Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 ///   Set the transition bitmap of a player; this should only be called in area
 ///   transition scripts. This action should be run by the person "clicking" the
 ///   area transition via AssignCommand.
 ///   - nPredefinedAreaTransition:
 ///   -> To use a predefined area transition bitmap, use one of AREA_TRANSITION_*
 ///   -> To use a custom, user-defined area transition bitmap, use
 ///   AREA_TRANSITION_USER_DEFINED and specify the filename in the second
 ///   parameter
 ///   - sCustomAreaTransitionBMP: this is the filename of a custom, user-defined
 ///   area transition bitmap
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetAreaTransitionBMP(AreaTransitionType nPredefinedAreaTransition,
                                         string sCustomAreaTransitionBMP = "")
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static (bool, AreaTransitionInfo) HasValidAreaTransitionByType(AreaTransitionType transitionType)
            int currentIslandId = WillBot.Mover.GetZoneMap()?.GetSubMap(GameController.Player.GridPos)?.IslandId ?? -1;

            if (currentIslandId == -1)
                WillBot.LogMessageCombo($"Unable to get any island id when trying to get area transition.");
                return(false, null);
            var closestAreaTransitionsWithinCurrentIsland = WillBot.Mover.GetZoneMap().FoundAreaTransitions.Where(x => x.Value.locatedInIslandWithId == currentIslandId)?.
                                                            OrderBy(x => x.Value.areaTransitionGridPosition.DistanceSquared(GameController.Player.GridPos))?.ToList();

            if (closestAreaTransitionsWithinCurrentIsland == null)
                return(false, null);

            foreach (var transition in closestAreaTransitionsWithinCurrentIsland)
                switch (transitionType)
                case AreaTransitionType.Normal:

                case AreaTransitionType.Local:
                    if (transition.Value.hasBeenEntered == false && transition.Value.leadsToIslandWithId < 1)
                        WillBot.LogMessageCombo($"Found transition which has not been entered and no valid leads to island id");
                        return(true, transition.Value);
                    // if transition leads to island with less explored than current -> go
                    else if (transition.Value.leadsToIslandWithId > 0 && transition.Value.leadsToIslandWithId != currentIslandId)
                        float currentSubMapExploration = WillBot.Mover.GetPercentOfCurrentSubMapExplored();
                        //   float currentSubMapExploration = WillBot.Mover.GetZoneMap().GetSubMap(currentIslandId)?.Exploration?.ExploredFactor ?? 0;
                        float transitionSubMapExploration = WillBot.Mover.GetZoneMap().GetSubMap(transition.Value.leadsToIslandWithId)?.Exploration?.ExploredFactor ?? 0;

                        if (transitionSubMapExploration < currentSubMapExploration && currentSubMapExploration > 80)
                            WillBot.LogMessageCombo($"Found transition that leads to a less exlored submap {transitionSubMapExploration}  than current {currentSubMapExploration} ");
                            return(true, transition.Value);

                case AreaTransitionType.NormalToCorrupted:

                    if (transition.Value.hasBeenEntered == false)
                        WillBot.LogMessageCombo($"Entering corrupted zone which has not been entered before");
                        return(true, transition.Value);

                case AreaTransitionType.CorruptedToNormal:
                    // Exit the corrupted zone after some goals have been accomplished...
                    // Perhaps check for monsters remaining == 0 ?
                    float currentZoneExplored = WillBot.Mover.GetPercentOfZoneExplored();
                    if (currentZoneExplored > 94)
                        return(true, transition.Value);
            return(false, null);