public AddAnimal modelMaker() { AddAnimal Obj = new AddAnimal(); Obj.familyNames = GetFamilyNames(); Obj.emplyeeUserNames = ViewMyEmployees(); Obj.exhibitNames = GetExihibitNames(); Obj.attrNames = GetAttrNames(); List <char> sex = new List <char>(); sex.Add('M'); sex.Add('F'); Obj.sexs = sex; return(Obj); }
} //end AdopterMainMenu public void EmployeeMainMenu() { Console.WriteLine("Humane Society Employee Portal"); Console.WriteLine("Here you can add a single animal, import animals from a csv file,\n or search an animal to view info, manage details, and complete adoption"); Console.WriteLine("Your Options are as follows:"); Console.WriteLine("1\tor\tADD\n2\tor\tIMPORT\n3\tor\tSEARCH"); empMenuInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); switch (empMenuInput) { case "1": case "ADD": Console.WriteLine("You have selected to add a single animal, press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); AddAnimal addAnimal = new AddAnimal(); break; case "2": case "IMPORT": Console.WriteLine("You have selected to import from a csv, press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "3": case "SEARCH": Console.WriteLine("You have selected to search an animal, press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); Search eSearch = new Search(); eSearch.SearchAnimal(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Your input was not recognized, press any key to return to the main menu"); Console.ReadKey(); EmployeeMainMenu(); break; } } //End Employee Main Menu
public ActionResult AddAnimal(AddAnimal model, DateTime?dob) { using (team4zooEntities db = new team4zooEntities()) { try { Animal animal = new Animal(); animal.Animal_ID = Guid.NewGuid(); animal.animal_name =; animal.dob = dob; =; animal.weight = model.weight; animal.owner = model.owner; animal.isActive = true; = db.Family_Name.Where(x => x.family_title == model.familyN).Select(y => y.Family_ID).FirstOrDefault(); if ( == null || == null || model.weight.Equals(null) || model.weight.Equals(0.00) || !dob.HasValue || model.owner == null || model.ExhibitN == null) { AddAnimal newModel = modelMaker(); newModel.ErrorMessage1 = "Please, Fill all required fields."; return(View("~/Views/AddAnimal/Index.cshtml", newModel)); } else if (CheckExistingName( { AddAnimal newModel = modelMaker(); newModel.ErrorMessage2 = "This Name Already Exists."; return(View("~/Views/AddAnimal/Index.cshtml", newModel)); } else { if (model.AttrN != null) { animal.Attraction_ID = db.Attractions.Where(x => x.attraction_name == model.AttrN).Select(y => y.Attraction_ID).FirstOrDefault(); } animal.Exhibit_ID = db.Exhibits.Where(x => x.exhibit_name == model.ExhibitN).Select(y => y.Exhibit_ID).FirstOrDefault(); animal.Assignee1_ID = db.Employees.Where(x => x.username == model.Assignee1).Select(y => y.Employee_ID).FirstOrDefault(); animal.Assignee2_ID = db.Employees.Where(x => x.username == model.Assignee2).Select(y => y.Employee_ID).FirstOrDefault(); animal.Assignee3_ID = db.Employees.Where(x => x.username == model.Assginee3).Select(y => y.Employee_ID).FirstOrDefault(); db.Animals.Add(animal); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "AddAnimal")); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } throw; } } }