Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ProcessEvent(AnchorField anchorField)
            var  e        = Event.current;
            bool contains = false;

            if (e.type == EventType.ContextClick)

            foreach (var anchor in anchorField.anchors)
                if (anchor.visibility == Visibility.Visible && anchor.rect.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                    editorEvents.mouseOverAnchor        = anchor;
                    editorEvents.isMouseOverAnchorFrame = true;
                    if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0)
                        editorEvents.isMouseClickOnAnchor = true;
                    contains = true;

            //clean anchor field if the old anchor was in this anchorField
            if (!contains)
                if (anchorField.anchors.Contains(editorEvents.mouseOverAnchor))
                    editorEvents.mouseOverAnchor = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        AnchorField     CreateAnchorField()
            AnchorField newAnchorField = new AnchorField();


Exemplo n.º 3
        public void RenderAnchorField(AnchorField anchorField, ref Rect renderRect)
            int index = 0;
            int anchorDefaultPadding = 18;

            renderRect.y += anchorField.offset;

            foreach (var anchor in anchorField.anchors)
                //render anchor if visible and linkable
                if (anchor.visibility == Visibility.Visible && anchor.isLinkable)
                    RenderAnchor(anchorField, anchor, ref renderRect);

                //if anchor is not gone, increment the padding for next anchor
                if (anchor.visibility != Visibility.Gone)
                    renderRect.y += anchorField.padding + anchorDefaultPadding;
Exemplo n.º 4
        //the anchor passed to ths function must be in the `anchors` list
        void RenderAnchor(AnchorField anchorField, Anchor anchor, ref Rect renderRect)
            //visual parameters for anchors:
            Vector2 anchorSize = new Vector2(13, 13);
            Vector2 margin     = new Vector2(0, 2);

            if (anchor.forcedY != -1)
                renderRect.yMin = anchor.forcedY;

            anchor.rect = new Rect(renderRect.min + margin, anchorSize);

            //anchor name:
            string anchorName = anchorField.name;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(anchor.name))
                anchorName = anchor.name;

            //anchor color:
            if (anchor.color != new Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
                GUI.color = anchor.color;
                GUI.color = ColorTheme.GetAnchorColor(anchor.colorSchemeName);

            //highlight mode to GUI color:
            if (graphRef.editorEvents.isDraggingLink || graphRef.editorEvents.isDraggingNewLink)
                if (anchor.highlighMode != AnchorHighlight.None)
                    if (anchor.isLinkable)
                        GUI.color = highlightModeToColor[anchor.highlighMode];
                        GUI.color = ColorTheme.disabledAnchorColor;

            //Draw the anchor:
            GUI.DrawTexture(anchor.rect, anchorTexture, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);

            //Draw the anchor name if not null
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(anchorName))
                Rect    anchorNameRect = anchor.rect;
                Vector2 textSize       = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(anchorName));
                if (anchorField.anchorType == AnchorType.Input)
                    anchorNameRect.position += new Vector2(-6, -2);
                    anchorNameRect.position += new Vector2(-textSize.x + 4, -2);
                anchorNameRect.size = textSize + new Vector2(15, 4);                 //add the anchorLabel size
                GUI.depth           = 10;
                GUI.Label(anchorNameRect, anchorName, (anchorField.anchorType == AnchorType.Input) ? inputAnchorLabelStyle : outputAnchorLabelStyle);

            //error display (required unlinked anchors)
            if (anchor.visibility == Visibility.Visible &&
                anchorField.required &&
                !anchorField.multiple &&
                anchor.anchorType == AnchorType.Input &&
                anchor.linkCount == 0)
                Rect errorIconRect = new Rect(anchor.rect);
                errorIconRect.size      = Vector2.one * 17;
                errorIconRect.position += new Vector2(-6, -10);
                GUI.color = Color.red;
                GUI.DrawTexture(errorIconRect, errorIcon);
                GUI.color = Color.white;

            if (anchor.debug)
                GUIContent debugContent = new GUIContent("c:" + anchor.linkCount + "|i:" + anchor.fieldIndex);

                Rect debugRect = anchor.rect;
                debugRect.xMax += 50;
                if (anchor.anchorType == AnchorType.Output)
                    debugRect.x -= EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(debugContent).x;
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(debugRect, Color.white * .8f);
                GUI.Label(debugRect, debugContent);
Exemplo n.º 5
        void LoadFieldAttributes()
            //get input variables
            System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fInfos = GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);

            List <string> actualFields = new List <string>();


            foreach (var field in fInfos)
                // reading field informations.

                anchorFieldInfoMap[field.Name] = field;

                if (!anchorFieldDictionary.ContainsKey(field.Name))
                    anchorFieldDictionary[field.Name] = CreateAnchorField();

                AnchorField anchorField = anchorFieldDictionary[field.Name];

                //detect multi-anchor by checking for PWArray<T> type
                if (field.FieldType.IsGenericType)
                    if (field.FieldType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(PWArray <>))
                        anchorField.multiple = true;

                System.Object[] attrs = field.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                foreach (var attr in attrs)
                    InputAttribute       inputAttr       = attr as InputAttribute;
                    OutputAttribute      outputAttr      = attr as OutputAttribute;
                    ColorAttribute       colorAttr       = attr as ColorAttribute;
                    OffsetAttribute      offsetAttr      = attr as OffsetAttribute;
                    VisibilityAttribute  visibilityAttr  = attr as VisibilityAttribute;
                    NotRequiredAttribute notRequiredAttr = attr as NotRequiredAttribute;

                    if (inputAttr != null)
                        anchorField.anchorType = AnchorType.Input;
                        if (inputAttr.name != null)
                            anchorField.name = inputAttr.name;
                    if (outputAttr != null)
                        anchorField.anchorType = AnchorType.Output;
                        if (outputAttr.name != null)
                            anchorField.name = outputAttr.name;
                    if (colorAttr != null)
                        anchorField.color = new SerializableColor(colorAttr.color);
                    if (offsetAttr != null)
                        anchorField.offset  = offsetAttr.offset;
                        anchorField.padding = offsetAttr.padding;
                    if (notRequiredAttr != null)
                        anchorField.required = false;
                    if (visibilityAttr != null)
                        anchorField.defaultVisibility = visibilityAttr.visibility;
                if (anchorField.anchorType == AnchorType.None)                 //field does not have a PW attribute
                    //create anchor in this anchorField if there is not existing one
                    if (anchorField.anchors.Count == 0)

                    anchorField.colorSchemeName = ColorTheme.GetAnchorColorSchemeName(field.FieldType);
                    anchorField.fieldName       = field.Name;
                    anchorField.fieldType       = (SerializableType)field.FieldType;
                    anchorField.fieldValue      = field.GetValue(this);
                    anchorField.nodeRef         = this;

            //remove inhexistants field dictionary entries (for renamed variables):
            var toRemoveKeys = new List <string>();

            foreach (var kp in anchorFieldDictionary)
                if (!actualFields.Contains(kp.Key))

            foreach (var toRemoveKey in toRemoveKeys)