Exemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        dead           = false;
        scoreText.text = "Alignments Left: 22";
        GameObject alignment = GameObject.Find("Alignment");

        appearScript = alignment.GetComponent <Appear> ();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public ToolAttribute(Modal modal, Appear appear = Appear.Large)
     this.modal   = modal;
     this.element = (int)modal & 0xf000;
     this.mode    = (int)modal & 0x00ff;
     this.pick    = (int)modal & 0x0300;
     this.appear  = appear;
 /// <summary>
 /// Visibility has changed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void frmPopup_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (frmPopup.Visible)
         Appear?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
         Disappear?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 4
    //show the right bubble on the current character
    private void ShowBubble(DialogBubble dialogBubble)
        //if vcurrentbubble is still there, just close it
        if (activeBubble != null)
            if (activeBubble.clickToCloseBubble)
                if (dialogBubble.currentBubble != null)                   //get the function to close bubble
                    Appear appear = dialogBubble.currentBubble.GetComponent <Appear> ();
                    appear.closeBubble = true;                     //close bubble

        foreach (PixelBubble pixelBubble in dialogBubble.bubblesList)
            if (dialogBubble.currentBubble == null)               //make sure the bubble isn't already opened

                string trueMessage = ModifyTextFromComponentByAddindNewLineAfterWords(pixelBubble);

                GameObject bubblesListObject = InstantiateBubble(pixelBubble, dialogBubble);

                //show the mouse and wait for the user to left click OR NOT (if not, after X sec, it disappear)
                bubblesListObject.GetComponent <Appear> ().needToClick = pixelBubble.clickToCloseBubble;

                RenderBodyOfBubble(bubblesListObject, pixelBubble, trueMessage);

                dialogBubble.currentBubble         = bubblesListObject;         //attach it to the player
                bubblesListObject.transform.parent = dialogBubble.transform;    //make him his parent
            else if (activeBubble == pixelBubble && activeBubble.clickToCloseBubble)
                //gotonextbubble = true;
                dialogBubble.currentBubble = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
    //show the right bubble on the current character
    public void ShowBubble(DialogBubble vcharacter)
        bool gotonextbubble = false;

        //if vcurrentbubble is still there, just close it
        if (vActiveBubble != null)
            if (vActiveBubble.vClickToCloseBubble)
                //get the function to close bubble
                Appear vAppear = vcharacter.vCurrentBubble.GetComponent <Appear> ();
                vAppear.valpha  = 0f;
                vAppear.vTimer  = 0f;                //instantly
                vAppear.vchoice = false;             //close bubble

                //check if last bubble
                if (vActiveBubble == vcharacter.vBubble.Last())
                    vcharacter.IsTalking = false;

        foreach (PixelBubble vBubble in vcharacter.vBubble)
            //make sure the bubble isn't already opened
            if (vcharacter.vCurrentBubble == null)
                //make the character in talking status
                vcharacter.IsTalking = true;

                //cut the message into 24 characters
                string vTrueMessage = "";
                string cLine        = "";
                int    vLimit       = 35;
                if (vBubble.vMessageForm == BubbleType.Round)
                    vLimit = 30;

                //cut each word in a text in 24 characters.
                foreach (string vWord in vBubble.vMessage.Split(' '))
                    if (cLine.Length + vWord.Length > vLimit)
                        vTrueMessage += cLine + System.Environment.NewLine;

                        //add a line break after
                        cLine = "";                         //then reset the current line

                    //add the current word with a space
                    cLine += vWord + " ";

                //add the last word
                vTrueMessage += cLine;
                GameObject vBubbleObject = null;

                Vector3 shift = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                //create a rectangle or round bubble
                if (vBubble.vMessageForm == BubbleType.Rectangle)
                    //create bubble
                    vBubbleObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject> ("Customs/BubbleRectangle"));
                    shift         = new Vector3(1f, 3.1f, 0f);
                    //create bubble
                    vBubbleObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject> ("Customs/BubbleRound"));
                    shift         = new Vector3(1f, 2.9f, 0f);

                if (vCustomBubblePosition == true)
                    shift = vBubblePosition;

                vBubbleObject.transform.position   = vcharacter.transform.position + shift;               //move a little bit the teleport particle effect
                vBubbleObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);

                //show the mouse and wait for the user to left click OR NOT (if not, after 10 sec, it disappear)
                vBubbleObject.GetComponent <Appear>().needtoclick = vBubble.vClickToCloseBubble;

                Color vNewBodyColor   = new Color(vBubble.vBodyColor.r, vBubble.vBodyColor.g, vBubble.vBodyColor.b, 0f);
                Color vNewBorderColor = new Color(vBubble.vBorderColor.r, vBubble.vBorderColor.g, vBubble.vBorderColor.b, 0f);
                Color vNewFontColor   = new Color(vBubble.vFontColor.r, vBubble.vFontColor.g, vBubble.vFontColor.b, 255f);

                //get all image below the main Object
                foreach (Transform child in vBubbleObject.transform)
                    SpriteRenderer vRenderer = child.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();
                    TextMesh       vTextMesh = child.GetComponent <TextMesh> ();

                    if (vRenderer != null && child.name.Contains("Body"))
                        //change the body color
                        vRenderer.color = vNewBodyColor;

                        if (vRenderer.sortingOrder < 10)
                            vRenderer.sortingOrder = 1500;
                    else if (vRenderer != null && child.name.Contains("Border"))
                        //change the border color
                        vRenderer.color = vNewBorderColor;
                        if (vRenderer.sortingOrder < 10)
                            vRenderer.sortingOrder = 1501;
                    else if (vTextMesh != null && child.name.Contains("Message"))
                        //change the message and show it in front of everything
                        vTextMesh.color = vNewFontColor;
                        vTextMesh.text  = vTrueMessage;
                        child.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sortingOrder = 1550;

                        Transform vMouseIcon = child.FindChild("MouseIcon");
                        if (vMouseIcon != null && !vBubble.vClickToCloseBubble)

                    if (vBubbleOnRight == false && (child.name.Equals("BaseBody") || child.name.Equals("BaseBorder")))
                        child.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * 180);

                    //disable the mouse icon because it will close by itself
                    if (child.name == "MouseIcon" && !vBubble.vClickToCloseBubble)
                        vActiveBubble = vBubble;                          //keep the active bubble and wait for the Left Click

                vcharacter.vCurrentBubble      = vBubbleObject;            //attach it to the player
                vBubbleObject.transform.parent = vcharacter.transform;     //make him his parent
            else if (vActiveBubble == vBubble && vActiveBubble.vClickToCloseBubble)
                gotonextbubble            = true;
                vcharacter.vCurrentBubble = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        GameObject alignment = GameObject.Find("Alignment");

        appearScript = alignment.GetComponent <Appear> ();
 void Start()
     appearScript = GetComponent <Appear>();
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void initSkills()
            SoundEffect booSfx    = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, "QuickShot");
            SoundEffect shriekSfx = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, "Boo");
            SoundEffect whooshSfx = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, "Whoosh");

            SkillFinished appear = delegate() {
                int alpha = 255;
                resetFadeEffect(this.fadeEffect, alpha, FadeEffect.FadeState.PartialIn);
                resetFadeEffect(this.selectedFadeEffect, alpha, FadeEffect.FadeState.PartialIn);
                this.state = State.Visisble;
            SkillFinished disappear = delegate() {
                int alpha = 75;
                resetFadeEffect(this.fadeEffect, alpha, FadeEffect.FadeState.PartialOut);
                resetFadeEffect(this.selectedFadeEffect, alpha, FadeEffect.FadeState.PartialOut);
                this.state = State.Invisible;

            SkillFinished shriek = delegate() {
                int alpha = 255;
                resetFadeEffect(this.fadeEffect, alpha, FadeEffect.FadeState.PartialIn);
                resetFadeEffect(this.selectedFadeEffect, alpha, FadeEffect.FadeState.PartialIn);
                this.state = State.Visisble;

                float effectLife;
                Base2DSpriteDrawable shockWave = ModelGenerationUtil.generateWaveEffect(content, base.Position, Color.Orange, out effectLife);
                VisualEffect         effect    = new VisualEffect(shockWave, effectLife);

            SkillFinished boo = delegate() {
                int alpha = 255;
                resetFadeEffect(this.fadeEffect, alpha, FadeEffect.FadeState.PartialIn);
                resetFadeEffect(this.selectedFadeEffect, alpha, FadeEffect.FadeState.PartialIn);
                this.state = State.Visisble;

                float effectLife;
                Base2DSpriteDrawable shockWave = ModelGenerationUtil.generateWaveEffect(content, base.Position, Color.Green, out effectLife);
                VisualEffect         effect    = new VisualEffect(shockWave, effectLife);
            Skill booSkill    = new Boo(booSfx, boo);
            Skill shriekSkill = new Shriek(shriekSfx, shriek);
            Skill appearSkill = new Appear(whooshSfx, appear);
            Skill hideSkill   = new Disappear(whooshSfx, disappear);

            this.aggressiveSkills = new Dictionary <Keys, Skill>();
            this.aggressiveSkills.Add(Keys.D1, booSkill);
            this.aggressiveSkills.Add(Keys.D2, shriekSkill);

            this.passiveskills = new Dictionary <Keys, Skill>();
            this.passiveskills.Add(Keys.D3, appearSkill);
            this.passiveskills.Add(Keys.D4, hideSkill);

            this.Skills = new List <Skill>();