/// <summary>
        /// Constructor of the view model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentPage">Page of the view mode</param>
        /// <param name="userServices">Services for the "User" table</param>
        /// <param name="alertServices">Services for the "Alert" table</param>
        /// <param name="materialServices">Services for the "Material" table</param>
        /// <param name="productServices">Services for the "Product" table</param>
        /// <param name="materialsProductServices">Services for the "MaterialProduct" table</param>
        /// <param name="saleServices">Services for the "Sale" table</param>
        /// <param name="countAlerts">Number of alerts</param>
        public BoardViewModel(BoardWindow currentPage, UserServices userServices, AlertServices alertServices, MaterialServices materialServices, ProductServices productServices, MaterialsProductServices materialsProductServices, SaleServices saleServices, int countAlerts)
            CurrentPage = currentPage;

            CurrentUserName   = $"Welcome {AppSettings.CurrentUser.Login} {(AppSettings.CurrentUser.Role == ERole.Administrator.ToString() ? "(admin)" : "")} !";
            CurrentUserAdmin  = AppSettings.CurrentUser.Role == ERole.Administrator.ToString() ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden;
            CurrentUserLambda = AppSettings.CurrentUser.Role == ERole.User.ToString() ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden;

            UserServices             = userServices;
            AlertServices            = alertServices;
            MaterialServices         = materialServices;
            ProductServices          = productServices;
            MaterialsProductServices = materialsProductServices;
            SaleServices             = saleServices;

            BadgeAlert = countAlerts;

            GoBackCommand              = new CommandHandler(GoBack, () => true);
            GoToAddUserCommand         = new CommandHandler(GoToAddUser, () => true);
            GoToAlertsCommand          = new AsyncCommand(GoToAlerts, () => true);
            GoToListingElementsCommand = new AsyncCommand(GoToListingElements, () => true);
            GoToStatisticsCommand      = new AsyncCommand(GoToStatistics, () => true);
            GoToUpdateStockCommand     = new AsyncCommand(GoToUpdateStock, () => true);
            GoToAddElementCommand      = new AsyncCommand(GoToAddElement, () => true);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor of the view model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentPage">Page of the view mode</param>
        /// <param name="userServices">Services for the "User" table</param>
        /// <param name="alertServices">Services for the "Alert" table</param>
        /// <param name="materialServices">Services for the "Material" table</param>
        /// <param name="productServices">Services for the "Product" table</param>
        /// <param name="materialsProductServices">Services for the "MaterialProduct" table</param>
        /// <param name="saleServices">Services for the "Sale" table</param>
        /// <param name="products">List of products</param>
        /// <param name="materials">List of materials</param>
        /// <param name="materialsProducts">List of materials product</param>
        public ListingElementsViewModel(ListingElementsWindow currentPage,
                                        UserServices userServices,
                                        AlertServices alertServices,
                                        MaterialServices materialServices,
                                        ProductServices productServices,
                                        MaterialsProductServices materialsProductServices,
                                        SaleServices saleServices,
                                        List <Product> products,
                                        List <Material> materials,
                                        List <MaterialsProduct> materialsProducts)
            CurrentUserName = $"Welcome {AppSettings.CurrentUser.Login} {(AppSettings.CurrentUser.Role == ERole.Administrator.ToString() ? "(admin)" : "")} !";
            CurrentPage     = currentPage;

            UserServices             = userServices;
            AlertServices            = alertServices;
            MaterialServices         = materialServices;
            ProductServices          = productServices;
            MaterialsProductServices = materialsProductServices;
            SaleServices             = saleServices;

            Products          = products;
            Materials         = materials;
            MaterialsProducts = materialsProducts;


            GoBackCommand = new AsyncCommand(GoBack, () => true);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void LoadAlerts()
            var list = new List <HRR.Core.Domain.Interfaces.IAlert>();

            if (_cache.Retrieve <List <HRR.Core.Domain.Interfaces.IAlert> >(SecurityContextManager.Current.CurrentUser.ID.ToString() + "_AlertsFeed") == null)
                list = new AlertServices().GetAlertsByDueDate(DateTime.Now.AddDays(21)).ToList <HRR.Core.Domain.Interfaces.IAlert>();
                             .CurrentUser.ID.ToString() + "_AlertsFeed", list);
                list = _cache.Retrieve <List <HRR.Core.Domain.Interfaces.IAlert> >(SecurityContextManager
                                                                                   .CurrentUser.ID.ToString() + "_AlertsFeed");
            if (list.Count < 1)
                divAlertsMessage.Visible = true;
                divAlertsMessage.Visible = false;

            dlAlerts.DataSource = list;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private async void OnSelectedContact(Contact contact)
     if (contact != null)
         await AlertServices.AlertAsync("Contact", $"Número de teléfono de {contact.Name} es {string.Format("(000)-000-0000", contact.PhoneNumber)}");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public JsonResult Get(PagerModel pager, AlertModel filters)
            AlertServices service = new AlertServices();

            filters.To = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
            var collection = service.Get(pager, filters);

            return(Json(collection, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
 /// <summary>
 /// This window is for adding a element
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userServices"></param>
 /// <param name="alertServices"></param>
 /// <param name="materialServices"></param>
 /// <param name="productServices"></param>
 /// <param name="materialsProductServices"></param>
 /// <param name="saleServices"></param>
 /// <param name="materials"></param>
 public AddElementWindow(UserServices userServices,
                         AlertServices alertServices,
                         MaterialServices materialServices,
                         ProductServices productServices,
                         MaterialsProductServices materialsProductServices,
                         SaleServices saleServices,
                         List <Material> materials)
     DataContext = new AddElementViewModel(this, userServices, alertServices, materialServices, productServices, materialsProductServices, saleServices, materials);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public JsonResult MarkAsReaded(AlertModel alert)
            AlertServices alertServices = new AlertServices();

            alert.To = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
            AlertModel resp = alertServices.MarkAsReaded(alert);

            resp = resp ?? new AlertModel();

 public UpdateStockWindow(UserServices userServices,
                          AlertServices alertServices,
                          MaterialServices materialServices,
                          ProductServices productServices,
                          MaterialsProductServices materialsProductServices,
                          SaleServices saleServices,
                          List <Product> products,
                          List <Material> materials)
     DataContext = new UpdateStockViewModel(this, userServices, alertServices, materialServices, productServices, materialsProductServices, saleServices, products, materials);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public ActionResult Total()
            AlertServices alertServices = new AlertServices();
            PagerModel    pager         = new PagerModel(0, 1, "", "");
            AlertModel    filter        = new AlertModel();

            filter.Status = (int)AlertStatus.New;
            filter.To     = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
            alertServices.Get(pager, filter);
            string res = pager.TotalRecords == 0 ? string.Format("<span id='alertTotal' class='badge badge-pink noti-icon-badge'>{0}</span>", pager.TotalRecords)
                : string.Format("<span id='alertTotal' class='badge badge-pink noti-icon-badge'>{0}</span>", pager.TotalRecords);

Exemplo n.º 10
        private void LoadAlerts()
            var list = new AlertServices().GetAlertsByDueDate(DateTime.Now.AddDays(21));

            if (list.Count < 1)
                divAlerts.Visible = true;
                divAlerts.Visible = false;
            dlAlerts.DataSource = list;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private async void OnAddContact()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewContact.Name) && NewContact.PhoneNumber.Length == 10)
                NewContact.FirstLetterName = NewContact.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();

                await AlertServices.AlertAsync("New contact added", $"{NewContact.Name} fue agregado como contacto");

                await NavigationServices.NonModalPop();
                await AlertServices.AlertAsync("Error", "Faltan datos por llenar, favor revise e intente de nuevo");
Exemplo n.º 12
        private async void GetActiveTeams()
            var teams = await NbaApiServices.GetTeams();

            if (teams.GetType().Name == "Teams")
                if (teams != null)
                    TeamList           = new ObservableCollection <Team>(teams.League.Standard);
                    InternetConnection = true;
                InternetConnection = false;
                await AlertServices.AlertAsync("Error", "No hay conexión a internet");
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void SendNotificationsInvite(int?personId, int?companyId)
            AlertServices   alertServices = new AlertServices();
            CompanyServices csrv          = new CompanyServices();
            var             company       = csrv.Get(new CompanyModel()
                CompanyId = companyId
            AlertModel alert = alertServices.GetWithValues(2, null);

            alert.To   = personId;
            alert.Body = string.Format(alert.Body, company.CompanyName);
            var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <AlertHub>();

            context.Clients.Group(string.Format("P{0}", personId.ToString()))
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor of the view model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentPage">Page of the view mode</param>
        /// <param name="userServices">Services for the "User" table</param>
        /// <param name="alertServices">Services for the "Alert" table</param>
        /// <param name="materialServices">Services for the "Material" table</param>
        /// <param name="productServices">Services for the "Product" table</param>
        /// <param name="materialsProductServices">Services for the "MaterialProduct" table</param>
        /// <param name="saleServices">Services for the "Sale" table</param>
        /// <param name="countBySite">Data to the graphic "Count Sales By Site"</param>
        /// <param name="evolutionByMonth">Data to the graphic "Evolution by month"</param>
        /// <param name="moneyEarned">Money earned until the start</param>
        /// <param name="moneyEarnedByYear">Data to the graphic "Money by year"</param>
        public StatisticsViewModel(StatisticsWindow currentPage, UserServices userServices, AlertServices alertServices, MaterialServices materialServices, ProductServices productServices, MaterialsProductServices materialsProductServices, SaleServices saleServices, Dictionary <string, int> countBySite, List <Tuple <string, int, int, int> > evolutionByMonth, float moneyEarned, Dictionary <int, float> moneyEarnedByYear)
            CurrentPage     = currentPage;
            CurrentUserName = $"Welcome {AppSettings.CurrentUser.Login} {(AppSettings.CurrentUser.Role == ERole.Administrator.ToString() ? "(admin)" : "")} !";

            UserServices             = userServices;
            AlertServices            = alertServices;
            MaterialServices         = materialServices;
            ProductServices          = productServices;
            MaterialsProductServices = materialsProductServices;
            SaleServices             = saleServices;

            MoneyEarned = $"{moneyEarned:C}";

            GoBackCommand = new AsyncCommand(GoBack, () => true);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public JsonResult GetTable(DatatableModel dt, AlertModel filters)
            filters.To = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
            AlertServices services = new AlertServices();
            PagerModel    pager    = dt.ToPager();

            filters.Body = dt.sSearch;

            var collection = services.Get(pager, filters);

                status = UI.Status.Success,
                sEcho = dt.sEcho,
                iTotalRecords = pager.TotalRecords,
                iTotalDisplayRecords = pager.TotalRecords,
                aaData = collection
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 16
        private async void OnEditContact()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContactToEdit.Name) && ContactToEdit.PhoneNumber.Length == 10)
                ContactToEdit.FirstLetterName = ContactToEdit.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();



                await AlertServices.AlertAsync($"Edit contact", $"{ContactToEdit.Name} was edited");

                await NavigationServices.ModalPop();
                await AlertServices.AlertAsync("Error", "Faltan datos por llenar, favor revise e intente de nuevo");
Exemplo n.º 17
        public JsonResult Send(int?PersonId)
            PersonId = PersonId ?? SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
            AlertServices alertServices        = new AlertServices();
            Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            values.Add("Username", SessionWeb.User.UserName);

            AlertModel alert = alertServices.GetWithValues(1, values);

            alert.To = PersonId;

            var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <AlertHub>();

            context.Clients.Group(string.Format("P{0}", PersonId.ToString()))

Exemplo n.º 18
        private async void GetActivePlayers()
            var players = await NbaApiServices.GetNbaPlayers();

            if (players.GetType().Name == "Players")
                if (players != null)
                    List <Player> activlePlayersList = players.League.Standard.Where(player => player.IsActive == true).ToList();
                    ActivePlayers      = new ObservableCollection <Player>(activlePlayersList);
                    AllActivePlayers   = new ObservableCollection <Player>(activlePlayersList);
                    InternetConnection = true;
                InternetConnection = false;
                await AlertServices.AlertAsync("Error", "No hay conexión a internet");
Exemplo n.º 19
        public string GetAlertByDueDate()
            var    list = new AlertServices().GetAlertsByDueDate(DateTime.Now.AddDays(21));
            string s    = "[";

            foreach (var item in list)
                switch (item.ItemType)
                case AlertType.GOAL:
                    var g = (HRR.Core.Domain.Goal)item;
                    s += "{\"avatar\":\"" + g.EnteredForRef.AvatarPath +
                         "\",\"enteredfor\":\"<a style='vertical-align: top;' href='/People/" + g.EnteredForRef.Email + "'>" + g.EnteredForRef.Name + "</a>" +
                         "\",\"alerttitle\":\"goal - <a style='vertical-align: top;' href='/Goals/" + g.ID.ToString() + "'>" + g.Title + "</a>" +
                         "\",\"duedate\":\"" + g.DueDate.ToShortDateString() +

                case AlertType.MILESTONE:
                    var m = (HRR.Core.Domain.GoalMilestone)item;
                    s += "{\"avatar\":\"" + m.EnteredForRef.AvatarPath +
                         "\",\"enteredfor\":\"<a style='vertical-align: top;' href='/People/" + m.EnteredForRef.Email + "'>" + m.EnteredForRef.Name + "</a>" +
                         "\",\"alerttitle\":\"milestone - <a style='vertical-align: top;' href='/Goals/" + m.GoalRef.ID.ToString() + "'>" + m.Title + "</a>" +
                         "\",\"duedate\":\"" + m.DueDate.ToShortDateString() +

                case AlertType.REVIEW:
                    var r = (HRR.Core.Domain.Review)item;
                    s += "{\"avatar\":\"" + r.EnteredForRef.AvatarPath +
                         "\",\"enteredfor\":\"<a style='vertical-align: top;' href='/People/" + r.EnteredForRef.Email + "'>" + r.EnteredForRef.Name + "</a>" +
                         "\",\"alerttitle\":\"review - <a style='vertical-align: top;' href='/Reviews/" + r.ID.ToString() + "'>" + r.Title + "</a>" +
                         "\",\"duedate\":\"" + r.DueDate.ToShortDateString() +
                //s += "{\"name\":\"" + item.EnteredForRef.LastName + "\",\"commentType\":\"" + item.CommentType.ToString() + "\",\"message\":\"" + item.Message + "\",\"enteredBy\":\"" + item.EnteredByRef.LastName + "\"},";
            return(s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "]");
Exemplo n.º 20
        public ActionResult LastAlerts()
            AlertServices alertServices = new AlertServices();
            PagerModel    pager         = new PagerModel(0, 8, "CreatedAt", "desc");
            AlertModel    filter        = new AlertModel();

            filter.Status = (int)AlertStatus.New;
            filter.To     = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;

            List <AlertModel> lstAlert = alertServices.Get(pager, filter);
            string            resp     = "";

            foreach (AlertModel alert in lstAlert)
                resp += string.Format("<a href='javascript:Main.MarkAsReaded({3});' id='alert_{3}' class='dropdown-item notify-item alert-item'>"
                                      + "<div class='notify-icon bg-info'><i class='mdi {1}'></i></div>"
                                      + "<p class='notify-details' style='white-space: normal'><small>{0}</small><small class='text-muted'>{2}</small></p>"
                                      + "</a>", alert.Body, alert.Icon, alert.TimeAgo, alert.AlertId);

        /// <summary>
        /// Method to update the alert
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateAlerts()
            var          childrens     = CurrentPage.ListAlerts.Children;
            List <Alert> updatedAlerts = new List <Alert>();

            foreach (Card chidren in childrens)
                Grid grid = chidren.Content as Grid;

                if ((grid?.Children[1] as Grid)?.Children[0] is CheckBox checkBox)
                    var id    = int.Parse(checkBox.Name.Split('_')[1]);
                    var alert = Alerts.First(x => x.Id == id);
                    if (checkBox.IsChecked != null)
                        alert.IsDismiss = (bool)checkBox.IsChecked;


Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Offer from Project to Vessel
        /// Validations
        /// Insert offer with Status NEW
        /// Send alert to Vessel company owners
        /// Send mail to Vessel company owners
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offer"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RequestResult <List <AlertModel> > InsComplete(OfferModel offer)
            RequestResult <List <AlertModel> > resp = new RequestResult <List <AlertModel> >()
                Status = Status.Success
            OfferDA           offerDA        = new OfferDA();
            VesselServices    vesselServices = new VesselServices();
            PersonServices    personServices = new PersonServices();
            AlertServices     alertServices  = new AlertServices();
            List <AlertModel> lstAlertToSend = new List <AlertModel>();
            MailServices      MailServ       = new MailServices();
            ITemplate         factory        = new TemplateMessagesFactory();

            TransactionOptions scopeOptions = new TransactionOptions();

            ////scopeOptions.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, scopeOptions))
                    if (offer.Vessel.VesselId == null)
                        throw new Exception("VesselId REQUIRED");
                    if (offer.Project.ProjectId == null)
                        throw new Exception("ProjectId REQUIRED");
                    if (offer.ProjectAdmin.PersonId == null)
                        throw new Exception("ProjectAdmin.PersonId REQUIRED");

                    OfferModel        val    = new OfferModel();
                    List <OfferModel> lstVal = new List <OfferModel>();
                    val.Project.ProjectId = offer.Project.ProjectId;
                    val.Vessel.VesselId   = offer.Vessel.VesselId;
                    lstVal = Get(val);

                    if (lstVal.Count > 0)
                        throw new Exception("STATUS_NOT_VALID");

                    VesselModel vessel = new VesselModel();
                    vessel.VesselId = offer.Vessel.VesselId;
                    vessel          = vesselServices.Get(vessel).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Insert offer with Status NEW
                    var respOffer = offerDA.InsUpd(offer);
                    if (respOffer.Status != Status.Success)
                        throw new Exception(respOffer.Message);

                    // Send alert to Vessel company owners
                    //Listado de los usuarios de una compañía
                    UserPersonModel person = new UserPersonModel();
                    person.CompanyId = vessel.Company.CompanyId;
                    List <UserPersonModel> lst = personServices.getUserPerson(person);

                    Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values.Add("IMO", vessel.Imo);
                    values.Add("VESSELNAME", vessel.Name);
                    AlertModel alert = alertServices.GetWithValues(6, values);

                    SystemVariableServices        SVS   = new SystemVariableServices();
                    Dictionary <string, string[]> param = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
                    string EgulfUrl = SVS.GetSystemVariableValue("EgulfWeb");
                    param.Add("{Enfasis}", new string[] { vessel.Imo, vessel.Name });
                    param.Add("{Btn_url}", new string[] { EgulfUrl });
                    foreach (UserPersonModel personItem in lst)
                        AlertModel alertAux = alert.Clone();
                        alertAux.To = personItem.PersonId;
                        MailServ.SendMail(factory.GetTemplate(personItem.Email, "VesselOfferReceived", param));

                    var respAlert = alertServices.InsUpd(lstAlertToSend);
                    if (respAlert != null)
                        throw new Exception(respAlert.Message);

                    resp.Data = lstAlertToSend;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    resp = new RequestResult <List <AlertModel> >()
                        Status = Status.Error, Message = ex.Message
                    throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public ActionResult OfferTransaction(string id, OfferModel offer)
            RequestResult <List <AlertModel> > result = new RequestResult <List <AlertModel> >()
                Status = Status.Success
            List <AlertModel>     lstAlertToProjectCompany = new List <AlertModel>();
            List <AlertModel>     lstAlertToVesselCompany  = new List <AlertModel>();
            OfferServices         services         = new OfferServices();
            AlertTemplateServices templateServices = new AlertTemplateServices();
            AlertServices         alertServices    = new AlertServices();

                OfferModel val = new OfferModel();

                if (offer.OfferId != null)
                    val = services.GetById((int)offer.OfferId);
                    if (val == null)
                        throw new Exception("NOT_FOUND");

                if (id.ToLower() == "offer")
                    offer.ProjectAdmin.PersonId = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    offer.UserModifiedId        = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    result = services.InsComplete(offer);

                    Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values.Add("ID", offer.Vessel.VesselId.ToString());
                    AlertTemplateModel template = templateServices.GetById(8);
                    AlertModel         alert    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template, values);

                    //Trick the form how i get the offer
                    val = services.GetById((int)offer.OfferId);
                else if (id.ToLower() == "accept")
                    offer.VesselAdmin.PersonId = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    offer.UserModifiedId       = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    result = services.Accept(offer, (int)SessionWeb.User.PersonId);

                    Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values.Add("ID", "" + val.Project.ProjectId);
                    AlertTemplateModel template = templateServices.GetById(10);
                    AlertModel         alert    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template, values);

                    Dictionary <string, string> values2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values2.Add("ID", PersonSessionId.ToString());
                    AlertTemplateModel template2 = templateServices.GetById(11);
                    AlertModel         alert2    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template2, values2);
                else if (id.ToLower() == "reject")
                    offer.VesselAdmin.PersonId = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    offer.UserModifiedId       = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    result = services.Reject(offer);

                    Dictionary <string, string> values2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values2.Add("ID", PersonSessionId.ToString());
                    AlertTemplateModel template2 = templateServices.GetById(11);
                    AlertModel         alert2    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template2, values2);
                else if (id.ToLower() == "fix")
                    MessageServices chatServices = new MessageServices();
                    offer.VesselAdmin.PersonId = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;
                    offer.UserModifiedId       = SessionWeb.User.PersonId;

                    if (val.Status == OfferModel.FIX && val.VesselAdmin.PersonId == SessionWeb.User.PersonId)
                            new MessageModel()
                            ReferenceId = offer.OfferId, From = SessionWeb.User.PersonId

                    if (val.Status == OfferModel.NEW)
                        result = services.Fix(offer);

                        Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        values.Add("ID", offer.OfferId.ToString());
                        AlertTemplateModel template = templateServices.GetById(9);
                        AlertModel         alert    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template, values);
                        alert.To = val.ProjectAdmin.PersonId;

                        Dictionary <string, string> values2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        values2.Add("ID", PersonSessionId.ToString());
                        AlertTemplateModel template2 = templateServices.GetById(11);
                        AlertModel         alert2    = alertServices.GetWithValues(template2, values2);

                if (result.Status == Status.Success)
                    var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <AlertHub>();

                    foreach (AlertModel alert in result.Data)
                        context.Clients.Group(string.Format("P{0}", alert.To))
                    foreach (AlertModel alert in lstAlertToProjectCompany)
                        context.Clients.Group(string.Format("C{0}", val.Project.CompanyId))
                    foreach (AlertModel alert in lstAlertToVesselCompany)
                        context.Clients.Group(string.Format("C{0}", val.Vessel.Company.CompanyId.ToString()))
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message == "STATUS_NOT_VALID")
                    result.Message = "La oferta ya no se encuentra disponible.";
                    result.Status  = Status.Error;
                else if (ex.Message == "NOT_AVAILABILITY")
                    result.Message = "El barco seleccionado, no está disponible en las fechas seleccionadas.";
                    result.Status  = Status.Warning;
                    throw new Exception(result.Message);

            result.Data = null;

Exemplo n.º 24
        public RequestResult <List <AlertModel> > Fix(OfferModel model)
            RequestResult <List <AlertModel> > resp = new RequestResult <List <AlertModel> >();
            MailServices          MailServ          = new MailServices();
            ITemplate             factory           = new TemplateMessagesFactory();
            VesselServices        vesselServices    = new VesselServices();
            AlertServices         alertServices     = new AlertServices();
            AlertTemplateServices templateServices  = new AlertTemplateServices();
            List <AlertModel>     lstAlertToSend    = new List <AlertModel>();

            if (model.OfferId == null)
                throw new Exception("REQUIRED OfferId");

            TransactionOptions scopeOptions = new TransactionOptions();

            ////scopeOptions.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, scopeOptions))
                    OfferModel val = GetById((int)model.OfferId);
                    if (val == null)
                        throw new Exception("NOT_FOUND");

                    if (val.Status != OfferModel.NEW)
                        throw new Exception("STATUS_NOT_VALID");

                    OfferModel modelUpd = new OfferModel();
                    modelUpd.OfferId = model.OfferId;
                    model.Status     = OfferModel.FIX;

                    Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values.Add("FLAG", val.Vessel.Country.Name);
                    values.Add("HOMEPORT", val.Vessel.HomePort.Name);
                    values.Add("IMO", val.Vessel.Imo);
                    values.Add("VESSELNAME", val.Vessel.Name);
                    values.Add("FOLIO", val.Project.Folio);

                    //Notify to project owner alert and mail
                    AlertModel alertFix = alertServices.GetWithValues(7, values);
                    alertFix.To = val.ProjectAdmin.PersonId;
                    var respAlert = alertServices.InsUpd(alertFix);
                    if (respAlert != null)
                        throw new Exception(respAlert.Message);

                    SystemVariableServices        SVS   = new SystemVariableServices();
                    Dictionary <string, string[]> param = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
                    string EgulfUrl = SVS.GetSystemVariableValue("EgulfWeb");
                    param.Add("{Enfasis}", new string[] { val.Vessel.Country.Name, val.Vessel.HomePort.Name, val.Project.Folio });
                    param.Add("{Btn_url}", new string[] { EgulfUrl });

                    MailServ.SendMail(factory.GetTemplate(val.ProjectAdmin.Email, "OfferFix", param));
                    resp.Data = lstAlertToSend;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    resp = new RequestResult <List <AlertModel> >()
                        Status = Status.Error, Message = ex.Message
                    throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to go back to the precedent page
        /// Update the alerts in the same time
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task GoBack()
            BoardWindow page = new BoardWindow(UserServices, AlertServices, MaterialServices, ProductServices, MaterialsProductServices, SaleServices, await AlertServices.CountAlerts());

        /// <summary>
        /// Method to go to the "Alert" page
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task GoToAlerts()
            AlertsWindow page = new AlertsWindow(UserServices, AlertServices, MaterialServices, ProductServices, MaterialsProductServices, SaleServices, await AlertServices.GetAllAlerts());

 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new window
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userServices"></param>
 /// <param name="alertServices"></param>
 /// <param name="countAlerts"></param>
 public BoardWindow(UserServices userServices, AlertServices alertServices, MaterialServices materialServices, ProductServices productServices, MaterialsProductServices materialsProductServices, SaleServices saleServices, int countAlerts)
     DataContext = new BoardViewModel(this, userServices, alertServices, materialServices, productServices, materialsProductServices, saleServices, countAlerts);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new window
 /// </summary>
 public StatisticsWindow(UserServices userServices, AlertServices alertServices, MaterialServices materialServices, ProductServices productServices, MaterialsProductServices materialsProductServices, SaleServices saleServices, Dictionary <string, int> countBySite, List <Tuple <string, int, int, int> > evolutionByMonth, float moneyEarned, Dictionary <int, float> moneyEarnedByYear)
     DataContext = new StatisticsViewModel(this, userServices, alertServices, materialServices, productServices, materialsProductServices, saleServices, countBySite, evolutionByMonth, moneyEarned, moneyEarnedByYear);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public CustomerController(AlertServices alertServices)
     this.alertServices = alertServices;
Exemplo n.º 30
        private async void OnDeleteContact(Contact selectedContact)

            await AlertServices.AlertAsync("Contacto borrado", "Contacto borrado exitosamente");