Exemplo n.º 1
        public double scanAngle(TBPLineSegment second, TBPoint interPoint)
            Point3d        p1, p2, p3;
            TBPLineSegment s1 = null;
            TBPLineSegment s2 = null;

            if ((interPoint == this.StartPoint) && (this.StartPoint == second.StartPoint))
                s1 = this.newReverse();
                s2 = second;
            else if ((interPoint == this.StartPoint) && (this.StartPoint == second.EndPoint))
                s1 = this.newReverse();
                s2 = second.newReverse();
            else if ((interPoint == this.EndPoint) && (this.EndPoint == second.StartPoint))
                s1 = this;
                s2 = second;
            else if ((interPoint == this.EndPoint) && (this.EndPoint == second.EndPoint))
                s1 = this;
                s2 = second.newReverse();
            p1 = s1.acPline.GetPointAtParameter(this.acPline.EndParam - 1);
            p2 = s1.EndPoint.acPoint;
            p3 = s2.acPline.GetPointAtParameter(1);
            return(AngleUtil.scanAngle(p1, p2, p3));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void SingleAngle()
            Vector v1    = new Vector(0, 1);
            double angle = VectorUtil.Angle(v1);

            Assert.AreEqual(90, AngleUtil.ToDegrees(angle));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Angle()
            Vector v1    = new Vector(0, 1);
            Vector v2    = new Vector(1, -1);
            double angle = VectorUtil.Angle(v1, v2);

            Assert.AreEqual(135, AngleUtil.ToDegrees(angle));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void Invoke(CollisionInfo collision)
            var position = spawnAtAvatarBone && AvatarController.TryGetBone(contextBone, out var bone)
                ? bone.position
                : collision.point;

            Invoke(position, AngleUtil.DirectionalRotation(collision.normal));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override MovementCalculator CreateMovementCalculator(AvatarController avatar)
            float angularVelocity = 0;

            return(deltaTime => {
                var velocityOrientation = new AvatarOrientation(avatar.physics.velocityAngle);

                var currentOrientation = new AvatarOrientation(avatar.physics.rotationAngle);

                var velocity = avatar.physics.velocity;

                var direction = avatar.intentions.intendedFlight == Vector2.zero
                    ? avatar.physics.rotatedForward
                    : avatar.intentions.intendedFlight.normalized;
                float angle = Vector2.SignedAngle(avatar.physics.forward, direction);
                if (!avatar.canFlyLooping)
                    //angle = Mathf.Clamp(angle, -90, 90);
                var oldRotation = currentOrientation.rotation;
                currentOrientation.angle = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(currentOrientation.angle, angle, ref angularVelocity, rotationDuration, maxRotationSpeed, deltaTime);

                // Gliding
                float alignment = AngleUtil.Alignment(velocityOrientation.rotation, currentOrientation.rotation);
                bool isAligned = alignment >= alignmentDeadZone;

                if (isAligned && Mathf.Abs(angularVelocity) > angularDeadZone)
                    velocity = velocity.magnitude * (currentOrientation.rotation * avatar.physics.forward).SwizzleXY();
                    avatar.broom.isBoosting = true;
                    avatar.broom.isBoosting = false;

                // Drag
                avatar.physics.drag = GetDrag(alignment);
                velocity += avatar.physics.dragStep;

                // Gravity
                velocity += avatar.physics.gravityStep;

                // Thrust
                if (isAligned)
                    float thrustAcceleration = GetThrust(alignment);
                    var thrustDirection = (currentOrientation.rotation * avatar.physics.forward).SwizzleXY();
                    velocity += thrustAcceleration * deltaTime * thrustDirection;

                // Visuals
                avatar.broom.isAligned = isAligned;

                return (velocity, currentOrientation.angle, avatar.physics.facing);
Exemplo n.º 6
    //  Called once per frame. If we've connected to a tracker, get its data and move attached object with device
    void Update()
        if (handle > 0)
            if (sync)
            {             // Try to predict
                ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_DATA_TYPE bufferData = new ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_DATA_TYPE();
                ISenseLib.ISD_RingBufferQuery(handle, station, ref bufferData, new IntPtr(), new IntPtr());

                float dT            = (float)Time.deltaTime;
                float curTime       = bufferData.TimeStamp;           //TODO: is this right?
                float timeToPredict = curTime + (framePredict * dT);

                ISenseLib.ISD_GetTrackingData(handle, ref data);                 // Get the tracking data

            ISenseLib.ISD_STATION_DATA_TYPE dataSet = data.Station[station - 1];             // Specify the dataset

            // Only IS-1200 and IS-1500 have trackState
            if (trackerModel == ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS1200 || trackerModel == ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS1500)
                trackState = dataSet.TrackingState;

            Vector3 pos;

            // If device can control position, control position!

            if (trackerModel == ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS600 ||
                trackerModel == ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS900 ||
                trackerModel == ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS1200 ||
                trackerModel == ISenseLib.ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL.ISD_IS1500)
                pos = new Vector3(dataSet.Position[1], -dataSet.Position[2], dataSet.Position[0]);                 // Their y is up/down while that's our z

                transform.localPosition = pos;

            // Time to deal with rotation!

            float[] cbn = dataSet.Cbn;

            float[] eulers;

            cbn = AngleUtil.ConvertUnityCbn(cbn);              // Converts our right-handed rotation frame to unity's left-handed one.

            eulers = AngleUtil.Cbn2Euler(cbn);

            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(eulers[1], eulers[2], eulers[0]);             // Pitch, Yaw, Roll
Exemplo n.º 7
        void Dispatch(ContactPoint2D contact)
            if (contact.normalImpulse < impulseThreshold)
            var tempObject = new GameObject();

            tempObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(contact.point, AngleUtil.DirectionalRotation(contact.normal));
            Destroy(tempObject, 0);
Exemplo n.º 8
        IEnumerable <GameObject> CreateContactObjects(Collision2D collision)
            var contacts = collision.contacts;

            for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Length; i++)
                if (contacts[i].normalImpulse >= onCollisionImpulseThreshold)
                    var tempObject = new GameObject();
                    tempObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(contacts[i].point, AngleUtil.DirectionalRotation(contacts[i].normal));
                    Destroy(tempObject, 0);
                    yield return(tempObject);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public double scanAngle()
            Document acDoc   = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;
            double   r       = 0;

            //using (Transaction trans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
            //Polyline3d pl = trans.GetObject(acPline.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead) as Polyline3d;
            for (int i = 0; i < acPline.EndParam - 1; i++)
                r += AngleUtil.scanAngle(acPline.GetPointAtParameter(i), acPline.GetPointAtParameter(i + 1), acPline.GetPointAtParameter(i + 2));
Exemplo n.º 10
    // ---- Rotation ----
    void updateRotation()
        if (_inputState.rotationEnabled)
            _normalizedRotation = _rotationLimits.InverseLerp(_currRotation);
            _normalizedRotation = _rotationSpeedEasing.Evaluate2(_normalizedRotation);

            _currRotation += _inputState.rotation * _rotationSpeed.Lerp(_normalizedRotation) * Time.deltaTime;
            // return rotation
            if (_currRotation != _returnRotation)
                if ((_returnRotationSpeed.min.x > 0 && _returnRotationSpeed.max.x > 0) || (_returnRotationSpeed.min.y > 0 && _returnRotationSpeed.max.y > 0))
                    //how far we are away from the return rotation
                    _normalizedRotation  -= _returnRotation;
                    _normalizedRotation.x = Mathf.Abs(AngleUtil.ClampAngle(_normalizedRotation.x, -_returnRotSpeedDist.x, _returnRotSpeedDist.x) / _returnRotSpeedDist.x);
                    _normalizedRotation.y = Mathf.Abs(AngleUtil.ClampAngle(_normalizedRotation.y, -_returnRotSpeedDist.y, _returnRotSpeedDist.y) / _returnRotSpeedDist.y);

                    _normalizedRotation = _returnRotationSpeedEasing.Evaluate2(_normalizedRotation);

                    // now modify the current rotation to move towards the return rotation
                    if (_returnRotationSpeed.min.x > 0 && _returnRotationSpeed.max.x > 0)
                        _currRotation.x = Mathf.Lerp(_currRotation.x, _returnRotation.x, Time.deltaTime * _returnRotationSpeed.getLerpedX(_normalizedRotation.x));

                    if (_returnRotationSpeed.min.y > 0 && _returnRotationSpeed.max.y > 0)
                        _currRotation.y = Mathf.Lerp(_currRotation.y, _returnRotation.y, Time.deltaTime * _returnRotationSpeed.getLerpedY(_normalizedRotation.y));

        // clamp the rotation angles
        _currRotation.x = AngleUtil.ClampAngle(_currRotation.x, _rotationLimits.min.x, _rotationLimits.max.x);
        _currRotation.y = AngleUtil.ClampAngle(_currRotation.y, _rotationLimits.min.y, _rotationLimits.max.y);

        // set camera rotation, smoothed
        _desiredRotation = Quaternion.Euler((_currRotation.y * _upDir) + (_currRotation.x * _rightDir));

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, _desiredRotation, Time.deltaTime * _rotationDampening);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void TestDirectionalAngle(float x, float y, float angle)
     Assert.AreEqual(angle, AngleUtil.DirectionalAngle(new Vector2(x, y)), Mathf.Epsilon);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public void TestNormalizeAngle(float angle, float normalizedAngle)
     Assert.AreEqual(normalizedAngle, AngleUtil.NormalizeAngle(angle));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void TestDirectionalRotation(float x, float y, float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ)
     Assert.AreEqual(Quaternion.Euler(angleX, angleY, angleZ), AngleUtil.DirectionalRotation(new Vector2(x, y)));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override MovementCalculator CreateMovementCalculator(AvatarController avatar)
            float angularVelocity               = 0;
            var   acceleration                  = Vector2.zero;
            float boostGatheringDuration        = 0;
            float boostExecutionDuration        = 0;
            float maximumBoostExecutionDuration = 0;

            return(deltaTime => {
                float currentAngle = avatar.physics.rotationAngle;

                var targetDirection = avatar.intentions.intendedFlight == Vector2.zero
                    ? avatar.physics.rotatedForward
                    : avatar.intentions.intendedFlight;

                float targetAngle = Vector2.SignedAngle(avatar.physics.forward, targetDirection);

                if (directionsNormalized)
                    targetAngle = AngleUtil.RoundAngle(targetAngle, directionRange);

                var currentVelocity = avatar.physics.velocity;

                (Vector2, float, int) boost()
                    avatar.physics.drag = boostDrag;

                    if (boostExecutionDuration >= maximumBoostExecutionDuration)
                        boostExecutionDuration = 0;
                        avatar.broom.isBoosting = false;
                        angularVelocity = 0;
                        return glide();

                    float angle = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(currentAngle, targetAngle, ref angularVelocity, boostRotationDuration, maximumRotationSpeed, deltaTime);
                    var rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle);
                    var targetVelocity = (Vector2)(rotation * Vector2.right * currentVelocity.magnitude);

                    var velocity = targetVelocity;

                    return (velocity, angle, avatar.physics.facing);

                (Vector2, float, int) glide()
                    float angle = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(currentAngle, targetAngle, ref angularVelocity, rotationDuration, maximumRotationSpeed, deltaTime);
                    var rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle);

                    var velocityRotation = AngleUtil.DirectionalRotation(currentVelocity);

                    float alignment = AngleUtil.Alignment(rotation, velocityRotation);

                    float alignDuration = GetAlignDuration(alignment);
                    var targetVelocity = rotation * Vector2.right * currentVelocity.magnitude;

                    avatar.physics.drag = GetDrag(alignment);

                    avatar.broom.isAligned = alignment > requiredAlignment;
                    avatar.broom.isDiving = currentVelocity.y < requiredYSpeed;
                    bool intendsBoost = targetAngle <= 180;

                    if (intendsBoost)
                        if (avatar.broom.canBoost)
                            avatar.broom.canBoost = false;
                            avatar.broom.isBoosting = true;
                            maximumBoostExecutionDuration = Mathf.Abs(currentVelocity.y) * boostExecutionDurationMultiplier;
                            currentVelocity += currentVelocity.normalized * boostExecutionSpeed;
                            angularVelocity = 0;
                            return boost();
                        if (avatar.broom.isAligned && avatar.broom.isDiving)
                            if (!avatar.broom.canBoost && boostGatheringDuration < minimumBoostGatheringDuration)
                                boostGatheringDuration += deltaTime;
                                if (boostGatheringDuration >= minimumBoostGatheringDuration)
                                    boostGatheringDuration = 0;
                                    avatar.broom.canBoost = true;

                    var velocity = Vector2.SmoothDamp(currentVelocity, targetVelocity, ref acceleration, alignDuration, maximumGlideAcceleration, deltaTime);
                    velocity += GetAcceleration(alignment) * Time.deltaTime * (Vector2)(rotation * Vector3.right);
                    velocity += avatar.physics.gravityStep;

                    return (velocity, angle, avatar.physics.facing);

                return avatar.broom.isBoosting
                    ? boost()
                    : glide();
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void TestHorizontalAngle(int sign, float angle)
     Assert.AreEqual(angle, AngleUtil.HorizontalAngle(sign));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void TestHorizontalSign(float x, float y, int sign)
     Assert.AreEqual(sign, AngleUtil.HorizontalSign(new Vector2(x, y)));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Angle()
            Vector v1 = new Vector(1, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(45, AngleUtil.ToDegrees(v1.Angle));
Exemplo n.º 18
 public void TestHorizontalAngleThrowsException()
     Assert.Throws <UnityEngine.Assertions.AssertionException>(() => AngleUtil.HorizontalAngle(0));
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void TestAlignment(float angleA, float angleB, float alignment)
     Assert.AreEqual(alignment, AngleUtil.Alignment(Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angleA), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angleB)), 0.001f);
Exemplo n.º 20
    public void Init()
        //set the current distance and rotation so we keep our initial position

        //figure out the direction to aim in.
        switch (_direction)
            _forwardDir = Vector3.forward;
            _upDir      = Vector3.right;
            _rightDir   = Vector3.up;

            _currRotation.x = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.y);
            _currRotation.y = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.x);

        case DIRECTION.RIGHT:
            _forwardDir = Vector3.right;
            _upDir      = Vector3.forward;
            _rightDir   = Vector3.up;

            _currRotation.x = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.y);
            _currRotation.y = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.z);

        case DIRECTION.UP:
            _forwardDir = Vector3.up;
            _upDir      = Vector3.right;
            _rightDir   = Vector3.forward;

            _currRotation.x = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.z);
            _currRotation.y = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.x);

            _forwardDir = -Vector3.forward;
            _upDir      = Vector3.right;
            _rightDir   = Vector3.up;

            _currRotation.x = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.y);
            _currRotation.y = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.x);

        case DIRECTION.LEFT:
            _forwardDir = -Vector3.right;
            _upDir      = Vector3.forward;
            _rightDir   = Vector3.up;

            _currRotation.x = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.y);
            _currRotation.y = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.z);

        case DIRECTION.DOWN:
            _forwardDir = -Vector3.up;
            _upDir      = Vector3.right;
            _rightDir   = Vector3.forward;

            _currRotation.x = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.z);
            _currRotation.y = AngleUtil.Normalize(transform.eulerAngles.x);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public void TestRoundAngle(float angle, int directions, float roundedAngle)
     Assert.AreEqual(roundedAngle, AngleUtil.RoundAngle(angle, directions));