public void TestLoadingFileWithSingleRecord()
                //Define the expected data
                List <Answer> expectedData = new List <Answer>()
                    new Answer()
                        SubmittedAnswerId = 12345,
                        SubmitDateTime    = DateTime.Parse("2018-01-30T08:57:00.00"),
                        Correct           = 1,
                        Progress          = 0,
                        UserId            = 56789,
                        ExerciseId        = 23,
                        Difficulty        = "5",
                        Subject           = "Geschiedenis",
                        Domain            = "-",
                        LearningObjective = "Industrial Revolution"

                //Create the JSON file loader
                IAnswerDataJsonFileLoader fileLoader = new AnswerDataJsonFileLoader();

                //Load the test file
                List <Answer> actualData = fileLoader.LoadAnswerDataFromFile(SingleAnswerFileName);

                //Compare the actual data to the expected data
                Assert.That(actualData.Count, Is.EqualTo(expectedData.Count));

                expectedData.Zip(actualData, Tuple.Create)
                .ForEach(dataTuple => DataComparers.CompareAnswers(dataTuple.Item1, dataTuple.Item2));
            public void TestLoadingNonExistentFile()
                //Create the JSON file loader
                IAnswerDataJsonFileLoader fileLoader = new AnswerDataJsonFileLoader();

                //Attempts to load the test file, which should result in a FileNotFound exception
                Assert.That(() => fileLoader.LoadAnswerDataFromFile(NonExistentFileName),
                            Throws.TypeOf <FileNotFoundException>());
            public void TestLoadingFileWithNoData()
                //Define the expected data
                List <Answer> expectedData = new List <Answer>();

                //Create the JSON file loader
                IAnswerDataJsonFileLoader fileLoader = new AnswerDataJsonFileLoader();

                //Load the test file
                List <Answer> actualData = fileLoader.LoadAnswerDataFromFile(NoRecordsFileName);

                Assert.That(actualData.Count, Is.EqualTo(expectedData.Count));