Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// CreateJob() to get job id and control id and Submit job
        /// using input sequence with job id and control id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sequence">input sequences</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">input params</param>
        /// <returns>result params with job id and control id</returns>
        public ServiceParameters SubmitRequest(IList <ISequence> sequence, ClustalWParameters parameters)
            ServiceParameters result = new ServiceParameters();

            if (null == sequence)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Sequence");

            if (null == parameters)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Parameters");

            // ClusterOption = biosim cbsum1 cbsum2k8 cbsusrv05 cbsum2 or Auto
            string[] output = _baseClient.CreateJob(tAppId.P_CLUSTALW, "test_BioHPC_Job", "1", parameters.Values[ClustalWParameters.Email].ToString(),
                                                    string.Empty, parameters.Values[ClustalWParameters.ClusterOption].ToString());

            if (!output[0].Contains(ERROR))
                result.JobId = output[1];
                result.Parameters.Add(CONTROLID, output[2]);

                AppInputData  inputData     = _baseClient.InitializeApplicationParams(tAppId.P_CLUSTALW, "test_BioHPC_Job");
                StringBuilder inputSequence = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (ISequence seq in sequence)

                inputData.clustalw.inputsource = QuerySrcType.paste;
                inputData.clustalw.inputstring = inputSequence.ToString();
                inputData.clustalw.isDNA       = false;
                inputData.clustalw.action      = (ClwActions)Enum.Parse(typeof(ClwActions),
                inputData.clustalw.email_notify = true;

                _baseClient.SubmitJob(result.JobId, result.Parameters[CONTROLID].ToString(), inputData);
                result.Parameters.Add(SUBMISSONRESULT, SUCCESS);

                // Only if the event is registered, invoke the thread
                if (null != RequestCompleted)
                    // Start the BackGroundThread to check the status of job
                    _workerThread = new BackgroundWorker();
                    _workerThread.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
                    _workerThread.DoWork             += new DoWorkEventHandler(ProcessRequestThread);
                    _workerThread.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(CompletedRequestThread);
                result.Parameters.Add(SUBMISSONRESULT, output[0]);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Check the currently set parameters for validity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Blast input parameters</param>
        /// <param name="pars">BLAST parameters in the BioHPC service format</param>
        /// <returns>Validation result</returns>
        private ParameterValidationResult ValidateParameters(BlastParameters parameters, AppInputData pars)
            ParameterValidationResult result = new ParameterValidationResult();

            result.IsValid = true;

            // Make sure e-mail address is configured
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.EmailAddress))
                result.IsValid           = false;
                result.ValidationErrors += Resources.PARAMETEREMAILREQUIRED;

            // check required BLAST parameters
            if (!parameters.Settings.ContainsKey(PARAMETERPROGRAM))
                result.IsValid           = false;
                result.ValidationErrors += Resources.PARAMETERPROGRAMREQUIRED;
                string prgm = parameters.Settings[PARAMETERPROGRAM].ToLower();
                if (Helper.StringHasMatch(prgm, Enum.GetNames(typeof(BLASTprogram))))
                    pars.blast.program = (BLASTprogram)Enum.Parse(typeof(BLASTprogram), prgm);
                    result.IsValid           = false;
                    result.ValidationErrors += Resources.PARAMETERPROGRAMREQUIRED;

            if (!parameters.Settings.ContainsKey(PARAMETERDATABASE))
                result.IsValid           = false;
                result.ValidationErrors += Resources.PARAMETERDATABASEREQUIRED;
                string dbname = parameters.Settings[PARAMETERDATABASE];
                if (IsProgramDna(pars.blast.program))
                    if (IsDbstringDNA(dbname))
                        pars.blast.database.database = dbname;
                        result.IsValid           = false;
                        result.ValidationErrors += Resources.BIOHPCNODNADB;
                    if (IsDbstringProt(dbname))
                        pars.blast.database.database = dbname;
                        result.IsValid           = false;
                        result.ValidationErrors += Resources.BIOHPCNOPROTDB;

            // Allowed parameters
            if (parameters.Settings.ContainsKey(PARAMETERFILTER))
                // If the supplied filter parameter makes sense, use it; otherwise the default will be used.
                string fltr = parameters.Settings[PARAMETERFILTER];
                if (Helper.StringHasMatch(fltr, Enum.GetNames(typeof(LowCompFilter))))
                    pars.blast.options.lcompfilter = (LowCompFilter)Enum.Parse(typeof(LowCompFilter), fltr);

            if (parameters.Settings.ContainsKey(PARAMETERALIGNMENTS))
                pars.blast.options.maxtargets = int.Parse(parameters.Settings[PARAMETERALIGNMENTS], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (parameters.Settings.ContainsKey(PARAMETERMATRIXNAME))
                // If the supplied matrix parameter makes sense, use it; otherwise the default will be used.
                string mtrx = parameters.Settings[PARAMETERMATRIXNAME].ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (Helper.StringHasMatch(mtrx, Enum.GetNames(typeof(MBF.Web.BioHPC.Matrix))))
                    pars.blast.options.matrix = (MBF.Web.BioHPC.Matrix)Enum.Parse(typeof(MBF.Web.BioHPC.Matrix), mtrx);

            if (parameters.Settings.ContainsKey(PARAMETEREXPECT))
                pars.blast.options.ecut = double.Parse(parameters.Settings[PARAMETEREXPECT], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (parameters.Settings.ContainsKey(PARAMETERMINQUERYLENGTH))
                pars.blast.options.minquerylength = int.Parse(parameters.Settings[PARAMETERMINQUERYLENGTH], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (parameters.Settings.ContainsKey(PARAMETEREMAILNOTIFY))
                pars.blast.runparams.email_notify = parameters.Settings[PARAMETEREMAILNOTIFY] == "yes";

            // Any other unknown parameters
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> parameter in parameters.Settings)
                switch (parameter.Key)
                // These are either handled above, or allowed
                case PARAMETERDATABASE:
                case PARAMETERPROGRAM:
                case PARAMETERFORMATTYPE:
                case PARAMETERFILTER:
                case PARAMETERALIGNMENTS:
                case PARAMETERMATRIXNAME:
                case PARAMETEREXPECT:
                case PARAMETEREMAILNOTIFY:
                case PARAMETERJOBNAME:

                    result.IsValid           = false;
                    result.ValidationErrors += string.Format(

            if (result.IsValid)
                result.ParametersObject = pars;

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Submit the search request with the user supplied configuration parameters and sequence list.
        /// Implementation should make use of the MBF.IO formatters to convert the sequence into
        /// the web interface compliant sequence format
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>An exception is thrown if the request does not succeed.</remarks>
        /// <param name="sequences">List of sequence to search with</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Blast input parameters</param>
        /// <returns>Unique Search ID generated by MBF</returns>
        public string SubmitRequest(IList <ISequence> sequences, BlastParameters parameters)
            if (sequences == null)
                throw new Exception(Resources.BIOHPCNOSEQUENCE);

            string requestIdentifier;

            // Start of BioHPC-specific code

            // we are submitting BLAST and give the job a name
            tAppId appID   = tAppId.P_BLAST;
            string jobname = BlastParameters.Parameters["JobName"].DefaultValue;

            if (parameters.Settings.ContainsKey(PARAMETERJOBNAME))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Settings[PARAMETERJOBNAME]))
                    jobname = parameters.Settings[PARAMETERJOBNAME];

            // initialize input parameters with defaults
            AppInputData pars = _blastClient.InitializeApplicationParams(appID, jobname);

            // Retrieve database names for easy access by parameter validator
            dnaDatabases  = GetServiceMetadata(MetadataDatabasesDna);
            protDatabases = GetServiceMetadata(MetadataDatabasesProt);

            // Validate the parameter
            ParameterValidationResult valid = ValidateParameters(parameters, pars);

            if (!valid.IsValid)
                throw new Exception(valid.ValidationErrors);

            // ValidateParameters updated some of the entries in pars and put them
            // into its ParametersObject - we need to fetch the updated pars
            pars = valid.ParametersObject as AppInputData;

            // Set some remaining parameters...
            pars.blast.querysource = QuerySrcType.paste;

            // We request XML as format, since this is what we can parse...
            pars.blast.options.format = OutputFormat.XML;

            // Query sequence should be in full Fasta format.
            // We concatenate all the sequences from the list into a single string.
            pars.blast.query = String.Empty;
            foreach (ISequence auxseq in sequences)
                pars.blast.query += ">" + auxseq.DisplayID + "\n" + auxseq.ToString() + "\n";

            pars.blast.query = pars.blast.query.Substring(0, pars.blast.query.Length - 1); // remobe trailing newline...

            // Run parameters and query string are ready. Submit the job to server:
            // Create a new BLAST job.
            string jobid = String.Empty;
            string cntrl = String.Empty;

                string pswd = String.Empty;
                    pswd = Configuration.Password;

                string[] outtab = _blastClient.CreateJob(appID, jobname, "1", Configuration.EmailAddress, pswd, "Auto");
                if (outtab[0].IndexOf(MsgError, StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.BIOHPCJOBNOTCREATED, outtab[0]));

                jobid             = outtab[1];
                cntrl             = outtab[2];
                requestIdentifier = jobid + "_" + cntrl;
                throw new Exception(Resources.BIOHPCSERVERABSENT);

            // Finally, we can submit the job
                string result = _blastClient.SubmitJob(jobid, cntrl, pars);
                if (result.IndexOf(MsgError, StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.BIOHPCJOBNOTSUBMITTED, jobid, result));
                throw new Exception(Resources.BIOHPCSERVERABSENT);

            // end of BioHPC-specific code

            // Only if the event is registered, invoke the thread
            if (null != RequestCompleted)
                // ThreadParameter wants a single sequence - nor sure what this is for.
                // We'll give it the first sequence from the list, i.e., sequence[0]
                ThreadParameter threadParameter = new ThreadParameter(

                // Start the BackGroundThread to check the status of job
                _workerThread = new BackgroundWorker();
                _workerThread.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
                _workerThread.DoWork             += new DoWorkEventHandler(ProcessRequestThread);
                _workerThread.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(CompletedRequestThread);
