Exemplo n.º 1
 public override void Update(IPageLayout ipageLayout_0)
     if (this.Element != null)
         (ipageLayout_0 as IActiveView).PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, this.Element, null);
         IPoint position = this.GetPosition(ipageLayout_0);
         (this.Element as TableElement).RowNumber    = this.RowNumber;
         (this.Element as TableElement).ColumnNumber = this.ColumnNumber;
         IEnvelope to = this.Element.Geometry.Envelope;
         (this.Element as TableElement).CreateTable(ipageLayout_0 as IActiveView, position, this.sortedList_0);
         IEnvelope envelope = this.Element.Geometry.Envelope;
         this.Element.QueryBounds((ipageLayout_0 as IActiveView).ScreenDisplay, envelope);
             IAffineTransformation2D transformation = new AffineTransformation2DClass();
             transformation.DefineFromEnvelopes(envelope, to);
             (base.m_pElement as ITransform2D).Transform(esriTransformDirection.esriTransformForward,
         (ipageLayout_0 as IActiveView).GraphicsContainer.UpdateElement(base.m_pElement);
         (ipageLayout_0 as IActiveView).PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, base.m_pElement, null);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void method_0(bool bool_0)
            double width  = this.ienvelope_0.Width;
            double height = this.ienvelope_0.Height;

            if (width == 0.0)
                this.ienvelope_0.Width = 1.0;
                this.ienvelope_1.Width = 1.0;
            if (height == 0.0)
                this.ienvelope_0.Height = 1.0;
                this.ienvelope_1.Height = 1.0;
            IAffineTransformation2D transformation = new AffineTransformation2DClass();

            transformation.DefineFromEnvelopes(this.ienvelope_0, this.ienvelope_1);
            ITransform2D transformd = this.ielement_0 as ITransform2D;

            if (bool_0)
                transformd.Transform(esriTransformDirection.esriTransformForward, transformation);
                transformd.Transform(esriTransformDirection.esriTransformReverse, transformation);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public bool GetTK(IPageLayout ipageLayout_0)
            IEnvelope envelope;
            IEnvelope envelope2;

            if (this.string_2.Length == 0)
            IMapFrame frame = (ipageLayout_0 as IActiveView).GraphicsContainer.FindFrame((ipageLayout_0 as IActiveView).FocusMap) as IMapFrame;

            if ((this.double_1 != 0.0) || (this.double_2 != 0.0))
                ipageLayout_0.Page.PutCustomSize(this.double_1 + 6.0, this.double_2 + 6.0);
                envelope  = (frame as IElement).Geometry.Envelope;
                envelope2 = new EnvelopeClass();
                if (this.double_1 == 0.0)
                    this.double_1 = envelope.Width;
                if (this.double_2 == 0.0)
                    this.double_2 = envelope.Height;
                envelope2.PutCoords(envelope.XMin, envelope.YMin, envelope.XMin + this.double_1, envelope.YMin + this.double_2);
                IAffineTransformation2D transformation = new AffineTransformation2DClass();
                transformation.DefineFromEnvelopes(envelope, envelope2);
                ITransform2D transformd = frame as ITransform2D;
                transformd.Transform(esriTransformDirection.esriTransformForward, transformation);
                double dx = 0.0;
                double dy = 0.0;
                if (envelope.XMin < 2.0)
                    dx = 2.0;
                if (envelope.YMin < 2.0)
                    dy = 2.0;
                if ((dx != 0.0) && (dy != 0.0))
                    transformd.Move(dx, dy);
            if (this.double_0 > 0.0)
                envelope = (frame as IElement).Geometry.Envelope;
                double    num3   = (envelope.Width * this.double_0) / 100.0;
                double    num4   = (envelope.Height * this.double_0) / 100.0;
                IEnvelope extent = (frame.Map as IActiveView).Extent;
                envelope2 = new EnvelopeClass();
                envelope2.PutCoords(extent.XMin, extent.YMin, extent.XMin + num3, extent.YMin + num4);
                (frame.Map as IActiveView).Extent = envelope2;
            frame.Border = null;
 public void Apply()
     if (this.bool_1)
             double    xMin = double.Parse(this.txtX.Text);
             double    yMin = double.Parse(this.txtY.Text);
             double    num3 = double.Parse(this.txtWidth.Text);
             double    num4 = double.Parse(this.txtHeight.Text);
             IEnvelope to   = new EnvelopeClass();
             to.PutCoords(xMin, yMin, xMin + num3, yMin + num4);
             IEnvelope envelope = this.ielement_0.Geometry.Envelope;
             if ((num3 == 0.0) || (num4 == 0.0))
                 if (this.ielement_0 is ILineElement)
                     IPointCollection geometry = this.ielement_0.Geometry as IPointCollection;
                     if (geometry.PointCount == 2)
                         object           missing = System.Type.Missing;
                         IPointCollection points2 = new PolylineClass();
                         PointClass       class2  = new PointClass
                             X = xMin,
                             Y = yMin
                         IPoint     inPoint = class2;
                         PointClass class3  = new PointClass
                             X = xMin + num3,
                             Y = yMin + num4
                         IPoint point2 = class3;
                         points2.AddPoint(inPoint, ref missing, ref missing);
                         points2.AddPoint(point2, ref missing, ref missing);
                         this.ielement_0.Geometry = points2 as IGeometry;
                 IAffineTransformation2D transformation = new AffineTransformation2DClass();
                 transformation.DefineFromEnvelopes(envelope, to);
                 (this.ielement_0 as ITransform2D).Transform(esriTransformDirection.esriTransformForward,
             this.bool_1 = false;
        private void method_5(IElement ielement_0, double double_0)
            IEnvelope from     = base.m_pElement.Geometry.Envelope;
            IEnvelope envelope = ielement_0.Geometry.Envelope;

            envelope.Expand(double_0, double_0, true);
            IEnvelope to = new EnvelopeClass();

            to.PutCoords(from.XMin, from.YMin, from.XMin + envelope.Width, from.YMin + envelope.Height);
            IAffineTransformation2D transformation = new AffineTransformation2DClass();

            transformation.DefineFromEnvelopes(from, to);
            (base.m_pElement as ITransform2D).Transform(esriTransformDirection.esriTransformForward, transformation);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override IElement GetElement(IPageLayout ipageLayout_0)
            IElement element = base.GetElement(ipageLayout_0);

            if (this.bool_0)
                IEnvelope envelope = (MapFrameAssistant.GetFocusMapFrame(ipageLayout_0) as IElement).Geometry.Envelope;
                IEnvelope from     = element.Geometry.Envelope;
                IEnvelope to       = element.Geometry.Envelope;
                to.PutCoords(from.XMin, from.YMin, from.XMin + envelope.Width, from.YMax);
                IAffineTransformation2D transformation = new AffineTransformation2DClass();
                transformation.DefineFromEnvelopes(from, to);
                (element as ITransform2D).Transform(esriTransformDirection.esriTransformForward, transformation);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override IElement GetElement(IPageLayout ipageLayout_0)
            IElement element = base.GetElement(ipageLayout_0);

            if (this.SizeStyle != MapCartoTemplateLib.SizeStyle.Fixed)
                double    num;
                IEnvelope envelope = (MapFrameAssistant.GetFocusMapFrame(ipageLayout_0) as IElement).Geometry.Envelope;
                IEnvelope from     = element.Geometry.Envelope;
                if (from.IsEmpty)
                IEnvelope to = element.Geometry.Envelope;
                if (this.SizeStyle == MapCartoTemplateLib.SizeStyle.SameAsInsideWidth)
                    num = (from.Height * envelope.Width) / from.Width;
                    to.PutCoords(from.XMin, from.YMin, from.XMin + envelope.Width, from.YMin + num);
                else if (this.SizeStyle == MapCartoTemplateLib.SizeStyle.SameAsInsideHeight)
                    num = (from.Width * envelope.Height) / from.Height;
                    to.PutCoords(from.XMin, from.YMin, from.XMin + num, from.YMin + envelope.Height);
                    double num2;
                    if (this.SizeStyle == MapCartoTemplateLib.SizeStyle.InsideWidthScale)
                        num2 = envelope.Width * this.SizeScale;
                        num  = (from.Height * num2) / from.Width;
                        to.PutCoords(from.XMin, from.YMin, from.XMin + num2, from.YMin + num);
                    else if (this.SizeStyle == MapCartoTemplateLib.SizeStyle.InsideWidthScale)
                        num  = envelope.Height * this.SizeScale;
                        num2 = (from.Width * num) / from.Height;
                        to.PutCoords(from.XMin, from.YMin, from.XMin + num2, from.YMin + num);
                IAffineTransformation2D transformation = new AffineTransformation2DClass();
                transformation.DefineFromEnvelopes(from, to);
                (element as ITransform2D).Transform(esriTransformDirection.esriTransformForward, transformation);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the RPC parameters file associated with the image and create an RPCXform
        /// to bea applied to the inputDataset as a geomtric function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rpcPath">Path to the rpc parameters file.</param>
        /// <param name="inputDataset">Input dataset to apply the xform on.</param>
        /// <returns>Function raster dataset created.</returns>
        private IFunctionRasterDataset ApplyRPC(string rpcPath, IRasterDataset inputDataset)
            IFunctionRasterDataset opFrd = null;
                // Open the RPC file and create Geometric transform
                IGeodataXform finalXForm = null;
                IRPCXform rpcXForm = GetRPCXForm(rpcPath);

                IFunctionRasterDataset idFrd = null;
                if (!(inputDataset is IFunctionRasterDataset))
                    IRasterFunction identityFunction = new IdentityFunctionClass();
                    idFrd = new FunctionRasterDatasetClass();
                    idFrd.Init(identityFunction, inputDataset);
                    idFrd = (IFunctionRasterDataset)inputDataset;

                IRasterInfo datasetRasterInfo = idFrd.RasterInfo;
                IEnvelope datasetExtent = datasetRasterInfo.Extent;
                ISpatialReference datasetSrs = ((IGeoDataset)idFrd).SpatialReference;

                long dRows = datasetRasterInfo.Height;
                long dCols = datasetRasterInfo.Width;
                IEnvelope pixelExtent = new EnvelopeClass();
                pixelExtent.PutCoords(-0.5, 0.5 - dRows, -0.5 + dCols, 0.5);

                bool noAffineNeeded = ((IClone)pixelExtent).IsEqual((IClone)datasetExtent);
                if (!noAffineNeeded)
                    // Tranform ground space to pixel space.
                    IAffineTransformation2D affineXform = new AffineTransformation2DClass();
                    affineXform.DefineFromEnvelopes(datasetExtent, pixelExtent);
                    IGeometricXform geoXform = new GeometricXformClass();
                    geoXform.Transformation = affineXform;
                    finalXForm = geoXform;

                // Transform from pixel space back to ground space to set as the forward transform.
                IEnvelope groundExtent = ((IGeoDataset)idFrd).Extent;
                IAffineTransformation2D affineXform2 = new AffineTransformation2DClass();
                affineXform2.DefineFromEnvelopes(pixelExtent, groundExtent);
                IGeometricXform forwardXForm = new GeometricXformClass();
                forwardXForm.Transformation = affineXform2;
                rpcXForm.ForwardXform = forwardXForm;

                // Create the composite transform that changes ground values to pixel space
                // then applies the rpc transform which will transform them back to ground space.
                ICompositeXform compositeXForm = new CompositeXformClass();
                finalXForm = (IGeodataXform)compositeXForm;

                // Then apply the transform on the raster using the geometric function.
                if (finalXForm != null)
                    IRasterFunction geometricFunction = new GeometricFunctionClass();
                    IGeometricFunctionArguments geometricFunctionArgs = null;
                    // Get the geomtric function arguments if supplied by the user (in the UI).
                    if (myRasterTypeOperation != null &&
                        ((IRasterTypeProperties)myRasterTypeOperation).OrthorectificationParameters != null)
                        geometricFunctionArgs =
                        geometricFunctionArgs = new GeometricFunctionArgumentsClass();
                    // Append the xform to the existing ones from the image.
                    geometricFunctionArgs.AppendGeodataXform = true;
                    geometricFunctionArgs.GeodataXform = finalXForm;
                    geometricFunctionArgs.Raster = inputDataset;
                    opFrd = new FunctionRasterDatasetClass();
                    opFrd.Init(geometricFunction, geometricFunctionArgs);
                return opFrd;
            catch (Exception exc)
                string error = exc.Message;
                return opFrd;