Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void OutputAverageOfAllSimulations(List <SimulationResult> simResults)
            Console.Write("\n\nAbout to display average result of all simulations. Press any key to continue:");


            var byDayDoc = new Alba.CsConsoleFormat.Document(
                new Grid()
                Color    = ConsoleColor.Gray,
                Columns  = { GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto },
                Children =
                    new Cell("Day #")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Center
                    new Cell("Infected")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Center
                    new Cell("Contagious")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Center
                    new Cell("Died")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Center
                    simResults.Select((r, i) => new[]
                        new Cell(i + 1)
                            Align = Align.Center, Color = ConsoleColor.DarkRed
                        new Cell($"{r.Infected / _arguments.Simulations:n0}")
                            Align = Align.Center, Color = ConsoleColor.Yellow
                        new Cell($"{r.Contagious / _arguments.Simulations:n0}")
                            Align = Align.Center, Color = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan
                        new Cell($"{r.Died / _arguments.Simulations:n0}")
                            Align = Align.Center, Color = ConsoleColor.Red

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void OutputSimulationResult(int simNum, SimulationResult lastDay)
            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);

            var simDoc = new Alba.CsConsoleFormat.Document(
                new Grid()
                Color    = ConsoleColor.Gray,
                Columns  = { GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto },
                Children =
                    new Cell("Run #")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Center
                    new Cell("Infected")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Center
                    new Cell("Contagious")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Center
                    new Cell("Died")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Center
                    new Cell(simNum + 1)
                        Align = Align.Center, Color = ConsoleColor.DarkRed
                    new Cell($"{lastDay.Infected / _arguments.Simulations:n0}")
                        Align = Align.Center, Color = ConsoleColor.Yellow
                    new Cell($"{lastDay.Contagious / _arguments.Simulations:n0}")
                        Align = Align.Center, Color = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan
                    new Cell($"{lastDay.Died / _arguments.Simulations}")
                        Align = Align.Center, Color = ConsoleColor.Red

Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void OutputAssumptions()
            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);

            var doc = new Alba.CsConsoleFormat.Document(
                new Span("Viral Propagation Simulation")
                Color = Yellow
                new Grid()
                Color    = ConsoleColor.Gray,
                Columns  = { GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto },
                Children =
                    new Cell("Iterations to run")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Left
                    new Cell($"{_arguments.Simulations:n0}")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Right
                    new Cell("Population")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Left
                    new Cell($"{_arguments.Population:n0}")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Right
                    new Cell("Neighborhood size")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Left
                    new Cell($"{_arguments.Neighbors:n0}")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Right
                    new Cell("Infectious period, days")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Left
                    new Cell($"{_arguments.Contagious:n0}")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Right
                    new Cell("Contacts per day")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Left
                    new Cell($"{_arguments.Interactions:n0}")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Right
                    new Cell("Chance of passing on infection per contact")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Left
                    new Cell($"{100 * _arguments.Transmission:n1}%")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Right
                    new Cell("Mortality rate")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Left
                    new Cell($"{100 * _arguments.Mortality:n1}%")
                        Stroke = _hdrThickness, Align = Align.Right
