Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies shared data in from Preferences, used to upgrade versions of AnimationImporter
        /// </summary>
        public void CopyFromPreferences()
            if (HasKeyInPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "spritePixelsPerUnit"))
                _spritePixelsPerUnit = GetFloatFromPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "spritePixelsPerUnit");
            if (HasKeyInPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "spriteTargetObjectType"))
                _targetObjectType = (AnimationTargetObjectType)GetIntFromPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "spriteTargetObjectType");
            if (HasKeyInPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "spriteAlignment"))
                _spriteAlignment = (SpriteAlignment)GetIntFromPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "spriteAlignment");
            if (HasKeyInPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "spriteAlignmentCustomX"))
                _spriteAlignmentCustomX = GetFloatFromPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "spriteAlignmentCustomX");
            if (HasKeyInPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "spriteAlignmentCustomY"))
                _spriteAlignmentCustomY = GetFloatFromPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "spriteAlignmentCustomY");

            if (HasKeyInPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "saveSpritesToSubfolder"))
                _saveSpritesToSubfolder = GetBoolFromPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "saveSpritesToSubfolder");
            if (HasKeyInPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "saveAnimationsToSubfolder"))
                _saveAnimationsToSubfolder = GetBoolFromPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "saveAnimationsToSubfolder");
            if (HasKeyInPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "automaticImporting"))
                _automaticImporting = GetBoolFromPreferences(PREFS_PREFIX + "automaticImporting");

            // Find all nonLoopingClip Prefences, load them into the sharedData.
            int    numOldClips  = 0;
            string loopCountKey = PREFS_PREFIX + "nonLoopCount";

            if (HasKeyInPreferences(loopCountKey))
                numOldClips = GetIntFromPreferences(loopCountKey);

            for (int i = 0; i < numOldClips; ++i)
                string clipKey = PREFS_PREFIX + "nonLoopCount" + i.ToString();

                // If the clip hasn't already been moved to the shared data, do it now.
                if (HasKeyInPreferences(clipKey))
                    var stringAtKey = GetStringFromPreferences(clipKey);
                    if (!_animationNamesThatDoNotLoop.Contains(stringAtKey))
        public static void GetComponentPathsFromExistingClip(AnimationClip clip, AnimationTargetObjectType targetType, out string spriteRendererComponentPath, out string imageComponentPath)
            var curveBindings = AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurveBindings(clip);

            spriteRendererComponentPath = string.Empty;
            imageComponentPath          = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < curveBindings.Length; i++)
                if (targetType != AnimationTargetObjectType.Image && curveBindings[i].type == typeof(SpriteRenderer))
                    spriteRendererComponentPath = curveBindings[i].path;
                else if (targetType != AnimationTargetObjectType.SpriteRenderer && curveBindings[i].type == typeof(UnityEngine.UI.Image))
                    imageComponentPath = curveBindings[i].path;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void CreateAnimation(ImportedAnimation anim, string basePath, string masterName, AnimationTargetObjectType targetType)
            AnimationClip clip;
            // attempt to ignore characters in master name after _ character
            string newName = masterName.Split('_')[0];

            ///NOTE - DDobyns experiment to fix animation naming issues
            ///string fileName = basePath + "/" + masterName + "_" + anim.name + ".anim";   // original behavior is this line
            //string fileName = basePath + "/" + newName + "_" + anim.name + ".anim";      // DDobyns original fix is this line
            string fileName = basePath + "/" + anim.name + ".anim";      // DDobyns Feb 26 2020 fix is this line
            // this results in naming animations with the Action and Angle only. e.g., Character_run45 will save a clip named run45
            bool isLooping = anim.isLooping;

            // check if animation file already exists
            clip = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <AnimationClip>(fileName);
            if (clip != null)
                // get previous animation settings
                targetType = PreviousImportSettings.GetAnimationTargetFromExistingClip(clip);
                clip = new AnimationClip();
                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(clip, fileName);

            // change loop settings
            if (isLooping)
                clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
                clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;

            ObjectReferenceKeyframe[] keyFrames = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe[anim.Count + 1];             // one more than sprites because we repeat the last sprite

            for (int i = 0; i < anim.Count; i++)
                ObjectReferenceKeyframe keyFrame = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe {
                    time = anim.GetKeyFrameTime(i)

                Sprite sprite = anim.frames[i].sprite;
                keyFrame.value = sprite;
                keyFrames[i]   = keyFrame;

            // repeating the last frame at a point "just before the end" so the animation gets its correct length

            ObjectReferenceKeyframe lastKeyFrame = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe {
                time = anim.GetLastKeyFrameTime(clip.frameRate)

            Sprite lastSprite = anim.frames[anim.Count - 1].sprite;

            lastKeyFrame.value    = lastSprite;
            keyFrames[anim.Count] = lastKeyFrame;

            // save curve into clip, either for SpriteRenderer, Image, or both
            if (targetType == AnimationTargetObjectType.SpriteRenderer)
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.spriteRendererCurveBinding, keyFrames);
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.imageCurveBinding, null);
            else if (targetType == AnimationTargetObjectType.Image)
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.spriteRendererCurveBinding, null);
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.imageCurveBinding, keyFrames);
            else if (targetType == AnimationTargetObjectType.SpriteRendererAndImage)
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.spriteRendererCurveBinding, keyFrames);
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.imageCurveBinding, keyFrames);

            anim.animationClip = clip;
        public void CreateAnimation(ImportedAnimation anim, string basePath, string masterName, AnimationTargetObjectType targetType)
            AnimationClip clip;
            string        fileName  = basePath + "/" + masterName + "_" + anim.name + ".anim";
            bool          isLooping = anim.isLooping;

            // check if animation file already exists
            clip = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <AnimationClip>(fileName);
            if (clip != null)
                // get previous animation settings
                targetType = PreviousImportSettings.GetAnimationTargetFromExistingClip(clip);
                isLooping  = clip.isLooping;
                clip = new AnimationClip();
                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(clip, fileName);

            // change loop settings
            if (isLooping)
                clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
                clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;

            ObjectReferenceKeyframe[] keyFrames = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe[anim.Count + 1];             // one more than sprites because we repeat the last sprite

            for (int i = 0; i < anim.Count; i++)
                ObjectReferenceKeyframe keyFrame = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe {
                    time = anim.GetKeyFrameTime(i)

                Sprite sprite = anim.frames[i].sprite;
                keyFrame.value = sprite;
                keyFrames[i]   = keyFrame;

            // repeating the last frame at a point "just before the end" so the animation gets its correct length

            ObjectReferenceKeyframe lastKeyFrame = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe {
                time = anim.GetLastKeyFrameTime(clip.frameRate)

            Sprite lastSprite = anim.frames[anim.Count - 1].sprite;

            lastKeyFrame.value    = lastSprite;
            keyFrames[anim.Count] = lastKeyFrame;

            // save curve into clip, either for SpriteRenderer, Image, or both
            if (targetType == AnimationTargetObjectType.SpriteRenderer)
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.spriteRendererCurveBinding, keyFrames);
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.imageCurveBinding, null);
            else if (targetType == AnimationTargetObjectType.Image)
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.spriteRendererCurveBinding, null);
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.imageCurveBinding, keyFrames);
            else if (targetType == AnimationTargetObjectType.SpriteRendererAndImage)
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.spriteRendererCurveBinding, keyFrames);
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.imageCurveBinding, keyFrames);

            anim.animationClip = clip;
        public void CreateAnimation(ImportedAnimation anim, string basePath, string masterName, AnimationTargetObjectType targetType)
            AnimationClip clip;
            string        fileName  = basePath + "/" + masterName + "_" + anim.name + ".anim";
            bool          isLooping = anim.isLooping;

            // check if animation file already exists
            clip = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <AnimationClip>(fileName);
            if (clip != null)
                // get previous animation settings
                targetType = PreviousImportSettings.GetAnimationTargetFromExistingClip(clip);
                clip = new AnimationClip();
                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(clip, fileName);

            // change loop settings
            if (isLooping)
                clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
                clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;

            // convert keyframes
            ImportedAnimationFrame[]  srcKeyframes = anim.ListFramesAccountingForPlaybackDirection().ToArray();
            ObjectReferenceKeyframe[] keyFrames    = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe[srcKeyframes.Length + 1];
            float timeOffset = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < srcKeyframes.Length; i++)
                // first sprite will be set at the beginning (t=0) of the animation
                keyFrames[i] = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe
                    time  = timeOffset,
                    value = srcKeyframes[i].sprite

                // add duration of frame in seconds
                timeOffset += srcKeyframes[i].duration / 1000f;

            // repeating the last frame at a point "just before the end" so the animation gets its correct length
            keyFrames[srcKeyframes.Length] = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe
                time  = timeOffset - (1f / clip.frameRate),                // substract the duration of one frame
                value = srcKeyframes.Last().sprite

            // save curve into clip, either for SpriteRenderer, Image, or both
            if (targetType == AnimationTargetObjectType.SpriteRenderer)
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.spriteRendererCurveBinding, keyFrames);
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.imageCurveBinding, null);
            else if (targetType == AnimationTargetObjectType.Image)
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.spriteRendererCurveBinding, null);
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.imageCurveBinding, keyFrames);
            else if (targetType == AnimationTargetObjectType.SpriteRendererAndImage)
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.spriteRendererCurveBinding, keyFrames);
                AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, AnimationClipUtility.imageCurveBinding, keyFrames);

            anim.animationClip = clip;