Exemplo n.º 1
         * [Fact]
         * public void VerifyABookChapterPrintVersion()
         * {
         *  AssertCitation(
         *      "Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and education. Philadelphia: Ballière Tindall.",
         *      new ApaCitation(
         *          null,
         *          new SimplePublication("Race equality in health care and education",
         *              new List<IAuthor>() {
         *                  new SimpleAuthor( "Baxter", new List<string>() {"C"})
         *              },
         *              new List<IEditor>(){
         *                      new SimpleEditor("Eid", new List<string>() {"M"}),
         *                      new SimpleEditor("Larsen", new List<string>() {"R", "J"})
         *                  },
         *              new SimplePublicationDateTime(new DateTime(1997, 1, 1), "yyyy"),
         *              new SimplePublisher("Ballière Tindall", new SimplePostalAddress(string.Empty, null, new Municipality("Philadelphia"), null, null, new RegionInfo( "US" )))
         *          )
         *      )
         *  );
         * }
         * [Fact]
         * public void VerifyABookInPrint()
         * {
         *  AssertCitation(
         *      "Haybron, D. M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In M. Eid & R. J. Larsen (Eds.), The science of subjective well-being (pp. 17-43). New York, NY: Guilford Press.",
         *      new ApaCitation(
         *          null,
         *          new SimpleArticle("Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being",
         *              new SimplePublication("The science of subjective well-being",
         *                  new List<IAuthor>() {
         *                      new SimpleAuthor( "Haybron", new List<string>() {"D", "M"})
         *                  },
         *                  new List<IEditor>(){
         *                          new SimpleEditor("Eid", new List<string>() {"M"}),
         *                          new SimpleEditor("Larsen", new List<string>() {"R", "J"})
         *                      },
         *                  new SimplePublicationDateTime(new DateTime(2008, 1, 1), "yyyy"),
         *                  new SimplePublisher("Guilford Press", new SimplePostalAddress(string.Empty, null, new Municipality("New York"), new State("NY"), null, new RegionInfo("US")))
         *              ),
         *              new SimplePageRange(17, 43)
         *          )
         *      )
         *  );
         * }
         * [Fact]
         * public void VerifyAnEBook()
         * {
         *  AssertCitation(
         *     "Millbower, L. (2003). Show biz training: Fun and effective business training techniques from the worlds of stage, screen, and song. Retrieved from http://www.amacombooks.org/",
         *      new ApaCitation(
         *          null,
         *          new SimplePublication("Show biz training: Fun and effective business training techniques from the worlds of stage, screen, and song",
         *              new List<IAuthor>() {
         *                  new SimpleAuthor( "Millbower", new List<string>() {"L"})
         *              },
         *              new List<IEditor>(),
         *              new SimplePublicationDateTime(new DateTime(2003, 1, 1), "yyyy"),
         *              new SimpleWebPublisher(new Uri("http://www.amacombooks.org/"))
         *          )
         *      )
         * );
         * }
        private static void AssertInTextCitation(string expectedLine, ApaCitation citation)
            var actualLine = citation.ToInTextString();

            AssertCitation(expectedLine, actualLine);