public void BookAppointment()
            if (Timeslot == null)
                Alert("No Avaliability.", "No appointments are avaliable today. Please book a reservation appointment to be seen on another day.");

            int    doctorID = int.Parse(Timeslot[0].ToString());
            string timeslot = Timeslot[1].ToString();

            if (PatientDBConverter.PatientHasAppointment(patientID))
                Alert("Appointment not booked", "You already have an appointment booked today. Please check your emails for notificaitons or speak to the receptionist.");
                MessengerInstance.Send <string>("DecideHomeView");

            PatientDBConverter.BookAppointment(timeslot, doctorID, patientID, false);
            AppointmentLogic.ScheduleWalkInNotification(TimeSpan.Parse(timeslot), patientID);

            var dialog = new SuccessBoxViewModel("Appointment Booked.",      //MOVE THIS
                                                 "Appointment has been successfully booked. Please keep an eye on your emails for updates on when we can see you.");
            var result = _dialogService.OpenDialog(dialog);

            MessengerInstance.Send <string>("DecideHomeView");