Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Multi item checkout using a cart of items, these are shown on PayPal when making the purchase
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult CheckOutCart()
            ApplicationCart cart = new ApplicationCart
                Id                  = Guid.NewGuid(), // Unique cart Id
                Currency            = "USD",
                PurchaseDescription = "Tickets",      // This is what appears in the user's PayPal order history, not the individual items
                Items               = new List <ApplicationCartItem>()
                    new ApplicationCartItem
                        Quantity    = 1,
                        Price       = 5.00M,
                        Name        = "Main Event Ticket",
                        Description = "The Main Event you've been waiting to see."
                    new ApplicationCartItem
                        Quantity = 2,
                        Price    = 2.00M,
                        Name     = "Gun Show Ticket",
                        // Description = "Optional for each item"

            Session["Cart"] = cart;

            return(View("CheckOut", cart));
        public ActionResult ConfirmPayPalPayment()
            WebUILogging.LogMessage("Express Checkout Confirmation");
            ApplicationCart cart = (ApplicationCart)Session["Cart"];

        public ActionResult PostPaymentSuccess()
            WebUILogging.LogMessage("Post Payment Result: Success");
            ApplicationCart cart = (ApplicationCart)Session["Cart"];

            ViewBag.TrackingReference = cart.Id;
            ViewBag.Description       = cart.PurchaseDescription;
            ViewBag.TotalCost         = cart.TotalPrice;
            ViewBag.Currency          = cart.Currency;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple single object checkout, the description is shown on PayPal when making the purchase
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult CheckOut()
            ApplicationCart cart = new ApplicationCart
                Id                  = Guid.NewGuid(), // Unique purchase Id
                Currency            = "USD",
                PurchaseDescription = "Left Handed Screwdriver",
                TotalPrice          = 5.00M // This does NOT get shown to the user on PayPal when making a single object purchase, but is charged and appears in their order history

            // Storing this in session, you might want to store in it a database
            Session["Cart"] = cart;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public SetExpressCheckoutResponse SendPayPalSetExpressCheckoutRequest(ApplicationCart cart, string serverURL, string userEmail = null)
                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol       = SecurityProtocolType.Tls;
                ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue      = true;
                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol       = (SecurityProtocolType)3072;
                ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 9999;


                // Optional handling of cart items: If there is only a single item being sold we don't need a list of expressCheckoutItems
                // However if you're selling a single item as a sale consider also adding it as an ExpressCheckoutItem as it looks better once you get to PayPal's site
                // Note: ExpressCheckoutItems are currently NOT stored by PayPal against the sale in the users order history so you need to keep your own records of what items were in a cart
                List <ExpressCheckoutItem> expressCheckoutItems = null;
                if (cart.Items != null)
                    expressCheckoutItems = new List <ExpressCheckoutItem>();
                    foreach (ApplicationCartItem item in cart.Items)
                        expressCheckoutItems.Add(new ExpressCheckoutItem(item.Quantity, item.Price, item.Name, item.Description));

                SetExpressCheckoutResponse response = _payPalTransactionRegistrar.SendSetExpressCheckout(cart.Currency, cart.TotalPrice, cart.PurchaseDescription, cart.Id.ToString(), serverURL, expressCheckoutItems, userEmail);

                // Add a PayPal transaction record
                PayPalTransaction transaction = new PayPalTransaction
                    RequestId         = response.RequestId,
                    TrackingReference = cart.Id.ToString(),
                    RequestTime       = DateTime.Now,
                    RequestStatus     = response.ResponseStatus.ToString(),
                    TimeStamp         = response.TIMESTAMP,
                    RequestError      = response.ErrorToString,
                    Token             = response.TOKEN,

                // Store this transaction in your Database

            catch (Exception ex)
                WebUILogging.LogException(ex.Message, ex);
        public ActionResult PayPalExpressCheckout()
            WebUILogging.LogMessage("Express Checkout Initiated");
            // SetExpressCheckout
            ApplicationCart            cart                = (ApplicationCart)Session["Cart"];
            string                     serverURL           = HttpContext.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/");
            SetExpressCheckoutResponse transactionResponse = transactionService.SendPayPalSetExpressCheckoutRequest(cart, serverURL);

            // If Success redirect to PayPal for user to make payment
            if (transactionResponse == null || transactionResponse.ResponseStatus != PayPalMvc.Enums.ResponseType.Success)
                SetUserNotification("Sorry there was a problem with initiating a PayPal transaction. Please try again and contact an Administrator if this still doesn't work.");
                string errorMessage = (transactionResponse == null) ? "Null Transaction Response" : transactionResponse.ErrorToString;
                WebUILogging.LogMessage("Error initiating PayPal SetExpressCheckout transaction. Error: " + errorMessage);
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Purchase"));
            return(Redirect(string.Format(PayPalMvc.Configuration.Current.PayPalRedirectUrl, transactionResponse.TOKEN)));
        public ActionResult ConfirmPayPalPayment(bool confirmed = true)
            WebUILogging.LogMessage("Express Checkout Confirmed");
            ApplicationCart cart = (ApplicationCart)Session["Cart"];
            // DoExpressCheckoutPayment
            string token   = TempData["token"].ToString();
            string payerId = TempData["payerId"].ToString();
            DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponse transactionResponse = transactionService.SendPayPalDoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest(cart, token, payerId);

            if (transactionResponse == null || transactionResponse.ResponseStatus != PayPalMvc.Enums.ResponseType.Success)
                if (transactionResponse != null && transactionResponse.L_ERRORCODE0 == "10486")
                    // Redirect user back to PayPal in case of Error 10486 (bad funding method)
                    // https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/how-to-guides/how-to-recover-funding-failure-error-code-10486-doexpresscheckout
                    WebUILogging.LogMessage("Redirecting User back to PayPal due to 10486 error (bad funding method - typically an invalid or maxed out credit card)");
                    return(Redirect(string.Format(PayPalMvc.Configuration.Current.PayPalRedirectUrl, token)));
                SetUserNotification("Sorry there was a problem with taking the PayPal payment, so no money has been transferred. Please try again and contact an Administrator if this still doesn't work.");
                string errorMessage = (transactionResponse == null) ? "Null Transaction Response" : transactionResponse.ErrorToString;
                WebUILogging.LogMessage("Error initiating PayPal DoExpressCheckoutPayment transaction. Error: " + errorMessage);
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Purchase"));

            if (transactionResponse.PaymentStatus == PaymentStatus.Completed)
                // Something went wrong or the payment isn't complete
                WebUILogging.LogMessage("Error taking PayPal payment. Error: " + transactionResponse.ErrorToString + " - Payment Error: " + transactionResponse.PaymentErrorToString);
                TempData["TransactionResult"] = transactionResponse.PAYMENTREQUEST_0_LONGMESSAGE;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponse SendPayPalDoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest(ApplicationCart cart, string token, string payerId)
                DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponse response = _payPalTransactionRegistrar.SendDoExpressCheckoutPayment(token, payerId, cart.Currency, cart.TotalPrice);

                // Add a PayPal transaction record
                PayPalTransaction transaction = new PayPalTransaction
                    RequestId            = response.RequestId,
                    TrackingReference    = cart.Id.ToString(),
                    RequestTime          = DateTime.Now,
                    RequestStatus        = response.ResponseStatus.ToString(),
                    TimeStamp            = response.TIMESTAMP,
                    RequestError         = response.ErrorToString,
                    Token                = response.TOKEN,
                    RequestData          = response.ToString,
                    PaymentTransactionId = response.PaymentTransactionId,
                    PaymentError         = response.PaymentErrorToString,

                // Store this transaction in your Database

            catch (Exception ex)
                WebUILogging.LogException(ex.Message, ex);
        public void payoutFunction(ApplicationCart cart)
            // ### Api Context
            // Pass in a `APIContext` object to authenticate
            // the call and to send a unique request id
            // (that ensures idempotency). The SDK generates
            // a request id if you do not pass one explicitly.
            // See [Configuration.cs](/Source/Configuration.html) to know more about APIContext.
            var apiContext = PaypalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

            // ### Initialize `Payout` Object
            // Initialize a new `Payout` object with details of the batch payout to be created.
            var payout = new Payout
                // #### sender_batch_header
                // Describes how the payments defined in the `items` array are to be handled.
                sender_batch_header = new PayoutSenderBatchHeader
                    sender_batch_id = "batch_" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 8),
                    email_subject   = "You have a payment"
                // #### items
                // The `items` array contains the list of payout items to be included in this payout.
                // If `syncMode` is set to `true` when calling `Payout.Create()`, then the `items` array must only
                // contain **one** item.  If `syncMode` is set to `false` when calling `Payout.Create()`, then the `items`
                // array can contain more than one item.
                items = new List <PayoutItem>
                    new PayoutItem
                        recipient_type = PayoutRecipientType.EMAIL,
                        amount         = new Currency
                            value    = cart.TotalPrice.ToString(),
                            currency = cart.Currency
                        receiver       = "*****@*****.**",
                        note           = "Thank you for shopping.",
                        sender_item_id = "item_1"
                    //new PayoutItem
                    //    recipient_type = PayoutRecipientType.EMAIL,
                    //    amount = new Currency
                    //    {
                    //        value = "7",
                    //        currency = "USD"
                    //    },
                    //    receiver = "*****@*****.**",
                    //    note = "Thank you for coming.",
                    //    sender_item_id = "item_2"
                    //new PayoutItem
                    //    recipient_type = PayoutRecipientType.EMAIL,
                    //    amount = new Currency
                    //    {
                    //        value = "2.00",
                    //        currency = "USD"
                    //    },
                    //    receiver = "ng-facilitator_api1.narola.email",
                    //    note = "Thank you.",
                    //    sender_item_id = "item_3"
            // ### Payout.Create()
            // Creates the batch payout resource.
            // `syncMode = false` indicates that this call will be performed **asynchronously**,
            // and will return a `payout_batch_id` that can be used to check the status of the payouts in the batch.
            // `syncMode = true` indicates that this call will be performed **synchronously** and will return once the payout has been processed.
            // > **NOTE**: The `items` array can only have **one** item if `syncMode` is set to `true`.
            var createdPayout = payout.Create(apiContext);

            PayoutBatch payoutPayment = Payout.Get(apiContext, createdPayout.batch_header.payout_batch_id);