Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取栏目分页文档
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lft"></param>
        /// <param name="rgt"></param>
        /// <param name="siteId"></param>
        /// <param name="moduleId">参数暂时不使用为-1</param>
        /// <param name="publisherId"></param>
        /// <param name="includeChild"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <param name="keyword"></param>
        /// <param name="orderByField"></param>
        /// <param name="orderAsc"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="recordCount"></param>
        /// <param name="pages"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetPagedArchives(int siteId, int moduleId,
                                          int[] catIdArray, int publisherId, bool includeChild,
                                          string[,] flags, string keyword, string orderByField, bool orderAsc,
                                          int pageSize, int currentPageIndex,
                                          out int recordCount, out int pages)
            //SQL Condition Template
            const string conditionTpl = "$[siteid]$[module]$[category]$[author_id]$[flags]$[keyword]";

            string condition,                                                                       //SQL where condition
                   order     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderByField) ? "a.sort_number" : orderByField, //Order filed ( CreateDate | ViewCount | Agree | Disagree )
                   orderType = orderAsc ? "ASC" : "DESC";                                           //ASC or DESC

            string flag = ArchiveFlag.GetSQLString(flags);

            condition = SQLRegex.Replace(conditionTpl, match =>
                switch (match.Groups[1].Value)
                case "siteid": return(String.Format(" c.site_id={0}", siteId.ToString()));

                case "category":
                    if (catIdArray.Length > 0)
                        if (includeChild && catIdArray.Length > 1)
                            return(String.Format(" AND cat_id IN({0})", this.IntArrayToString(catIdArray)));
                        return(String.Format(" AND cat_id = {0}", catIdArray[0]));

                case "module":
                    return(moduleId <= 0 ? ""
             : String.Format(" AND m.id={0}", moduleId.ToString()));

                case "author_id":
                    return(publisherId == 0 ? null
       : String.Format(" AND author_id='{0}'", publisherId));

                case "flags": return(String.IsNullOrEmpty(flag) ? "" : " AND " + flag);

                case "keyword":
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
                    return(String.Format(" AND (title LIKE '%{0}%' OR Content LIKE '%{0}%')", keyword));

            // throw new Exception(base.OptimizeSql(String.Format(DbSql.Archive_GetpagedArchivesCountSql, condition)));

            recordCount = int.Parse(base.ExecuteScalar(
                                        base.NewQuery(String.Format(DbSql.ArchiveGetpagedArchivesCountSql, condition), DalBase.EmptyParameter)).ToString());

            pages = recordCount / pageSize;
            if (recordCount % pageSize != 0)

            if (currentPageIndex > pages && currentPageIndex != 1)
                currentPageIndex = pages;
            if (currentPageIndex < 1)
                currentPageIndex = 1;
            int skipCount = pageSize * (currentPageIndex - 1);

            string sql = DbSql.Archive_GetPagedArchivesByCategoryId;

            sql = SQLRegex.Replace(sql, m =>
                switch (m.Groups[1].Value)
                case "skipsize": return(skipCount.ToString());

                case "pagesize": return(pageSize.ToString());

                case "condition": return(condition);

                case "orderByField": return(order);

                case "orderASC": return(orderType);

            //throw new Exception(new SqlQuery(base.OptimizeSQL(sql));
            //throw new Exception(sql+"-"+DbHelper.DbType.ToString()+"-"+new SqlQuery(base.OptimizeSQL(SP.ToString());
            //throw new Exception(sql);
            return(base.GetDataSet(base.NewQuery(sql, null)).Tables[0]);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取栏目分页文档
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lft"></param>
        /// <param name="rgt"></param>
        /// <param name="author">指定作者,NULL表示不限,可显示所有作者发布的文档</param>
        /// <param name="siteId"></param>
        /// <param name="moduleId">参数暂时不使用为-1</param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <param name="orderByField"></param>
        /// <param name="orderAsc"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="recordCount"></param>
        /// <param name="pages"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetPagedArchives(int siteId, int moduleId,
                                          int lft, int rgt, string author,
                                          string[,] flags, string orderByField, bool orderAsc,
                                          int pageSize, int currentPageIndex,
                                          out int recordCount, out int pages)
            //SQL Condition Template
            const string conditionTpl = "$[siteid]$[module]$[category]$[author]$[flags]";

            //Get records count

            const string sql1 = @"SELECT TOP $[pagesize] a.id AS id,alias,title,
                                    c.name as CategoryName,cid,flags,author,content,source,
                                    createdate,viewcount FROM $PREFIX_archive a
                                    INNER JOIN $PREFIX_category c ON a.cid=c.id
                                    WHERE $[condition] ORDER BY $[orderByField] $[orderASC],a.id";

            string condition,                                                                    //SQL where condition
                   order     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderByField) ? "CreateDate" : orderByField, //Order filed ( CreateDate | ViewCount | Agree | Disagree )
                   orderType = orderAsc ? "ASC" : "DESC";                                        //ASC or DESC

            string flag = ArchiveFlag.GetSQLString(flags);

            condition = SQLRegex.Replace(conditionTpl, match =>
                switch (match.Groups[1].Value)
                case "siteid": return(String.Format(" c.siteid={0}", siteId.ToString()));

                case "category": return(lft <= 0 || rgt <= 0 ? ""
                        : String.Format(" AND lft>={0} AND rgt<={1}", lft.ToString(), rgt.ToString()));

                case "module": return(moduleId <= 0 ? ""
                        :String.Format(" AND m.id={0}", moduleId.ToString()));

                case "author": return(String.IsNullOrEmpty(author) ? null
                        : String.Format(" AND author='{0}'", author));

                case "flags": return(String.IsNullOrEmpty(flag)?"": " AND " + flag);

            // throw new Exception(new SqlQuery(base.OptimizeSQL(String.Format(SP.Archive_GetpagedArchivesCountSql, condition)));

            recordCount = int.Parse(base.ExecuteScalar(
                                        new SqlQuery(base.OptimizeSQL(String.Format(SP.Archive_GetpagedArchivesCountSql, condition)), null)).ToString());

            pages = recordCount / pageSize;
            if (recordCount % pageSize != 0)

            if (currentPageIndex > pages && currentPageIndex != 1)
                currentPageIndex = pages;
            if (currentPageIndex < 1)
                currentPageIndex = 1;
            int skipCount = pageSize * (currentPageIndex - 1);

            string sql = skipCount == 0 && base.DbType == DataBaseType.OLEDB ?
                         sql1 :

            sql = SQLRegex.Replace(sql, m =>
                switch (m.Groups[1].Value)
                case "skipsize": return(skipCount.ToString());

                case "pagesize": return(pageSize.ToString());

                case "condition": return(condition);

                case "orderByField": return(order);

                case "orderASC": return(orderType);
            //throw new Exception(new SqlQuery(base.OptimizeSQL(sql));
            //throw new Exception(sql+"-"+DbHelper.DbType.ToString()+"-"+new SqlQuery(base.OptimizeSQL(SP.ToString());
            //throw new Exception(sql);
            return(base.GetDataSet(new SqlQuery(base.OptimizeSQL(sql))).Tables[0]);