Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void AddRequestTokenCommand(this CommandLineApplication app, ConfigFile config)
            app.Command("tokenrequest", cmd =>
                var optionUser = cmd.Option("-u|--user <USERID>", "Required. A Afas username (12345.username) or emailaddress.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue)

                cmd.Description = "Request a token for a specified user.";
                cmd.OnValidate((ctx) =>
                    if ((config == null) || (!config.IsValidForOtp))
                        return(new ValidationResult("A valid configuration (with ApiKey and EnviromentKey) could not be found. Use [config]."));

                cmd.OnExecuteAsync(async(cancellationtoken) =>
                    AfasOtpClient client = new AfasOtpClient(config.MemberNumber, config.ApiKey
                                                             , config.EnvironmentKey, (Environments)config.Environment);

                    var x = await client.GetOtpTokenRequest(optionUser.Value());
Exemplo n.º 2
        static async Task <int> Main(string[] args)
            //If you don't have a token , you can generate one
            var otpclient = new AfasOtpClient(12345, "api-key", "environment-key");

            //Request the otp valdiation code, which is send by mail by Afas.
            await otpclient.GetOtpTokenRequest("*****@*****.**");

            //Assume you received validation code 123456 by mail, you can request a token.
            var token = await otpclient.GetOtpTokenValidation("*****@*****.**", "123456");

            //With a token, you can start working with the AfasClient
            var client = new AfasClient(00000, "token", Environments.Test);

            var session = client.GetSessionInfo();

            Console.WriteLine($"ConnectorName: {session.Info.ApplicationName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"EnvironmentID: {session.Info.EnvironmentID}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Group        : {session.Info.Group}");

            //overview of GetConnectors.
            foreach (var conn in session.GetConnectors)
                Console.WriteLine($"{conn.Id} - {conn.Description}");

            //Request a file
            var fileInfo = await client.GetFileAsync("test", "invoice001.pdf");

            if (fileInfo != null)
                var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(fileInfo.FileDataBase64);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void AddActivateTokenCommand(this CommandLineApplication app, ConfigFile config)
            app.Command("tokenactivate", cmd =>
                var optionUser = cmd.Option("-u|--user <USERID>", "Required. A Afas username (12345.username) or emailaddress.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue)

                var optionCode = cmd.Option("-c|--code <CODE>", "Required. The activationcode send by mail.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue)

                cmd.Description = "Gets a token for the specified user and its activationcode ";
                cmd.OnValidate((ctx) =>
                    if ((config == null) || (!config.IsValidForOtp))
                        return(new ValidationResult("A valid configuration (with ApiKey and EnviromentKey) could not be found. Use [config]."));
                cmd.OnExecuteAsync(async(cancellationtoken) =>
                    AfasOtpClient client = new AfasOtpClient(config.MemberNumber, config.ApiKey
                                                             , config.EnvironmentKey, (Environments)config.Environment);

                        var token = await client.GetOtpTokenValidation(optionUser.Value(), optionCode.Value());
                    catch (Exception)