public void ProduceAsyncShouldRethrowProducerException()
            // Arrange
            var topic = "my-topic";

            var message = new AgnosticMessage <string>
                Key     = "msg-id",
                Payload = "msg-content"

            var producerMock = new Mock <IProducer <string, string> >();

            producerMock.Setup(producer => producer.ProduceAsync(topic, It.Is <Message <string, string> >(msg => msg.Key == message.Key)))
            .ThrowsAsync(new ProduceException <string, string>(new Error(ErrorCode.BrokerNotAvailable), null));

            var loggerMock = new Mock <ILogger <KafkaProducerWrapper <string> > >();

            using (var kafkaProducerWrapper = new KafkaProducerWrapper <string>(producerMock.Object, loggerMock.Object))
                // Act
                Func <Task> methodCall = () => kafkaProducerWrapper.ProduceAsync(topic, message);

                // Assert
                methodCall.Should().Throw <ProduceException <string, string> >();
        public void ProduceAsyncShouldSendMessageToKafkaTopic()
            // Arrange
            var topic = "my-topic";

            var message = new AgnosticMessage <string>
                Key     = "msg-id",
                Payload = "msg-content"

            var producerMock = new Mock <IProducer <string, string> >();

            producerMock.Setup(producer => producer.ProduceAsync(topic, It.Is <Message <string, string> >(msg => msg.Key == message.Key)))
            .ReturnsAsync(new DeliveryResult <string, string>());

            var loggerMock = new Mock <ILogger <KafkaProducerWrapper <string> > >();

            // Act
            using (var kafkaProducerWrapper = new KafkaProducerWrapper <string>(producerMock.Object, loggerMock.Object))
                kafkaProducerWrapper.ProduceAsync(topic, message).Wait();

            // Assert
            producerMock.Verify(producer =>
                                producer.ProduceAsync(topic, It.Is <Message <string, string> >(msg => msg.Key == message.Key)),
 private Message <string, TPayload> MapFromAgnosticMessage(AgnosticMessage <TPayload> agnosticMessage)
     return(new Message <string, TPayload>
         Key = agnosticMessage.Key,
         Value = agnosticMessage.Payload
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task ExecuteAsync()
            for (int i = 0; i < settings.Value.ElementsToProduce; i++)
                var message = new AgnosticMessage <string>
                    Key     = $"msg-{i}",
                    Payload = $"msg-{i}-content"

                await producer.ProduceAsync("text", message);

                logger.LogInformation($"String sent: {message.Payload}");
        public async Task ExecuteAsync()
            foreach (var filePath in fileClient.GetFiles(settings.Value.InputDirectory))
                var message = new AgnosticMessage <byte[]>
                    Key     = filePath.Split('/').Last(),
                    Payload = fileClient.Read(filePath)

                await producer.ProduceAsync("binary", message);

                logger.LogInformation($"Binary file read and sent: {message.Key}");
        public async Task ProduceAsync(string topic, AgnosticMessage <TPayload> message)
            var kafkaMessage = MapFromAgnosticMessage(message);

                var result = await kafkaProducer.ProduceAsync(topic, kafkaMessage);

                logger.LogInformation($"Message produced to: {result.TopicPartitionOffset}");
            catch (ProduceException <string, TPayload> ex)
                logger.LogError($"Failed to produce message: {ex.Error.Reason}");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task ExecuteAsync()
            for (int i = 0; i < settings.Value.ElementsToProduce; i++)
                var domainObject = new SampleComplexObject(i);

                var message = new AgnosticMessage <string>
                    Key     = domainObject.Id.ToString(),
                    Payload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(domainObject) //TODO: change serialization method

                await producer.ProduceAsync("json", message);

                logger.LogInformation($"JSON object sent: {domainObject.GetFullDescription()}");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void ExecuteShouldCreateAFileWhenAMessageIsConsumed()
            // Arrange
            var outputDirectory = "/my-var";

            var optionsMock = new Mock <IOptions <ApplicationSettings> >();

            optionsMock.SetupGet(options => options.Value)
            .Returns(new ApplicationSettings
                OutputDirectory = outputDirectory

            var consumedMessageMock = new AgnosticMessage <byte[]>
                Key     = "file1",
                Payload = new byte[] {}

            var agnosticConsumerMock = new Mock <IAgnosticConsumer <byte[]> >();

            agnosticConsumerMock.Setup(a => a.Consume("binary", It.IsAny <Action <AgnosticMessage <byte[]> > >()))
            .Callback <string, Action <AgnosticMessage <byte[]> > >((_, action) =>

            var fileClientMock = new Mock <IFileClient>();
            var loggerMock     = new Mock <ILogger <ConsumeBinary> >();

            var consumeBinaryUseCase = new ConsumeBinary(agnosticConsumerMock.Object, fileClientMock.Object, optionsMock.Object, loggerMock.Object);

            // Act

            // Assert
            fileClientMock.Verify(fileClient =>
                                  fileClient.Create(outputDirectory, consumedMessageMock.Key, consumedMessageMock.Payload),