Exemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (damageScript.CurrentHealth <= 0)                                //if current health is zero
            Instantiate(chest, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);                          //spawn the chest gameobject
            GameObject death = Instantiate(deathEffect, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); //spawn death effect
            death.GetComponent <DeactivateObject>().BasicSettings(2f);                            //set death effect life span
            gameObject.SetActive(false);                                                          //set gameobject deactive

        if (alienMode == AlienMode.idle)                                    //if in idle mode
            currentIdleTime -= Time.deltaTime;                              //reduce idle time

            if (currentIdleTime > 0)                                        //if idle time is more than zero
                anim.SetBool("Run", false);                                 //set animation , run and attack to false
                anim.SetBool("Attack", false);
            else if (currentIdleTime <= 0)                                  //if idle time is less or equal to zero
                if (wasRuning == false)                                     //if alien was not running before it went to idle
                    wasRuning = true;                                       //we set it to true
                    alienMode = AlienMode.run;                              //set the mode to run
                    anim.SetBool("Run", true);                              //set anim bool to true
                else if (wasRuning == true)                                 //if alien was running before it went to idle
                    wasRuning         = false;                              //we set it to false
                    currentCoolDown   = 0;                                  //cool down to zero
                    currentAttackTime = attackTime;                         //set attack time
                    alienMode         = AlienMode.attack;                   //set the mode to attack
        else if (alienMode == AlienMode.run)                                //if alien is in run mode
            PetrolMovement();                                               //we call petrol movement method
        else if (alienMode == AlienMode.attack)                             //if alien is in attack mode
            currentAttackTime -= Time.deltaTime;                            //we reduce attack time

            if (currentAttackTime > 0)                                      //if its more than zero
                Attack();                                                   //we attack
                anim.SetBool("Attack", true);                               //set animation to attack
            else if (currentAttackTime <= 0)                                //if its less o equal to zero
                ResetBeam();                                                //reset the beam
                alienMode = AlienMode.idle;                                 //set to idle mode
                anim.SetBool("Attack", false);                              //set attack animation to false
                currentIdleTime = idleTime;                                 //set idle time
Exemplo n.º 2
    private float x = 0;                                                    //this is to increase the beam size with time

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        anim              = GetComponent <Animator>();                      //get the component
        damageScript      = GetComponent <DamageScript>();                  //get the component
        scaleX            = transform.localScale.x;                         //set the scale
        currentIdleTime   = idleTime;                                       //set idle time
        currentAttackTime = attackTime;                                     //set attack time
        alienMode         = AlienMode.idle;                                 //set mode
        movingRight       = false;                                          //moving right is false at start
        target            = leftEnd.position;                               //at start target is left end
        currentCoolDown   = 0;                                              //cool down time is zero
Exemplo n.º 3
    void PetrolMovement()
        //if difference between target x and gameobject x value is less than 0.1f
        if (Mathf.Abs(transform.position.x - target.x) <= 0.1f)
            anim.SetBool("Run", false);                                         //set run animation to false
            alienMode         = AlienMode.idle;                                 //set idle mode
            currentAttackTime = attackTime;                                     //set attack time
            movingRight       = !movingRight;                                   //change direction
            if (movingRight)
                target = rightEnd.position;                                     //depending on direction set next target
            else if (!movingRight)
                target = leftEnd.position;

            scaleX = -scaleX;                                                                           //inverse scale
            transform.localScale = new Vector3(scaleX, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); //set the scale
            return;                                                                                     //return