Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            _system = ActorSystem.Create("akka-visualize-demo");

            var commandLineVisualizer = new CommandLineVisualizer();
            var webVisualizer         = new WebApiVisualizer();

            ActorVisualizeExtension.InstallVisualizer(_system, commandLineVisualizer);
            ActorVisualizeExtension.InstallVisualizer(_system, webVisualizer);

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            Console.WriteLine("Starting up actor system...");
            var goodbyPool   = _system.ActorOf(Props.Create <GoodbyeActor>().WithRouter(new RandomPool(10)), "GoodbyPool");
            var goodbuyGroup = _system.ActorOf(Props.Create <GoodbyeActor>().WithRouter(new RandomGroup("a1", "a2", "a3")), "GoodbyGroup");

            var goodbye = _system.ActorOf(Props.Create <GoodbyeActor>(), "Goodby");
            var hello   = _system.ActorOf <HelloActor>("Hello");

            //Console.WriteLine("Incrementing debug log once every 10 ms for 2 seconds...");
            //var count = 200;
            //while (count >= 0)
            //	//ActorMonitoringExtension.Monitors(_system).IncrementDebugsLogged();
            //	//Console.WriteLine("Logging debug...");
            //	Thread.Sleep(100);
            //	count--;
            //Console.WriteLine("Starting a conversation between actors");
            goodbye.Tell(new Tuple <IActorRef, string>(hello, "Start"));
            goodbyPool.Tell(new Tuple <IActorRef, string>(hello, "Start"));
            goodbuyGroup.Tell(new Tuple <IActorRef, string>(hello, "Start"));
            //goodbye.Tell(new Tuple<IActorRef, string>(hello, "Start"));


            // Start Akka Command LIne

            while (ManualResetEvent.WaitOne())
                Console.WriteLine("Shutting down...");
                Console.WriteLine("Shutdown complete");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

        services.AddShardedEntities(x =>
            /* Register your entities here */
            x.WithShardedEntity <HelloEntity, HelloCommand, HelloEvent, HelloState>();

        services.AddReactiveServices(x =>

            // Note: these don't really need to be called, they are the default
            //       I've only added them here as an example
            x.WithTopicSerializer <DefaultSerializer>();
            x.WithMessagePropertyExtractor <DefaultExtractor>();

            /* Register all the services here */
            x.AddReactiveService <HelloService, HelloServiceImpl>();

            /* Any additions to the actor system can be done in here */
            x.AddActorSystemDelegate(system =>
                /* This visualizer is a bit of a nice to have, not fully functional yet */

                                      * Optionally enable any reactive services options here.
                                      * Note, for any console apps you can simply use `None`
                                     ReactiveServicesOption.WithApi |
                                     ReactiveServicesOption.WithSwagger |
                                     ReactiveServicesOption.WithTopics |