassword = gitHubPassword;

                string gitHubUser = null;
                    ref gitHubUser,
                    "GitHub user used to make PR (if not specified, a PR will not be created)");
                GitHubUser = gitHubUser;

                Uri buildInfoUrl = null;
                    ref buildInfoUrl,
                    (value) => new Uri(value),
                    "URL of the build info to update the Dockerfiles with (http(s):// or file://)");
                BuildInfoUrl = buildInfoUrl;

            // Workaround for https://github.com/dotnet/corefxlab/issues/1689
            foreach (Argument arg in argSyntax.GetActiveArguments())
                if (arg.IsParameter && !arg.IsSpecified)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine($"error: `{arg.Name}` must be specified.");
Exemplo n.º 24
        private static ArgumentSyntax ParseCommandLine(string[] args)
            ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.ApplicationName = "ReadyToRun.TestHarness";
                syntax.HandleHelp      = false;
                syntax.HandleErrors    = true;

                syntax.DefineOption("h|help", ref _help, "Help message for R2RDump");
                syntax.DefineOption("c|corerun", ref _coreRunExePath, "Path to CoreRun");
                syntax.DefineOption("i|in", ref _testExe, "Path to test exe");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("r|ref", ref _referenceFilenames, "Paths to referenced assemblies");
                syntax.DefineOption("w|whitelist", ref _whitelistFilename, "Path to method whitelist file");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("testargs", ref _testargs, "Args to pass into test");
                syntax.DefineOption("noetl", ref _noEtl, "Run the test without ETL enabled");

Exemplo n.º 25
        public static AnalysisOptionsBuilder Parse(string[] args)
            var options = new AnalysisOptionsBuilder();
            var syntax  = default(ArgumentSyntax);

                if (args.Length == 0)

                ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, arg =>
                    arg.HandleErrors = false;

                    arg.DefineCommand("analyze", ref options._command, AnalysisCommand.Analyze, "Analyze packages");

                    arg.DefineOption("packageId", ref options._packageId, true, "NuGet package to analyze");
                    arg.DefineOption("original", ref options._originalVersion, true, "Original package");
                    arg.DefineOption("updated", ref options._updatedVersion, true, "Updated packages");
                    arg.DefineOption("feed", ref options._feed, false, "NuGet feed to use");
                    arg.DefineOption("verbose", ref options._verbose, false, "Turn verbose output on");
                    arg.DefineOption("ref", ref options._referencePath, false, "Zip archive of reference assemblies");

                    arg.DefineCommand("ref", ref options._command, AnalysisCommand.CollectReferenceAssemblies, "Collect reference assemblies");
                    arg.DefineOption("path", ref options._referencePath, true, "Path to save reference assembly collection");

                    arg.DefineCommand("monitor", ref options._command, AnalysisCommand.MonitorQueue, "Monitor queue");

                    syntax = arg;


            catch (ArgumentSyntaxException e)
                throw new ArgumentParsingException(syntax, e.Message);
        public async Task CanReadKeyFromEnv()
            var args = new[] { "--opt", "1" };
            var s    = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.HandleErrors = false;
                syntax.DefineOption("opt", "0");

            var envMock  = new Mock <IEnvironmentVariables>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var fileMock = new Mock <IFileUtil>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            envMock.Setup(m => m.GetVar(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string)null);
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <Exception>(
                () => s.ReadKey("key", "KEY", fileMock.Object, envMock.Object, true));

            envMock.Setup(m => m.GetVar("KEY")).Returns(Convert.ToBase64String(Helper.GetKeyV2().ToDer()));
            var key = await s.ReadKey("key", "KEY", fileMock.Object, envMock.Object);

            Assert.Equal(key.ToDer(), Helper.GetKeyV2().ToDer());
Exemplo n.º 27
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var input = string.Empty;

            ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.DefineOption("i|input", ref input, true, "Something interesting to read.");

                syntax.ErrorOnUnexpectedArguments = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
                Console.WriteLine($"{input.Length} - {input}");
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse commandline options
        /// </summary>
        private ArgumentSyntax ParseCommandLine(string[] args)
            bool           verbose   = false;
            ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                syntax.ApplicationName = "R2RDump";
                syntax.HandleHelp      = false;
                syntax.HandleErrors    = true;

                syntax.DefineOption("h|help", ref _help, "Help message for R2RDump");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("i|in", ref _inputFilenames, "Input file(s) to dump. Expects them to by ReadyToRun images");
                syntax.DefineOption("o|out", ref _outputFilename, "Output file path. Dumps everything to the specified file except help message and exception messages");
                syntax.DefineOption("x|xml", ref _xml, "Output in XML format");
                syntax.DefineOption("raw", ref _raw, "Dump the raw bytes of each section or runtime function");
                syntax.DefineOption("header", ref _header, "Dump R2R header");
                syntax.DefineOption("d|disasm", ref _disasm, "Show disassembly of methods or runtime functions");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("q|query", ref _queries, "Query method by exact name, signature, row id or token");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("k|keyword", ref _keywords, "Search method by keyword");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("r|runtimefunction", ref _runtimeFunctions, ArgStringToInt, "Get one runtime function by id or relative virtual address");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("s|section", ref _sections, "Get section by keyword");
                syntax.DefineOption("unwind", ref _unwind, "Dump unwindInfo");
                syntax.DefineOption("gc", ref _gc, "Dump gcInfo and slot table");
                syntax.DefineOption("sc", ref _sectionContents, "Dump section contents");
                syntax.DefineOption("v|verbose", ref verbose, "Dump raw bytes, disassembly, unwindInfo, gcInfo and section contents");
                syntax.DefineOption("diff", ref _diff, "Compare two R2R images");
                syntax.DefineOption("ignoreSensitive", ref _ignoreSensitive, "Ignores sensitive properties in xml dump to avoid failing tests");

            if (verbose)
                _disasm          = true;
                _unwind          = true;
                _gc              = true;
                _sectionContents = true;

            _disasm = false; // TODO: this requires the coredistools nuget package with the most recent changes

        internal static ArgumentSyntax ParseCommandLine(string[] args)
            string projectIdDefaultValue      = null;
            string namespaceDefaultValue      = null;
            string outputDirDefaultValue      = null;
            string fileNameSuffixDefaultValue = null;
            string baseClassDefaultValue      = null;

            var syntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, s =>
                s.ErrorOnUnexpectedArguments = false;
                s.DefineOption("p|projectid", ref projectIdDefaultValue, "Kentico Kontent Project ID.");
                s.DefineOption("n|namespace", ref namespaceDefaultValue, "-n|--namespace");
                s.DefineOption("o|outputdir", ref outputDirDefaultValue, "Output directory for the generated files.");
                s.DefineOption("f|filenamesuffix", ref fileNameSuffixDefaultValue, "Optionally add a suffix to generated filenames (e.g., News.cs becomes News.Generated.cs).");
                s.DefineOption("g|generatepartials", ref CodeGeneratorOptions.DefaultGeneratePartials, "Generate partial classes for customization (if this option is set filename suffix will default to Generated).");
                s.DefineOption("t|withtypeprovider", ref CodeGeneratorOptions.DefaultWithTypeProvider, "Indicates whether the CustomTypeProvider class should be generated.");
                s.DefineOption("s|structuredmodel", ref CodeGeneratorOptions.DefaultStructuredModel, "Indicates whether the classes should be generated with types that represent structured data model.");
                s.DefineOption("c|contentmanagementapi", ref CodeGeneratorOptions.DefaultContentManagementApi, "Indicates whether the classes should be generated for CM API SDK instead.");
                s.DefineOption("b|baseclass", ref baseClassDefaultValue, "Optionally set the name of a base type that all generated classes derive from. If not set, they will not inherit any base class.");
                s.ApplicationName = "content-types-generator";

            var unexpectedArgs = new List <string>(syntax.RemainingArguments);

            if (unexpectedArgs.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder();
                err.AppendLine("Invalid arguments!");
                foreach (var unexpectedArgument in unexpectedArgs)
                    err.AppendLine($"Unrecognized option '{unexpectedArgument}'");

                throw new Exception(err.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 30
        public static Options Parse(string[] args)
            var options = new Options
                Path            = null,
                Analyzers       = Array.Empty <string>(),
                AdditionalFiles = Array.Empty <string>(),
                Features        = Array.Empty <KeyValuePair <string, string> >()

            var r = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                KeyValuePair <string, string> ParseFeature(string feature)
                    var split = feature.Split(':');

                    if (split.Length != 2)
                        syntax.ReportError($"Invalid feature '{feature}'. Must be of form '[name]:[value]'");

                    return(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(split[0], split[1]));

                syntax.DefineOptionList("a|analyzer", ref options.Analyzers, "Analyzer assembly to include");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("d|additionalFile", ref options.AdditionalFiles, "Additional files for compilation");
                syntax.DefineOptionList("f|feature", ref options.Features, ParseFeature, "Experimental features for compilation.");
                syntax.DefineParameter("path", ref options.Path, "Path to project or solution");

            if (!File.Exists(options.Path))
                Console.WriteLine("error: Project or solution path not supplied");

                // Using Environment.Exit because the argument parser uses it at the momemt
