Exemplo n.º 1
    public void SpawnActor(MazeNode node, GameObject actors)
        GameObject actorObject;
        Vector3    location = new Vector3(node.Col * 6 + 8, node.Floor * 30, node.Row * 6 + 8);

        if (node.actor != ActorType.Null)
            if (node.actor == ActorType.Okuri_Inu || node.actor == ActorType.Oni || node.actor == ActorType.Taka_Nyudo)
                //print("Column: " + node.Col + " Row: " + node.Row);
                node.EnemyPathNode = true;
            if (node.actor == ActorType.Pit_Trap)// || node.actor == ActorType.Spike_Trap)

            if (node.actor == ActorType.Ladder)
                if (node.ladderMazeNode == null)
                    actorObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Level/LadderUp"), location, node.GetRotation()) as GameObject;
                else if (node.ladderMazeNode.Floor > node.Floor)
                    actorObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Level/LadderUp"), location, node.GetRotation()) as GameObject;
                    actorObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Level/LadderDown"), location, node.GetRotation()) as GameObject;

                actorObject = Instantiate(Actors.Prefabs[node.actor], location, node.GetRotation());

            actorObject.transform.parent = actors.transform;
            if (node.actor == ActorType.Ladder)
                node.ladder = actorObject;
                node.ladder.GetComponent <Ladder>().SectionID           = node.SectionID;
                node.ladder.GetComponent <Ladder>().ConnectedLadderNode = node.ladderMazeNode;
                node.ladder.GetComponent <Ladder>().location            = node;
            actorObject.AddComponent <Actor>().ActorID = AnalyticsManager.AddActor(SessionID, node.actor);
            actorObject.GetComponent <Actor>().type    = node.actor;
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void BeginPlay()
        intensityRand = new System.Random(MazeGenerator.Seed);
        hueRand       = new System.Random(MazeGenerator.Seed);
        rand          = new System.Random(MazeGenerator.Seed);
        messageRand   = new System.Random(MazeGenerator.Seed);
        if (!TutorialOn)
            Maze = new GameObject("Maze");
            Maze.transform.parent = GameParent.transform;

        Sections = new List <MazeSection>();
        // Start new Session in Analytics
        // Generate Level
        // Add Level to Analytics
        // Add Sections to Analytics
        // Add Cells to Analytics
        Dictionary <int, MazeNode[, ]> storedDifficultyMaps = storedMaps[(int)difficulty];

        if (storedDifficultyMaps.ContainsKey(MazeGenerator.Seed))
            MazeGenerator.DifferentSections = storedMaps[(int)difficulty][MazeGenerator.Seed];
            MazeGenerator.connectLadderNodes(difficulty, MazeGenerator.DifferentSections);

            storedMaps[(int)difficulty].Add(MazeGenerator.Seed, MazeGenerator.DifferentSections);


        if (TutorialOn)
            tutorial4[1, 5].AddLadderTo(MazeGenerator.DifferentSections[0, 0]);

        lvlID             = AnalyticsManager.AddLevel(MazeGenerator.Seed, (int)difficulty);
        SessionID         = AnalyticsManager.AddSession(lvlID, (int)PlayersVRType);
        int[,] sectionIDs = new int[5, 8];
        MazeNode[,] roots = MazeGenerator.DifferentSections;
        List <MazeNode> nodes;

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                if (roots[i, j] != null)
                    MazeSection section = new MazeSection();
                    section.Root      = roots[i, j];
                    sectionIDs[i, j]  = AnalyticsManager.AddSection(lvlID, i, j);
                    section.SectionID = sectionIDs[i, j];
                    section.Spawned   = false;
                    foreach (MazeNode n in MazeGenerator.nodesInSection(roots[i, j]))
                        n.SectionID = section.SectionID;

        // Spawn first section
        foreach (MazeSection s in Sections)
            if (s.Root.Col == 0 && s.Root.Row == 0 && s.Root.Floor == 0)
                if (!TutorialOn)

        // Spawn Player

        if (!TutorialOn)
            Vector3 location = new Vector3(8, 1, 8);
            PlayerObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(PlayerTypeLoc), location, roots[0, 0].GetRotation()) as GameObject;
            PlayerObj.AddComponent <Actor>().ActorID = AnalyticsManager.AddActor(SessionID, ActorType.Player);
            PlayerObj.transform.parent = GameParent.transform;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void BeginTutorial()
        Maze = new GameObject("Maze");
        Maze.transform.parent = GameParent.transform;

        //floor 1
        MazeNode[,] tutorial1 = TutorialGenerator.GenerateFloor1();

        //floor 2
        MazeNode[,] tutorial2 = TutorialGenerator.GenerateFloor2();

        //floor 3
        MazeNode[,] tutorial3 = TutorialGenerator.GenerateFloor3();

        //floor 4
        tutorial4 = TutorialGenerator.GenerateFloor4();

        tutorial1[0, 2].AddLadderTo(tutorial2[0, 0]);
        tutorial2[5, 2].AddLadderTo(tutorial3[0, 2]);
        tutorial3[4, 4].AddLadderTo(tutorial4[3, 3]);


        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            MazeNode[,] TutorialFloor = new MazeNode[7, 7];
            List <MazeNode> nodes;
            MazeSection     section = new MazeSection();
            //int[] sectionIDs = new int[4];
            switch (i)
            case 0:
                TutorialFloor = tutorial1;

            case 1:
                TutorialFloor = tutorial2;

            case 2:
                TutorialFloor = tutorial3;

            case 3:
                TutorialFloor = tutorial4;

            section.Root = TutorialFloor[0, 0];
            int sectionID = AnalyticsManager.AddSection(lvlID, 0, -4 + i);
            section.SectionID = sectionID;
            section.Spawned   = false;
            foreach (MazeNode n in MazeGenerator.nodesInSection(section.Root))
                n.SectionID = section.SectionID;
            nodes = MazeGenerator.nodesInSection(section.Root);

        Vector3 location = new Vector3(20, -119, 8);

        PlayerObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(PlayerTypeLoc), location, tutorial1[0, 0].GetRotation()) as GameObject;
        GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").AddComponent <Actor>().ActorID = AnalyticsManager.AddActor(SessionID, ActorType.Player);
        PlayerObj.transform.parent = GameParent.transform;