Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void ExamineFlight(ExaminerFlightRow cfr)
            if (cfr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cfr");
            if (!cfr.fIsRealAircraft)

            // 61.99

            // 61.99(a)

            // 61.99(a)(1)
            if (cfr.cLandingsThisFlight >= 4 && cfr.Dual > 0)
                AirportList al = AirportListOfRoutes.CloneSubset(cfr.Route, true);
                if (al.MaxDistanceForRoute() >= 25.0)

            if (cfr.idCatClassOverride == CatClassID)
                // 61.99(a)(2)
                if (DateTime.Now.AddCalendarMonths(-2).CompareTo(cfr.dtFlight) <= 0)

                // 61.99(b)
                decimal soloTime = 0.0M;
                cfr.FlightProps.ForEachEvent(pf => { if (pf.PropertyType.IsSolo)
                                                         soloTime += pf.DecValue;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override string CSVFromDataTable(DataTable dt)
            // We ignore the data table passed in - we have our data from Matches, which was initialized in CanParse.

            // Build up the list of CrewTrac objects first; we'll then fill in cross-country time.
            List <CrewTrac> lstCt = new List <CrewTrac>();

            foreach (Match ctMatch in Matches)
                GroupCollection gc = ctMatch.Groups;

                string szEmployees = gc["employees"].Value;
                // replace runs of 2 or more spaces with a tab for better finding boundaries (e.g., multiple employees).
                while (szEmployees.Contains("  "))
                    szEmployees = szEmployees.Replace("  ", "\t");

                MatchCollection mcEmployees = regCrewMember.Matches(szEmployees);

                List <CrewTracEmployee> lst = new List <CrewTracEmployee>();
                foreach (Match empMatch in mcEmployees)
                    GroupCollection gcEmployee = empMatch.Groups;
                    if (!Enum.TryParse <CrewTracEmployee.CrewTracRole>(gcEmployee["pos"].Value, out CrewTracEmployee.CrewTracRole role))
                        role = CrewTracEmployee.CrewTracRole.CA;
                    lst.Add(new CrewTracEmployee()
                        Role = role, Name = gcEmployee["empname"].Value

                    CrewTrac ct = new CrewTrac()
                        FlightNumber = String.IsNullOrEmpty(gc["flightnum"].Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(gc["flightnum"].Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture),
                        Date         = Convert.ToDateTime(gc["date"].Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture),
                        From         = gc["from"].Value,
                        To           = gc["to"].Value,
                        BlockHours   = gc["block"].Value.DecimalFromHHMM(),
                        Tail         = gc["tail"].Value,
                        Model        = gc["model"].Value,
                        Landings     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(gc["landings"].Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(gc["landings"].Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture),
                        Employees    = lst
                catch (Exception ex) when(ex is FormatException)

            // Build up a list of airports so that we can determine cross-country time.
            StringBuilder sbRoutes = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (CrewTrac ct in lstCt)
                sbRoutes.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, " {0} {1}", ct.From, ct.To);
            AirportList alRoutes = new AirportList(sbRoutes.ToString());

            foreach (CrewTrac ct in lstCt)
                AirportList alFlight = alRoutes.CloneSubset(ct.From + " " + ct.To);
                if (alFlight.MaxDistanceForRoute() > 50.0)
                    ct.CrossCountry = ct.BlockHours;

            using (DataTable dtDst = new DataTable())
                dtDst.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
                foreach (CrewTrac ct in lstCt)
                    CSVImporter.WriteEntryToDataTable(ct.ToLogbookEntry(), dtDst);
                return(CsvWriter.WriteToString(dtDst, true, true));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override string CSVFromDataTable(DataTable dt)
            // We ignore the data table passed in - we have our data from Matches, which was initialized in CanParse.

            // Build up the list of CrewTrac objects first; we'll then fill in cross-country time.
            List <AAScheduler> lstAA = new List <AAScheduler>();

            foreach (Match aaMatch in Matches)
                GroupCollection gc = aaMatch.Groups;

                    DateTime    dtDep = Convert.ToDateTime(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} {1}", gc["startdate"].Value, gc["starttime"].Value), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    DateTime    dtArr = Convert.ToDateTime(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} {1}", gc["enddate"].Value, gc["endtime"].Value), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    AAScheduler aas   = new AAScheduler()
                        ScheduledDeparture = dtDep,
                        ScheduledArrival   = dtArr,
                        BlockTime          = gc["blocktime"].Value.DecimalFromHHMM(),
                        FlightNumber       = gc["flightnum"].Value,
                        Deadhead           = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(gc["deadhead"].Value),
                        From     = gc["from"].Value,
                        To       = gc["to"].Value,
                        Sequence = gc["seq"].Value,
                        Leg      = String.IsNullOrEmpty(gc["leg"].Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(gc["leg"].Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
                catch (Exception ex) when(ex is FormatException)

                // Build up a list of airports so that we can determine cross-country time.
                StringBuilder sbRoutes = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (AAScheduler aas in lstAA)
                    sbRoutes.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, " {0} {1}", aas.From, aas.To);
                AirportList alRoutes = new AirportList(sbRoutes.ToString());

                foreach (AAScheduler aas in lstAA)
                    AirportList alFlight = alRoutes.CloneSubset(aas.From + " " + aas.To);
                    if (alFlight.MaxDistanceForRoute() > 50.0)
                        aas.CrossCountry = aas.BlockTime;

            using (DataTable dtDst = new DataTable())
                dtDst.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
                foreach (AAScheduler aa in lstAA)
                    CSVImporter.WriteEntryToDataTable(aa.ToLogbookEntry(), dtDst);
                return(CsvWriter.WriteToString(dtDst, true, true));