protected void btnSendMail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string emailID; string userid; int i = 0; foreach (GridDataItem item in RadGrid1.SelectedItems) { userid = item.GetDataKeyValue("USER_ID").ToString(); emailID = WebTools.GetExpr("EMAIL", "USERS", " WHERE USER_ID='" + userid + "'"); if (emailID != "") { string str = AmoghMail.SendEmail(emailID, userid, "$cpecc1234"); i++; } } Master.ShowSuccess("Email Sent to selected users:" + i); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { VIEW_USERSTableAdapter users = new VIEW_USERSTableAdapter(); try { if (txtPassword.Text.Length == 0) { Master.show_error("No Password provided!"); return; } else if (txtPassword.Text.Length < 5) { Master.show_error("Minimum Password Length is 5!"); return; } else if (txtPassword.Text != txtPassword2.Text) { Master.show_error("Password does not match!"); return; } users.InsertQuery(txtUserName.Text, string.Empty, txtEmail.Text, "N", decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString()), WebTools.MD5Str(txtPassword.Text), txtDesignation.Text, txtCompany.Text ); string user_id = WebTools.GetExpr("USER_ID", "USERS", " WHERE EMAIL='" + txtEmail.Text + "'"); AmoghMail.SendEmail(txtEmail.Text, user_id, txtPassword.Text); Master.show_success(txtUserName.Text + " User Created & Notification Email sent to the user!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.show_error(ex.Message); } finally { users.Dispose(); } }