Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Channel> GetClassList()
            int row = TypeConvert.ToInt32(this.Row.Text);

            string type = this.Type == null ? string.Empty : this.Type.Text;

            string strWhere = string.Empty;

            if (this.ChannelID != null)
                string[] scList = this.ChannelID.Text.Split(',');
                if (scList.Length > 1)
                    string scSql = string.Format(" AND CID IN(", scList[0]);
                    for (int i = 1; i < scList.Length; i++)
                        scSql += string.Format(",{0}", scList[i]);
                    scSql    += ")";
                    strWhere += scSql;
                    strWhere = string.Format(" AND CID={0}", scList[0]);

            if (this.Level != null)
                switch (this.Level.Text)
                case "top":
                    strWhere += " AND Level=1";

                case "self":

                case "sub":


            ArcListBLL channelBll = new ArcListBLL();

            List <Channel> channelList = channelBll.GetChannelList(row, type, strWhere);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Archive> GetPageList()
            int pageSize = TypeConvert.ToInt32(this.PageSize.Text);

            int channelID = TypeConvert.ToInt32(Utils.GetQueryString("ID"));    //TypeConvert.ToInt32(CacheAccess.GetFromCache("ChannelID"));

            int pageIndex = TypeConvert.ToInt32(Utils.GetQueryString("page"));     //TypeConvert.ToInt32(CacheAccess.GetFromCache("PageIndex"));

            string channelType = Utils.GetQueryString("type");
            //object obj = CacheAccess.GetFromCache("ChannelType");
            //if (obj != null)
            //    channelType = obj.ToString();

            ArcListBLL     arcBll  = new ArcListBLL();
            List <Archive> arcList = arcBll.GetPageList(channelID, pageSize, pageIndex);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化当前页面模板数据
        /// </summary>
        protected void InitPageTemplate()
            #region 获取文档内容
            archiveID = Utils.GetQueryInt("ID");
            if (archiveID < 0)
                Message.Dialog("生成错误,生成静态页的文档ID为空!", "-1", MessageIcon.Warning);

            channelType = Utils.GetQueryInt("type");
            if (channelType < 0)
                ArcListBLL arclistBll = new ArcListBLL();
                Message.Dialog("生成错误,请选择要生成的文档类型!", "-1", MessageIcon.Warning);

            pageIndex = Utils.GetQueryInt("page");
            if (pageIndex < 0)
                pageIndex = 1;

            ArcListBLL     arcBll      = new ArcListBLL();
            List <Archive> archiveInfo = arcBll.GetArchiveInfo(archiveID, channelType);
            if (archiveInfo.Count > 0)
                channelID = archiveInfo[0].ClassID;


            #region 获取当前位置
            ArchiveField gobal = new ArchiveField();

            classUrl = this.__CLASSURL.Value;
            position = this.__POSITION.Value;
            relation = this.__RELATION.Value;
            if (classUrl.Length == 0 || relation.Length == 0)
                Arc_ClassBLL classBll  = new Arc_ClassBLL();
                Arc_Class    classInfo = classBll.GetModel(channelID);
                classUrl = this.__CLASSURL.Value = classInfo.ClassPath;
                relation = this.__RELATION.Value = classInfo.Relation.TrimEnd('.').Replace('.', ',');
            if (position.Length == 0)
                Arc_ClassBLL classBll = new Arc_ClassBLL();
                DataTable    dt       = classBll.GetThisPlace(relation);

                position += "<a href=\"/\">首页</a> &raquo; ";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    position += "<a href=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["ClassEName"] + "\">" + dt.Rows[i]["ClassName"] + "</a>";
                    if (i + 1 < dt.Rows.Count)
                        position += " &raquo; ";
                this.__POSITION.Value = gobal.Position = position;

            #region 获取上一篇、下一篇链接
            int count = archiveInfo.Count;
            for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
                if (archiveInfo[i] != null)
                    string temp = "<a href=\"" + archiveInfo[i].Url + "\">" + archiveInfo[i].Title + "</a>";
                    if (archiveInfo[i].ID < archiveID)
                        gobal.Prior = temp;
                        gobal.Next = temp;


            #region 获取配置信息
            SiteConfigInfo site = ConfigAccess.LoadConfig <SiteConfigInfo>("CFG_SITE");


            this.Document.Variables.SetValue("field", archiveInfo[0]);
            this.Document.Variables.SetValue("gobal", gobal);
            this.Document.Variables.SetValue("site", site);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化当前页面模板数据
        /// </summary>
        protected void InitPageTemplate()
            channelID = Utils.GetQueryInt("ID");
            if (channelID < 0)
                Message.Dialog("生成错误,生成静态页的栏目ID为空!", "-1", MessageIcon.Warning);

            channelType = Utils.GetQueryString("type");
            if (channelType.Length == 0)
                ArcListBLL arclistBll = new ArcListBLL();
                channelType = arclistBll.GetChannelType(channelID);

            totalRecord = Utils.GetQueryInt("total");
            if (totalRecord < 0)
                ArcListBLL arclistBll = new ArcListBLL();
                totalRecord = arclistBll.GetArcCount(channelID, channelType);

            pageIndex = Utils.GetQueryInt("page");
            if (pageIndex < 0)
                Message.Dialog("生成错误,生成静态页的当前页数为空!", "-1", MessageIcon.Warning);

            pageSize = Utils.GetQueryInt("size");
            pageItem = this.__PAGEITEM.Value;
            if (pageSize < 0 || pageItem.Length == 0)
                ElementCollection <Tag> tags = this.Document.GetChildTagsByTagName("PageList");
                foreach (Tag tag in tags)
                    pageSize = TypeConvert.ToInt32(tag.Attributes["PageSize"].Value);
                    pageItem = tag.Attributes["Item"].Value.ToString();
                this.__PAGEITEM.Value = pageItem;

            classUrl    = this.__CLASSURL.Value;
            listTemplet = this.__LISTTEMPLET.Value;
            indexRule   = this.__INDEXRULE.Value;
            position    = this.__POSITION.Value;
            relation    = this.__RELATION.Value;
            if (classUrl.Length == 0 || listTemplet.Length == 0 || indexRule.Length == 0 || relation.Length == 0)
                Arc_ClassBLL classBll  = new Arc_ClassBLL();
                Arc_Class    classInfo = classBll.GetModel(channelID);
                classUrl    = this.__CLASSURL.Value = classInfo.ClassPath;
                listTemplet = this.__LISTTEMPLET.Value = classInfo.ListTemplet;
                indexRule   = this.__INDEXRULE.Value = classInfo.IndexRule;
                relation    = this.__RELATION.Value = classInfo.Relation.TrimEnd('.').Replace('.', ',');
            if (position.Length == 0)
                Arc_ClassBLL classBll = new Arc_ClassBLL();
                DataTable    dt       = classBll.GetThisPlace(relation);

                position += "<a href=\"/\">首页</a> &raquo; ";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    position += "<a href=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["ClassEName"] + "\">" + dt.Rows[i]["ClassName"] + "</a>";
                    if (i + 1 < dt.Rows.Count)
                        position += " &raquo; ";
                this.__POSITION.Value = position;

            PageListField field = new PageListField();

            field.CurrentPage = pageIndex;
            field.TotalPage   = PageSeting.GetPageCount(totalRecord, pageSize);
            field.TotalRecord = totalRecord;
            field.PageIndex   = PageSeting.GetPageNum(pageIndex, field.TotalPage, 10, "createlist.aspx?id=10&page={0}", pageItem);
            field.Position    = position;
            //gobal.PageIndex = gobal.PageIndex.Replace(string.Format("list/{0}/1/", channelID), "index.html");
            this.Document.Variables.SetValue("field", field);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Archive_List> GetArcList()
            int firstRecort = 1;
            int lastRecort  = 1;

            if (this.Limit != null)
                string[] temp = this.Limit.Text.Split(',');
                    int f = TypeConvert.ToInt32(temp[0]);
                    int l = TypeConvert.ToInt32(temp[1]);
                    if (f > l)
                        f = l;
                    if (f > 0)
                        firstRecort = f;
                        lastRecort  = l;
                    throw new ParserException("Limit属性必须由\"10,20\"这样的格式组成;并且结束条数必须大于开始条数,中间用半角逗号隔开。");
                if (this.Row != null)
                    lastRecort = TypeConvert.ToInt32(this.Row.Text);

            string type = this.Type == null ? "1" : this.Type.Text;

            string strWhere = string.Empty;

            if (this.TitleFlag != null)
                strWhere += string.Format(" AND TitleFlag={0}", this.TitleFlag.Text);
            if (this.ChannelID != null && this.ChannelID.Value.GetValue() != null)
                if (this.SubChannel == null ? true : TypeConvert.ToBool(this.SubChannel.Text))
                    //string[] scList = this.ChannelID.Value.GetValue().ToString().Split(',');
                    string[] scList = this.ChannelID.GetTextValue().Split(',');
                    if (scList.Length > 1)
                        string scSql = string.Format(" AND ClassID IN(SELECT CID FROM {{0}}Arc_Class WHERE Relation LIKE '%.{0}.%'", scList[0]);
                        for (int i = 1; i < scList.Length; i++)
                            scSql += string.Format(" OR Relation LIKE '%.{0}.%'", scList[i]);
                        scSql    += ")";
                        strWhere += scSql;
                        strWhere = string.Format(" AND ClassID IN(SELECT CID FROM {{0}}Arc_Class WHERE Relation LIKE '%.{0}.%')", scList[0]);
                    strWhere += string.Format(" AND ClassID IN({0})", this.ChannelID.Text);
            if (this.KeyWord != null)
                string[] kwList = this.KeyWord.Text.Split(',');
                if (kwList.Length > 1)
                    string kwSql = string.Format(" AND(A.KeyWords LIKE '%{0}%'", kwList[0]);
                    for (int i = 1; i < kwList.Length; i++)
                        kwSql += string.Format(" OR A.KeyWords LIKE '%{0}%'", kwList[i]);
                    kwSql    += ")";
                    strWhere += kwSql;
                    strWhere += string.Format(" AND A.KeyWords LIKE '%{0}%'", kwList[0]);
            if (this.InDay != null)
                double inDay;
                bool   rv = double.TryParse(this.InDay.Text, out inDay);
                if (rv && inDay > 0)
                    strWhere += string.Format(" AND PubDate>'{0}'", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-inDay).ToShortDateString());

            //构造ORDER BY语句
            string strOrder = string.Empty;

            if (this.OrderBy != null)
                strOrder = string.Format(" ORDER BY {0}", this.OrderBy.Text);
                if (this.OrderType != null)
                    if (String.Compare(this.OrderType.Text, "ASC", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        strOrder += " ASC";
                        strOrder += " DESC";

            ArcListBLL arcListBll = new ArcListBLL();

            List <Archive_List> arcList = arcListBll.GetArcList(firstRecort, lastRecort, type, strWhere, strOrder);
