Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Restore(out IParametricCurve2d curve, BinaryReader reader)
            curve = null;
            int nType = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (nType == 1)
                Segment2d segment = new Segment2d();
                Restore(ref segment, reader);
                curve = segment;
            else if (nType == 2)
                Circle2d circle = new Circle2d(Vector2D.Zero, 1.0);
                Restore(ref circle, reader);
                curve = circle;
            else if (nType == 3)
                Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(Vector2D.Zero, 1.0, 0, 1);
                Restore(ref arc, reader);
                curve = arc;
            else if (nType == 100)
                ParametricCurveSequence2 seq = new ParametricCurveSequence2();
                Restore(ref seq, reader);
                curve = seq;
                throw new Exception("gSerialization.Restore: IParametricCurve2D : unknown curve type " + nType.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 2
        Arc2d Get_arc(int i)
            Arc    a         = (i == 0) ? arc1 : arc2;
            double start_deg = a.AngleStartR * math.MathUtil.Rad2Deg;
            double end_deg   = a.AngleEndR * math.MathUtil.Rad2Deg;

            if (a.PositiveRotation == true)
                double tmp = start_deg;
                start_deg = end_deg;
                end_deg   = tmp;
            Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(a.Center, a.Radius, start_deg, end_deg);

            // [RMS] code above does not preserve CW/CCW of arcs.
            //  It would be better to fix that. But for now, just check if
            //  we preserved start and end points, and if not reverse curves.
            if (i == 0 && arc.SampleT(0.0).DistanceSquared(Point1) > math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)
            if (i == 1 && arc.SampleT(1.0).DistanceSquared(Point2) > math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)

Exemplo n.º 3
 public CircleG(int id, Arc2d arc, int pt1, int pt2, int idpt3, out PointG pt3)
     Id  = id;
     P1  = pt1;
     P2  = pt2;
     pt3 = new PointG(arc.Center, idpt3);
     P3  = idpt3;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static void Restore(ref Arc2d arc, BinaryReader reader)
     arc.Center.x      = reader.ReadDouble();
     arc.Center.y      = reader.ReadDouble();
     arc.Radius        = reader.ReadDouble();
     arc.AngleStartDeg = reader.ReadDouble();
     arc.AngleEndDeg   = reader.ReadDouble();
     arc.IsReversed    = reader.ReadBoolean();
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static void Store(Arc2d arc, BinaryWriter writer)
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static Arc ToArc(this Arc2d arc2d)
            XYZ    center        = arc2d.Center.ToXYZ();
            double radius        = arc2d.Radius;
            double AngleStartDeg = (Math.PI / 180) * arc2d.AngleStartDeg;
            double AngleEndDeg   = (Math.PI / 180) * arc2d.AngleEndDeg;
            XYZ    xAxis         = new XYZ(1, 0, 0);
            XYZ    yAxis         = new XYZ(0, 1, 0);

            return(Arc.Create(center, radius, AngleStartDeg, AngleEndDeg, xAxis, yAxis));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void test_svg()
            Polygon2d  poly  = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(100.0f, 10);
            PolyLine2d pline = new PolyLine2d();

            pline.AppendVertex(200 * Vector2d.AxisX);
            pline.AppendVertex(200 * Vector2d.One);
            Circle2d  circ = new Circle2d(33 * Vector2d.One, 25);
            Segment2d seg  = new Segment2d(Vector2d.Zero, -50 * Vector2d.AxisY);

            SVGWriter writer = new SVGWriter();

            writer.AddPolygon(poly, SVGWriter.Style.Filled("lime", "black", 0.25f));
            writer.AddPolyline(pline, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("orange", 2.0f));
            writer.AddCircle(circ, SVGWriter.Style.Filled("yellow", "red", 5.0f));
            writer.AddLine(seg, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("blue", 10.0f));

            int      astep = 29;
            Vector2d c     = new Vector2d(-200, 100);

            for (int k = 1; k <= 12; ++k)
                Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(c + k * 45 * Vector2d.AxisX, 20, 0, k * astep);
                writer.AddBox(arc.Bounds, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 0.5f));
            c.y += 50;
            for (int k = 1; k <= 12; ++k)
                Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(c + k * 45 * Vector2d.AxisX, 20, k * astep, (k + 5) * astep);
                writer.AddBox(arc.Bounds, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 0.5f));
            c.y += 50;
            for (int k = 1; k <= 12; ++k)
                Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(c + k * 45 * Vector2d.AxisX, 20, k * astep, (k + 10) * astep);
                writer.AddBox(arc.Bounds, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 0.5f));
            c.y += 50;
            for (int k = 1; k <= 12; ++k)
                Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(c + k * 45 * Vector2d.AxisX, 20, k * astep, (k + 10) * astep);
                writer.AddBox(arc.Bounds, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 0.5f));

Exemplo n.º 8
        void checkArc(Arc2d a)
            Vector2d d1, d2;

            d1 = u.getTangentVec(a.Evaluator);
            d2 = u.getTangentVec(a.Evaluator, 0.15);
            double a1 = d1.AngleTo(u.createVector2d(-1, -1)), a2 = d2.AngleTo(u.createVector2d(-1, -1));

            if (a2 - a1 < 0)
                ang = -ang;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void direct(Entity prev)
            if (prev.ent.Type != ObjectTypeEnum.kSketchArcObject)
            Arc2d            arc = (prev.ent as SketchArc).Geometry;
            Curve2dEvaluator ev  = arc.Evaluator;

            double[] par = u.getParam(ev, prev.endPt.Geometry);
            double[] o   = { };
            ev.GetTangent(ref par, ref o);
            dir = u.createVector2d(o[0], o[1]);
            if (prev.t == entTypes.Arc && !(prev as ArcInv).clockwise)
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a utility function that returns the set of border points, which
        /// is useful when we use a roundrect as a UI element and want the border
        /// </summary>
        public Vector3D[] GetBorderLoop()
            int corner_v = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
                if (((int)SharpCorners & (1 << k)) != 0)
                    corner_v += 1;
                    corner_v += CornerSteps;

            float innerW = Width - 2 * Radius;
            float innerH = Height - 2 * Radius;

            Vector3D[] vertices = new Vector3D[4 + corner_v];
            int        vi       = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                vertices[vi++] = new Vector3D(signx[i] * Width / 2, 0, signy[i] * Height / 2);

                bool  sharp = ((int)SharpCorners & (1 << i)) > 0;
                Arc2d arc   = new Arc2d(new Vector2D(signx[i] * innerW, signy[i] * innerH),
                                        (sharp) ? math.MathUtil.SqrtTwo * Radius : Radius,
                                        startangle[i], endangle[i]);
                int use_steps = (sharp) ? 1 : CornerSteps;
                for (int k = 0; k < use_steps; ++k)
                    double   t   = (double)(i + 1) / (double)(use_steps + 1);
                    Vector2D pos = arc.SampleT(t);
                    vertices[vi++] = new Vector3D(pos.x, 0, pos.y);

Exemplo n.º 11
        public void ArcToRelative2d(Vector2d v, double radius, bool clockwise, double rate = 0)
            Vector2d P2 = P + v;

            Vector2d c0, c1;
            int      nCenters = find_arc_centers(P, P2, radius, out c0, out c1);

            //bool b0Left = MathUtil.IsLeft(P, P2, c0) > 0;
            //bool b1Left = MathUtil.IsLeft(P, P2, c1) > 0;

            Vector2d c = c0;

            if (nCenters == 2 && clockwise == false)
                c = c1;

            // [RMS] what does negative radius mean ??
            //bool reverse = false;
            //if (radius < 0)
            //	reverse = true;
            radius = Math.Abs(radius);

            double start_angle = arc_angle_deg(P, c);
            double end_angle   = arc_angle_deg(P2, c);

            if (clockwise == false)
                double tmp = start_angle; start_angle = end_angle; end_angle = tmp;

            Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(c, radius, start_angle, end_angle);

            //if (reverse)
            //    arc.Reverse();

            P = P2;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void Set_output()
            if (arc1.IsSegment)
                Arc1IsSegment = true;
                Segment1      = new Segment2d(arc1.P0, arc1.P1);
                Arc1IsSegment = false;
                Arc1          = Get_arc(0);

            if (arc2.IsSegment)
                Arc2IsSegment = true;
                Segment2      = new Segment2d(arc2.P1, arc2.P0);
                Arc2IsSegment = false;
                Arc2          = Get_arc(1);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public EntityArc(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double bulge)
     geometry = new Arc2d(new Point2d(x1, y1), new Point2d(x2, y2), bulge);