public static void Execute() { // horrible hack Clear clear = new Clear(); Create create = new Create(); Delete delete = new Delete(); Exit exit = new Exit(); Ping ping = new Ping(); SList slist = new SList(); Start start = new Start(); Help help = new Help(); Alias alias = new Alias(); View view = new View(); // im sorry mom HelpDisplay.Add(" " + clear.Name + " - " + clear.Description); HelpDisplay.Add(" " + create.Name + " - " + create.Description); HelpDisplay.Add(" " + delete.Name + " - " + delete.Description); HelpDisplay.Add(" " + exit.Name + " - " + exit.Description); HelpDisplay.Add(" " + ping.Name + " - " + ping.Description); HelpDisplay.Add(" " + slist.Name + " - " + slist.Description); HelpDisplay.Add(" " + start.Name + " - " + start.Description); HelpDisplay.Add(" " + alias.Name + " - " + alias.Description); HelpDisplay.Add(" " + help.Name + " - " + help.Description); HelpDisplay.Add(" " + view.Name + " - " + view.Description); foreach (string command in HelpDisplay) Console.WriteLine(command); HelpDisplay.Clear(); // static list. }
protected override Expression VisitSelect(SelectExpression select) { var newAlias = new Alias(); _map[select.Alias] = newAlias; select = (SelectExpression)base.VisitSelect(select); return new SelectExpression(newAlias, select.Fields, select.From, select.Where, select.OrderBy, select.GroupBy, select.IsDistinct, select.Skip, select.Take); }
internal ReadOnlyCollection<MixinEntityExpression> GenerateMixins(Alias tableAlias, QueryBinder binder, Expression id) { if (this.Mixins == null) return null; return this.Mixins.Values.Select(m => (MixinEntityExpression)m.GetExpression(tableAlias, binder, id)).ToReadOnly(); }
public AggregateSubqueryExpression(Alias groupByAlias, Expression aggregateInGroupSelect, ScalarExpression aggregateAsSubquery) : base(MongoExpressionType.AggregateSubquery, aggregateAsSubquery.Type) { GroupByAlias = groupByAlias; AggregateInGroupSelect = aggregateInGroupSelect; AggregateAsSubquery = aggregateAsSubquery; }
public FieldExpression(Expression expression, Alias alias, string name) : base(MongoExpressionType.Field, expression.Type) { Alias = alias; Expression = expression; Name = name; }
public FieldExpression(Expression expression, Alias alias, string name, BsonMemberMap memberMap) : base(MongoExpressionType.Field, expression.Type) { Alias = alias; Expression = expression; Name = name; MemberMap = memberMap; }
int _idCounter; //id作成のための順次番号生成カウンタ #endregion Fields #region Constructors public MailSave(MailBox mailBox, Alias alias,MailQueue mailQueue, Logger logger, ReceivedHeader receivedHeader, List<string> domainList) { _mailBox = mailBox; _alias = alias; _mailQueue = mailQueue; _logger = logger; _receivedHeader = receivedHeader; _domainList = domainList; _localBox = new LocalBox(_logger); }
protected virtual bool CompareAlias(Alias a, Alias b) { if (_aliasScope != null) { Alias mapped; if (_aliasScope.TryGetValue(a, out mapped)) return mapped == b; } return a == b; }
public Warn() { #if JTVBOT Privilege = PrivilegeLevel.Voiced; #else Privilege = PrivilegeLevel.None; #endif Alias alias = new Alias(this, "+w"); alias.RequiresPrefix = false; alias.ForbidsPrefix = true; }
internal Expression GetIdExpression(Alias alias) { var field = Fields.TryGetC(Table.fiId.Name); if (field == null) { field = Fields.Values.FirstOrDefault(f => f .Field is IColumn && ((IColumn)f.Field).PrimaryKey); if (field == null) return null; } return field.Field.GetExpression(alias, null, null); }
public void NoLeadingUnderscores() { Alias alias = new Alias( "suffix" ); Dialect.Dialect dialect = new Dialect.MsSql2000Dialect(); Assert.IsFalse( alias.ToAliasString( "__someIdentifier", dialect ) .StartsWith( "_" ) ); Assert.IsFalse( alias.ToUnquotedAliasString( "__someIdentifier", dialect ) .StartsWith( "_" ) ); }
public void Foo(bool b) { Alias tmp = new Alias(); tmp.x = -11; Alias alias = tmp; if(b) { alias.x = 10; } Contract.Assert(tmp.x == -11); }
public void IsUserによる登録ユーザの確認(String user, bool expected) { //setUp var sut = new Alias( _domainList, _mailBox); sut.Add("dmy","user1,user2",new Logger()); sut.Add("user1", "user3,user4", new Logger()); var rcptList = new List<MailAddress>(); rcptList.Add(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**")); //exercise var actual = sut.IsUser(user); //verify Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected)); }
public SelectExpression(Alias alias, IEnumerable<FieldDeclaration> fields, Expression from, Expression where, IEnumerable<OrderExpression> orderBy, Expression groupBy, bool isDistinct, Expression skip, Expression take) : base(MongoExpressionType.Select, typeof(void), alias) { _fields = fields as ReadOnlyCollection<FieldDeclaration> ?? new List<FieldDeclaration>(fields).AsReadOnly(); _orderBy = orderBy as ReadOnlyCollection<OrderExpression>; if (_orderBy == null && orderBy != null) _orderBy = new List<OrderExpression>(orderBy).AsReadOnly(); _isDistinct = isDistinct; _from = from; _groupBy = groupBy; _take = take; _where = where; _skip = skip; }
static internal ProjectedColumns ProjectColumns(Expression projector, Alias newAlias, bool isGroupKey = false, bool selectTrivialColumns = false) { Expression newProj; var candidates = DbExpressionNominator.Nominate(projector, out newProj, isGroupKey: isGroupKey); ColumnProjector cp = new ColumnProjector { newAlias = newAlias, candidates = candidates, projectTrivialColumns = selectTrivialColumns }; Expression e = cp.Visit(newProj); return new ProjectedColumns(e, cp.generator.Columns.ToReadOnly()); }
public void Reflectionによる宛先の変換_USER() { //setUp var sut = new Alias(_domainList, _mailBox); sut.Add("user1", "$USER,user2", new Logger()); var rcptList = new List<MailAddress>(); rcptList.Add(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**")); //exercise var actual = sut.Reflection(rcptList, new Logger()); //verify Assert.That(actual.Count, Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(actual[0].ToString(), Is.EqualTo("*****@*****.**")); Assert.That(actual[1].ToString(), Is.EqualTo("*****@*****.**")); }
public static void NewMessage(CSSDataContext db, string subject, string message, Alias sender, Login recipient, DateTime sendDate) { db.PersonalMessages.InsertOnSubmit(new PersonalMessage() { Subject = subject, Message = message, SenderAliasId = sender.Id, LoginId = recipient.Id, DateCreated = DateTime.Now, DateExpires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1), //Leaving at one year until discussion DateToSend = sendDate, DateViewed = null }); db.SubmitChanges(); }
internal ReadOnlyCollection<FieldBinding> GenerateBindings(Alias tableAlias, QueryBinder binder, Expression id) { List<FieldBinding> result = new List<FieldBinding>(); result.Add(new FieldBinding(Table.fiId, id)); foreach (var ef in this.Fields.Values) { var fi = ef.FieldInfo; if (!ReflectionTools.FieldEquals(fi, fiId)) result.Add(new FieldBinding(fi, ef.Field.GetExpression(tableAlias, binder, id))); } return result.ToReadOnly(); }
public EntityExpression(Type type, Expression externalId, Alias tableAlias, IEnumerable<FieldBinding> bindings, IEnumerable<MixinEntityExpression> mixins, bool avoidExpandOnRetrieving) : base(DbExpressionType.Entity, type) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); if (!type.IsIdentifiableEntity()) throw new ArgumentException("type"); if (externalId == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("externalId"); this.Table = Schema.Current.Table(type); this.ExternalId = externalId; this.TableAlias = tableAlias; this.Bindings = bindings.ToReadOnly(); this.Mixins = mixins.ToReadOnly(); this.AvoidExpandOnRetrieving = avoidExpandOnRetrieving; }
public Hotkeys(MainWindow parentwindow, ProgramSettings settings) { programSettings = settings; parent = parentwindow; InitializeComponent(); rightClickGesture.MouseAction = MouseAction.RightClick; MouseBinding rightClickBinding = new MouseBinding(); RoutedCommand rightClickCmd = new RoutedCommand(); rightClickBinding.Gesture = rightClickGesture; rightClickBinding.Command = rightClickCmd; CommandBinding rightClickCmdBinding = new CommandBinding(); rightClickCmdBinding.Command = rightClickCmd; rightClickCmdBinding.Executed += Button_RightClick; Uri uri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/B_32x32.ico", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); this.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(uri); for (int i = 0; i < programSettings.NumHotKeys; i++) { Button btn = new Button(); btn.Name = "btn" + i.ToString(); btn.Click += Button_Click; btn.Width = 56; btn.InputBindings.Add(rightClickBinding); btn.CommandBindings.Add(rightClickCmdBinding); pnlButtons.Children.Add(btn); if (programSettings.HotkeyCommands.Count <= i) { Alias alias = new Alias(); alias.Keyword = "(None)"; btn.Content = "(none)"; alias.Expansion = String.Empty; programSettings.HotkeyCommands.Add(alias); } else { btn.Content = programSettings.HotkeyCommands[i].Keyword; } } }
public Alias CreateAlias(SecureString secretPhrase, string alias, string uri, string fee, string deadline, ref string err) { Alias nxtAlias = new Alias(); var client = new WebClient { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }; try { var rawData = client.DownloadString(_path + "/nxt?requestType=assignAlias&secretPhrase=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ConvertToUnsecureString(secretPhrase)) + "&alias=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(alias) + "&uri=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(uri) + "&fee=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fee) + "&deadline=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(deadline)); nxtAlias = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Alias>(rawData); } catch (Exception e) { err = e.Message; } return nxtAlias; }
internal Expression GetProjectorExpression(Alias tableAlias, QueryBinder binder) { Expression id = GetIdExpression(tableAlias); if (IsView) { var bindings = this.Fields.Values.Select(ef=>new FieldBinding(ef.FieldInfo, ef.Field.GetExpression(tableAlias, binder, id))).ToReadOnly(); var hasValue = id == null ? Expression.Constant(true): SmartEqualizer.NotEqualNullable(id, Expression.Constant(null, id.Type.Nullify())); return new EmbeddedEntityExpression(this.Type, hasValue, bindings, null); } else { var bindings = GenerateBindings(tableAlias, binder, id); var mixins = GenerateMixins(tableAlias, binder, id); Schema.Current.AssertAllowed(Type, inUserInterface: false); var result = new EntityExpression(this.Type, (PrimaryKeyExpression)id, tableAlias, bindings, mixins, avoidExpandOnRetrieving: false); return result; } }
/// <summary>Default constructor with nagivated alias.</summary> /// <param name="alias">Nagivated alias.</param> internal AliasNavigator(Alias alias) : base(alias) { }
public override int GetHashCode() => unchecked (Alias.GetHashCode() * ColumnName.GetHashCode() * Table.GetHashCode());
public async Task <Alias> AddAliasAsync(Alias alias) { return(await PostJsonAsync <Alias>(Apiurl, alias)); }
public SyncController(ISyncManager syncManager, ITenantManager tenantManager) { _syncManager = syncManager; _alias = tenantManager.GetAlias(); }
public ServerMailboxData CreateMailbox(string name, string localPart, int domainId, string userId) { ServerMailboxData mailboxData; using (var daoFactory = new DaoFactory()) { var serverDomainDao = daoFactory.CreateServerDomainDao(Tenant); var serverDomain = serverDomainDao.GetDomain(domainId); var isSharedDomain = serverDomain.Tenant == Defines.SHARED_TENANT_ID; if (!IsAdmin && !isSharedDomain) { throw new SecurityException("Need admin privileges."); } var tenantQuota = CoreContext.TenantManager.GetTenantQuota(Tenant); if (isSharedDomain && (tenantQuota.Trial || tenantQuota.Free)) { throw new SecurityException("Not available in unpaid version"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localPart)) { throw new ArgumentException(@"Invalid local part.", "localPart"); } if (domainId < 0) { throw new ArgumentException(@"Invalid domain id.", "domainId"); } if (name.Length > 255) { throw new ArgumentException(@"Sender name exceed limitation of 64 characters.", "name"); } Guid user; if (!Guid.TryParse(userId, out user)) { throw new ArgumentException(@"Invalid user id.", "userId"); } if (isSharedDomain && !IsAdmin && user != SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID) { throw new SecurityException( "Creation of a shared mailbox is allowed only for the current account if user is not admin."); } var teamlabAccount = CoreContext.Authentication.GetAccountByID(user); if (teamlabAccount == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown user."); } var userInfo = CoreContext.UserManager.GetUsers(user); if (userInfo.IsVisitor()) { throw new InvalidDataException("User is visitor."); } if (localPart.Length > 64) { throw new ArgumentException(@"Local part of mailbox exceed limitation of 64 characters.", "localPart"); } if (!Parser.IsEmailLocalPartValid(localPart)) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect local part of mailbox."); } var serverAddressDao = daoFactory.CreateServerAddressDao(Tenant); if (serverAddressDao.IsAddressAlreadyRegistered(localPart, serverDomain.Name)) { throw new DuplicateNameException("You want to create a mailbox with already existing address."); } if (Defines.ServerDomainMailboxPerUserLimit > 0) { var engineFactory = new EngineFactory(Tenant, userId); var accounts = engineFactory.AccountEngine.GetAccountInfoList(); var countDomainMailboxes = accounts.Count(a => a.IsTeamlabMailbox && Parser.ParseAddress(a.Email) .Domain.Equals(serverDomain.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (countDomainMailboxes >= Defines.ServerDomainMailboxPerUserLimit) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( string.Format("Count of user's mailboxes must be less or equal {0}.", Defines.ServerDomainMailboxPerUserLimit)); } } var serverDao = daoFactory.CreateServerDao(); var server = serverDao.Get(Tenant); var mailboxLocalPart = localPart.ToLowerInvariant(); var login = string.Format("{0}@{1}", mailboxLocalPart, serverDomain.Name); var mailboxDao = daoFactory.CreateMailboxDao(); var existMailbox = mailboxDao.GetMailBox(new СoncreteUserMailboxExp(new MailAddress(login), Tenant, userId)); if (existMailbox != null) { throw new DuplicateNameException("You want to create a mailbox that is already connected."); } var password = PasswordGenerator.GenerateNewPassword(12); var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; using (var tx = daoFactory.DbManager.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted)) { var mailbox = new Mailbox { Id = 0, Tenant = Tenant, User = userId, Name = name, Address = login, OAuthToken = null, OAuthType = (int)AuthorizationServiceType.None, ServerId = server.ImapSettingsId, Password = password, SmtpServerId = server.SmtpSettingsId, SmtpPassword = password, SizeLast = 0, MsgCountLast = 0, BeginDate = Defines.MinBeginDate, Imap = true, Enabled = true, IsTeamlabMailbox = true, IsRemoved = false, DateCreated = utcNow }; mailbox.Id = mailboxDao.SaveMailBox(mailbox); var address = new ServerAddress { Id = 0, Tenant = Tenant, MailboxId = mailbox.Id, DomainId = serverDomain.Id, AddressName = localPart, IsAlias = false, IsMailGroup = false, DateCreated = utcNow }; address.Id = serverAddressDao.Save(address); var engine = new Server.Core.ServerEngine(server.Id, server.ConnectionString); var maildir = PostfixMaildirUtil.GenerateMaildirPath(serverDomain.Name, localPart, utcNow); var serverMailbox = new Server.Core.Entities.Mailbox { Name = name, Password = password, Login = login, LocalPart = localPart, Domain = serverDomain.Name, Active = true, Quota = 0, Maldir = maildir, Modified = utcNow, Created = utcNow, }; var serverAddress = new Alias { Name = name, Address = login, GoTo = login, Domain = serverDomain.Name, IsActive = true, IsGroup = false, Modified = utcNow, Created = utcNow }; engine.SaveMailbox(serverMailbox, serverAddress); tx.Commit(); CacheEngine.Clear(userId); mailboxData = ToMailboxData(mailbox, ToServerDomainAddressData(address, login), new List <ServerDomainAddressData>()); } } return(mailboxData); }
public void RemoveMailbox(MailBoxData mailBox) { var engine = new EngineFactory(mailBox.TenantId); using (var daoFactory = new DaoFactory()) { var serverAddressDao = daoFactory.CreateServerAddressDao(mailBox.TenantId); var serverMailboxAddresses = serverAddressDao.GetList(mailBox.MailBoxId); var serverMailboxAddress = serverMailboxAddresses.FirstOrDefault(a => !a.IsAlias && !a.IsMailGroup); if (serverMailboxAddress == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Mailbox address not found"); } var serverDomainDao = daoFactory.CreateServerDomainDao(mailBox.TenantId); var serverDomain = serverDomainDao.GetDomain(serverMailboxAddress.DomainId); if (serverDomain == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Domain not found"); } var serverGroupDao = daoFactory.CreateServerGroupDao(mailBox.TenantId); var serverGroups = serverGroupDao.GetList(); var serverDao = daoFactory.CreateServerDao(); var server = serverDao.Get(mailBox.TenantId); var serverEngine = new Server.Core.ServerEngine(server.Id, server.ConnectionString); var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; using (var tx = daoFactory.DbManager.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted)) { foreach (var serverGroup in serverGroups) { var addresses = serverAddressDao.GetGroupAddresses(serverGroup.Id); var index = addresses.FindIndex(a => a.Id == serverMailboxAddress.Id); if (index < 0) { continue; } addresses.RemoveAt(index); if (addresses.Count == 0) { serverGroupDao.Delete(serverGroup.Id); serverAddressDao.DeleteAddressesFromMailGroup(serverGroup.Id); serverEngine.RemoveAlias(serverGroup.Address); } else { serverAddressDao.DeleteAddressFromMailGroup(serverGroup.Id, serverMailboxAddress.Id); var goTo = string.Join(",", addresses.Select(m => string.Format("{0}@{1}", m.AddressName, serverDomain.Name))); var serverAddress = new Alias { Name = "", Address = serverGroup.Address, GoTo = goTo, Domain = serverDomain.Name, IsActive = true, IsGroup = true, Modified = utcNow, Created = serverGroup.DateCreated }; serverEngine.SaveAlias(serverAddress); } } serverAddressDao.Delete(serverMailboxAddresses.Select(a => a.Id).ToList()); foreach (var mailboxAddress in serverMailboxAddresses) { serverEngine.RemoveAlias(string.Format("{0}@{1}", mailboxAddress.AddressName, serverDomain.Name)); } engine.MailboxEngine.RemoveMailBox(daoFactory, mailBox, false); serverEngine.RemoveMailbox(string.Format("{0}@{1}", serverMailboxAddress.AddressName, serverDomain.Name)); tx.Commit(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Prologue IJsonClient json = Setup(args); IdentityWs ws = new IdentityWs(json); // Alias creation/linking ws.GetAliasAsync("*****@*****.**").Result.Should().BeNull("the alias has not been created yet"); Alias alias1 = ws.CreateAliasAsync("*****@*****.**", "password1").Result; Action linkWrong = () => ws.CreateLinkedAliasAsync("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**").Wait(); linkWrong.Should().Throw <IdentityException>().Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "the link target doesn't exist"); Action linkDup = () => ws.CreateLinkedAliasAsync("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**").Wait(); linkDup.Should().Throw <IdentityException>().Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "the alias already exists"); Action createDup = () => ws.CreateAliasAsync("*****@*****.**", "password2").Wait(); createDup.Should().Throw <IdentityException>().Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "the alias already exists"); Alias alias2 = ws.CreateLinkedAliasAsync("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**").Result; Action changeWrong = () => alias2.ChangePasswordAsync("wrong", "strong.password").Wait(); changeWrong.Should().Throw <IdentityException>().Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "the password is wrong"); alias2.ChangePasswordAsync("password1", "strong.password").Wait(); alias1.ChangePasswordAsync("strong.password", "stronger.password").Wait(); // Password reset string resetTok = alias2.GenerateResetTokenAsync().Result; string resetTokWrong = (resetTok[0] == '0' ? "1" : "0") + resetTok.Substring(1); Action resetWrong = () => alias2.ChangePasswordViaResetTokenAsync(resetTokWrong, "impossible").Wait(); resetWrong.Should().Throw <IdentityException>().Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "the reset token is wrong"); alias2.ChangePasswordViaResetTokenAsync(resetTok, "strongest.password").Wait(); // Confirmation and email alias1.IsConfirmationTokenLoaded.Should().BeFalse("the token is automatically loaded only on alias get, not create"); Action unfetched = () => _ = alias1.IsConfirmed; unfetched.Should().Throw <InvalidOperationException>("the confirmation token has not been loaded"); alias1.FetchConfirmationTokenAsync().Wait(); alias1.IsConfirmed.Should().BeFalse("the alias has not been confirmed yet"); string confTok = alias1.ConfirmationToken; string confTokWrong = (confTok[0] == '0' ? "1" : "0") + confTok.Substring(1); Action confWrong = () => alias1.ConfirmAsync(confTokWrong).Wait(); confWrong.Should().Throw <IdentityException>().Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "the confirmation token is wrong"); alias1.ConfirmAsync(confTok).Wait(); alias1.IsConfirmed.Should().BeTrue("the alias was just confirmed"); ws.GetAliasAsync("*****@*****.**").Result.IsConfirmed.Should().BeTrue("it's a copy of the confirmed alias"); alias2.FetchConfirmationTokenAsync().Wait(); alias2.IsConfirmed.Should().BeFalse("confirmation is at the alias level"); alias2.EmailAsync("*****@*****.**", "Hello", "World!", "<html><body><strong>World!</strong></body></html>").Wait(); // Client creation alias1.GetClientAsync("test1").Result.Should().BeNull("the client has not been created yet"); Client client1 = alias1.CreateClientAsync("test1").Result; Action clientDup = () => alias2.CreateClientAsync("test1").Wait(); clientDup.Should().Throw <IdentityException>().Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "the client already exists for the being"); Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["flubble"] = "1", ["Bup"] = "False" }; Client client2 = alias2.CreateClientAsync("test2", data).Result; alias1.GetClientAsync("test2").Result.Data.Should().BeEquivalentTo(data, "it's a copy of the client just created with such data"); // Login and alias deletion Action oldPassword = () => client1.LogInAsync("password1").Wait(); oldPassword.Should().Throw <IdentityException>().Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "the password was changed"); client1.LogInAsync("strongest.password").Wait(); alias1.DeleteAsync().Wait(); Action tooEnthusiastic = () => alias2.DeleteAsync().Wait(); tooEnthusiastic.Should().Throw <IdentityException>().Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "one alias must remain"); client2.LogInAsync("strongest.password").Wait(); Action tooLate = () => client1.LogInAsync("strongest.password").Wait(); tooLate.Should().Throw <HttpRequestException>("the server will 404 because the alias has been deleted"); // Client deletion client2.DeleteAsync().Wait(); Alias alias2Copy = ws.GetAliasAsync("*****@*****.**").Result; Client client1ViaAlias2Copy = alias2Copy.GetClientAsync("test1").Result; client1ViaAlias2Copy.LogInAsync("strongest.password").Wait(); client1ViaAlias2Copy.DeleteAsync().Wait(); ws.GetAliasAsync("*****@*****.**").Result.Should().BeNull("everything should be deleted once the last service is deleted"); // Epilogue (json as RecordingHttpJsonClient)?.Persist(); Console.WriteLine("Test run succeeded"); }
TypeDef TypeDeclaration() { if (currentToken.Tipo != TipoToken.TK_ID) throw new Exception("Se esperaba identificador."); else {//type id string tmp = currentToken.Lexema; currentToken = lex.NextToken(); if (currentToken.Tipo != TipoToken.TK_ASSIGN) throw new Exception("Se esperaba asignacion."); else {//type id := currentToken = lex.NextToken(); if (currentToken.Tipo == TipoToken.TK_RECORD) {//type id := record currentToken = lex.NextToken(); Structs ret = new Structs(); ret.nombre = tmp; try { ret.campos = VariableDeclarationList(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } if (currentToken.Tipo != TipoToken.TK_END) throw new Exception("Se esperaba end."); else { currentToken = lex.NextToken(); Struct type = new Struct(); type.Campos = new T_Campos(); type.nombre = ret.nombre; Declaracion temp = ret.campos; while (temp != null) { type.Campos.Add(, temp.Tip); temp = temp.Sig; } try { InfSemantica.getInstance().tblTipos.Add(type.nombre, type); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Ya se ha definido un tipo con ese nombre."); } return ret; } } else {//type id := something Alias ret = new Alias(); ret.type = new UserType(); ret.type.Nombre = tmp; try { ret.type.Tip = ParseType(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } InfSemantica.getInstance().tblTipos.Add(ret.type.Nombre, ret.type); return ret; } } } }
ColumnExpression ITablePrivate.GetPrimaryOrder(Alias alias) { return((ColumnExpression)RowIdExpression(alias).Value); }
internal ColumnExpression OrderExpression(Alias tableAlias) { return(new ColumnExpression(typeof(int), tableAlias, ((IColumn)this.Order !).Name)); }
private void ProcessJoins(Table table) { if (!Tokenizer.HasMoreTokens) { return; } do { JoinType?joinType = GetJoinType(); if (joinType == null) { return; } ExpectToken(Constants.Join); Join join = null; if (Tokenizer.IsNextToken(Constants.OpenBracket)) { using (Tokenizer.ExpectBrackets()) { join = new DerivedJoin { Type = joinType.Value }; Tokenizer.ExpectToken(Constants.Select); var parser = new SelectStatementParser(Tokenizer); ((DerivedJoin)join).SelectStatement = (SelectStatement)parser.Execute(); } } else { join = new Join { Type = joinType.Value }; join.Name = GetTableName(); } Debug.Assert(join != null); Alias alias = new Alias(null); if (Tokenizer.IsNextToken(Constants.As)) { alias.Type = AliasType.As; Tokenizer.ReadNextToken(); } if (alias.Type != AliasType.Implicit || !Tokenizer.IsNextToken(Constants.On)) { alias.Name = GetIdentifier(); join.Alias = alias; } ProcessTableHints(join); ExpectToken(Constants.On); Expression expr = ProcessExpression(); if (!(expr is CriteriaExpression) && !(expr is NestedExpression && (expr as NestedExpression).Expression is CriteriaExpression)) { throw new SyntaxException("Expected Criteria Expression"); } join.Condition = expr; table.Joins.Add(join); }while (Tokenizer.HasMoreTokens && !Tokenizer.IsNextToken(Constants.Order, Constants.Group)); }
protected void ProcessFrom() { if (!Tokenizer.TokenEquals(Constants.From)) { return; } do { Table table = null; if (Tokenizer.IsNextToken(Constants.OpenBracket)) { using (Tokenizer.ExpectBrackets()) { DerivedTable derivedTable = new DerivedTable(); Tokenizer.ExpectToken(Constants.Select); var parser = new SelectStatementParser(Tokenizer); derivedTable.SelectStatement = (SelectStatement)parser.Execute(); table = derivedTable; } } else { table = new Table { Name = GetTableName() } }; _statement.From.Add(table); // TODO: This needs to be changed to test Tokenizer.Token.Current.TokenType for TokenType.Keyword // if a new statement is initiated here, do not process the alias if (IsTerminatingFromExpression()) { return; } Alias alias = new Alias(null); if (Tokenizer.IsNextToken(Constants.As)) { alias.Type = AliasType.As; Tokenizer.ReadNextToken(); } if (!Tokenizer.IsNextToken(Constants.OpenBracket) && (alias.Type != AliasType.Implicit || !Tokenizer.IsNextToken(FromTerminatorSet))) { if (Tokenizer.HasMoreTokens) { if (!Tokenizer.Current.IsTypeIn( TokenType.AlphaNumeric, TokenType.AlphaNumeric, TokenType.BlockedText, TokenType.SingleQuote ) ) { throw new SyntaxException(String.Format("Incorrect syntax near '{0}'", CurrentToken)); } alias.Name = CurrentToken; table.Alias = alias; ReadNextToken(); } } ProcessTableHints(table); ProcessJoins(table); }while (Tokenizer.HasMoreTokens && Tokenizer.TokenEquals(Constants.Comma)); }
public async Task <Alias> UpdateAliasAsync(Alias alias) { return(await PutJsonAsync <Alias>($"{Apiurl}/{alias.AliasId}", alias)); }
internal PrimaryKeyExpression RowIdExpression(Alias tableAlias) { var primary = (IColumn)this.PrimaryKey; return(new PrimaryKeyExpression(new ColumnExpression(primary.Type.Nullify(), tableAlias, primary.Name))); }
internal PrimaryKeyExpression BackColumnExpression(Alias tableAlias) { return(new PrimaryKeyExpression(new ColumnExpression(BackReference.Type.Nullify(), tableAlias, BackReference.Name))); }
/// <summary> /// Optional. Sets the payer/grantor alias in order to bypass the Token email input UI. /// </summary> /// <param name="fromAlias">payer/grantor alias</param> /// <returns>builder</returns> public T SetFromAlias(Alias fromAlias) { requestOptions.From.Alias = fromAlias; return((T)this); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> Serves as the default hash function. </summary> /// /// <remarks> Lucas Alves, 11/01/2016. </remarks> /// /// <returns> A hash code for the current object. </returns> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override int GetHashCode() { return(Alias.GetHashCode()); }
internal static PlaceholderLocalSymbol CreatePlaceholderLocal( TypeNameDecoder<PEModuleSymbol, TypeSymbol> typeNameDecoder, MethodSymbol containingMethod, Alias alias) { var typeName = alias.Type; Debug.Assert(typeName.Length > 0); var type = typeNameDecoder.GetTypeSymbolForSerializedType(typeName); Debug.Assert((object)type != null); var id = alias.FullName; switch (alias.Kind) { case AliasKind.Exception: return new ExceptionLocalSymbol(containingMethod, id, type, ExpressionCompilerConstants.GetExceptionMethodName); case AliasKind.StowedException: return new ExceptionLocalSymbol(containingMethod, id, type, ExpressionCompilerConstants.GetStowedExceptionMethodName); case AliasKind.ReturnValue: { int index; PseudoVariableUtilities.TryParseReturnValueIndex(id, out index); Debug.Assert(index >= 0); return new ReturnValueLocalSymbol(containingMethod, id, type, index); } case AliasKind.ObjectId: return new ObjectIdLocalSymbol(containingMethod, type, id, isWritable: false); case AliasKind.DeclaredLocal: return new ObjectIdLocalSymbol(containingMethod, type, id, isWritable: true); default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(alias.Kind); } }
public ServerDomainAddressData AddAlias(int mailboxId, string aliasName) { if (!IsAdmin) { throw new SecurityException("Need admin privileges."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasName)) { throw new ArgumentException(@"Invalid alias name.", "aliasName"); } if (mailboxId < 0) { throw new ArgumentException(@"Invalid mailbox id.", "mailboxId"); } if (aliasName.Length > 64) { throw new ArgumentException(@"Local part of mailbox alias exceed limitation of 64 characters.", "aliasName"); } if (!Parser.IsEmailLocalPartValid(aliasName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect mailbox alias."); } var mailboxAliasName = aliasName.ToLowerInvariant(); using (var daoFactory = new DaoFactory()) { var mailboxDao = daoFactory.CreateMailboxDao(); var mailbox = mailboxDao.GetMailBox(new ConcreteTenantMailboxExp(mailboxId, Tenant)); if (mailbox == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Mailbox not exists"); } if (!mailbox.IsTeamlabMailbox) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid mailbox type"); } if (mailbox.Tenant == Defines.SHARED_TENANT_ID) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Adding mailbox alias is not allowed for shared domain."); } var mailAddress = new MailAddress(mailbox.Address); var serverDomainDao = daoFactory.CreateServerDomainDao(Tenant); var serverDomain = serverDomainDao.GetDomains().FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name == mailAddress.Host); if (serverDomain == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Domain not exists"); } var mailboxAddress = mailAddress.Address; var serverAddressDao = daoFactory.CreateServerAddressDao(Tenant); if (serverAddressDao.IsAddressAlreadyRegistered(mailboxAliasName, serverDomain.Name)) { throw new DuplicateNameException("You want to create a mailbox with already existing address."); } var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; var address = new ServerAddress { Id = 0, Tenant = Tenant, MailboxId = mailbox.Id, DomainId = serverDomain.Id, AddressName = mailboxAliasName, IsAlias = true, IsMailGroup = false, DateCreated = utcNow }; var aliasEmail = string.Format("{0}@{1}", mailboxAliasName, serverDomain.Name); var serverDao = daoFactory.CreateServerDao(); var server = serverDao.Get(Tenant); var engine = new Server.Core.ServerEngine(server.Id, server.ConnectionString); using (var tx = daoFactory.DbManager.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted)) { address.Id = serverAddressDao.Save(address); var serverAddress = new Alias { Name = mailbox.Name, Address = aliasEmail, GoTo = mailboxAddress, Domain = serverDomain.Name, IsActive = true, IsGroup = false, Modified = utcNow, Created = utcNow }; engine.SaveAlias(serverAddress); tx.Commit(); } CacheEngine.Clear(mailbox.User); return(new ServerDomainAddressData { Id = address.Id, DomainId = address.DomainId, Email = aliasEmail }); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a Sim to the List /// </summary> /// <param name="objd"></param> /// <param name="ct"></param> /// <param name="step"></param> /// <returns>The Alias for that Sim</returns> /// <remarks> /// Alias.Tag has the following Structure: /// [0] : FileName of Character File (if NPC, this will be null) /// [1] : Thumbnail /// [2] : FamilyName /// [3] : Contains Age Data /// [4] : When NPC, this will get the Filename /// </remarks> protected Alias AddSim(SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.ExtObjd objd, ref int ct, int step, bool npc) { //if (objd.Type!=Data.ObjectTypes.Person) return null; SimPe.Interfaces.Files.IPackageFile fl = objd.Package; //BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));//new StreamReader(file) bool hasagedata = fl.FindFiles(0xAC598EAC).Length > 0; //has Age Data object[] tags = new object[5]; tags[0] = fl.FileName; tags[1] = null; tags[2] = Localization.Manager.GetString("Unknown"); tags[3] = hasagedata; tags[4] = null; /*if (Helper.WindowsRegistry.HiddenMode) * tags[5] = (!hasagedata) && (fl.FindFiles(0xAC506764).Length>0); //if this is true, the Sim has a Problem, and the package was probably split * else * tags[5] = false;*/ //set stuff for NPCs if (npc) { tags[4] = tags[0]; tags[0] = ""; tags[2] += " (NPC)"; } Alias a = null; Interfaces.Files.IPackedFileDescriptor str_pfd = fl.FindFile(Data.MetaData.CTSS_FILE, 0, objd.FileDescriptor.Group, objd.CTSSInstance); if (str_pfd != null) { SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Str str = new SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Str(); str.ProcessData(str_pfd, fl); SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.StrItemList its = str.FallbackedLanguageItems(Helper.WindowsRegistry.LanguageCode); if (its.Length > 0) { #if DEBUG a = new Alias(objd.Guid, its[0].Title, "{name} {2} (0x{id})"); #else a = new Alias(objd.Guid, its[0].Title, "{name} {2} (0x{id})"); #endif if (its.Length > 2) { tags[2] = its[2].Title; } } } if (a != null) { IPackedFileDescriptor[] piclist = fl.FindFiles(Data.MetaData.SIM_IMAGE_FILE); foreach (IPackedFileDescriptor pfd in piclist) { if (pfd.Group != objd.FileDescriptor.Group) { continue; } if (pfd.Instance < 0x200) { SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Picture pic = new SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Picture(); pic.ProcessData(pfd, fl); /*if (Helper.StartedGui==Executable.Classic) * WaitingScreen.UpdateImage(pic.Image); * else * Wait.Image = pic.Image; */ tags[1] = pic.Image; break; } } a.Tag = tags; //if (Helper.StartedGui!=Executable.Classic) { ct++; if (ct % step == 1) { Wait.Message = a.ToString(); Wait.Progress = ct; } } //set stuff for NPCs if (npc) { a.Tag[2] = a.Tag[2].ToString() + " (NPC)"; } if (names == null) { return(null); } if (!names.Contains(objd.Guid)) { names.Add(objd.Guid, a); } } return(a); }
public void Log(int siteId, LogLevel level, object @class, LogFunction function, Exception exception, string message, params object[] args) { Log log = new Log(); if (siteId == -1) { log.SiteId = null; Alias alias = _tenantResolver.GetAlias(); if (alias != null) { log.SiteId = alias.SiteId; } } else { log.SiteId = siteId; } log.PageId = null; log.ModuleId = null; log.UserId = null; User user = _userPermissions.GetUser(); if (user != null) { log.UserId = user.UserId; } log.Url = ""; if (_accessor.HttpContext != null) { HttpRequest request = _accessor.HttpContext.Request; if (request != null) { log.Url = $"{request.Scheme}://{request.Host}{request.Path}{request.QueryString}"; } } Type type = Type.GetType(@class.ToString()); if (type != null) { log.Category = type.AssemblyQualifiedName; log.Feature = Utilities.GetTypeNameLastSegment(log.Category, 0); } else { log.Category = @class.ToString(); log.Feature = log.Category; } log.Function = Enum.GetName(typeof(LogFunction), function); log.Level = Enum.GetName(typeof(LogLevel), level); if (exception != null) { log.Exception = exception.ToString(); } log.Message = message; log.MessageTemplate = ""; try { log.Properties = JsonSerializer.Serialize(args); } catch // serialization error occurred { log.Properties = ""; } Log(log); }
public UrlMappingController(IUrlMappingRepository urlMappings, ILogManager logger, ITenantManager tenantManager) { _urlMappings = urlMappings; _logger = logger; _alias = tenantManager.GetAlias(); }
private void CheckVariable(string variableName, Alias alias, bool valid) { var source = @"class C { static void M() { } }"; string error; var testData = Evaluate(source, "C.M", variableName, out error, alias); if (valid) { var expectedNames = new[] { "<>x.<>m0()" }; var actualNames = testData.Methods.Keys; AssertEx.SetEqual(expectedNames, actualNames); } else { Assert.Equal(error, string.Format("error CS0103: The name '{0}' does not exist in the current context", variableName)); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the alias of the payee/grantee. /// </summary> /// <param name="toAlias">to alias</param> /// <returns>builder</returns> public T SetToAlias(Alias toAlias) { requestPayload.To.Alias = toAlias; return((T)this); }
public string[] GetCollectionPropertyColumnAliases(string propertyName, string suffix) { object aliases; if (!collectionPropertyColumnAliases.TryGetValue(propertyName, out aliases)) { return null; } var rawAliases = (string[]) aliases; var result = new string[rawAliases.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < rawAliases.Length; i++) { result[i] = new Alias(suffix).ToUnquotedAliasString(rawAliases[i], dialect); } return result; }
private ReadOnlyCollection<ColumnDeclaration> AnswerAndExpand(ReadOnlyCollection<ColumnDeclaration> columns, Alias currentAlias, Dictionary<ColumnExpression, Expression> askedColumns) { ColumnGenerator cg = new ColumnGenerator(columns); foreach (var col in askedColumns.Keys.ToArray()) { if (col.Alias == currentAlias) { Expression expr = columns.SingleEx(cd => (cd.Name ?? "-") == col.Name).Expression; askedColumns[col] = expr.NodeType == (ExpressionType)DbExpressionType.SqlConstant? expr: col; } else { Expression expr = CurrentScope[col]; ColumnExpression colExp = expr as ColumnExpression; if (colExp != null) { ColumnDeclaration cd = cg.Columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Expression.Equals(colExp)); if (cd == null) { cd = cg.MapColumn(colExp); } askedColumns[col] = new ColumnExpression(col.Type, currentAlias, cd.Name); } else { askedColumns[col] = expr; } } } if (columns.Count != cg.Columns.Count()) return cg.Columns.ToReadOnly(); return columns; }
private PlantUmlComponent GetComponentWithAlias(Alias alias, PlantUmlDiagram diagram) { return(diagram.ComponentsWithAlias.Where(c => alias.Equals(c.Alias)).Single()); }
/// <summary> /// Serves as a hash function for a particular type. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Object" />. /// </returns> public override int GetHashCode() => Alias.GetHashCode();
public static HashSet<ColumnExpression> Gatherer(Expression source, Alias externalAlias) { ExternalColumnGatherer ap = new ExternalColumnGatherer() { externalAlias = externalAlias }; ap.Visit(source); return ap.columns; }
public bool Save() { cms.businesslogic.web.DocumentType dt = cms.businesslogic.web.DocumentType.MakeNew(BusinessLogic.User.GetUser(_userID), Alias.Replace("'", "''")); dt.IconUrl = "folder.gif"; // Create template? if (ParentID == 1) { cms.businesslogic.template.Template[] t = { cms.businesslogic.template.Template.MakeNew(_alias, BusinessLogic.User.GetUser(_userID)) }; dt.allowedTemplates = t; dt.DefaultTemplate = t[0].Id; } // Master Content Type? if (TypeID != 0) { dt.MasterContentType = TypeID; } m_returnUrl = "settings/EditNodeTypeNew.aspx?id=" + dt.Id.ToString(); return(true); }
internal override Expression GetExpression(Alias tableAlias, QueryBinder binder, Expression id, IntervalExpression?period, EntityContextInfo?entityContext) { return(new MListExpression(FieldType, (PrimaryKeyExpression)id, period, TableMList)); // keep back id empty for some seconds }
public string Search(int report, int dateGroup, string staffId, int status, string keyword, string listPlayerIdIncidents) { Keyword = keyword; string reportStatus = ""; switch (status) // set status for writing the select query { case 2: reportStatus = "%Completion%"; break; case 3: reportStatus = "%Manager%"; break; case 4: reportStatus = "%Further%"; break; case 5: reportStatus = "%Completed%"; break; } DateTime date1 = DateTime.Now.Date, date2 = DateTime.Now.Date; // used to hold Date Group values switch (dateGroup) // set the date being filtered { case 2: date2 = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1); // reports from yesterday break; case 3: date2 = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-7); // reports from last seven days break; case 4: date2 = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-14); // reports from last 14 days break; case 5: date2 = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-30); // reports from last month break; case 6: date2 = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-365); // reports from last year break; case 7: date2 = DateTime.Parse(StartDate); date1 = DateTime.Parse(EndDate); break; } string reportType = ""; switch (report) // set the report type being filtered (take note that any changes from the group will create an error - MRReportsDutyManager) { case 2: reportType = "MR Incident Report"; break; case 3: reportType = "MR Duty Managers"; break; case 4: reportType = "MR Supervisors"; break; case 5: reportType = "MR Function Supervisor"; break; case 6: reportType = "MR Reception Supervisor"; break; case 7: reportType = "MR Reception"; break; case 8: reportType = "CU Duty Managers"; break; case 9: reportType = "CU Reception"; break; case 10: reportType = "CU Incident Report"; break; case 11: reportType = "MR Covid Marshall"; break; case 12: reportType = "CU Covid Marshall"; break; case 13: reportType = "MR Customer Relations Officer"; break; case 14: reportType = "MR Caretaker"; break; } // check if user has entered a keyword to be filtered bool hasKeyword = true; if (keyword.Equals("0") || keyword.Equals("")) // check whether the keyword filter is empty { hasKeyword = false; // keyword filter is empty } // check if staff has filter bool hasStaffFilter = true; if (ArchivedStaff) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staffId)) { staffId = "SELECT StaffId FROM Staff WHERE Active=0"; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staffId)) // if there is no staff filter selected, populate staff list { staffId = "SELECT StaffId FROM Staff"; hasStaffFilter = false; } // check if selected staff filter is the user logged in bool isAuthor = true; if (!staffId.Equals(UserCredentials.StaffId)) { isAuthor = false; } string selectQuery = "", startQuery = "SELECT [ReportId], [ReportName], [StaffId], [StaffName], [ShiftName], [ShiftDate], [ShiftDOW], [Report_Table], [Report_Version], [ReportStat], [AuditVersion], [RowNum]" + " FROM [View_Reports] WHERE ", startQuery1 = "SELECT [ReportId], [ReportName], [StaffId], [StaffName], [ShiftName], [ShiftDate], [ShiftDOW], [Report_Table], [Report_Version], [ReportStat], [AuditVersion], ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ShiftDate DESC, ShiftId DESC) RowNum" + " FROM [View_Reports] WHERE ", reportIdQuery = "", dateQuery = "", statusQuery = "", unreadQuery = "", reportQuery = "", authorQuery = "", cuQuery = "", mrQuery = "", endQuery = "ORDER BY ShiftDate DESC, ShiftId DESC, RowNum"; if (report == 1) // no report type filter { string groupsUpdate = ""; try { groupsUpdate = UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Remove(UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.LastIndexOf("', 'MR Incident Report")); } catch { } try { groupsUpdate = UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Remove(UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.LastIndexOf("', 'CU Incident Report")); } catch { } if (UnreadList && UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Contains("Reception") && !UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Contains("Supervisor") && !UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Contains("Manager")) { reportQuery = "[ReportName] IN ('" + groupsUpdate + "') AND "; } else { if (UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Contains("Reception") && !UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Contains("Supervisor") && !UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Contains("Manager")) { reportQuery = "([ReportName] IN ('" + groupsUpdate + "') OR ([ReportName] IN ('" + UserCredentials.GroupsQuery + "') AND [StaffId] = '" + UserCredentials.StaffId + "')) AND "; } else { reportQuery = "[ReportName] IN ('" + UserCredentials.GroupsQuery + "') AND "; } } } else // has report type filter { if (UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Contains("Reception") && !UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Contains("Supervisor") && !UserCredentials.GroupsQuery.Contains("Manager") && (reportType.Equals("MR Incident Report") || reportType.Equals("CU Incident Report"))) { reportQuery = "([ReportName] = '" + reportType + "' AND [StaffId] = '" + UserCredentials.StaffId + "') AND "; } else { reportQuery = "[ReportName] = '" + reportType + "' AND "; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ReportId)) { reportIdQuery = " "; } else { reportIdQuery = "ReportId =" + ReportId + " AND "; } if (dateGroup != 1) // has date filter { dateQuery = "ShiftDate BETWEEN '" + date2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + date1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND "; } else // no date filter { dateQuery = " "; } if (MROnly) { mrQuery = "[ReportName] LIKE '%MR%' AND "; } else { mrQuery = ""; } if (CUOnly) { cuQuery = "[ReportName] LIKE '%CU%' AND "; } else { cuQuery = ""; } if (status != 1) // has status filter { statusQuery = "[ReportStat] LIKE '" + reportStatus + "' AND "; } else // no status filter { statusQuery = " "; } if (!hasStaffFilter) // if staff filter is empty { authorQuery = "([ReportStat] = 'Report Completed' OR [ReportStat] = 'Further Action Required' OR [ReportStat] = 'Awaiting Manager Sign-off' OR ([ReportStat] = 'Awaiting Completion' AND [StaffId] = '" + UserCredentials.StaffId + "')) "; } else // has a staff filter { if (isAuthor) // The user selected his ownself { authorQuery = "([ReportStat] = 'Report Completed' OR [ReportStat] = 'Further Action Required' OR [ReportStat] = 'Awaiting Manager Sign-off' OR ([ReportStat] = 'Awaiting Completion' AND [StaffId] = '" + UserCredentials.StaffId + "')) AND StaffId IN (" + staffId + ") "; } else // // staff other than the user { authorQuery = "([ReportStat] = 'Report Completed' OR [ReportStat] = 'Further Action Required' OR [ReportStat] = 'Awaiting Manager Sign-off') AND StaffId IN (" + staffId + ") "; } } if (UnreadList && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ListPlayerIdIncidents)) // unread tickbox has been checked { unreadQuery = "AND ([ReadByList] NOT LIKE '%," + UserCredentials.StaffId + ",%' OR [ReadByList] IS NULL) AND ([ManagerSignId] NOT LIKE '%" + UserCredentials.StaffId + ",%' OR [ManagerSignId] IS NULL) "; } else // no unread list filter { unreadQuery = " "; } if (!hasKeyword && (WhatHappened.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(WhatHappened)) && (Location.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Location)) && (ActionTaken.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActionTaken)) && (MemberNo.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(MemberNo)) && (FirstName.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName)) && (LastName.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName)) && (Alias.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Alias))) // if Keyword and advanced filters are empty { selectQuery = startQuery + reportQuery + reportIdQuery + dateQuery + mrQuery + cuQuery + statusQuery + authorQuery + unreadQuery + endQuery; } else // keyword filter and advanced filter has been entered { // run stored procedures SqlQuery sqlQuery = new SqlQuery(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listPlayerIdIncidents)) // run all the list of incidents for the selected player id { sqlQuery.RetrieveData("Proc_ListPriorIncidents", "SearchKeyword"); } else // no player id is selected, filter via keyword and report filters { // set appropriate stored procedure (either Proc_KeywordSearchAllReports - any report other than Incidents ; Proc_KeywordSearchIncidentReports - Incidents ONLY) if (reportType.Contains("Incident")) { sqlQuery.RetrieveData("Proc_KeywordSearchIncidentReports", "SearchKeyword"); } else { sqlQuery.RetrieveData("Proc_KeywordSearchAllReports", "SearchKeyword"); } } if (GlobalSearchId.Equals("")) // if no data retrieved, display an error message { return(selectQuery); } // take off the extra ', ' in Global Search Ids Variable int strLength = GlobalSearchId.Length; GlobalSearchId = GlobalSearchId.Remove(strLength - 2, 2); string keywordQuery = "AND [ReportId] IN (" + GlobalSearchId + ") "; GlobalSearchId = ""; // to avoid this variable from getting appended ListPlayerIdIncidents = ""; // reset this variable to be reused again in searching incident reports related to player id selected selectQuery = startQuery1 + reportQuery + reportIdQuery + dateQuery + mrQuery + cuQuery + statusQuery + authorQuery + keywordQuery + unreadQuery + endQuery; } return(selectQuery); }
internal abstract Expression GetExpression(Alias tableAlias, QueryBinder binder, Expression id, IntervalExpression?period, EntityContextInfo?entityContext);
public String ParseInputToChoice(String input, IEnumerable <Alias> choices) { //aliases String suggestion = _db.GetAlias(_threadId, input); //punctuation //whitespace List <Alias> onlyAlphaNumChoices = new List <Alias>(); foreach (var c in choices) { String newOriginal = new String(c.Original.Where(ch => char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch)).ToArray()); Alias a = new Alias(newOriginal, c.MapsTo); if (newOriginal.Length >= 2) { onlyAlphaNumChoices.Add(a); } else { onlyAlphaNumChoices.Add(c); } } String alphaNumInput = new String(input.Where(ch => char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch)).ToArray()); //repeated letters Regex r = new Regex("(.)(?<=\\1\\1)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled); List <Alias> collapseRepeatsChoices = new List <Alias>(); foreach (var c in onlyAlphaNumChoices) { String newOriginal = r.Replace(c.Original, String.Empty); Alias a = new Alias(newOriginal, c.MapsTo); if (newOriginal.Length >= 4) { collapseRepeatsChoices.Add(a); } else { collapseRepeatsChoices.Add(c); } } String collapseInput = r.Replace(alphaNumInput, String.Empty); if (collapseInput.Length < 4) { collapseInput = ""; // go back if too short } // off by one List <String> missingOneLetter = new List <string>(); missingOneLetter.Add(collapseInput); if (collapseInput.Length > 3) { for (int i = 0; i < collapseInput.Length; i++) { String missing = collapseInput.Remove(i) + collapseInput.Substring(i + 1); missingOneLetter.Add(missing); } } // GOAT / WOAT / WOLF String noAids = collapseInput.Replace("GOAT", "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase). Replace("WOAT", "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase). Replace("WOLF", "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase). Replace("AIDS", "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase). Replace("THE", "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (noAids.Length <= 2) { noAids = ""; } String rc = TryRules(input, choices); if (rc != null) { return(rc); } rc = TryRules(suggestion, choices); if (rc != null) { return(rc); } rc = TryRules(alphaNumInput, onlyAlphaNumChoices); if (rc != null) { return(rc); } rc = TryRules(collapseInput, collapseRepeatsChoices); if (rc != null) { return(rc); } rc = TryRules(missingOneLetter, collapseRepeatsChoices); if (rc != null) { return(rc); } rc = TryRules(noAids, collapseRepeatsChoices); if (rc != null) { return(rc); } return(""); }
/// <summary>Visit an alias.</summary> /// <param name="alias">Alias to be visited.</param> protected override void VisitAlias(Alias alias) { VisitComponent(alias.Component); _commandText.Append(" AS "); VisitComponent(alias.Name); }
internal override Expression GetExpression(Alias tableAlias, QueryBinder binder, Expression id, IntervalExpression?period, EntityContextInfo?entityContext) { return(new PrimaryKeyExpression(new ColumnExpression(this.Type.Nullify(), tableAlias, this.Name).Nullify())); }
public string[] GetSubclassPropertyColumnAliases(string propertyName, string suffix) { string[] rawAliases; if (!subclassPropertyAliases.TryGetValue(propertyName,out rawAliases)) return null; string[] result = new string[rawAliases.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < rawAliases.Length; i++) result[i] = new Alias(suffix).ToUnquotedAliasString(rawAliases[i], Factory.Dialect); return result; }
internal override Expression GetExpression(Alias tableAlias, QueryBinder binder, Expression id, IntervalExpression?period, EntityContextInfo?entityContext) { return(Expression.Convert(new ColumnExpression(this.Type, tableAlias, Name), FieldType)); }