Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate the resized rect
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="canvasRect">Rect to be transformed</param>
 /// <returns>Resized Rect</returns>
 public static Rect SafeToSafeCanvas(Rect canvasRect)
     // should calculate the safe area size on canvas
     return(new Rect
         // Set the Rect min position
         min = AplicationFuncs.ScreenToCanvasPos(ScreenPos: Screen.safeArea.min, canvasRect: canvasRect),
         // Set the max postion
         max = AplicationFuncs.ScreenToCanvasPos(ScreenPos: Screen.safeArea.max, canvasRect: canvasRect)
    /// Init Singleton instance
    public void InitSingleton()
        // Set as enable
        this.IsEnable = true;

        // calculate the canvas proportion
        this.inputCanvasRect       = this.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        this.SafeZoneFixedToCanvas = AplicationFuncs.SafeToSafeCanvas(canvasRect: inputCanvasRect.rect);

        // calculate the area for joyDetection
        JoyDetectionArea =
            new Rect(SafeZoneFixedToCanvas.xMin, SafeZoneFixedToCanvas.yMin,
                     SafeZoneFixedToCanvas.width * ScreenPercentDetect, SafeZoneFixedToCanvas.height);

        // get the joyStick REffs, knowing that has a child that is a joyBack and a child of that been the knob
        // back part of the joy
        this.joyBackImg  = this.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <RawImage>();
        this.joyBackRect = this.joyBackImg.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        // knoob part of the joy
        this.JoyKnobImg  = this.joyBackImg.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <RawImage>();
        this.joyKnobRect = this.JoyKnobImg.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        // Calculate the maximus radius for the joy based on size
        this.JoyMaxRadius = this.joyBackRect.rect.width * 0.5f - this.joyKnobRect.rect.width * 0.5f;

        // calculate the default related position, validating the values making joy visivel on safe area all the time
        this.RelatedDefaultPosition = new Vector2(
            JoyDetectionArea.position.x +
            ((JoyDetectionArea.width * positionPercent.x) < (joyBackRect.rect.width / 2f) ?
             (joyBackRect.rect.width / 2f) : (JoyDetectionArea.width * positionPercent.x)),
            JoyDetectionArea.position.y +
            ((JoyDetectionArea.height * positionPercent.y) < (joyBackRect.rect.height / 2f) ?
             (joyBackRect.rect.height / 2f) : (JoyDetectionArea.height * positionPercent.y)));

        // get refference to the jump button components
        this.jumpBtnImg = this.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Image>();
        this.jumpBtn    = this.jumpBtnImg.GetComponent <Button>();
        this.jumpBtnRct = this.jumpBtnImg.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        // calculate the jump button position based on margin and placed in safe area
        this.jumpBtnRct.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(
            SafeZoneFixedToCanvas.xMax - (SafeZoneFixedToCanvas.width * JumpPercentMargin.x + jumpBtnRct.rect.width * 0.5f),
            SafeZoneFixedToCanvas.yMin + SafeZoneFixedToCanvas.height * JumpPercentMargin.y + jumpBtnRct.rect.height * 0.5f);

        // Set joy to invisible
        IsJoyStickVisible = false;

        // Debug thats ready
        InformationPanel.DebugConsoleInput("Input Manager valid and Online!");
    /// <summary>
    /// Collect data from the main objects, get the joint and check if have a valid target
    /// </summary>
    public void InitParts()
        // Setting to the stangin pos
        IsStunted = false;
        // stores the reference for the standoUp Joint
        StandJoint = GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();
        StandJoint.connectedMassScale = BaseMassScale;

        // ref to the main rigidbody
        mainRB = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        // change the current gravity
        mainRB.useGravity = false;
        // set the character mass
        mainRB.mass = CharacterMass;

        // store a reference to the capsule colide
        this.targetSphereCollider = this.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();

        // evaluate all the elements in list
        foreach (var bPart in bodyParts)
            // evaluate if the main go exist
            if (bPart.partGO)
                // checks if has a configurable joint
                if (bPart.partGO.GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>())
                    // stores the ref for the joint
                    bPart.partJoint = bPart.partGO.GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();
                    // evaluate the target GO
                    if (!bPart.partTarget)
                        // if not setted properly, debug and close
                        Debug.LogError($"GO -> {bPart.partGO.name} doesnt have a valid target!");
                        // close aplication
                    //if fails and its in editor, stop and debug
                    Debug.LogError($"GO -> {bPart.partGO.name} doesnt have a Configurable joint!");
                    // close aplication
Exemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// initial setup of this controller
    /// </summary>
    private void InitController()
        // TO REMOVE -  -   -   -   -
        Application.targetFrameRate = 140;
        QualitySettings.vSyncCount  = 0;

        // Get the reff for the physics controller
        physicsCharacter = GetComponentInChildren <PhysicsCharacterController>();
        // get the ref of the target animator
        playerTargetAnimator = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>();

        // Validate the reff
        // if fails to find the physics controller
        if (!physicsCharacter || !playerTargetAnimator)
            // Close the aplication

        // Debug information and initialize  the parts
        InformationPanel.DebugConsoleInput("Physics System connected!");

        // Define the maximum velocity
        // define the kill speed

        // Stunted  -   -   -   -   -
        // regist the for the stunted event
        physicsCharacter.stuntedDelegate += StuntedCallback;
        // init vars
        stunted = false;

        // Grab controller  -   -   -   -   -
        // get ref to controller
        this.playerGrabController = this.GetComponentInChildren <GrabController>();
        // Init with enable tag
        this.playerGrabController.Init(controllerState: true, lHand: ref LeftHandGO, rHand: ref RightHandGO);

        // Regists for jump delegate
        InputManager.Instance.jumpDelegate += () => { physicsCharacter.Jump(this.JumpValue); };

        // regist the controller to the action event
        InputManager.Instance.actionDelegate += playerGrabController.ActionCallback;
    /// <summary>
    /// Evaluates, draw and calculte the input on screen
    /// </summary>
    private void OnScreenController()
        // Check if exists toutchs or the joysitck is desable
        if (Input.touchCount == 0f)

        // Evaluate all the touches
        foreach (var touch in Input.touches)
            // check if exist a toutch beeing tracked
            if (this.IsJoyStickVisible && touch.fingerId == ValidJoyTouchID)
                // if the touch ended
                if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
                {// set the joy invisible
                    IsJoyStickVisible = false;
                    // jump to the next touch
                // if the joy is visible, a toutch is been tracked and not ended, update the
                // calculate the delta vector
                // clamp the maximu magnitude to the maximun calculated radius
                var tempDeltaDirection = Vector2.ClampMagnitude((touch.position - this.StartPosition), this.JoyMaxRadius);

                // Set the knob positio base on the calculated delta
                joyKnobRect.anchoredPosition = (this.joyBackRect.rect.size * 0.5f) + tempDeltaDirection;

                // Determinate the amount of input the joy makes (-1 to 1 scale)
                this.InputVector.Set(tempDeltaDirection.x / this.JoyMaxRadius, tempDeltaDirection.y / this.JoyMaxRadius);
            // if is inside of the joy Detection area and is a new touch
            else if (JoyDetectionArea.Contains(AplicationFuncs.ScreenToCanvasPos(touch.position, inputCanvasRect.rect)) &&
                     touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                // set the joy to visible
                IsJoyStickVisible = true;
                // Store the information of this new valid touch
                this.ValidJoyTouchID = touch.fingerId;
                this.StartPosition   = touch.position;

                // place the joy on the touch position
                this.joyBackRect.anchoredPosition = AplicationFuncs.ScreenToCanvasPos(touch.position, inputCanvasRect.rect);