Exemplo n.º 1
    private void OnJumpMovement(Transform transform, AnimationEventManager animationEventManager, Animator animator, Rigidbody rigidbody, Entity entity, Actor actor, ref ActorInput actorInput, ActorCharacter actorCharacter)
        //Save Jump Data
        if (!jumpIntervals.ContainsKey(entity.Index))
            jumpIntervals.Add(entity.Index, jumpInterval);

        //Decrease jump interval if goruned
        if (isGrounded && rigidbody.velocity.y <= 0)
            jumpIntervals[entity.Index] -= 1 * dt;
            actorInput.isJumping         = 0;

        //If were not grounded reset jump interval
            jumpIntervals[entity.Index] = jumpInterval;

        //Do Jump
        if (actorInput.action == 0 && actorInput.actionToDo == 2 && isGrounded && actorCharacter.jumpForce != 0 && isHeadFree && jumpIntervals[entity.Index] <= 0)
            var velocity = rigidbody.velocity;
            velocity.y         = actorCharacter.jumpForce;
            rigidbody.velocity = velocity;


            actorInput.isJumping = 1;

            if (actorInput.crouch == 1)
                ActorUtilities.UpdateCollider(actor, transform, "standing");

            if (actorInput.movement.magnitude != 0)
                transform.forward = actorInput.movement;

            if (animationEventManager.RequestEvent("jumpGrunt") && actorCharacter.jumpGruntAudioEvent != null)
            else if (animationEventManager.RequestEvent("jumpStart") && actorCharacter.jumpStartAudioEvent != null)
            else if (animationEventManager.RequestEvent("jumpLand") && actorCharacter.jumpLandAudioEvent != null)
    private void OnWallHugMovement(Transform transform, AnimationEventManager animationEventManager, Animator animator, Rigidbody rigidbody, Entity entity, Actor actor, ref ActorInput actorInput, ActorCharacterWallHug actorCharacterWallHug)
        // start wall hugging
        if (actorInput.actionToDo == 1 && actorInput.crouch == 0 && actorInput.action == 0)
            // get all surrounding walls  | Get first hit as our main hit
            var hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(transform.position, 0.5f, Vector3.one * 0.5f, 0.5f, actorCharacterWallHug.wallHugMask);

            if (hits.Length >= 1)
                var        hit             = hits[0];
                var        directionToWall = (hit.transform.position - transform.position).normalized;
                var        distanceToWall  = Vector3.Distance(hit.transform.position, transform.position);
                RaycastHit wallHit;

                if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), directionToWall, out wallHit, distanceToWall, actorCharacterWallHug.wallHugMask))
                    wallHuggingDirections[entity.Index] = Quaternion.LookRotation(GetMeshColliderNormal(wallHit)).eulerAngles;

                    Debug.DrawLine(transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), wallHit.point, Color.red, 1);
                    Debug.DrawRay(wallHit.point, GetMeshColliderNormal(wallHit) * 5, Color.red, 1);

                    actorInput.actionToDo = 0;
                    actorInput.action     = 99;

        //Stop wall hugging
        if (actorInput.actionToDo == 1 && actorInput.action == 99)
            actorInput.actionToDo = 0;
            actorInput.action     = 0;

        //Update Wall hugging
        if (actorInput.action == 99)
            bool forceStop = false;

            if (actorInput.movement.magnitude >= deadPoint)
                var movement = actorInput.movement;
                var movementToRightDotProduct = Vector3.Dot(movement, transform.right);
                rigidbody.velocity = transform.right * movementToRightDotProduct * actorCharacterWallHug.speed;

                //Check if there is wall ahead of where we are going if not than force a stop
                    //Do it
                    var raycastPoint = transform.position;
                    raycastPoint += Vector3.up * 0.1f;
                    raycastPoint += (transform.right * movementToRightDotProduct).normalized * 0.5f;
                    forceStop     = !Physics.Raycast(raycastPoint, -transform.forward, 0.5f, actorCharacterWallHug.wallHugMask);

                    Debug.DrawRay(raycastPoint, -transform.forward * 0.5f, forceStop ? Color.red : Color.green, 0);

                if (!forceStop)
                    animator.SetFloat("movementX", movementToRightDotProduct * deadPoint, animationTransitionRate, dt);
                    animator.SetFloat("movementY", 0, animationTransitionRate, dt);

            //Stop Move
            if (actorInput.movement.magnitude <= deadPoint || forceStop)
                rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;

                animator.SetFloat("movementX", 0, animationTransitionRate, dt);
                animator.SetFloat("movementY", 0, animationTransitionRate, dt);

            //Rotate to face wall normal
            transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.Slerp(transform.eulerAngles, wallHuggingDirections[entity.Index], Time.deltaTime * 6);

            if (animationEventManager.RequestEvent("footStep") && actorCharacterWallHug.footStepAudioEvent != null && actorInput.movement.magnitude != 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void OnGroundMovement(Transform transform, AnimationEventManager animationEventManager, Animator animator, Rigidbody rigidbody, Entity entity, Actor actor, ref ActorInput actorInput, ActorCharacter actorCharacter)
        //Return if doing diffrent action | Not Grounded
        if (actorInput.action != 0 || !isGrounded || actorInput.isJumping == 1)

        //Get movement type
            if (!isHeadFree && actorInput.crouchPreviousFrame == 1)
                actorInput.crouch = 1;

            if (actorInput.movement.magnitude == 0 || actorInput.crouch == 1 && !isHeadFree)
                actorInput.sprint = 0;

            if (actorInput.sprint == 1)
                actorInput.crouch = 0;

            if (actorInput.walk == 1 && actorInput.sprint == 0 && actorInput.crouch == 0)
                actorInput.movement *= deadPoint;

            //Set Velocity
            var velocity = actorInput.movement;
            velocity          *= actorInput.sprint == 1 ? actorCharacter.sprintSpeed : actorInput.crouch == 1 ? actorCharacter.crouchSpeed : actorCharacter.runSpeed;
            velocity.y         = -1;
            rigidbody.velocity = velocity;

            //Set Collider
            if (actorInput.crouch == 1 && actorInput.crouchPreviousFrame == 0)
                ActorUtilities.UpdateCollider(actor, transform, "Crouching");
            else if (actorInput.crouch == 0 && actorInput.crouchPreviousFrame == 1)
                ActorUtilities.UpdateCollider(actor, transform, "Standing");

            if (actorInput.movement.magnitude != 0 && actorInput.strafe == 0 || actorInput.movement.magnitude != 0 && actorInput.sprint == 1)
                var lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(actorInput.movement);
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, lookRotation, dt * actorCharacter.rotationSpeed);

            //Is Sprinting
            if (actorInput.sprint == 1)
                actorInput.movement = new float3(0, 0, 2f);

            else if (actorInput.strafe == 1)
                actorInput.movement = transform.InverseTransformDirection(actorInput.movement);

            //Not Strafing
                actorInput.movement = new float3(0, 0, Mathf.Abs(actorInput.movement.magnitude));

            //Set Animator Properties
            animator.SetBool("crouch", actorInput.crouch == 1 && actorInput.sprint == 0);
            animator.SetFloat("movementX", actorInput.movement.x, animationTransitionRate, dt);
            animator.SetFloat("movementY", actorInput.movement.z, animationTransitionRate, dt);
            animator.SetFloat("movementAmount", actorInput.movement.magnitude, animationTransitionRate, dt);

        if (animationEventManager.RequestEvent("footStep") && actorCharacter.footStepAudioEvent != null && actorInput.movement.magnitude != 0)