public int IndexOf(AdamRole role) { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <int>() >= 0); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <int>() < this.Count); return(default(int)); }
public int IndexOf(AdamRole role) { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() >= 0); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() < this.Count); return default(int); }
private AdamInstance GetRoleOwner(AdamRole role) { DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = null; string adamInstanceName = null; try { switch (role) { case AdamRole.SchemaRole: directoryEntry = this.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); break; case AdamRole.NamingRole: directoryEntry = this.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); break; } directoryEntry.RefreshCache(); adamInstanceName = Utils.GetAdamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA(this.context, (string)PropertyManager.GetPropertyValue(this.context, directoryEntry, PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner)); } catch (COMException exception) { throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(this.context, exception); } finally { if (directoryEntry != null) { directoryEntry.Dispose(); } } return(new AdamInstance(Utils.GetNewDirectoryContext(adamInstanceName, DirectoryContextType.DirectoryServer, this.context), adamInstanceName)); }
public void SeizeRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { // set the "fsmoRoleOwner" attribute on the appropriate role object // to the NTDSAObjectName of this ADAM Instance string roleObjectDN = null; CheckIfDisposed(); switch (role) { case AdamRole.SchemaRole: { roleObjectDN = directoryEntryMgr.ExpandWellKnownDN(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); break; } case AdamRole.NamingRole: { roleObjectDN = directoryEntryMgr.ExpandWellKnownDN(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); break; } default: { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(role), (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } } DirectoryEntry roleObjectEntry = null; try { roleObjectEntry = DirectoryEntryManager.GetDirectoryEntry(context, roleObjectDN); roleObjectEntry.Properties[PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner].Value = NtdsaObjectName; roleObjectEntry.CommitChanges(); } catch (COMException e) { throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(context, e); } finally { if (roleObjectEntry != null) { roleObjectEntry.Dispose(); } } // invalidate the role collection so that it gets loaded again next time _cachedRoles = null; }
/// <returns>Returns a DomainController object for the DC that holds the specified FSMO role</returns> private AdamInstance GetRoleOwner(AdamRole role) { DirectoryEntry entry = null; string adamInstName = null; try { switch (role) { case AdamRole.SchemaRole: { entry = _directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); break; } case AdamRole.NamingRole: { entry = _directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); break; } default: // should not happen since we are calling this only internally Debug.Fail("ConfigurationSet.GetRoleOwner: Invalid role type."); break; } entry.RefreshCache(); adamInstName = Utils.GetAdamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA(_context, (string)PropertyManager.GetPropertyValue(_context, entry, PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner)); } catch (COMException e) { throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(_context, e); } finally { if (entry != null) { entry.Dispose(); } } // create a new context object for the adam instance passing on the // credentials from the context DirectoryContext adamInstContext = Utils.GetNewDirectoryContext(adamInstName, DirectoryContextType.DirectoryServer, _context); return(new AdamInstance(adamInstContext, adamInstName)); }
public int IndexOf(AdamRole role) { if ((role < AdamRole.SchemaRole) || (role > AdamRole.NamingRole)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } for (int i = 0; i < base.InnerList.Count; i++) { int num2 = (int)base.InnerList[i]; if (num2 == role) { return(i); } } return(-1); }
public int IndexOf(AdamRole role) { if ((role < AdamRole.SchemaRole) || (role > AdamRole.NamingRole)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int) role, typeof(AdamRole)); } for (int i = 0; i < base.InnerList.Count; i++) { int num2 = (int) base.InnerList[i]; if (num2 == role) { return i; } } return -1; }
public bool Contains(AdamRole role) { if (role < AdamRole.SchemaRole || role > AdamRole.NamingRole) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } for (int i = 0; i < InnerList.Count; i++) { int tmp = (int)InnerList[i]; if (tmp == (int)role) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void TransferRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { base.CheckIfDisposed(); if ((role < AdamRole.SchemaRole) || (role > AdamRole.NamingRole)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } try { DirectoryEntry cachedDirectoryEntry = base.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.RootDSE); cachedDirectoryEntry.Properties[this.becomeRoleOwnerAttrs[(int)role]].Value = 1; cachedDirectoryEntry.CommitChanges(); } catch (COMException exception) { throw System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(base.context, exception); } this.cachedRoles = null; }
public int IndexOf(AdamRole role) { if (role < AdamRole.SchemaRole || role > AdamRole.NamingRole) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } for (int i = 0; i < InnerList.Count; i++) { int tmp = (int)InnerList[i]; if (tmp == (int)role) { return(i); } } return(-1); }
public void SeizeRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { string dn = null; base.CheckIfDisposed(); switch (role) { case AdamRole.SchemaRole: dn = base.directoryEntryMgr.ExpandWellKnownDN(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); break; case AdamRole.NamingRole: dn = base.directoryEntryMgr.ExpandWellKnownDN(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); break; default: throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = null; try { directoryEntry = DirectoryEntryManager.GetDirectoryEntry(base.context, dn); directoryEntry.Properties[PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner].Value = this.NtdsaObjectName; directoryEntry.CommitChanges(); } catch (COMException exception) { throw System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(base.context, exception); } finally { if (directoryEntry != null) { directoryEntry.Dispose(); } } this.cachedRoles = null; }
private AdamInstance GetRoleOwner(AdamRole role) { DirectoryEntry cachedDirectoryEntry = null; string adamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA = null; using (cachedDirectoryEntry) { try { AdamRole adamRole = role; switch (adamRole) { case AdamRole.SchemaRole: { cachedDirectoryEntry = this.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); break; } case AdamRole.NamingRole: { cachedDirectoryEntry = this.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); break; } } cachedDirectoryEntry.RefreshCache(); adamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA = Utils.GetAdamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA(this.context, (string)PropertyManager.GetPropertyValue(this.context, cachedDirectoryEntry, PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner)); } catch (COMException cOMException1) { COMException cOMException = cOMException1; throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(this.context, cOMException); } } DirectoryContext newDirectoryContext = Utils.GetNewDirectoryContext(adamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA, DirectoryContextType.DirectoryServer, this.context); return(new AdamInstance(newDirectoryContext, adamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA)); }
public void SeizeRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { string str = null; base.CheckIfDisposed(); AdamRole adamRole = role; if (adamRole == AdamRole.SchemaRole) { str = this.directoryEntryMgr.ExpandWellKnownDN(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); } else if (adamRole == AdamRole.NamingRole) { str = this.directoryEntryMgr.ExpandWellKnownDN(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); } else { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = null; using (directoryEntry) { try { directoryEntry = DirectoryEntryManager.GetDirectoryEntry(this.context, str); directoryEntry.Properties[PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner].Value = this.NtdsaObjectName; directoryEntry.CommitChanges(); } catch (COMException cOMException1) { COMException cOMException = cOMException1; throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(this.context, cOMException); } } this.cachedRoles = null; }
public void TransferRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { CheckIfDisposed(); if (role < AdamRole.SchemaRole || role > AdamRole.NamingRole) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(role), (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } // set the appropriate attribute on the root dse try { DirectoryEntry rootDSE = directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.RootDSE); rootDSE.Properties[_becomeRoleOwnerAttrs[(int)role]].Value = 1; rootDSE.CommitChanges(); } catch (COMException e) { throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(context, e); } // invalidate the role collection so that it gets loaded again next time _cachedRoles = null; }
public void TransferRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { base.CheckIfDisposed(); if (role < AdamRole.SchemaRole || role > AdamRole.NamingRole) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } else { try { DirectoryEntry cachedDirectoryEntry = this.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.RootDSE); cachedDirectoryEntry.Properties[this.becomeRoleOwnerAttrs[(int)role]].Value = 1; cachedDirectoryEntry.CommitChanges(); } catch (COMException cOMException1) { COMException cOMException = cOMException1; throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(this.context, cOMException); } this.cachedRoles = null; return; } }
public int IndexOf(AdamRole role) { if (role < AdamRole.SchemaRole || role > AdamRole.NamingRole) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } else { int num = 0; while (num < base.InnerList.Count) { int item = (int)base.InnerList[num]; if ((AdamRole)item != role) { num++; } else { return num; } } return -1; } }
public int IndexOf(AdamRole role) { if (role < AdamRole.SchemaRole || role > AdamRole.NamingRole) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } else { int num = 0; while (num < base.InnerList.Count) { int item = (int)base.InnerList[num]; if ((AdamRole)item != role) { num++; } else { return(num); } } return(-1); } }
public int IndexOf(AdamRole role) {}
// Methods public bool Contains(AdamRole role) {}
// Methods public bool Contains(AdamRole role) { }
private AdamInstance GetRoleOwner(AdamRole role) { DirectoryEntry cachedDirectoryEntry = null; string adamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA = null; using (cachedDirectoryEntry) { try { AdamRole adamRole = role; switch (adamRole) { case AdamRole.SchemaRole: { cachedDirectoryEntry = this.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); break; } case AdamRole.NamingRole: { cachedDirectoryEntry = this.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); break; } } cachedDirectoryEntry.RefreshCache(); adamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA = Utils.GetAdamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA(this.context, (string)PropertyManager.GetPropertyValue(this.context, cachedDirectoryEntry, PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner)); } catch (COMException cOMException1) { COMException cOMException = cOMException1; throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(this.context, cOMException); } } DirectoryContext newDirectoryContext = Utils.GetNewDirectoryContext(adamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA, DirectoryContextType.DirectoryServer, this.context); return new AdamInstance(newDirectoryContext, adamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA); }
public void CopyTo(AdamRole[] roles, int index) { base.InnerList.CopyTo(roles, index); }
public bool Contains(AdamRole role) { if (role < AdamRole.SchemaRole || role > AdamRole.NamingRole) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } for (int i = 0; i < InnerList.Count; i++) { int tmp = (int)InnerList[i]; if (tmp == (int)role) { return true; } } return false; }
private AdamInstance GetRoleOwner(AdamRole role) { DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = null; string adamInstanceName = null; try { switch (role) { case AdamRole.SchemaRole: directoryEntry = this.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); break; case AdamRole.NamingRole: directoryEntry = this.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); break; } directoryEntry.RefreshCache(); adamInstanceName = Utils.GetAdamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA(this.context, (string) PropertyManager.GetPropertyValue(this.context, directoryEntry, PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner)); } catch (COMException exception) { throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(this.context, exception); } finally { if (directoryEntry != null) { directoryEntry.Dispose(); } } return new AdamInstance(Utils.GetNewDirectoryContext(adamInstanceName, DirectoryContextType.DirectoryServer, this.context), adamInstanceName); }
public void SeizeRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { }
public bool Contains(AdamRole role) { return(default(bool)); }
/// <returns>Returns a DomainController object for the DC that holds the the specified FSMO role</returns> private AdamInstance GetRoleOwner(AdamRole role) { DirectoryEntry entry = null; string adamInstName = null; try { switch (role) { case AdamRole.SchemaRole: { entry = _directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); break; } case AdamRole.NamingRole: { entry = _directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); break; } default: // should not happen since we are calling this only internally Debug.Assert(false, "ConfigurationSet.GetRoleOwner: Invalid role type."); break; } entry.RefreshCache(); adamInstName = Utils.GetAdamDnsHostNameFromNTDSA(_context, (string)PropertyManager.GetPropertyValue(_context, entry, PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner)); } catch (COMException e) { throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(_context, e); } finally { if (entry != null) { entry.Dispose(); } } // create a new context object for the adam instance passing on the // credentials from the context DirectoryContext adamInstContext = Utils.GetNewDirectoryContext(adamInstName, DirectoryContextType.DirectoryServer, _context); return new AdamInstance(adamInstContext, adamInstName); }
public void CopyTo(AdamRole[] roles, int index) {}
public int IndexOf(AdamRole role) { if (role < AdamRole.SchemaRole || role > AdamRole.NamingRole) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } for (int i = 0; i < InnerList.Count; i++) { int tmp = (int)InnerList[i]; if (tmp == (int)role) { return i; } } return -1; }
public void TransferRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { CheckIfDisposed(); if (role < AdamRole.SchemaRole || role > AdamRole.NamingRole) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } // set the appropriate attribute on the root dse try { DirectoryEntry rootDSE = directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.RootDSE); rootDSE.Properties[_becomeRoleOwnerAttrs[(int)role]].Value = 1; rootDSE.CommitChanges(); } catch (COMException e) { throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(context, e); } // invalidate the role collection so that it gets loaded again next time _cachedRoles = null; }
public void TransferRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { }
public bool Contains(AdamRole role) { return default(bool); }
public void SeizeRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { string dn = null; base.CheckIfDisposed(); switch (role) { case AdamRole.SchemaRole: dn = base.directoryEntryMgr.ExpandWellKnownDN(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); break; case AdamRole.NamingRole: dn = base.directoryEntryMgr.ExpandWellKnownDN(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); break; default: throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int) role, typeof(AdamRole)); } DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = null; try { directoryEntry = DirectoryEntryManager.GetDirectoryEntry(base.context, dn); directoryEntry.Properties[PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner].Value = this.NtdsaObjectName; directoryEntry.CommitChanges(); } catch (COMException exception) { throw System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(base.context, exception); } finally { if (directoryEntry != null) { directoryEntry.Dispose(); } } this.cachedRoles = null; }
public void SeizeRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { // set the "fsmoRoleOwner" attribute on the appropriate role object // to the NTDSAObjectName of this ADAM Instance string roleObjectDN = null; CheckIfDisposed(); switch (role) { case AdamRole.SchemaRole: { roleObjectDN = directoryEntryMgr.ExpandWellKnownDN(WellKnownDN.SchemaNamingContext); break; } case AdamRole.NamingRole: { roleObjectDN = directoryEntryMgr.ExpandWellKnownDN(WellKnownDN.PartitionsContainer); break; } default: { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int)role, typeof(AdamRole)); } } DirectoryEntry roleObjectEntry = null; try { roleObjectEntry = DirectoryEntryManager.GetDirectoryEntry(context, roleObjectDN); roleObjectEntry.Properties[PropertyManager.FsmoRoleOwner].Value = NtdsaObjectName; roleObjectEntry.CommitChanges(); } catch (COMException e) { throw ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(context, e); } finally { if (roleObjectEntry != null) { roleObjectEntry.Dispose(); } } // invalidate the role collection so that it gets loaded again next time _cachedRoles = null; }
public void TransferRoleOwnership(AdamRole role) { base.CheckIfDisposed(); if ((role < AdamRole.SchemaRole) || (role > AdamRole.NamingRole)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("role", (int) role, typeof(AdamRole)); } try { DirectoryEntry cachedDirectoryEntry = base.directoryEntryMgr.GetCachedDirectoryEntry(WellKnownDN.RootDSE); cachedDirectoryEntry.Properties[this.becomeRoleOwnerAttrs[(int) role]].Value = 1; cachedDirectoryEntry.CommitChanges(); } catch (COMException exception) { throw System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionFromCOMException(base.context, exception); } this.cachedRoles = null; }
public int IndexOf(AdamRole role) { }