Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ExitLocationsDoNotOverwriteDoorDescriptions()
            selectedExit.Width = 2;

            var exit = new Area { Type = AreaTypeConstants.Door, Descriptions = new[] { "door-like" } };
            var otherExit = new Area { Type = AreaTypeConstants.Door, Descriptions = new[] { "sliding", "like Star Trek" } };
            mockDoorGenerator.SetupSequence(g => g.Generate(9266, 90210, "temperature")).Returns(new[] { exit }).Returns(new[] { otherExit });

            mockPercentileSelector.SetupSequence(s => s.SelectFrom(TableNameConstants.ExitLocation)).Returns("on the ceiling").Returns("behind you");
            mockPercentileSelector.SetupSequence(s => s.SelectFrom(TableNameConstants.ExitDirection)).Returns("to the right").Returns("to the left");

            var exits = roomExitGenerator.Generate(9266, 90210, 42, 600, "temperature");
            Assert.That(exits.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2));

            var first = exits.First();
            var last = exits.Last();

            Assert.That(first, Is.EqualTo(exit));
            Assert.That(first.Descriptions, Contains.Item("on the ceiling"));
            Assert.That(first.Descriptions, Contains.Item("door-like"));
            Assert.That(first.Descriptions.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(last, Is.EqualTo(otherExit));
            Assert.That(last.Descriptions, Contains.Item("behind you"));
            Assert.That(last.Descriptions, Contains.Item("sliding"));
            Assert.That(last.Descriptions, Contains.Item("like Star Trek"));
            Assert.That(last.Descriptions.Count(), Is.EqualTo(3));
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// generates average filter on given region
    /// </summary>
    public void GenerateAverageFilterInRegion(Area region)
        int x_min = region.botLeft.x;
        int z_min = region.botLeft.z;

        int x_max = region.topRight.x;
        int z_max = region.topRight.z;

        float height;
        float neighbourAverage;
        for (int x = x_min; x < x_max; x++)
            for (int z = z_min; z < z_max; z++)

                if (lt.globalTerrainC.IsDefined(x, z) && !globalFilterAverageC.IsDefined(x, z))
                    height = lt.lm.GetCurrentHeight(x, z);
                    neighbourAverage = lt.gt.GetNeighbourAverage(x, z, 2);
                    if (neighbourAverage != 666)
                        fg.SetGlobalValue(x, z, height -
                            neighbourAverage, false, globalFilterAverageC);
Exemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SharpNav.AreaGenerator"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="verts">collection of Triangles.</param>
		/// <param name="triCount">The number of triangles to enumerate..</param>
		/// <param name="defaultArea">Default area.</param>
		private AreaGenerator(IEnumerable<Triangle3> verts, int triCount, Area defaultArea)
			this.tris = verts;
			this.triCount = triCount;
			this.defaultArea = defaultArea;
			conditions = new List<Tuple<Func<Triangle3, bool>, Area>>();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public IEnumerable<Area> Generate(int dungeonLevel, int partyLevel, string temperature)
            var shape = percentileSelector.SelectFrom(TableNameConstants.SpecialAreaShapes);

            if (shape == AreaTypeConstants.Cave)
                return caveGenerator.Generate(dungeonLevel, partyLevel, temperature);

            var area = new Area();
            area.Width = 1;
            area.Descriptions = new[] { shape };

            var shouldReroll = false;

                var size = areaPercentileSelector.SelectFrom(TableNameConstants.SpecialAreaSizes);
                area.Length += size.Width + size.Length;
                shouldReroll = size.Width > 0;
            } while (shouldReroll);

            if (area.Descriptions.Contains(DescriptionConstants.Circular))
                area.Contents.Pool = poolGenerator.Generate(partyLevel, temperature);

            return new[] { area };
Exemplo n.º 5
        public NinePatchImage(Texture2D texture)
            _texture = texture;
            XnaColor[] data = new XnaColor[texture.Width * texture.Height];
            Stretch = new Area(
                vertical: GetLine(texture, data, 0, 1, 0, 0),
                horizontal: GetLine(texture, data, 1, 0, 0, 0));
            Content = new Area(
                vertical: GetLine(texture, data, 0, 1, _texture.Width - 1, 0),
                horizontal: GetLine(texture, data, 1, 0, 0, _texture.Height - 1));

            Width = _texture.Width - 2;
            Height = _texture.Height - 2;

            _leftTop = new XnaRectangle(1, 1, Stretch.Horizontal.Start, Stretch.Vertical.Start);
            _leftCenter = new XnaRectangle(1, Stretch.Vertical.Start, Stretch.Horizontal.Start, Stretch.Vertical.Size);
            _leftBottom = new XnaRectangle(1, Stretch.Vertical.End, Stretch.Horizontal.Start, texture.Height - 1 - Stretch.Vertical.End);
            _centerTop = new XnaRectangle(Stretch.Horizontal.Start, 1, Stretch.Horizontal.Size, Stretch.Vertical.Start);
            _center = new XnaRectangle(Stretch.Horizontal.Start, Stretch.Vertical.Start, Stretch.Horizontal.Size, Stretch.Vertical.Size);
            _centerBottom = new XnaRectangle(Stretch.Horizontal.Start, Stretch.Vertical.End, Stretch.Horizontal.Size, texture.Height - 1 - Stretch.Vertical.End);
            _rightTop = new XnaRectangle(Stretch.Horizontal.End, 1, texture.Width - 1 - Stretch.Horizontal.End, Stretch.Vertical.Start);
            _rightCenter = new XnaRectangle(Stretch.Horizontal.End, Stretch.Vertical.Start, texture.Width - 1 - Stretch.Horizontal.End, Stretch.Vertical.Size);
            _rightBottom = new XnaRectangle(Stretch.Horizontal.End, Stretch.Vertical.End, texture.Width - 1 - Stretch.Horizontal.End, texture.Height - 1 - Stretch.Vertical.End);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override actions.Action GetAction()
            int xMov = 0, yMov = 0;
            while( XDif == 0 && YDif == 0)
                curDest = WorldMap.GetArea(random.Next(10), random.Next(10));
            if( XDif < 0)
                xMov = -1;
            }else if( XDif > 0 )
                xMov = 1;
            if (YDif < 0)
                yMov = -1;
            else if (YDif > 0)
                yMov = 1;

            actions.Move  ret = new actions.Move(Owner, WorldMap.GetArea(Owner.Location.X + xMov, Owner.Location.Y + yMov));
            return ret;
        public void SetUp()
            var placeholder1 = new Placeholder("area 1");
            var placeholder2 = new Placeholder("area 2");
            var widgetSpecification = new WidgetSpecification("widget");
            widgetSpecification.Insert(0, placeholder1);
            widgetSpecification.Insert(1, placeholder2);

            var area = new Area("area 1");
            var widget = new Widget("widget", new[] { area });

            var buildContext = new BuildData(Enumerable.Empty<IContextItem>());

            var builder = new Builder(RenderingInstructions.BuildForPreview(), w => widgetSpecification, null);

            var instance = widget.Build(builder, new[] { 0 }, buildContext);

            var rendererFactory = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IRendererFactory>();
            this.viewHelper = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IViewHelper>();
            var multiRenderer = new MultiRenderer(rendererFactory);


            this.result = instance.Render(multiRenderer);
    static void Main()
        var findedAreas = new SortedSet<Area>();
        for (int row = 0; row < matrix.GetLength(0); row++)
            for (int col = 0; col < matrix.GetLength(1); col++)
                if (matrix[row, col] == ' ')
                    GetConnectedAreaSize(row, col);
                    var area = new Area(row, col, areaSize);
                    areaSize = 0;

        if (findedAreas.Any())
            Console.WriteLine("Total areas found: {0}", findedAreas.Count);
            int number = 0;
            foreach (var area in findedAreas)
                Console.WriteLine("Area #{0} at {1}", number, area.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 9
        public Wander(Entity o, IWorld map)
            : base(o)
            WorldMap = map;

            curDest = WorldMap.GetArea(random.Next(10), random.Next(10));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void ExitLocationsAndDirectionsDoNotOverwriteHallDescriptions()
            selectedExit.Width = 2;

            var exit = new Area { Descriptions = new[] { "hallway-y" } };
            var otherExit = new Area { Descriptions = new[] { "dark", "dank" } };
            mockHallGenerator.SetupSequence(g => g.Generate(9266, 90210, "temperature")).Returns(new[] { exit }).Returns(new[] { otherExit });

            mockPercentileSelector.SetupSequence(s => s.SelectFrom(TableNameConstants.ExitLocation)).Returns("on the ceiling").Returns("behind you");
            mockPercentileSelector.SetupSequence(s => s.SelectFrom(TableNameConstants.ExitDirection)).Returns("to the right").Returns("to the left");

            var exits = chamberExitGenerator.Generate(9266, 90210, 42, 600, "temperature");
            Assert.That(exits.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2));

            var first = exits.First();
            var last = exits.Last();

            Assert.That(first, Is.EqualTo(exit));
            Assert.That(first.Descriptions, Contains.Item("on the ceiling"));
            Assert.That(first.Descriptions, Contains.Item("to the right"));
            Assert.That(first.Descriptions, Contains.Item("hallway-y"));
            Assert.That(first.Descriptions.Count(), Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(last, Is.EqualTo(otherExit));
            Assert.That(last.Descriptions, Contains.Item("behind you"));
            Assert.That(last.Descriptions, Contains.Item("to the left"));
            Assert.That(last.Descriptions, Contains.Item("dark"));
            Assert.That(last.Descriptions, Contains.Item("dank"));
            Assert.That(last.Descriptions.Count(), Is.EqualTo(4));
Exemplo n.º 11
    public void GenerateMinThresholdInRegion(Area region, float minThreshold, float strength)
        lastMinThreshold = minThreshold;

        int x_min = region.botLeft.x;
        int z_min = region.botLeft.z;

        int x_max = region.topRight.x;
        int z_max = region.topRight.z;

        for (int x = x_min; x < x_max; x++)
            for (int z = z_min; z < z_max; z++)
                if (!globalMinThresholdC.IsDefined(x, z))
                    float height = lt.gt.GetHeight(x, z);

                    if (height < minThreshold)
                        fg.SetGlobalValue(x, z, -Mathf.Log(Mathf.Abs(height - minThreshold)+1, strength), false, globalMinThresholdC);
Exemplo n.º 12
		public AreaRegion(Area area, MathMLElement element, float x, float y)
			this.Area = area;
			this.Element = element;
			this.X = x;
			this.Y = y;
        public Color[,] Render(Size resolution, Area viewPort)
            _log.InfoFormat("Starting to render ({0:N0}x{1:N0})", resolution.Width, resolution.Height);


            var output = new Color[resolution.Width, resolution.Height];

            _log.Debug("Rendering points");

            var allPointsWithEscapeTimes =
                .Select(p => Tuple.Create(p, PickColor(FindEscapeTime(viewPort.GetNumberFromPoint(resolution, p)))))

            foreach (var result in allPointsWithEscapeTimes)
                output[result.Item1.X, result.Item1.Y] = result.Item2;

            return output;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static Area DoAllowedAreaSelectors( Rect rect, Area areaIn,
                                            AllowedAreaMode mode = AllowedAreaMode.Humanlike, float lrMargin = 0 )
     Area areaIO = areaIn;
     DoAllowedAreaSelectors( rect, ref areaIO, mode, lrMargin );
     return areaIO;
Exemplo n.º 15
 // RimWorld.AreaAllowedGUI
 private static void DoAreaSelector( Rect rect, ref Area areaAllowed, Area area )
     rect = rect.ContractedBy( 1f );
     GUI.DrawTexture( rect, area == null ? BaseContent.GreyTex : area.ColorTexture );
     Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
     string text = AreaUtility.AreaAllowedLabel_Area( area );
     Rect rect2 = rect;
     rect2.xMin += 3f;
     rect2.yMin += 2f;
     Widgets.Label( rect2, text );
     if ( areaAllowed == area )
         Widgets.DrawBox( rect, 2 );
     if ( Mouse.IsOver( rect ) )
         if ( area != null )
         if ( Input.GetMouseButton( 0 ) &&
              areaAllowed != area )
             areaAllowed = area;
     TooltipHandler.TipRegion( rect, text );
Exemplo n.º 16
        private Area GetSpecialDoor(Area specialDoor)
            var newDoor = areaPercentileSelector.SelectFrom(TableNameConstants.DoorTypes);

            while (newDoor.Type == AreaTypeConstants.Special)
                newDoor = areaPercentileSelector.SelectFrom(TableNameConstants.DoorTypes);

            var specialBonus = specialDoor.Length;

            if (specialDoor.Descriptions.Contains(DescriptionConstants.MagicallyReinforced) && newDoor.Descriptions.Contains(DescriptionConstants.Wooden) == false)
                specialBonus = specialDoor.Width;

            if (newDoor.Length > 0)
                newDoor.Length += specialBonus;

                if (specialDoor.Descriptions.Contains(DescriptionConstants.MagicallyReinforced))
                    newDoor.Length = specialBonus;

            if (newDoor.Width > 0)
                newDoor.Width += specialBonus;

                if (specialDoor.Descriptions.Contains(DescriptionConstants.MagicallyReinforced))
                    newDoor.Width = specialBonus;

            newDoor.Descriptions = newDoor.Descriptions.Union(specialDoor.Descriptions);

            return newDoor;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void DoNotApplyDoorLocationToRoomDoors()
            var areaFromHall = new Area();
            areaFromHall.Type = "area type";
            areaFromHall.Width = 1;

            mockAreaPercentileSelector.Setup(s => s.SelectFrom(TableNameConstants.DungeonAreaFromDoor)).Returns(areaFromHall);

            var mockAreaGenerator = new Mock<AreaGenerator>();
            mockAreaGeneratorFactory.Setup(f => f.HasSpecificGenerator("area type")).Returns(true);
            mockAreaGeneratorFactory.Setup(f => f.Build("area type")).Returns(mockAreaGenerator.Object);

            var specificArea = new Area();
            var otherSpecificArea = new Area { Type = AreaTypeConstants.Door };
            otherSpecificArea.Descriptions = new[] { "strong", "wood" };

            mockAreaGenerator.Setup(g => g.Generate(9266, 90210, "temperature")).Returns(new[] { specificArea, otherSpecificArea });

            var areas = dungeonGenerator.GenerateFromDoor(9266, 90210, "temperature");
            Assert.That(areas, Contains.Item(specificArea));
            Assert.That(areas, Contains.Item(otherSpecificArea));
            Assert.That(areas.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2));

            var last = areas.Last();
            Assert.That(last, Is.EqualTo(otherSpecificArea));
            Assert.That(otherSpecificArea.Descriptions, Contains.Item("strong"));
            Assert.That(otherSpecificArea.Descriptions, Contains.Item("wood"));
            Assert.That(otherSpecificArea.Descriptions.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2));
Exemplo n.º 18
 public MoveLoop(Entity o, Area[] d, IWorld map)
     : base(o)
     WorldMap = map;
     Destination = d;
     curDest = 0;
Exemplo n.º 19
		 * private ctor used for fit'ing
		private HorizontalArea(Area[] content, Area source) : base(content, source)
			// calulate bounding box
			BoundingBox box = BoundingBox.New();
			foreach(Area a in content) box.Append(a.BoundingBox);
			this.box = box;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void AreaRange_Range_Zero()
     Area<string> Area = new Area<string>("a", 0);
      Assert.AreEqual("a", Area.Id);
      Assert.AreEqual(0m, Area.Start);
      Assert.AreEqual(0.1m, Area.End);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public void AreaRange_ToString_AreaFullRange1()
     Area<string> a = new Area<string>("a", "10", "19");
      Assert.AreEqual<decimal>(0.1m, a.Start);
      Assert.AreEqual<decimal>(0.2m, a.End);
      Assert.AreEqual(a.ToString(), "1");
        ObjectModMeta DeleteAreaAuthorization(Area obj)
            var meta = SetModDetailsOnPrincipalAndStopModIfNegativeReputationAndReturnObjectModMeta(obj);

            if (obj.Type == CfType.Province)
                //-- Would be good to move this out of the method? W.I.F.??
                if (!currentUser.IsGodUser) { throw new AccessViolationException("DeleteArea: Only god users can delete provinces."); }

            if (meta.CQR > 7 && !currentUser.IsInRole("ModAdmin"))
                throw new AccessViolationException("DeleteArea: Only Admin Moderators can delete places with CQR higher than 7");
            else if (meta.CQR > 1 && !currentUser.IsInRole("ModAdmin,ModSenior"))
                throw new AccessViolationException("DeleteArea: Only Senior Moderators can delete places with CQR higher than 1");
            else if (!currentUser.IsInRole("ModAdmin,ModSenior,ModCommunity"))
                throw new AccessViolationException("DeleteArea: You must be Moderator to delete places");

            return meta;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public override void Up()
            var ccb = new Area
                Nome = "CCB",
                Ativo = true,
                Abreviacao = "CCB",
                Parent = null,
                Segura = false

            var administrador = new Perfil
                Nome = "Administrador",
                Ativo = true

            new Usuario
                Area = ccb,
                Perfil = administrador,
                Senha = new HashString().Do("pwd123"),
                Login = "******",
                Nome = "Administrador do sistema",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Ativo = true,
                Expira = false
 public void SetArea(Area area)
     var adjs =
         from a in area.Adjacent
         where a.Province == area.Province
         select a;
         int btm = 35;
         foreach (var a in adjs)
             btm += 23;
             var button = new Button {
                 Text = a.Name,
                 Dock = DockStyle.Top,
                 Tag = a
             button.Click += this.ButtonClick;
         this.ClientSize = new Size(this.ClientSize.Width, btm);
Exemplo n.º 25
    public int Import(string UPICode, string AreaName, string Description, int RegionId)
            if (CheckExistedArea(AreaName) == false)
                Area o = new Area();
                o.UpiCode = UPICode;
                o.AreaName = AreaName;
                o.Description = Description;
                o.RegionId = RegionId;
                return o.Id;

            var area = (from a in db.Areas where a.AreaName == AreaName select a).SingleOrDefault();

            if (area != null) return area.Id;

            return -1;
            return -1;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void PointToNumberToPointTest()
            const int xRange = 500;
            const int yRange = 500;

            var resolution = new Size(xRange * 2, yRange * 2);

            const int xLower = -1 * xRange;
            const int xUpper = xRange;
            const int yLower = -1 * yRange;
            const int yUpper = yRange;

            var area = new Area(new InclusiveRange(xLower, xUpper), new InclusiveRange(yLower, yUpper));
            for (int x = xLower; x < xUpper; x++)
                for (int y = yLower; y < yUpper; y++)
                    var point = new Point(x, y);

                    var calculatedNumber = area.GetNumberFromPoint(resolution, point);
                    var calculatedPoint = area.GetPointFromNumber(resolution, calculatedNumber);

                    Assert.AreEqual(point, calculatedPoint);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public Area ReloadWithSeat(Area area, out IEnumerable<IArrangeSeatRule> availableOrganizations)
            var result = _areaRepository.Get(area.Id);
            var exists = _areaRepository.GetOrganizationSeatingArea(area.Id).ToDictionary(o => o.Object);

            var all = new List<IArrangeSeatRule>();

            var defaultTargetSeat = result.Seats.FirstOrDefault();

            foreach (var item in ((Campaign)result.Campaign).Organizations)
                if (exists.ContainsKey(item))
                    var o = defaultTargetSeat == null ? null : _entityFactory.Create<OrganizationSeatingArea>(new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Area", result }, { "Object", item }, { "TargetSeat", defaultTargetSeat } });
                    if (o != null)

            availableOrganizations = all.ToRebuildPriorityList<IArrangeSeatRule, IArrangeSeatRule>(true, null);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public virtual JsonResult Crear(Area entidad)
            var jsonResponse = new JsonResponse { Success = false };

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    entidad.UsuarioCreacion = UsuarioActual.IdUsuario.ToString();
                    entidad.UsuarioModificacion = UsuarioActual.IdUsuario.ToString();

                    jsonResponse.Success = true;
                    jsonResponse.Message = "Se Proceso con éxito";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.Error(string.Format("Mensaje: {0} Trace: {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace));
                    jsonResponse.Message = "Ocurrio un error, por favor intente de nuevo o más tarde.";
                jsonResponse.Message = "Por favor ingrese todos los campos requeridos";
            return Json(jsonResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
 public bool InitRoutine(Area area)
     this.area = area;
     ArrayList possibleRoutines = new ArrayList();
      		if (canWalk){
         possibleRoutines.Add(new GenericWanderAction(gameObject, area.wanderWaypointParent));
     if (canSitOnChair && area.chairParent != null){
         possibleRoutines.Add(new GenericSitAction(gameObject, "chair", "sit_chair", area.chairParent));
     if (canEat && area.chairParent != null){
         possibleRoutines.Add(new GenericSitAction(gameObject, "chair", "eat", area.chairParent));
     if (canSitOnLounger && area.loungerParent != null){
         possibleRoutines.Add(new GenericSitAction(gameObject, "lounger", "sit_lounger", area.loungerParent));
     if (canSitOnDeckChair && area.deckChairParent != null){
         possibleRoutines.Add(new GenericSitAction(gameObject, "deck_chair", "sit_deck_chair", area.deckChairParent));
     if (canDance && area.name.Equals("Disco")){
     //	possibleRoutines.Add(new GenericDanceAction());
     if (possibleRoutines.Count == 0){
         routine = new GenericSelfDestructAction(gameObject);
         return false;
     } else {
         routine = (Action)possibleRoutines[Random.Range(0, possibleRoutines.Count)];
         //Debug.Log("Chosen routine: " + routine + " for " + name);
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public void AreaRange_Range_NineRepeated()
     Area<string> Area = new Area<string>("a", 99999999999L);
      Assert.AreEqual("a", Area.Id);
      Assert.AreEqual(0.99999999999m, Area.Start);
      Assert.AreEqual(1m, Area.End);
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void We_Can_Activate_Previously_Not_Active_Group()
            // arrange
            var userId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var dbUser = new User()
                Id     = userId,
                Groups = new List <Group>()

            var groupOneId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var groupOne   = new Group()
                Id       = groupOneId,
                IsActive = true

            var newAreaId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var newArea   = new Area()
                Id        = newAreaId,
                Latitude  = 10,
                Longitude = 10,
                Radius    = RadiusRangeEnum.FiftyMeters,
                IsActive  = false,
                Groups    = new List <Group>()

            var secondNewAreaId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var secondNewArea   = new Area()
                Id        = secondNewAreaId,
                Latitude  = 10,
                Longitude = 10,
                Radius    = RadiusRangeEnum.FiveHundredMeters,
                IsActive  = false,
                Groups    = new List <Group>()

            groupOne.Areas = new List <Area>()
                newArea, secondNewArea

            var populatedDatabase = new FakeLikkleDbContext()
                Areas = new FakeDbSet <Area>()
                    newArea, secondNewArea
                Groups = new FakeDbSet <Group>()
                Users = new FakeDbSet <User>()

            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.AreaRepository).Returns(new AreaRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.GroupRepository).Returns(new GroupRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.UserRepository).Returns(new UserRepository(populatedDatabase));

            // act
            this._groupService.ActivateGroup(groupOneId, userId);

            // assert
            Assert.IsTrue(dbUser.Groups.Any(gr => gr.Id == groupOneId));
Exemplo n.º 32
 public void Init()
     _area = Create();
Exemplo n.º 33
 public WorkSurface(int x, int y, int width, int height)
     area    = new Area(x, y, width, height);
     windows = new LinkedList <WorkWindow>();
Exemplo n.º 34
        public void LengthTimesLengthEqualsArea()
            Area area = Length.FromMeters(10) * Length.FromMeters(2);

            Assert.Equal(area, Area.FromSquareMeters(20));
Exemplo n.º 35
        public void LengthTimesAreaEqualsVolume()
            Volume volume = Length.FromMeters(3) * Area.FromSquareMeters(9);

            Assert.Equal(volume, Volume.FromCubicMeters(27));
Exemplo n.º 36
        public void AreaTimesLengthEqualsVolume()
            Volume volume = Area.FromSquareMeters(10) * Length.FromMeters(3);

            Assert.Equal(volume, Volume.FromCubicMeters(30));
Exemplo n.º 37
        public void We_Can_Insert_New_Group()
            // arrange
            var userId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var dbUser = new User()
                Id = userId,
                AutomaticSubscriptionSettings = null

            var newAreaId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var newArea   = new Area()
                Id        = newAreaId,
                Latitude  = 10,
                Longitude = 10,
                Radius    = RadiusRangeEnum.FiftyMeters

            var populatedDatabase = new FakeLikkleDbContext()
                Users = new FakeDbSet <User>()
                Areas = new FakeDbSet <Area>()

            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.UserRepository).Returns(new UserRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.AreaRepository).Returns(new AreaRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.TagRepository).Returns(new TagRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.GroupRepository).Returns(new GroupRepository(populatedDatabase));

            var newGroupRequest = new StandaloneGroupRequestDto()
                Name   = "New group",
                TagIds = new List <Guid>()
                    Guid.Parse("caf77dee-a94f-49cb-b51f-e0c0e1067541"), Guid.Parse("bd456f08-f137-4382-8358-d52772c2dfc8")
                AreaIds = new List <Guid>()
                UserId = userId

            // act
            var newGroupId = this._groupService.InsertNewGroup(newGroupRequest);

            // assert
            Assert.IsTrue(newGroupId != Guid.Empty);

            var newlyCreatedGroup = this._groupService.GetGroupById(newGroupId);

Exemplo n.º 38
        public void We_Can_Get_List_Of_Previously_Created_Groups_When_At_A_Place_With_Previous_Activity()
            // arrange
            var userId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var dbUser = new User()
                Id = userId,
                AutomaticSubscriptionSettings = null

            var groupOneId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var groupOne   = new Group()
                Id       = groupOneId,
                Name     = "Group one",
                IsActive = false

            var groupTwoId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var groupTwo   = new Group()
                Id       = groupTwoId,
                Name     = "Group two",
                IsActive = true

            var groupThreeId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var groupThree   = new Group()
                Id       = groupThreeId,
                Name     = "Group three",
                IsActive = false

            dbUser.HistoryGroups = new List <HistoryGroup>()
                new HistoryGroup()
                    DateTimeGroupWasSubscribed = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2),
                    GroupId = groupOneId,
                    GroupThatWasPreviouslySubscribed = groupOne,
                    Id     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    UserId = userId,
                    UserWhoSubscribedGroup = dbUser
                new HistoryGroup()
                    DateTimeGroupWasSubscribed = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2),
                    GroupId = groupThreeId,
                    GroupThatWasPreviouslySubscribed = groupThree,
                    Id     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    UserId = userId,
                    UserWhoSubscribedGroup = dbUser

            groupOne.Users = new List <User>()
            groupTwo.Users = new List <User>()
            groupThree.Users = new List <User>()

            var areaOneId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var areaOne   = new Area()
                Id        = areaOneId,
                Latitude  = 10.0000000,
                Longitude = 10.0000000,
                Radius    = RadiusRangeEnum.FiftyMeters,
                IsActive  = true,
                Groups    = new List <Group>()
                    groupOne, groupTwo

            var areaTwoId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var areaTwo   = new Area()
                Id        = areaTwoId,
                Latitude  = 10.0000001,
                Longitude = 10.0000001,
                Radius    = RadiusRangeEnum.HunderdAndFiftyMeters,
                IsActive  = true,
                Groups    = new List <Group>()
                    groupOne, groupTwo, groupThree

            groupOne.Areas = new List <Area>()
                areaOne, areaTwo
            groupTwo.Areas = new List <Area>()
                areaOne, areaTwo
            groupThree.Areas = new List <Area>()

            var populatedDatabase = new FakeLikkleDbContext()
                Users = new FakeDbSet <User>()
                Areas = new FakeDbSet <Area>()
                    areaOne, areaTwo
                Groups = new FakeDbSet <Group>()
                    groupOne, groupTwo, groupThree

            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.UserRepository).Returns(new UserRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.AreaRepository).Returns(new AreaRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.TagRepository).Returns(new TagRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.GroupRepository).Returns(new GroupRepository(populatedDatabase));

            // act
            var result = this._groupService.GetGroupCreationType(10, 10, userId);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(result.CreationType, CreateGroupActionTypeEnum.ListOfPreviouslyCreatedOrSubscribedGroups);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.PrevousGroupsList.Count());
Exemplo n.º 39
        public static void RenderSubstitution(Color color, Time evt, LMPlayer playerIn, LMPlayer playerOut, bool selected,
                                              bool isExpanded, IDrawingToolkit tk, IContext context, Area backgroundArea,
                                              Area cellArea, CellState state)
            Point  selectPoint, textPoint, imagePoint, circlePoint;
            Point  inPoint, imgPoint, outPoint, timePoint;
            double textWidth;

            if (subsImage == null)
                subsImage = App.Current.ResourcesLocator.LoadIcon(Icons.Subs);
            tk.Context = context;

            RenderTimelineEventBase(color, null, selected, null, tk, context, backgroundArea, cellArea, state,
                                    out selectPoint, out textPoint, out imagePoint, out circlePoint, out textWidth);
            inPoint  = textPoint;
            imgPoint = new Point(textPoint.X + Sizes.ListImageWidth + Sizes.ListRowSeparator, textPoint.Y);
            outPoint = new Point(imgPoint.X + 20 + Sizes.ListRowSeparator, imgPoint.Y);
            RenderPlayer(tk, playerIn, inPoint);
            tk.DrawImage(imgPoint, 20, cellArea.Height, subsImage, ScaleMode.AspectFit);
            RenderPlayer(tk, playerOut, outPoint);

            timePoint        = new Point(outPoint.X + Sizes.ListImageWidth + Sizes.ListRowSeparator, textPoint.Y);
            tk.FontSize      = 10;
            tk.FontWeight    = FontWeight.Normal;
            tk.StrokeColor   = App.Current.Style.TextBase;
            tk.FontAlignment = FontAlignment.Left;
            tk.DrawText(timePoint, 100, cellArea.Height, evt.ToSecondsString());
            RenderSeparationLine(tk, context, backgroundArea);
Exemplo n.º 40
        public void We_Get_Choice_Screen_When_Creating_A_group_In_Existing_Active_Area()
            // arrange
            var userId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var dbUser = new User()
                Id = userId,
                AutomaticSubscriptionSettings = null

            var groupOneId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var groupOne   = new Group()
                Id       = groupOneId,
                IsActive = true

            var groupTwoId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var groupTwo   = new Group()
                Id       = groupTwoId,
                IsActive = true

            var newAreaId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var newArea   = new Area()
                Id        = newAreaId,
                Latitude  = 10,
                Longitude = 10,
                Radius    = RadiusRangeEnum.FiftyMeters,
                IsActive  = true,
                Groups    = new List <Group>()
                    groupOne, groupTwo

            groupOne.Areas = new List <Area>()
            groupTwo.Areas = new List <Area>()

            var populatedDatabase = new FakeLikkleDbContext()
                Users = new FakeDbSet <User>()
                Areas = new FakeDbSet <Area>()
                Groups = new FakeDbSet <Group>()
                    groupOne, groupTwo

            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.UserRepository).Returns(new UserRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.AreaRepository).Returns(new AreaRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.TagRepository).Returns(new TagRepository(populatedDatabase));
            this._mockedLikkleUoW.Setup(uow => uow.GroupRepository).Returns(new GroupRepository(populatedDatabase));

            // act
            var result = this._groupService.GetGroupCreationType(10, 10, userId);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(result.CreationType, CreateGroupActionTypeEnum.ChoiceScreen);
Exemplo n.º 41
        public static void RenderAnalysisCategory(EventTypeTimelineVM vm, int count, bool isExpanded, IDrawingToolkit tk,
                                                  IContext context, Area backgroundArea, Area cellArea, CellState state)
            Point textP = new Point(Sizes.ListTextOffset, cellArea.Start.Y);

            tk.Context = context;
            RenderBackgroundAndText(isExpanded, tk, backgroundArea, textP, cellArea.Width - textP.X, vm.EventTypeVM.Name);
            RenderCount(isExpanded, vm.EventTypeVM.Color, count, tk, backgroundArea, cellArea);
            RenderSeparationLine(tk, context, backgroundArea);
            if (!(vm.Model is SubstitutionEventType))
                RenderPlayButton(tk, cellArea, vm.VisibleChildrenCount == 0, state);
Exemplo n.º 42
        public static void Render(object item, LMProject project, int count, bool isExpanded, IDrawingToolkit tk,
                                  IContext context, Area backgroundArea, Area cellArea, CellState state)
            //Get the offset to properly calulate if needs tooltip or redraw
            offsetX = backgroundArea.Right - cellArea.Right;
            offsetY = cellArea.Top - backgroundArea.Top;

            bool playing = (item as IPlayable)?.Playing ?? false;

            // HACK: to be remove when all treeviews are migrated to user VM's
            if (item is TimelineEventVM)
                item = ((TimelineEventVM)item).Model;
            else if (item is EventTypeTimelineVM)
                var vm = item as EventTypeTimelineVM;
                RenderAnalysisCategory(vm, count, isExpanded, tk,
                                       context, backgroundArea, cellArea, state);
            else if (item is PlaylistElementVM)
                item = ((PlaylistElementVM)item).Model;
            else if (item is PlaylistVM)
                item = ((PlaylistVM)item).Model;
            else if (item is PlayerVM)
                item = ((PlayerVM)item).Model;
            else if (item is PlayerTimelineVM)
                item = ((PlayerTimelineVM)item).Model;

            // FIXME: This first if case must be deleted when presentations is migrated to MVVMC
            if (item is EventType)
                RenderAnalysisCategory(item as EventType, count, isExpanded, tk,
                                       context, backgroundArea, cellArea);
            else if (item is SubstitutionEvent)
                SubstitutionEvent s = item as SubstitutionEvent;
                RenderSubstitution(s.Color, s.EventTime, s.In, s.Out, playing, isExpanded, tk, context,
                                   backgroundArea, cellArea, state);
            else if (item is TimelineEvent)
                LMTimelineEvent p = item as LMTimelineEvent;
                // always add local first.
                RenderPlay(p.Color, p.Miniature, p.Players, p.Teams, playing, p.Description, count, isExpanded, tk,
                           context, backgroundArea, cellArea, state);
            else if (item is Player)
                RenderPlayer(item as LMPlayer, count, isExpanded, tk, context, backgroundArea, cellArea);
            else if (item is Playlist)
                RenderPlaylist(item as Playlist, count, isExpanded, tk, context, backgroundArea, cellArea, state);
            else if (item is PlaylistPlayElement)
                PlaylistPlayElement p = item as PlaylistPlayElement;
                RenderPlay(p.Play.EventType.Color, p.Miniature, null, null, playing, p.Description, count, isExpanded, tk,
                           context, backgroundArea, cellArea, state);
            else if (item is IPlaylistElement)
                IPlaylistElement p = item as IPlaylistElement;
                RenderPlay(App.Current.Style.ThemeContrastDisabled, p.Miniature, null, null, playing, p.Description,
                           count, isExpanded, tk, context, backgroundArea, cellArea, state);
                Log.Error("No renderer for type " + item?.GetType());
Exemplo n.º 43
        public static void RenderSeparationLine(IDrawingToolkit tk, IContext context, Area backgroundArea)
            double x1, x2, y;

            x1             = backgroundArea.Start.X;
            x2             = x1 + backgroundArea.Width;
            y              = backgroundArea.Start.Y + backgroundArea.Height;
            tk.LineWidth   = 1;
            tk.StrokeColor = App.Current.Style.ThemeContrastDisabled;
            tk.DrawLine(new Point(x1, y), new Point(x2, y));
Exemplo n.º 44
        // FIXME: This method might be deleted when presentations is migrated to MVVMC
        public static void RenderAnalysisCategory(EventType cat, int count, bool isExpanded, IDrawingToolkit tk,
                                                  IContext context, Area backgroundArea, Area cellArea)
            Point textP = new Point(Sizes.ListTextOffset, cellArea.Start.Y);

            tk.Context = context;
            RenderBackgroundAndText(isExpanded, tk, backgroundArea, textP, cellArea.Width - textP.X, cat.Name);
            RenderCount(isExpanded, cat.Color, count, tk, backgroundArea, cellArea);
            RenderSeparationLine(tk, context, backgroundArea);
Exemplo n.º 45
        public static Monster Create(MonsterTemplate template, Area map)
            if (template.CastSpeed == 0)
                template.CastSpeed = 2000;

            if (template.AttackSpeed == 0)
                template.AttackSpeed = 1000;

            if (template.MovementSpeed == 0)
                template.MovementSpeed = 2000;

            if (template.Level <= 0)
                template.Level = 1;

            var obj = new Monster
                Template       = template,
                CastTimer      = new GameServerTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1 + template.CastSpeed)),
                BashTimer      = new GameServerTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1 + template.AttackSpeed)),
                WalkTimer      = new GameServerTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1 + template.MovementSpeed)),
                CastEnabled    = template.MaximumMP > 0,
                TaggedAislings = new HashSet <int>()

            if (obj.Template.Grow)

            var mod  = (obj.Template.Level + 1) * 0.01;
            var rate = mod * 250 * obj.Template.Level;
            var exp  = obj.Template.Level * rate / 1;
            var hp   = mod + 50 + obj.Template.Level * (obj.Template.Level + 40);
            var mp   = hp / 3;
            var dmg  = hp / 1 * mod * 1;

            obj.Template.MaximumHP = (int)hp;
            obj.Template.MaximumMP = (int)mp;

            var stat = RandomEnumValue <PrimaryStat>();

            obj._Str = 3;
            obj._Int = 3;
            obj._Wis = 3;
            obj._Con = 3;
            obj._Dex = 3;

            switch (stat)
            case PrimaryStat.STR:
                obj._Str += (byte)(obj.Template.Level * 0.5 * 2);

            case PrimaryStat.INT:
                obj._Int += (byte)(obj.Template.Level * 0.5 * 2);

            case PrimaryStat.WIS:
                obj._Wis += (byte)(obj.Template.Level * 0.5 * 2);

            case PrimaryStat.CON:
                obj._Con += (byte)(obj.Template.Level * 0.5 * 2);

            case PrimaryStat.DEX:
                obj._Dex += (byte)(obj.Template.Level * 0.5 * 2);

            obj.MajorAttribute = stat;

            obj.BonusAc = (int)(70 - obj.Template.Level * 0.5 / 1.0);

            if (obj.BonusAc < -70)
                obj.BonusAc = -70;

            obj.DefenseElement = ElementManager.Element.None;
            obj.OffenseElement = ElementManager.Element.None;

            if (obj.Template.ElementType == ElementQualifer.Random)
                obj.DefenseElement = RandomEnumValue <ElementManager.Element>();
                obj.OffenseElement = RandomEnumValue <ElementManager.Element>();
            else if (obj.Template.ElementType == ElementQualifer.Defined)
                obj.DefenseElement = template?.DefenseElement == ElementManager.Element.None
                    ? RandomEnumValue <ElementManager.Element>()
                    : template.DefenseElement;
                obj.OffenseElement = template?.OffenseElement == ElementManager.Element.None
                    ? RandomEnumValue <ElementManager.Element>()
                    : template.OffenseElement;

            obj.BonusMr = (byte)(10 * (template.Level / 20));

            if (obj.BonusMr > ServerContextBase.Config.BaseMR)
                obj.BonusMr = ServerContextBase.Config.BaseMR;

            if ((template.PathQualifer & PathQualifer.Wander) == PathQualifer.Wander)
                obj.WalkEnabled = true;
            else if ((template.PathQualifer & PathQualifer.Fixed) == PathQualifer.Fixed)
                obj.WalkEnabled = false;
            else if ((template.PathQualifer & PathQualifer.Patrol) == PathQualifer.Patrol)
                obj.WalkEnabled = true;

            if (template.MoodType.HasFlag(MoodQualifer.Aggressive))
                obj.Aggressive = true;
            else if (template.MoodType.HasFlag(MoodQualifer.Unpredicable))
                lock (Generator.Random)
                    obj.Aggressive = Generator.Random.Next(1, 101) > 50;
                obj.Aggressive = false;

            if (template.SpawnType == SpawnQualifer.Random)
                var x = Generator.Random.Next(1, map.Cols);
                var y = Generator.Random.Next(1, map.Rows);

                obj.XPos = x;
                obj.YPos = y;

                if (map.IsWall(x, y))
            else if (template.SpawnType == SpawnQualifer.Defined)
                obj.XPos = template.DefinedX;
                obj.YPos = template.DefinedY;

            lock (Generator.Random)
                obj.Serial = GenerateNumber();

            obj.CurrentMapId  = map.ID;
            obj.CurrentHp     = template.MaximumHP;
            obj.CurrentMp     = template.MaximumMP;
            obj._MaximumHp    = template.MaximumHP;
            obj._MaximumMp    = template.MaximumMP;
            obj.AbandonedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

            lock (Generator.Random)
                obj.Image = template.ImageVarience
                            > 0
                    ? (ushort)Generator.Random.Next(template.Image, template.Image + template.ImageVarience)
                    : template.Image;

            obj.Scripts = ScriptManager.Load <MonsterScript>(template.ScriptName, obj, map);

            if (obj.Template.LootType.HasFlag(LootQualifer.Table))
                obj.LootManager  = new LootDropper();
                obj.LootTable    = new LootTable(template.Name);
                obj.UpgradeTable = new LootTable("Probabilities");

                foreach (var drop in obj.Template.Drops)
                    if (drop.Equals("random", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        lock (Generator.Random)
                            var available = ServerContextBase.GlobalItemTemplateCache.Select(i => i.Value)
                                            .Where(i => Math.Abs(i.LevelRequired - obj.Template.Level) <= 10).ToList();
                            if (available.Count > 0)
                                obj.LootTable.Add(available[GenerateNumber() % available.Count]);
                        if (ServerContextBase.GlobalItemTemplateCache.ContainsKey(drop))

                obj.UpgradeTable.Add(new Common());
                obj.UpgradeTable.Add(new Uncommon());
                obj.UpgradeTable.Add(new Rare());
                obj.UpgradeTable.Add(new Epic());
                obj.UpgradeTable.Add(new Legendary());
                obj.UpgradeTable.Add(new Mythical());
                obj.UpgradeTable.Add(new Godly());
                obj.UpgradeTable.Add(new Forsaken());

Exemplo n.º 46
        static void RenderCount(bool isExpanded, Color color, int count, IDrawingToolkit tk, Area backgroundArea, Area cellArea)
            double   countX1, countX2, countY, countYC;
            Point    arrowY;
            ISurface arrow;

            countX1 = cellArea.Start.X + Sizes.ListRowSeparator * 2 + Sizes.ListCountRadio;
            countX2 = countX1 + Sizes.ListCountWidth;
            countYC = backgroundArea.Start.Y + backgroundArea.Height / 2;
            countY  = countYC - Sizes.ListCountRadio;
            if (count > 0)
                if (!isExpanded)
                    if (ArrowRight == null)
                        ArrowRight = App.Current.DrawingToolkit.CreateSurfaceFromIcon(Icons.ListArrowRightPath, false);
                    arrow = ArrowRight;
                    if (ArrowDown == null)
                        ArrowDown = App.Current.DrawingToolkit.CreateSurfaceFromIcon(Icons.ListArrowDownPath, false);
                    arrow = ArrowDown;
                arrowY = new Point(cellArea.Start.X + 1, cellArea.Start.Y + cellArea.Height / 2 - arrow.Height / 2);
                tk.DrawSurface(arrowY, Sizes.ListArrowRightWidth, Sizes.ListArrowRightHeight, arrow, ScaleMode.AspectFit);

            tk.LineWidth = 0;
            tk.FillColor = color;
            tk.DrawCircle(new Point(countX1, countYC), Sizes.ListCountRadio);
            tk.DrawCircle(new Point(countX2, countYC), Sizes.ListCountRadio);
            tk.DrawRectangle(new Point(countX1, countY), Sizes.ListCountWidth, 2 * Sizes.ListCountRadio);
            tk.StrokeColor   = App.Current.Style.ThemeBase;
            tk.FontAlignment = FontAlignment.Center;
            tk.FontWeight    = FontWeight.Bold;
            tk.FontSize      = 14;
            tk.DrawText(new Point(countX1, countY), Sizes.ListCountWidth,
                        2 * Sizes.ListCountRadio, count.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 47
        public int CheckBreakBefore(Area area)
            if (!(area is ColumnArea))
                switch (properties.GetProperty("break-before").GetEnum())
                case BreakBefore.PAGE:

                case BreakBefore.ODD_PAGE:

                case BreakBefore.EVEN_PAGE:

                case BreakBefore.COLUMN:

                ColumnArea colArea = (ColumnArea)area;
                switch (properties.GetProperty("break-before").GetEnum())
                case BreakBefore.PAGE:
                    if (!colArea.hasChildren() && (colArea.getColumnIndex() == 1))

                case BreakBefore.ODD_PAGE:
                    if (!colArea.hasChildren() && (colArea.getColumnIndex() == 1) &&
                        (colArea.getPage().getNumber() % 2 != 0))

                case BreakBefore.EVEN_PAGE:
                    if (!colArea.hasChildren() && (colArea.getColumnIndex() == 1) &&
                        (colArea.getPage().getNumber() % 2 == 0))

                case BreakBefore.COLUMN:
                    if (!area.hasChildren())

Exemplo n.º 48
 private Area ChangeDefence(Area oldDefence)
     return((oldDefence == Area.HookKick) ? Area.HookPunch : Area.HookKick);
Exemplo n.º 49
 public static List <Area> obtenerTuplasArea()
Exemplo n.º 50
        private static void FillTollAreaTable(string dbLocation)
            var         dBOperations = new DBOperations(dbLocation);
            List <Area> tollAreaList = new List <Area>();

            #region Izmir - Aydin

            Area newTollArea = new Area {
                areaID = 1, areaName = "Işıkkent", areaLatitude = 38.349817, areaLongitude = 27.233494, isBooth = true
            Area newTollArea2 = new Area {
                areaID = 1.1, areaName = "Işıkkent Gate", areaLatitude = 38.348549, areaLongitude = 27.233526, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea3 = new Area {
                areaID = 1.2, areaName = "Tahtalıçay Gate 1", areaLatitude = 38.280364, areaLongitude = 27.224707, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea4 = new Area {
                areaID = 2, areaName = "Tahtalıçay", areaLatitude = 38.272664, areaLongitude = 27.217156, isBooth = true
            Area newTollArea5 = new Area {
                areaID = 2.1, areaName = "Tahtalıçay Gate 2", areaLatitude = 38.262033, areaLongitude = 27.221531, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea6 = new Area {
                areaID = 2.2, areaName = "Torbalı Gate 1", areaLatitude = 38.181769, areaLongitude = 27.311198, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea7 = new Area {
                areaID = 3, areaName = "Torbalı", areaLatitude = 38.194008, areaLongitude = 27.337692, isBooth = true
            Area newTollArea8 = new Area {
                areaID = 3.1, areaName = "Torbalı Gate 2", areaLatitude = 38.169250, areaLongitude = 27.314788, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea9 = new Area {
                areaID = 3.2, areaName = "Belevi Gate 1", areaLatitude = 38.026104, areaLongitude = 27.440117, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea10 = new Area {
                areaID = 4, areaName = "Belevi", areaLatitude = 38.029083, areaLongitude = 27.449236, isBooth = true
            Area newTollArea11 = new Area {
                areaID = 4.1, areaName = "Belevi Gate 2", areaLatitude = 38.018769, areaLongitude = 27.454438, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea12 = new Area {
                areaID = 4.2, areaName = "Germencik Gate 1", areaLatitude = 37.885426, areaLongitude = 27.574535, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea13 = new Area {
                areaID = 5, areaName = "Germencik", areaLatitude = 37.878217, areaLongitude = 27.578042, isBooth = true
            Area newTollArea14 = new Area {
                areaID = 5.1, areaName = "Germencik Gate 2", areaLatitude = 37.881230, areaLongitude = 27.590210, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea15 = new Area {
                areaID = 5.2, areaName = "Aydın Kuzey Gate", areaLatitude = 37.862656, areaLongitude = 27.777258, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea16 = new Area {
                areaID = 6, areaName = "Aydın Kuzey", areaLatitude = 37.860439, areaLongitude = 27.788492, isBooth = true

            #region İzmir - Çeşme
            Area newTollArea18 = new Area {
                areaID = 7, areaName = "Seferihisar", areaLatitude = 38.363192, areaLongitude = 26.864297, isBooth = true
            Area newTollArea19 = new Area {
                areaID = 7.2, areaName = "Seferihisar Gate 1", areaLatitude = 38.365347, areaLongitude = 26.866310, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea20 = new Area {
                areaID = 7.3, areaName = "Urla Gate 1", areaLatitude = 38.319070, areaLongitude = 26.789697, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea21 = new Area {
                areaID = 8, areaName = "Urla", areaLatitude = 38.322789, areaLongitude = 26.781961, isBooth = true
            Area newTollArea22 = new Area {
                areaID = 8.1, areaName = "Urla Gate 2", areaLatitude = 38.316125, areaLongitude = 26.778991, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea23 = new Area {
                areaID = 8.2, areaName = "Karaburun Gate 1", areaLatitude = 38.295224, areaLongitude = 26.696702, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea24 = new Area {
                areaID = 9, areaName = "Karaburun", areaLatitude = 38.303045, areaLongitude = 26.686012, isBooth = true
            Area newTollArea25 = new Area {
                areaID = 9.1, areaName = "Karaburun Gate 2", areaLatitude = 38.296799, areaLongitude = 26.682553, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea26 = new Area {
                areaID = 9.2, areaName = "Zeytinler Gate 1", areaLatitude = 38.280887, areaLongitude = 26.570717, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea27 = new Area {
                areaID = 10, areaName = "Zeytinler", areaLatitude = 38.285034, areaLongitude = 26.564107, isBooth = true
            Area newTollArea28 = new Area {
                areaID = 10.1, areaName = "Zeytinler Gate 2", areaLatitude = 38.280462, areaLongitude = 26.558759, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea29 = new Area {
                areaID = 10.2, areaName = "Alaçatı Gate 1", areaLatitude = 38.278265, areaLongitude = 26.389298, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea30 = new Area {
                areaID = 11, areaName = "Alaçatı", areaLatitude = 38.280511, areaLongitude = 26.382368, isBooth = true
            Area newTollArea31 = new Area {
                areaID = 11.1, areaName = "Alaçatı Gate 2", areaLatitude = 38.276998, areaLongitude = 26.377074, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea32 = new Area {
                areaID = 11.2, areaName = "Çeşme Gate", areaLatitude = 38.294980, areaLongitude = 26.310653, isBooth = false
            Area newTollArea33 = new Area {
                areaID = 12, areaName = "Çeşme", areaLatitude = 38.295994, areaLongitude = 26.310317, isBooth = true
            dBOperations.InsertAll(tollAreaList, typeof(Area));
Exemplo n.º 51
        internal FArea(Area t)
            TheArea = t;

Exemplo n.º 52
        private void ExecuteRestore()
            MessageBoxResult messageBoxResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to Restore", "Restore", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

            if (messageBoxResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                using (var unitofWork = new UnitOfWork(new MahalluDBContext())) {

                    string[] directories   = Directory.GetDirectories(BackupAndRestoreLocation);
                    string   directoryPath = backupAndRestoreLocation + @"\MMBackup";
                    if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
                        string filePath = directoryPath + @"\Residences.csv";
                        if (File.Exists(filePath))
                            String[] backupData = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
                            for (int i = 1; i < backupData.Length; i++)
                                string[]  fields    = backupData[i].Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                Residence residence = new Residence();
                                residence.Number = fields[0];
                                residence.Name   = fields[1];
                                residence.Area   = fields[2];

                        filePath = directoryPath + @"\ResidenceMembers.csv";
                        if (File.Exists(filePath))
                            String[] backupData = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
                            for (int i = 1; i < backupData.Length; i++)
                                string[]        fields          = backupData[i].Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                Residence       residence       = unitofWork.Residences.GetAll().Where(x => x.Number == fields[0]).FirstOrDefault();
                                ResidenceMember residenceMember = new ResidenceMember();
                                residenceMember.Residence_Id   = residence.Id;
                                residenceMember.MemberName     = fields[1];
                                residenceMember.DOB            = Convert.ToDateTime(fields[2]);
                                residenceMember.Job            = fields[3];
                                residenceMember.Mobile         = fields[4];
                                residenceMember.Abroad         = Convert.ToBoolean(fields[5]);
                                residenceMember.Country        = fields[6];
                                residenceMember.IsGuardian     = Convert.ToBoolean(fields[7]);
                                residenceMember.Gender         = fields[8];
                                residenceMember.MarriageStatus = fields[9];
                                residenceMember.Qualification  = fields[10];
                                residenceMember.Remarks        = fields[11];

                        filePath = directoryPath + @"\Areas.csv";
                        if (File.Exists(filePath))
                            String[] backupData = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
                            for (int i = 1; i < backupData.Length; i++)
                                string[] fields = backupData[i].Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                Area     area   = new Area();
                                area.Name = fields[0];

                        filePath = directoryPath + @"\ContributionDetail.csv";
                        if (File.Exists(filePath))
                            String[] backupData = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
                            for (int i = 1; i < backupData.Length; i++)
                                string[]           fields             = backupData[i].Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                ContributionDetail contributionDetail = new ContributionDetail();


                        filePath = directoryPath + @"\CashSources.csv";
                        if (File.Exists(filePath))
                            String[] backupData = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
                            for (int i = 1; i < backupData.Length; i++)
                                string[]   fields     = backupData[i].Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                CashSource cashSource = new CashSource();
                                cashSource.SourceName = fields[0];
                                cashSource.Amount     = Convert.ToDecimal(fields[1]);

                        filePath = directoryPath + @"\ExpenseCategories.csv";
                        if (File.Exists(filePath))
                            String[] backupData = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
                            for (int i = 1; i < backupData.Length; i++)
                                string[]        fields          = backupData[i].Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                ExpenseCategory expenseCategory = new ExpenseCategory();
                                expenseCategory.Name            = fields[0];
                                expenseCategory.DetailsRequired = Convert.ToBoolean(fields[1]);

                        filePath = directoryPath + @"\IncomeCategories.csv";
                        if (File.Exists(filePath))
                            String[] backupData = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
                            for (int i = 1; i < backupData.Length; i++)
                                string[]       fields         = backupData[i].Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                IncomeCategory incomeCategory = new IncomeCategory();
                                incomeCategory.Name            = fields[0];
                                incomeCategory.DetailsRequired = Convert.ToBoolean(fields[1]);

                        MessageBox.Show("Restore is completed successfully..!");
                        MessageBox.Show(backupAndRestoreLocation + " doesn't contain back up directory as MMBackup");
Exemplo n.º 53
 public override Status Layout(Area area)
     return(Layout(area, null));
Exemplo n.º 54
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Nur wenn Komponente aktiviert wurde.
            if (!Enabled)

            // Nur berechnen, falls eine Welt aktiv ist.
            if (World == null)

            List <Action> transfers = new List <Action>();

            foreach (var area in World.Areas)
                // Schleife über alle sich aktiv bewegenden Spiel-Elemente
                foreach (var character in area.Items.OfType <Character>().ToArray())
                    // Tote Charactere ignorieren
                    if (character is IAttackable && (character as IAttackable).Hitpoints <= 0)

                    // KI Update
                    if (character.Ai != null && Mode != SimulationMode.Client)
                        character.Ai.Update(area, gameTime);

                    // Neuberechnung der Character-Position.
                    character.move += character.Velocity * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

                    // Attacker identifizieren
                    IAttacker attacker = null;
                    if (character is IAttacker)
                        attacker = (IAttacker)character;

                        // Recovery-Time aktualisieren
                        attacker.Recovery -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime;
                        if (attacker.Recovery < TimeSpan.Zero)
                            attacker.Recovery = TimeSpan.Zero;

                    // Interactor identifizieren
                    IInteractor interactor = null;
                    if (character is IInteractor)
                        interactor = (IInteractor)character;

                    // Kollisionsprüfung mit allen restlichen Items.
                    foreach (var item in area.Items)
                        // Kollision mit sich selbst ausschließen
                        if (item == character)

                        // Distanz berechnen
                        Vector2 distance = (item.Position + item.move) - (character.Position + character.move);

                        // Ermittlung der angreifbaren Items.
                        if (attacker != null &&
                            item is IAttackable &&
                            distance.Length() - attacker.AttackRange - item.Radius < 0f)
                            attacker.AttackableItems.Add(item as IAttackable);

                        // Ermittlung der interagierbaren Items.
                        if (interactor != null &&
                            item is IInteractable &&
                            distance.Length() - interactor.InteractionRange - item.Radius < 0f)
                            interactor.InteractableItems.Add(item as IInteractable);

                        // Überschneidung berechnen & darauf reagieren
                        float overlap = item.Radius + character.Radius - distance.Length();
                        if (overlap > 0f)
                            Vector2 resolution = distance * (overlap / distance.Length());
                            if (item.Fixed && !character.Fixed)
                                // Item fixiert
                                character.move -= resolution;
                            else if (!item.Fixed && character.Fixed)
                                // Character fixiert
                                item.move += resolution;
                            else if (!item.Fixed && !character.Fixed)
                                // keiner fixiert
                                float totalMass = item.Mass + character.Mass;
                                character.move -= resolution * (item.Mass / totalMass);
                                item.move      += resolution * (character.Mass / totalMass);

                            // Kombination aus Collectable und Iventory
                            if (item is ICollectable && character is IInventory)
                                ICollectable collectable = item as ICollectable;

                                //  -> Character sammelt Item ein
                                if (Mode != SimulationMode.Client)
                                    transfers.Add(() =>
                                        if (area.Items.Contains(item))

                                        IInventory inventory = character as IInventory;
                                        if (!inventory.Inventory.Contains(item))
                                            item.Position = Vector2.Zero;

                                // Event aufrufen
                                if (collectable.OnCollect != null)
                                    collectable.OnCollect(this, item);

                // Kollision mit blockierten Zellen
                foreach (var item in area.Items.ToArray())
                    bool collision = false;
                    int  loops     = 0;

                    // Standard-Update für das Item
                    if (item.Update != null)
                        item.Update(game, area, item, gameTime);

                        // Grenzbereiche für die zu überprüfenden Zellen ermitteln
                        Vector2 position = item.Position + item.move;
                        int     minCellX = (int)(position.X - item.Radius);
                        int     maxCellX = (int)(position.X + item.Radius);
                        int     minCellY = (int)(position.Y - item.Radius);
                        int     maxCellY = (int)(position.Y + item.Radius);

                        collision = false;
                        float minImpact = 2f;
                        int   minAxis   = 0;

                        // Schleife über alle betroffenen Zellen zur Ermittlung der ersten Kollision
                        for (int x = minCellX; x <= maxCellX; x++)
                            for (int y = minCellY; y <= maxCellY; y++)
                                // Zellen ignorieren die den Spieler nicht blockieren
                                if (!area.IsCellBlocked(x, y))

                                // Zellen ignorieren die vom Spieler nicht berührt werden
                                if (position.X - item.Radius > x + 1 ||
                                    position.X + item.Radius < x ||
                                    position.Y - item.Radius > y + 1 ||
                                    position.Y + item.Radius < y)

                                collision = true;

                                // Kollisionszeitpunkt auf X-Achse ermitteln
                                float diffX = float.MaxValue;
                                if (item.move.X > 0)
                                    diffX = position.X + item.Radius - x + gap;
                                if (item.move.X < 0)
                                    diffX = position.X - item.Radius - (x + 1) - gap;
                                float impactX = 1f - (diffX / item.move.X);

                                // Kollisionszeitpunkt auf Y-Achse ermitteln
                                float diffY = float.MaxValue;
                                if (item.move.Y > 0)
                                    diffY = position.Y + item.Radius - y + gap;
                                if (item.move.Y < 0)
                                    diffY = position.Y - item.Radius - (y + 1) - gap;
                                float impactY = 1f - (diffY / item.move.Y);

                                // Relevante Achse ermitteln
                                // Ergibt sich aus dem spätesten Kollisionszeitpunkt
                                int   axis   = 0;
                                float impact = 0;
                                if (impactX > impactY)
                                    axis   = 1;
                                    impact = impactX;
                                    axis   = 2;
                                    impact = impactY;

                                // Ist diese Kollision eher als die bisher erkannten
                                if (impact < minImpact)
                                    minImpact = impact;
                                    minAxis   = axis;

                        // Im Falle einer Kollision in diesem Schleifendurchlauf...
                        if (collision)
                            // X-Anteil ab dem Kollisionszeitpunkt kürzen
                            if (minAxis == 1)
                                item.move *= new Vector2(minImpact, 1f);

                            // Y-Anteil ab dem Kollisionszeitpunkt kürzen
                            if (minAxis == 2)
                                item.move *= new Vector2(1f, minImpact);
                    }while(collision && loops < 2);

                    // Finaler Move-Vektor auf die Position anwenden.
                    item.Position += item.move;
                    item.move      = Vector2.Zero;

                    // Portal anwenden (nur Player)
                    if (area.Portals != null && item is Player)
                        Player player   = item as Player;
                        bool   inPortal = false;

                        foreach (var portal in area.Portals)
                            if (item.Position.X > portal.Box.Left &&
                                item.Position.X <= portal.Box.Right &&
                                item.Position.Y > portal.Box.Top &&
                                item.Position.Y <= portal.Box.Bottom)
                                inPortal = true;
                                if (player.InPortal)

                                // Ziel-Area und Portal finden
                                Area   destinationArea   = World.Areas.First(a => a.Name.Equals(portal.DestinationArea));
                                Portal destinationPortal = destinationArea.Portals.First(p => p.DestinationArea.Equals(area.Name));

                                // Neue Position des Spielers finden
                                Vector2 position = new Vector2(
                                    destinationPortal.Box.X + (destinationPortal.Box.Width / 2f),
                                    destinationPortal.Box.Y + (destinationPortal.Box.Height / 2f));

                                // Transfer in andere Area vorbereiten
                                if (Mode != SimulationMode.Client)
                                    transfers.Add(() =>
                                        if (area.Items.Contains(item))

                                        if (!destinationArea.Items.Contains(item))
                                            item.Position = position;

                        player.InPortal = inPortal;

                    // Interaktionen durchführen
                    if (item is IInteractor)
                        IInteractor interactor = item as IInteractor;
                        if (interactor.InteractSignal)
                            // Alle Items in der Nähe aufrufen
                            foreach (var interactable in interactor.InteractableItems)
                                if (interactable.OnInteract != null)
                                    interactable.OnInteract(this, interactor, interactable);
                        interactor.InteractSignal = false;

                    // Angriff durchführen
                    if (item is IAttacker)
                        IAttacker attacker = item as IAttacker;
                        if (attacker.AttackSignal && attacker.Recovery <= TimeSpan.Zero)
                            // Alle Items in der Nähe schlagen
                            foreach (var attackable in attacker.AttackableItems)
                                attackable.Hitpoints -= attacker.AttackValue;
                                if (attackable.OnHit != null)
                                    attackable.OnHit(this, attacker, attackable);

                            // Schlagerholung anstoßen
                            attacker.Recovery = attacker.TotalRecovery;
                        attacker.AttackSignal = false;

            // Transfers durchführen
            if (Mode != SimulationMode.Client)
                foreach (var transfer in transfers)
Exemplo n.º 55
        public static Force FromPressureByArea(Pressure p, Area area)
            double newtons = p.Pascals * area.SquareMeters;

            return(new Force(newtons));
Exemplo n.º 56
        public void Test1()
            /// Venue part

            Venue[] _venue = new Venue[]
                new Venue("Venue1_d", "Venue1_n", "", ""),
                new Venue("Venue2_d", "Venue2_n", "", "")
            foreach (Venue v in _venue)
                Assert.AreEqual(0, _business.CreateVenue(v));

            // check unique name
            Venue v3 = new Venue("Venue3_d", "Venue1_n", "", "");

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, _business.CreateVenue(v3));

            // set not unique name
            _venue[1].Name = "Venue1_n";
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, _business.UpdateVenue(_venue[1]));

            // set unique name
            _venue[1].Name = "Venue1_n_update";
            Assert.AreEqual(0, _business.UpdateVenue(_venue[1]));

            /// Layout part

            Layout[] _layout = new Layout[]
                new Layout(_venue[0].Id, "Layout1_d", "Layout1_name"),
                new Layout(_venue[0].Id, "Layout2_d", "Layout2_name"),
                new Layout(_venue[1].Id, "Layout2_d", "Layout2_name")
            foreach (Layout l in _layout)
                Assert.AreEqual(0, _business.CreateLayout(l));

            // layout name should me unique in venue
            Layout l4 = new Layout(_venue[0].Id, "Layout4_d", "Layout1_name");

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, _business.CreateLayout(l4));

            // event can't be created without any seats;
            Event _e = new Event("Event1_name", "Event1_desc", _layout[0].Id, DateTime.Today.AddDays(2));

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, _business.CreateEvent(_e));

            /// Area part

            Area[] _area = new Area[]
                new Area(_layout[0].Id, "Area1_d", 1, 1),
                new Area(_layout[0].Id, "Area2_d", 2, 2),
                new Area(_layout[0].Id, "Area3_d", 3, 3),
                new Area(_layout[1].Id, "Area4_d", 4, 4),
            foreach (Area a in _area)
                Assert.AreEqual(0, _business.CreateArea(a));

                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    Seat _seat = new Seat(a.Id, i, i);
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, _business.CreateSeat(_seat));

                // row and number should be unique for area;
                Seat _s = new Seat(a.Id, 2, 2);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, _business.CreateSeat(_s));

            // area description should be unique in layout
            Area a5 = new Area(_layout[0].Id, "Area2_d", 5, 5);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, _business.CreateArea(a5));

            Event[] _event = new Event[]
                new Event("Event1_name", "Event1_desc", _layout[0].Id, DateTime.Today.AddDays(2)),
                new Event("Event2_name", "Event2_desc", _layout[0].Id, DateTime.Today.AddDays(3)),
                new Event("Event3_name", "Event3_desc", _layout[1].Id, DateTime.Today.AddDays(4)),
            foreach (Event e in _event)
                Assert.AreEqual(0, _business.CreateEvent(e));

            Assert.AreEqual(0, _business.DeleteEvent(_event[2].Id));

            _event[0].Description = "Event1_desc_update";
            _event[0].Name        = "Event1_name_update";
            _event[0].StartDate   = DateTime.Today.AddDays(5);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, _business.UpdateEvent(_event[0]));
Exemplo n.º 57
        void RenderPlaylistElement(PlaylistElementVM vm, IDrawingToolkit tk, IContext context, Area backgroundArea, Area cellArea, CellState state)
            tk.Context = context;
            Point textPoint = new Point(backgroundArea.Left + LEFT_OFFSET + (2 * SPACING) + COLOR_RECTANGLE_WIDTH +
                                        MINIATURE_WIDTH + SPACING, cellArea.Start.Y);
            double textWidth = (cellArea.Right - RIGTH_OFFSET - EYE_IMAGE_WIDTH - SPACING) - textPoint.X;

            RenderBackground(tk, backgroundArea, App.Current.Style.ThemeBase);
            RenderSelection(tk, context, backgroundArea, cellArea, state, true);
            RenderPrelit(vm.Playing, tk, context, backgroundArea, cellArea, state);
            RenderChildText(tk, textPoint, (int)textWidth, (int)cellArea.Height, vm.Description, App.Current.Style.TextBase);
            RenderColorStrip(tk, backgroundArea, App.Current.Style.TextBase);
            Point p = new Point(backgroundArea.Left + LEFT_OFFSET + COLOR_RECTANGLE_WIDTH + SPACING, cellArea.Start.Y + VERTICAL_OFFSET);

            RenderImage(tk, p, vm.Miniature, MINIATURE_WIDTH, MINIATURE_HEIGHT);
            RenderEye(tk, backgroundArea, cellArea, vm.Playing);
Exemplo n.º 58
        public async Task New_NPC(string areaName, int amount = 1, string profession = "Child", int level = 0)
            if (IsGMLevel(4).Result)
                //areaName = Area.AreaDataExist(areaName);
                if (areaName != null)
                    NPC[] npcs = new NPC[amount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                        npcs[i] = NPC.NewNPC(level, profession, null);

                    Area   area         = Area.LoadFromName(areaName);
                    string populationId = area.GetPopulation(Neitsillia.Areas.AreaExtentions.Population.Type.Population)._id;

                    EmbedBuilder noti = new EmbedBuilder();
                    noti.WithTitle($"{area.name} Population");
                    amount = 0;
                    if (npcs != null && npcs.Length > 0)
                        foreach (NPC n in npcs)
                            if (n != null)
                                if (n.profession == Neitsillia.ReferenceData.Profession.Child)
                                    if (area.parent == null)
                                        n.origin = area.name;
                                        n.origin = area.parent;
                                    n.displayName = n.name + " Of " + n.origin;
                                    n.displayName = n.name;
                                PopulationHandler.Add(populationId, n);

                    if (amount != 0)
                        await ReplyAsync("NPCs created");
                        await ReplyAsync("No new NPC were created");
                    await DUtils.Replydb(Context, "Area not found.");
Exemplo n.º 59
    protected void btnImportTemp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        string connectionString = String.Format(@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;""", Server.MapPath("~/UserFile/Data_2016.xls"));
        //string query = String.Format("select * from [{0}$]", "Area");
        string           query       = String.Format("select * from [{0}$]", "Nam_2016");
        SecurityBSO      securityBSO = new SecurityBSO();
        OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, connectionString);
        DataSet          dataSet     = new DataSet();


        DataTable         myTable = dataSet.Tables[0];
        EnterpriseService comBSO  = new EnterpriseService();

        foreach (DataRow drow in myTable.Rows)
            ReportTemp2014 temp = new ReportTemp2014();
            Enterprise     area = new Enterprise();
            area.Title = drow["Title"].ToString();
            temp.Title = area.Title;
            if (drow["Address"] != null)
                area.Address = drow["Address"].ToString();
                temp.Address = area.Address;

            area.OrganizationId = Convert.ToInt32(drow["OrgId"]);
            temp.OrgId          = area.OrganizationId;
            Organization org = new OrganizationService().FindByKey(area.OrganizationId);

            if (drow["AreaName"] != null && drow["AreaName"].ToString() != "")
                temp.AreaName = drow["AreaName"].ToString();
                if (drow["AreaName"].ToString() == "Công nghiệp")
                    area.AreaId = 5;
                if (drow["AreaName"].ToString() == "Nông nghiệp")
                    area.AreaId = 3;
                if (drow["AreaName"].ToString() == "Công trình xây dựng")
                    area.AreaId = 6;
                    area.AreaId = 1;
                temp.AreaId = area.AreaId;
            if (drow["SubAreaName"] != null && drow["SubAreaName"].ToString() != "")
                DataTable dtSub = new AreaService().getAreaByName(drow["SubAreaName"].ToString());
                if (dtSub != null && dtSub.Rows.Count > 0)
                    area.SubAreaId = Convert.ToInt32(dtSub.Rows[0]["Id"]);
                    temp.SubAreaId = area.SubAreaId;
                    Area sub = new Area();
                    sub.AreaName  = drow["SubAreaName"].ToString();
                    sub.ParentId  = area.AreaId;
                    sub.IsStatus  = 1;
                    sub.SortOrder = 0;
                    int subId = new AreaService().Insert(sub);
                    temp.SubAreaId = subId;
                    area.SubAreaId = subId;
                area.Info        = drow["SubAreaName"].ToString();
                temp.SubAreaName = drow["SubAreaName"].ToString();

            area.ProvinceId    = Convert.ToInt32(drow["ProvinceId"]);
            area.ManProvinceId = Convert.ToInt32(drow["ManProvinceId"]);
            int eId = comBSO.Insert(area);//Them doanh  nghiep

            if (eId > 0)
                temp.EnterpriseId = eId;
                if (drow["Dien_kWh"] != null && drow["Dien_kWh"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.Dien_kWh = drow["Dien_kWh"].ToString();

                if (drow["Than_Tan"] != null && drow["Than_Tan"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.Than_Tan = drow["Than_Tan"].ToString();

                if (drow["DO_Tan"] != null && drow["DO_Tan"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.DO_Tan = drow["DO_Tan"].ToString();
                if (drow["DO_lit"] != null && drow["DO_lit"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.DO_lit = drow["DO_lit"].ToString();

                if (drow["FO_Tan"] != null && drow["FO_Tan"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.FO_Tan = drow["FO_Tan"].ToString();
                if (drow["FO_lit"] != null && drow["FO_lit"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.FO_lit = drow["FO_Tan"].ToString();

                if (drow["Xang_Tan"] != null && drow["Xang_Tan"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.Xang_Tan = drow["Xang_Tan"].ToString();
                if (drow["Xang_lit"] != null && drow["Xang_lit"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.Xang_lit = drow["Xang_lit"].ToString();

                if (drow["Gas_Tan"] != null && drow["Gas_Tan"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.Gas_Tan = drow["Gas_Tan"].ToString();

                if (drow["Khi_m3"] != null && drow["Khi_m3"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.Khi_M3 = drow["Khi_m3"].ToString();

                if (drow["LPG_Tan"] != null && drow["LPG_Tan"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.LPG_Tan = drow["LPG_Tan"].ToString();
                if (drow["NLPL_Tan"] != null && drow["NLPL_Tan"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.NLPL_Tan = drow["NLPL_Tan"].ToString();

                if (drow["Khac_tan"] != null && drow["Khac_tan"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.KhacSoDo = drow["Khac_tan"].ToString();

                if (drow["Note"] != null && drow["Note"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    temp.Note = drow["Note"].ToString();

                EnterpriseYearService eYService = new EnterpriseYearService();
                EnterpriseYear        ey        = new EnterpriseYear();
                ey.EnterpriseId = eId;

                if (drow["No_TOE"] != null && drow["No_TOE"].ToString().Trim() != "" && Convert.ToDecimal(drow["No_TOE"]) > 0)
                    ey.No_TOE   = Convert.ToDecimal(drow["No_TOE"]);
                    temp.No_TOE = ey.No_TOE;
                    temp.Year   = 2016;
                    int retTemp = new ReportTemp2014Service().Insert(temp);//Them bao cao tam
                    ey.IsDelete = false;
                    ey.Year     = temp.Year;
                    eYService.Insert(ey);//Them nam bao cao
                //Tao tai khoan doanh nghiep

                Utils         objUtil       = new Utils();
                MemberService memberService = new MemberService();
                int           STT           = 0;

                STT = new EnterpriseService().GetNoAccount(area.OrganizationId);

                ePower.DE.Domain.Member member = new ePower.DE.Domain.Member();
                member.EnterpriseId = eId;
                member.IsDelete     = false;
                member.AccountName  = "dn." + Utils.UCS2Convert(org.Title).Replace(" ", "").Replace("-", "").ToLower() + "." + STT.ToString("000");
                member.Password     = securityBSO.EncPwd("123456");
Exemplo n.º 60
 public List <Obra> buscarObraPorArea(Area area)