void HelloAngel()
        //If the angel Ai is not found in the scene send out an error and puase the editor.
        if (FindObjectOfType <Angel_AI>() == null)
            Debug.LogError("Angel_AI not found " + name); Debug.Break();

        Angel_AI my_Boss = FindObjectOfType <Angel_AI>();

        my_Boss._consoles.Add(this.GetComponent <Console_Interactiable>()); //Regester with the boss
        timeLimit = my_Boss.regenTimeAmount;                                //Get the amount of time needed to disable the console and store it.
    void HelloAngel()
        Angel_AI myBoss = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Angel_AI>();            //find the angel's AI

        myBoss._electricPlatforms.Add(this.GetComponent <ElectricPlatform>()); //store a refference to yourself with the boss AI

        //Get your stats from the boss
        canStun     = myBoss.ePlatformCanStun;
        stunTime    = myBoss.ePlatformStunTime;
        noBlock     = myBoss.ePlatformNoBlock;
        timer       = myBoss.ePlatformTimer;
        DamageTimer = myBoss.ePlatformDamageTimer;
        _damage     = myBoss.ePlatformDamage;
        timeKeeper  = timer;