Exemplo n.º 1
	public void DoInteraction(AnimatedInteraction newAI) // supply one with the call
		currentInteraction = newAI;
		foreach(AnimationClip ac in currentInteraction.AnimClips)
			if(animQueue.Count > 0)
			if(ac != null && body.animation[ac.name] != null)
				Debug.LogWarning(gameObject.name + " loading null Interaction Animation for " + currentInteraction.Name);
		if(baseClip != null)
		idleEnabled = false;
		if(animState == CharacterAnimState.Idle)
Exemplo n.º 2
	public void DoInteraction(string interactionName)
        bool found = false;
		eventScript = null;
		string argString = "";
		if (interactionName.Contains("?")){
			// process any affixed parameters, including 'script=', which must appear first if included
			// arguments should be of the form ?name=value?name=value?name=value
			// and can be referenced as script arguments within the animationScript as #name.
			// the expression ?name=value may include ?name=#arg or ?name=%variable and substitution should occur
			// in the originating script 
//(not implemented in the first pass)
			string[] p = interactionName.Split ('?');
			interactionName = p[0];

			animSpeed = 1; // for overrideing defaults
			animWeight = 1;
			animTime = 0;

			int start=1;
			if (p[1].ToLower().Contains("script=")){
				string[] q = p[1].Split('=');
				foreach (InteractionScript IS in animationScriptObject.scripts){
					if (IS.name == q[1]){
						eventScript = IS;
						scriptNameOverride = true;
			// process speed=  weight= time= possibly mixing transform...
			while (start < p.Length){
				if (p.Length > start && p[start].ToLower().Contains("speed=")){
					string[] q = p[start].Split('=');
					float.TryParse(q[1],out animSpeed);
				if (p.Length > start && p[start].ToLower().Contains("weight=")){
					string[] q = p[start].Split('=');
					float.TryParse(q[1],out animWeight);
				if (p.Length > start && p[start].ToLower().Contains("time=")){
					string[] q = p[start].Split('=');
					float.TryParse(q[1],out animTime);

			body.animation[p[0]].speed = animSpeed;
			body.animation[p[0]].weight = animWeight; 	// weight gets overridden by crossfade.
			if (animTime >= 0) // use -1 to keep animation where it is but change it's speed...
				body.animation[p[0]].time = animTime;		// setting this beyond the initial anim event breaks the anim system, we might need to fake the skipped anim event

			for (int i=start;i<p.Length; i++){
				argString += p[i];
				if (i<p.Length-1)
					argString+=" ";

		//Debug.Log ("!!!!!!" + name + " Doing Interaction " + interactionName);

		for(int c = 0; c < interactions.Count; c++)
			if(interactionName == interactions[c].Name)
                found = true;
				currentInteraction = interactions[c];
				if(animQueue.Count > 0)
				foreach(AnimationClip ac in interactions[c].AnimClips)
					if(ac != null && body.animation[ac.name] != null) // we might have one to load from resources
						Debug.LogWarning(gameObject.name + " loading null Interaction Animation for " + interactions[c].Name);
				if(baseClip != null)
				idleEnabled = false;
// we now search for a script name==currentAnim when an event is triggered,, so this check may be un needed.
				if (eventScript == null){ // look for a default eventScript matching the animation name
					foreach (InteractionScript IS in animationScriptObject.scripts){
						if (IS.name == interactionName)
							eventScript = IS;
				if(animState == CharacterAnimState.Idle)
					PlayNext(0.5f); // careful, PlayNext clears eventScript...
				//return; //we've done one, we should leave now.

        if (found == false)
			// see if there's a clip of this name on our animator
			AnimationClip aClip = null;
			if (body.animation[interactionName] != null)
				aClip = body.animation[interactionName].clip;  // do we want to be saving animation states ?
			if (aClip == null){
				// or a clip we loaded from resources
				if (maleClips.ContainsKey (interactionName)){ // have to check based on m/f
					aClip = maleClips[interactionName];
				// if so, add it to our animations
			if (aClip != null){
				// inefficient, but let's see if there's a matching script here for now.
					//we should look in the resources folder for these, too.
				if (eventScript == null){ // look for a default eventScript matching the animation name
					foreach (InteractionScript IS in animationScriptObject.scripts){
						if (IS.name == interactionName)
								eventScript = IS;
								scriptNameOverride = true; // adding this so playnext doesn't clear. seems wrong.
				if(animQueue.Count > 0)

				if(baseClip != null)
				idleEnabled = false;
				if(animState == CharacterAnimState.Idle)
					PlayNext(0.5f); // careful, PlayNext clears eventScript...
            currentInteraction = null; // do we need to make one of these, or is this what we should save?
		if (eventScript != null){
			if (argString != ""){
				eventScript.startingArgs = argString; // this replaces and overrides any editor supplied values...	
			// pass along arguments from the script that called this DoInteraction
			// there may be some confusion here about which script it was.
			TaskCharacter tc = GetComponent<TaskCharacter>();
			ScriptedAction sa = null;
			if (tc != null) sa=tc.executingScript;
			if (sa!=null && sa.executedBy!= null){
				eventScript.startingArgs += " "+sa.executedBy.GetArgs();