Exemplo n.º 1
    private void FollowingMovement()
        // If follower is waiting (tactile contact with tandem leader) do not update movement
        if (ShouldTandemFollowerWait() == true)

        // If the follower has line of sight of the leader (within antennal contact range) then turn to face them
        if (ant.LineOfSight(ant.leader) == true)
            WalkToGameObject(ant.leader.gameObject, false);
            ResetTurnParameters(moreFrequentTurns: true);

        // Update direction only if the required time has elapsed
        if (simulation.TotalElapsedSimulatedTime("s") >= nextTurnTime)
            // If this is the first follower movement estimated leader position is not yet set, move ant towards leader
            if (ant.estimateNewLeaderPos == Vector3.zero)
                ant.estimateNewLeaderPos = ant.leader.transform.position;

            // The follower must walk towards where they predict the leader is
            float predictedLeaderAngle = AngleToFacePosition(ant.estimateNewLeaderPos);
            float newDirection         = RandomGenerator.Instance.NormalRandom(predictedLeaderAngle, maxVarFollower);

            ResetTurnParameters(moreFrequentTurns: true);

        // Move forward at the required speed (if there are no obstructions)
        MoveForward(Speed.v[Speed.TandemRunFollow], false);//?
Exemplo n.º 2
    private bool CanOtherAntBeRecruited()
        // Assessing and following ants can't be recruited
        // The other ant cannot be recruited if:
        //  - It is in the assessing or following state
        //  - It already has the same nest allegiance as this ant
        //  - Cannot be seen by this ant
        if (otherAnt.state == BehaviourState.Assessing ||
            otherAnt.state == BehaviourState.Following ||
            otherAnt.myNest == ant.myNest ||
            ant.LineOfSight(otherAnt) == false)

        // If the other ant is a recruiter, use the probability parameters to test if it can be recruited.
        if (otherAnt.state == BehaviourState.Recruiting || otherAnt.state == BehaviourState.Reversing)
            float r           = RandomGenerator.Instance.Range(0f, 1f);
            float probability = AntScales.Other.tandRecSwitchProb;

            if (otherAnt.IsQuorumReached())
                probability = AntScales.Other.carryRecSwitchProb;

            if (r < probability)

        // All remaining cases are eligible for recruitment, but passive ants can only be carried