Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor - basic initialization
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="createTranslator">If the default CV list should be used for the file</param>
        public IdentDataObj(bool createTranslator = true)
            Id      = null;
            Name    = null;
            Version = "1.1.0";
            CreationDateSpecified = false;
            CreationDate          = DateTime.Now;

            //this.CvTranslator = new CVTranslator(); // Create a generic translator by default; must be re-mapped when reading a file
            CvTranslator = null;
            CVList       = new IdentDataList <CVInfo>(1);
            if (createTranslator)
                //this.CvTranslator = new CVTranslator(); // Create a generic translator by default; must be re-mapped when reading a file
                DefaultCV(); // Create a generic translator by default; must be re-mapped when reading a file
            AnalysisSoftwareList        = new IdentDataList <AnalysisSoftwareObj>(1);
            _provider                   = null;
            AuditCollection             = new IdentDataList <AbstractContactObj>(1);
            AnalysisSampleCollection    = new IdentDataList <SampleObj>(1);
            _sequenceCollection         = null;
            _analysisCollection         = null;
            _analysisProtocolCollection = null;
            _dataCollection             = null;
            BibliographicReferences     = new IdentDataList <BibliographicReferenceObj>(1);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an IdentDataObj directly from an MzIdentMLType object - fully cascades for the entire contents of
        /// MzIdentMLType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mzid"></param>
        public IdentDataObj(MzIdentMLType mzid)
            Id                    = mzid.id;
            Name                  = mzid.name;
            Version               = mzid.version;
            _creationDate         = mzid.creationDate;
            CreationDateSpecified = mzid.creationDateSpecified;

            CvTranslator                = new CVTranslator();
            _cvList                     = null;
            _analysisSoftwareList       = null;
            _provider                   = null;
            _auditCollection            = null;
            _analysisSampleCollection   = null;
            _sequenceCollection         = null;
            _analysisCollection         = null;
            _analysisProtocolCollection = null;
            _dataCollection             = null;
            _bibliographicReferences    = null;

            CVList = new IdentDataList <CVInfo>(1);
            BibliographicReferences  = new IdentDataList <BibliographicReferenceObj>(1);
            AuditCollection          = new IdentDataList <AbstractContactObj>(1);
            AnalysisSampleCollection = new IdentDataList <SampleObj>(1);
            AnalysisSoftwareList     = new IdentDataList <AnalysisSoftwareObj>(1);

            // Referenced by anything using CV/User params
            if (mzid.cvList?.Count > 0)
                CVList.AddRange(mzid.cvList, cv => new CVInfo(cv, this));
                CvTranslator = new CVTranslator(_cvList);
            // Referenced by nothing
            if (mzid.BibliographicReference?.Count > 0)
                BibliographicReferences.AddRange(mzid.BibliographicReference, br => new BibliographicReferenceObj(br, this));
            // Referenced by anything using organization, person, contactRoleInfo - SampleInfo, ProviderInfo, AnalysisSoftwareInfo
            if (mzid.AuditCollection?.Count > 0)
                AuditCollection.AddRange(mzid.AuditCollection, ac =>
                    if (ac is PersonType p)
                        return(new PersonObj(p, this));

                    if (ac is OrganizationType o)
                        return(new OrganizationObj(o, this));

            // Referenced by anything using SampleInfo: SubSample, SpectrumIdentificationItem
            if (mzid.AnalysisSampleCollection?.Count > 0)
                AnalysisSampleCollection.AddRange(mzid.AnalysisSampleCollection, asc => new SampleObj(asc, this));
            // Referenced by ProviderInfo, ProteinDetectionProtocol, SpectrumIdentificationProtocol, references AbstractContactInfo through ContactRoleInfo
            if (mzid.AnalysisSoftwareList?.Count > 0)
                AnalysisSoftwareList.AddRange(mzid.AnalysisSoftwareList, asl => new AnalysisSoftwareObj(asl, this));
            // Referenced by nothing, references AnalysisSoftwareInfo
            if (mzid.Provider != null)
                _provider = new ProviderObj(mzid.Provider, this);
            // Referenced by SpectrumIdentification, ProteinDetection, SpectrumIdentificationItem, PeptideEvidence, references AnalysisSoftwareInfo
            if (mzid.AnalysisProtocolCollection != null)
                _analysisProtocolCollection = new AnalysisProtocolCollectionObj(mzid.AnalysisProtocolCollection, this);
            // InputsInfo referenced by DBSequence, SpectrumIdentification.SearchDatabaseRefInfo, SpectrumIdentificationResult, SpectrumIdentification.InputSpectraRef
            if (mzid.DataCollection != null)
                //this._dataCollection = new DataCollection(mzid.DataCollection, this);
                _dataCollection = new DataCollectionObj {
                    Inputs = new InputsObj(mzid.DataCollection.Inputs, this)
            // Referenced by SpectrumIdentificationItem, ProteinDetectionHypothesis, PeptideHypothesis
            // References InputsInfo.DBSequence, AnalysisProtocolCollection.SoftwareIdentificationProtocol.DatabaseTranslation.TranslationTable
            if (mzid.SequenceCollection != null)
                _sequenceCollection = new SequenceCollectionObj(mzid.SequenceCollection, this);
            // AnalysisData referenced by SpectrumIdentification, InputSpectrumIdentifications, ProteinDetection, references Peptides, PeptideEvidence, SampleInfo, MassTable,
            if (mzid.DataCollection != null && _dataCollection != null)
                _dataCollection.AnalysisData = new AnalysisDataObj(mzid.DataCollection.AnalysisData, this);
            // References SpectrumIdentificationProtocol, SpectrumIdentificationList, SpectraData, SearchDatabaseInfo, ProteinDetectionList, ProteinDetectionProtocol
            if (mzid.AnalysisCollection != null)
                _analysisCollection = new AnalysisCollectionObj(mzid.AnalysisCollection, this);

            // Reduce memory footprint by removing IdentDataList IdMaps that are created during the translation process
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create an IdentDataObj directly from an MzIdentMLType object - fully cascades for the entire contents of
        ///     MzIdentMLType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mzid"></param>
        public IdentDataObj(MzIdentMLType mzid)
            Id                    = mzid.id;
            Name                  = mzid.name;
            Version               = mzid.version;
            _creationDate         = mzid.creationDate;
            CreationDateSpecified = mzid.creationDateSpecified;

            CvTranslator                = new CVTranslator();
            _cvList                     = null;
            _analysisSoftwareList       = null;
            _provider                   = null;
            _auditCollection            = null;
            _analysisSampleCollection   = null;
            _sequenceCollection         = null;
            _analysisCollection         = null;
            _analysisProtocolCollection = null;
            _dataCollection             = null;
            _bibliographicReferences    = null;

            // Referenced by anything using CV/User params
            if (mzid.cvList != null && mzid.cvList.Count > 0)
                CVList = new IdentDataList <CVInfo>();
                foreach (var cv in mzid.cvList)
                    CVList.Add(new CVInfo(cv, this));
                CvTranslator = new CVTranslator(_cvList);
            // Referenced by nothing
            if (mzid.BibliographicReference != null && mzid.BibliographicReference.Count > 0)
                BibliographicReferences = new IdentDataList <BibliographicReferenceObj>();
                foreach (var br in mzid.BibliographicReference)
                    BibliographicReferences.Add(new BibliographicReferenceObj(br, this));
            // Referenced by anything using organization, person, contactRoleInfo - SampleInfo, ProviderInfo, AnalysisSoftwareInfo
            if (mzid.AuditCollection != null && mzid.AuditCollection.Count > 0)
                AuditCollection = new IdentDataList <AbstractContactObj>();
                foreach (var ac in mzid.AuditCollection)
                    if (ac is PersonType)
                        AuditCollection.Add(new PersonObj(ac as PersonType, this));
                    else if (ac is OrganizationType)
                        AuditCollection.Add(new OrganizationObj(ac as OrganizationType, this));
            // Referenced by anything using SampleInfo: SubSample, SpectrumIdentificationItem
            if (mzid.AnalysisSampleCollection != null && mzid.AnalysisSampleCollection.Count > 0)
                AnalysisSampleCollection = new IdentDataList <SampleObj>();
                foreach (var asc in mzid.AnalysisSampleCollection)
                    AnalysisSampleCollection.Add(new SampleObj(asc, this));
            // Referenced by ProviderInfo, ProteinDetectionProtocol, SpectrumIdentificationProtocol, references AbstractContactInfo through ContactRoleInfo
            if (mzid.AnalysisSoftwareList != null && mzid.AnalysisSoftwareList.Count > 0)
                AnalysisSoftwareList = new IdentDataList <AnalysisSoftwareObj>();
                foreach (var asl in mzid.AnalysisSoftwareList)
                    AnalysisSoftwareList.Add(new AnalysisSoftwareObj(asl, this));
            // Referenced by nothing, references AnalysisSoftwareInfo
            if (mzid.Provider != null)
                _provider = new ProviderObj(mzid.Provider, this);
            // Referenced by SpectrumIdentification, ProteinDetection, SpectrumIdentificationItem, PeptideEvidence, references AnalysisSoftwareInfo
            if (mzid.AnalysisProtocolCollection != null)
                _analysisProtocolCollection = new AnalysisProtocolCollectionObj(mzid.AnalysisProtocolCollection, this);
            // InputsInfo referenced by DBSequence, SpectrumIdentification.SearchDatabaseRefInfo, SpectrumIdentificationResult, SpectrumIdentification.InputSpectraRef
            if (mzid.DataCollection != null)
                //this._dataCollection = new DataCollection(mzid.DataCollection, this);
                _dataCollection = new DataCollectionObj {
                    Inputs = new InputsObj(mzid.DataCollection.Inputs, this)
            // Referenced by SpectrumIdentificationItem, ProteinDetectionHypothesis, PeptideHypothesis
            // References InputsInfo.DBSequence, AnalysisProtocolCollection.SoftwareIdentificationProtocol.DatabaseTranslation.TranslationTable
            if (mzid.SequenceCollection != null)
                _sequenceCollection = new SequenceCollectionObj(mzid.SequenceCollection, this);
            // AnalysisData referenced by SpectrumIdentification, InputSpectrumIdentifications, ProteinDetection, references Peptides, PeptideEvidence, SampleInfo, MassTable,
            if (mzid.DataCollection != null)
                _dataCollection.AnalysisData = new AnalysisDataObj(mzid.DataCollection.AnalysisData, this);
            // References SpectrumIdentificationProtocol, SpectrumIdentificationList, SpectraData, SeqrchDatabaseInfo, ProteinDetectionList, ProteinDetectionProtocol
            if (mzid.AnalysisCollection != null)
                _analysisCollection = new AnalysisCollectionObj(mzid.AnalysisCollection, this);