Exemplo n.º 1
    // Make sure that the curve is valid
    void CheckForValidCurve()
        //Debug.Log ("Checking for valid curve");
        bool curveIsValid = true;         // assume a valid curve, set to false if something is wrong

        // if the curve is null, not much curve there to check, set it to some default curve and skip the rest
        if (distributionCurve == null)
            distributionCurve = DefaultCurve();
        // curve is not null,
            // check for at least some part of the curve being above zero
            AnimCurveRect tmpCurveRect = new AnimCurveRect(distributionCurve);
            if (tmpCurveRect.MaxY <= 0)
                Debug.LogError("At least some part of the distribution curve has to be higher than zero.");
                curveIsValid = false;

            // check for minimum amount of keyframes
            if (distributionCurve.keys.Length < 2)
                Debug.LogError("A distribution curve needs at least two keyframes.");
                curveIsValid = false;

        if (!curveIsValid)
            Debug.LogError("Not a valid distribution curve.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        // prebake the float numbers
        void PrebakeFloats(AnimationCurve curve, AnimCurveRect curveRect, int resolution)
            prebakedFloats = new List <float>();

            //get min and max x values and range
            float minX   = curveRect.MinX;
            float maxX   = curveRect.MaxX;
            float xRange = maxX - minX;
            // step for stepping from x to x
            float xStep = xRange / resolution;
            // vertical step / upwards
            float yStep = curveRect.MaxY / resolution;

            // for floats
            // for loop that goes through all relevant x coords determined by step
            float currentY = 0;

            for (float currentX = minX; currentX <= maxX; currentX += xStep)
                while (currentY < curve.Evaluate(currentX))
                    currentY += yStep;
                currentY = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // constructor
        public NumberBakery(AnimationCurve curve, AnimCurveRect curveRect, int resolution)
            // prebake lists of numbers
            PrebakeFloats(curve, curveRect, resolution);
            PrebakeInts(curve, curveRect, resolution);

            // give error messages if something failed
            if (prebakedFloats.Count < 1)
                Debug.LogError("Could not prebake enough floats (" + prebakedFloats.Count + ") from distribution curve.");
            if (prebakedInts.Count < 1)
                Debug.LogError("Could not prebake enough ints (" + prebakedInts.Count + ") from distribution curve.");
//			Debug.Log ("Pre-baked " + prebakedFloats.Count + " floats.");
//			Debug.Log ("Pre-baked " + prebakedInts.Count + " ints.");
Exemplo n.º 4
    // update the curve data if the curve or settings have changed. called by the custom inspector.
    void UpdateCurveData()
        //Debug.Log ("Updating Curve Data of " + gameObject.name);

        // make sure the curve has at least two keyframes and fulfills other requirements

        // always calc the curve rect, it's needed in any case
        curveRect = new AnimCurveRect(distributionCurve);

        // either prebake numbers or clear bakery depending on mode
        if (randomizeMode == RandomizeMode.Pregenerate)
            // instantiate number bakery
            numberBakery = new NumberBakery(distributionCurve, curveRect, prebakeResolution);
        else           // brute force mode, clear number bakery
            numberBakery = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // prebake the ints
        void PrebakeInts(AnimationCurve curve, AnimCurveRect curveRect, int resolution)
            prebakedInts = new List <int>();

            //get min and max x values and range
            int minX   = Mathf.RoundToInt(curveRect.MinX);
            int maxX   = Mathf.RoundToInt(curveRect.MaxX);
            int xRange = maxX - minX;
            // step for stepping from x to x
            int xStep = Mathf.RoundToInt(xRange / resolution);

            if (xStep < 1)
                xStep = 1;                        // don't allow zero steps...
            // vertical step / upwards
            float yStep = curveRect.MaxY / resolution;             // y step can be float as it's not used directly

            // fill int list
            // for loop that goes through all relevant x coords determined by step
            float currentY = 0;

            for (int currentX = minX; currentX <= maxX; currentX += xStep)
                while (currentY < curve.Evaluate(currentX))
                    currentY += yStep;
                currentY = 0;

            // sometimes, no ints can be generated due to rounding. fix that by adding the closest suitable int value(s)
            if (prebakedInts.Count == 0)
                if (minX == maxX)
                    prebakedInts.Add(minX); // if minX and maxX are the same when rounded, just always return that value
                else                        // otherwise, the curve will have some unusual shape that is especially nasty to ints (and probably not intended to return ints). try to add at least some int.
                                            // could throw a warning here, but it would get annoying / become spam if curve is not intended for ints
                                            // instead, try minX, maxX and avgX if they could be added
                    if (curve.Evaluate(minX) >= 0)
                    if (curve.Evaluate(maxX) >= 0)
                    int avg = Mathf.RoundToInt((curveRect.MinX + curveRect.MaxX) / 2f);
                    if (curve.Evaluate(avg) >= 0)
                    // if nothing worked, just put the average there.
                    if (prebakedInts.Count == 0)