public async Task <ApplicationModel> CreateAsync(ApplicationCreateCommand cmd)
            var result = await ExecuteAsync <ApplicationCreateCommand, ApplicationCreateCommandValidator, ApplicationModel>(cmd, async() =>
                // check to see if the application already exists by name
                var existingApp = Get <Domain.Application>(a => a.Name.ToLower().Equals(cmd.Name.ToLower()));

                // if the application exists just return it
                if (null != existingApp)

                // create the application
                var app = new Domain.Application(name: cmd.Name,
                                                 apiKey: cmd.ApiKey,
                                                 createdByUserId: MessageContext.UserId);

                // save the application
                await Database.SaveAsync(app).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // convert the application to it's model
                var model = ApplicationFactory.ConvertToModel(app);

                // publish the domain event
                Publish(new ApplicationCreatedEvent(model, MessageContext));

                // return the application model

        public ApplicationModel GetByName(string name)
            // get the application by id
            var application = Database.Get <Domain.Application>(a => a.Name.ToLower().Equals(name.ToLower()));

            // if the application doesn't exist return null
            if (null == application)

            // publish the domain event
            Publish(new ApplicationReadEvent(ApplicationFactory.ConvertToModel(application), MessageContext));

            // return the application model
        public async Task <ApplicationModel> UpdateAsync(ApplicationUpdateCommand cmd)
            var result = await ExecuteAsync <ApplicationUpdateCommand, ApplicationUpdateCommandValidator, ApplicationModel>(cmd, async() =>
                // get the application by unique id
                var application = Get <Domain.Application>(a => a.Id.Equals(cmd.Id));

                // if the application does not exist we need to throw an exception b/c the client believes it does
                if (null == application)
                    throw new ApplicationNotFoundException($"Application with id {cmd.Id} does not exist.");

                // store the original application as it's model
                var originalApplication = ApplicationFactory.ConvertToModel(application);

                // update the application
                application.Update(name: cmd.Name, updatedByUserId: MessageContext.UserId, resetApiKey: cmd.ResetApiKey);

                // save the updated application
                await Database.SaveAsync(application).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // convert the application to it's model
                var model = ApplicationFactory.ConvertToModel(application);

                // publish the domain event
                Publish(new ApplicationUpdatedEvent(MessageContext)
                    OriginalApplication = originalApplication,
                    UpdatedApplication  = model

                // return the application model

        public async Task DeleteAsync(ApplicationDeleteCommand cmd)
            await ExecuteAsyncNoReturn <ApplicationDeleteCommand, ApplicationDeleteCommandValidator>(cmd, async() =>
                // get the application by unique id
                var application = Get <Domain.Application>(a => a.Id.Equals(cmd.Id));

                // if the application does not exist then there is nothing for us to do. The intent is satisfied
                if (null == application)

                // delete the application
                application.Delete(deletedByUserId: MessageContext.UserId);

                // save the deleted application (soft delete)
                await Database.SaveAsync(application).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // publish the domain event
                Publish(new ApplicationDeletedEvent(ApplicationFactory.ConvertToModel(application), MessageContext));