Exemplo n.º 1
 public RootGuardianActorRef(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, Func<Mailbox> createMailbox, //TODO: switch from  Func<Mailbox> createMailbox to MailboxType mailboxType
     IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path, IInternalActorRef deadLetters, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IInternalActorRef> extraNames)
     : base(system,props,dispatcher,createMailbox,supervisor,path)
     _deadLetters = deadLetters;
     _extraNames = extraNames;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public ActorCell(ActorSystemImpl system, InternalActorRef self, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, InternalActorRef parent)
     _self = self;
     _props = props;
     _systemImpl = system;
     Parent = parent;
     Dispatcher = dispatcher;            
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void Init(ActorSystemImpl system)
            //Complete the usual RemoteActorRefProvider initializations - need access to transports and RemoteWatcher before clustering can work

            // initialize/load the Cluster extension
Exemplo n.º 4
 public RepointableActorRef(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, MailboxType mailboxType, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path)
     System = system;
     Props = props;
     Dispatcher = dispatcher;
     MailboxType = mailboxType;
     Supervisor = supervisor;
     _path = path;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public RepointableActorRef(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, Func<Mailbox> createMailbox, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path)
     _system = system;
     _props = props;
     _dispatcher = dispatcher;
     _createMailbox = createMailbox;
     _supervisor = supervisor;
     _path = path;
Exemplo n.º 6
        //This mimics what's done in Akka`s construction of an LocalActorRef.
        //The actorCell is created in the overridable newActorCell() during creation of the instance.
        //Since we don't want calls to virtual members in C# we must supply it. 
        //This is the code from Akka:
        //    private[akka] class LocalActorRef private[akka] (
        //        _system: ActorSystemImpl,
        //        _props: Props,
        //        _dispatcher: MessageDispatcher,
        //        _mailboxType: MailboxType,
        //        _supervisor: InternalActorRef,
        //        override val path: ActorPath) extends ActorRefWithCell with LocalRef {
        //      private val actorCell: ActorCell = newActorCell(_system, this, _props, _dispatcher, _supervisor)
        //      actorCell.init(sendSupervise = true, _mailboxType)
        //      ...
        //    }
        public LocalActorRef(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, Func<Mailbox> createMailbox, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path) //TODO: switch from  Func<Mailbox> createMailbox to MailboxType mailboxType      
            : this(system, props, dispatcher, createMailbox, supervisor, path, self =>
                var cell= new ActorCell(system, self, props, dispatcher, supervisor);
                cell.Init(sendSupervise: true, createMailbox: createMailbox);
                return cell;
            //Intentionally left blank

Exemplo n.º 7
        public ResizablePoolCell(ActorSystemImpl system, IInternalActorRef self, Props routerProps, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, Props routeeProps, IInternalActorRef supervisor, Pool pool)
            : base(system,self, routerProps,dispatcher, routeeProps, supervisor)
            if (pool.Resizer == null) throw new ArgumentException("RouterConfig must be a Pool with defined resizer");

            resizer = pool.Resizer;
            _routerProps = routerProps;
            _pool = pool;
            _resizeCounter = new AtomicCounterLong(0);
            _resizeInProgress = new AtomicBoolean();
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override IActorRef CreateRemoteWatcher(ActorSystemImpl system)
            // make sure Cluster extension is initialized/loaded from init thread

            var failureDetector = CreateRemoteWatcherFailureDetector(system);
            return system.SystemActorOf(ClusterRemoteWatcher.Props(
                RemoteSettings.WatchHeartbeatExpectedResponseAfter), "remote-watcher");
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void ActorOf_gives_child_unique_name_if_not_specified()
            var system = new ActorSystemImpl("test");
            system.Start(); //When we create a system manually we have to start it ourselves
            var child1 = system.ActorOf<TestActor>();
            var child2 = system.ActorOf<TestActor>();

            Assert.NotEqual(child1.Path, child2.Path);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public RoutedActorCell(
     ActorSystemImpl system,
     IInternalActorRef self,
     Props routerProps,
     MessageDispatcher dispatcher,
     Props routeeProps,
     IInternalActorRef supervisor)
     : base(system, self, routerProps, dispatcher, supervisor)
     RouteeProps = routeeProps;
     RouterConfig = routerProps.RouterConfig;
     Router = null;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public RoutedActorRef(
     ActorSystemImpl system,
     Props routerProps,
     MessageDispatcher routerDispatcher,
     MailboxType routerMailbox,
     Props routeeProps,
     IInternalActorRef supervisor,
     ActorPath path)
     : base(system, routerProps, routerDispatcher, routerMailbox, supervisor, path)
     _routeeProps = routeeProps;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void ActorSystem_ActorOf_adds_a_child_to_Guardian()
            var system = new ActorSystemImpl("test");
            system.Start(); //When we create a system manually we have to start it ourselves

            var child = system.ActorOf<TestActor>("test");

            var children = system.Provider.Guardian.Children;
            Assert.True(children.Any(c => c == child));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public RoutedActorRef(ActorSystemImpl system, Props routerProps, MessageDispatcher routerDispatcher,
     Func<Mailbox> createMailbox, Props routeeProps, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path)
     : base(system, routerProps, routerDispatcher, createMailbox, supervisor, path)
     _system = system;
     _routerProps = routerProps;
     _routerDispatcher = routerDispatcher;
     _createMailbox = createMailbox;
     _routeeProps = routeeProps;
     _supervisor = supervisor;
     //TODO: Implement:
     // // verify that a BalancingDispatcher is not used with a Router
     // if (!(routerProps.RouterConfig is NoRouter) && routerDispatcher is BalancingDispatcher)
     // {
     //     throw new ConfigurationException("Configuration for " + this +
     //                                 " is invalid - you can not use a 'BalancingDispatcher' as a Router's dispatcher, you can however use it for the routees.");
     // }
     // routerProps.RouterConfig.VerifyConfig(path);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public RoutedActorCell(ActorSystemImpl system, InternalActorRef self, Props routerProps, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, Props routeeProps, InternalActorRef supervisor)
     : base(system, self, routerProps, dispatcher, supervisor)
     _routeeProps = routeeProps;
     _routerConfig = routerProps.RouterConfig;
     _router = _routerConfig.CreateRouter(system);
         .With<Pool>(r =>
             var routees = new List<Routee>();
             for(int i = 0; i < r.NrOfInstances; i++)
                 var routee = ActorOf(_routeeProps);
                 routees.Add(new ActorRefRoutee(routee));
         .With<Group>(r =>
             var routees = _routerConfig.GetRoutees(this).ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 15
        //This mimics what's done in Akka`s construction of an LocalActorRef.
        //The actorCell is created in the overridable newActorCell() during creation of the instance.
        //Since we don't want calls to virtual members in C# we must supply it. 
        //This is the code from Akka:
        //    private[akka] class LocalActorRef private[akka] (
        //        _system: ActorSystemImpl,
        //        _props: Props,
        //        _dispatcher: MessageDispatcher,
        //        _mailboxType: MailboxType,
        //        _supervisor: InternalActorRef,
        //        override val path: ActorPath) extends ActorRefWithCell with LocalRef {
        //      private val actorCell: ActorCell = newActorCell(_system, this, _props, _dispatcher, _supervisor)
        //      actorCell.init(sendSupervise = true, _mailboxType)
        //      ...
        //    }
        public LocalActorRef(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, MailboxType mailboxType, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path) 
            _system = system;
            _props = props;
            _dispatcher = dispatcher;
            MailboxType = mailboxType;
            _supervisor = supervisor;
            _path = path;

            * Safe publication of this class’s fields is guaranteed by Mailbox.SetActor()
            * which is called indirectly from ActorCell.init() (if you’re wondering why
            * this is at all important, remember that under the CLR readonly fields are only
            * frozen at the _end_ of the constructor, but we are publishing “this” before
            * that is reached).
            * This means that the result of NewActorCell needs to be written to the field
            * _cell before we call init and start, since we can start using "this"
            * object from another thread as soon as we run init.
            // ReSharper disable once VirtualMemberCallInContructor 
            _cell = NewActorCell(_system, this, _props, _dispatcher, _supervisor); // _cell needs to be assigned before Init is called. 
            _cell.Init(true, MailboxType);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public InternalActorRef ActorOf(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, InternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path, bool systemService, Deploy deploy, bool lookupDeploy, bool async)
            //TODO: This does not match Akka's ActorOf at all

            Deploy configDeploy = _system.Provider.Deployer.Lookup(path);
            deploy = configDeploy ?? props.Deploy ?? Deploy.None;
            if (deploy.Mailbox != null)
                props = props.WithMailbox(deploy.Mailbox);
            if (deploy.Dispatcher != null)
                props = props.WithDispatcher(deploy.Dispatcher);
            if (deploy.Scope is RemoteScope)


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props.Mailbox))
                //   throw new NotSupportedException("Mailbox can not be configured as null or empty");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props.Dispatcher))
                //TODO: fix this..
                //    throw new NotSupportedException("Dispatcher can not be configured as null or empty");

            //TODO: how should this be dealt with?
            //akka simply passes the "deploy" var from remote daemon to ActorOf
            //so it atleast seems like they ignore if remote scope is provided here.
            //leaving this for now since it does work

            //if (props.Deploy != null && props.Deploy.Scope is RemoteScope)
            //    throw new NotSupportedException("LocalActorRefProvider can not deploy remote");

            if (props.RouterConfig is NoRouter || props.RouterConfig == null)

                props = props.WithDeploy(deploy);
                var dispatcher = system.Dispatchers.FromConfig(props.Dispatcher);
                var mailbox = _system.Mailboxes.FromConfig(props.Mailbox);
                //TODO: Should be: system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(props2, dispatcher.configurator.config)

                if (async)
                    var reActorRef = new RepointableActorRef(system, props, dispatcher, () => mailbox, supervisor, path);
                    reActorRef.Initialize(async: true);
                    return reActorRef;
                return new LocalActorRef(system, props, dispatcher, () => mailbox, supervisor, path);
                //if no Router config value was specified, override with procedural input
                if (deploy.RouterConfig is NoRouter)
                    deploy = deploy.WithRouterConfig(props.RouterConfig);
                var routerDispatcher = system.Dispatchers.FromConfig(props.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher);
                var routerMailbox = _system.Mailboxes.FromConfig(props.Mailbox);
                //TODO: Should be val routerMailbox = system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(routerProps, routerDispatcher.configurator.config)

                // routers use context.actorOf() to create the routees, which does not allow us to pass
                // these through, but obtain them here for early verification
                var routerProps = Props.Empty.WithDeploy(deploy);
                var routeeProps = props.WithRouter(RouterConfig.NoRouter);

                var routedActorRef = new RoutedActorRef(system, routerProps, routerDispatcher, () => routerMailbox, routeeProps, supervisor, path);
                return routedActorRef;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private InternalActorRef CreateWithRouter(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, InternalActorRef supervisor,
            ActorPath path, Deploy deploy, bool async)
            //if no Router config value was specified, override with procedural input
            if (deploy.RouterConfig.NoRouter())
                deploy = deploy.WithRouterConfig(props.RouterConfig);

            var routerDispatcher = system.Dispatchers.FromConfig(props.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher);
            var routerMailbox = _system.Mailboxes.CreateMailbox(props, null);
            //TODO: Should be val routerMailbox = system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(routerProps, routerDispatcher.configurator.config)

            // routers use context.actorOf() to create the routees, which does not allow us to pass
            // these through, but obtain them here for early verification
            var routerProps = Props.Empty.WithDeploy(deploy);
            var routeeProps = props.WithRouter(RouterConfig.NoRouter);

            var routedActorRef = new RoutedActorRef(system, routerProps, routerDispatcher, () => routerMailbox, routeeProps,
                supervisor, path);
            return routedActorRef;
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RemoteDaemon" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="system">The system.</param>
 /// <param name="path">The path.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
 /// <param name="log"></param>
 public RemoteDaemon(ActorSystemImpl system, ActorPath path, InternalActorRef parent, LoggingAdapter log)
     : base(system.Provider, path, parent, log)
     _system = system;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public IInternalActorRef ActorOf(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path, bool systemService, Deploy deploy, bool lookupDeploy, bool async)
            if (props.Deploy.RouterConfig.NoRouter())
                if (Settings.DebugRouterMisconfiguration)
                    var d = Deployer.Lookup(path);
                    if (d != null && d.RouterConfig != RouterConfig.NoRouter)
                        Log.Warning("Configuration says that [{0}] should be a router, but code disagrees. Remove the config or add a RouterConfig to its Props.",

                var props2 = props;

                // mailbox and dispatcher defined in deploy should override props
                var propsDeploy = lookupDeploy ? Deployer.Lookup(path) : deploy;
                if (propsDeploy != null)
                    if (propsDeploy.Mailbox != Deploy.NoMailboxGiven)
                        props2 = props2.WithMailbox(propsDeploy.Mailbox);
                    if (propsDeploy.Dispatcher != Deploy.NoDispatcherGiven)
                        props2 = props2.WithDispatcher(propsDeploy.Dispatcher);

                if (!system.Dispatchers.HasDispatcher(props2.Dispatcher))
                    throw new ConfigurationException(string.Format("Dispatcher [{0}] not configured for path {1}", props2.Dispatcher, path));

                    // for consistency we check configuration of dispatcher and mailbox locally
                    var dispatcher = _system.Dispatchers.Lookup(props2.Dispatcher);

                    if (async)
                            new RepointableActorRef(system, props2, dispatcher,
                                () => _system.Mailboxes.CreateMailbox(props2, dispatcher.Configurator.Config), supervisor,
                    return new LocalActorRef(system, props2, dispatcher,
                        () => _system.Mailboxes.CreateMailbox(props2, dispatcher.Configurator.Config), supervisor, path);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ConfigurationException(
                            "Configuration problem while creating {0} with dispatcher [{1}] and mailbox [{2}]", path,
                            props.Dispatcher, props.Mailbox), ex);
            else //routers!!!
                var lookup = (lookupDeploy ? Deployer.Lookup(path) : null) ?? Deploy.None;
                var fromProps = new List<Deploy>() { props.Deploy, deploy, lookup };
                var d = fromProps.Where(x => x != null).Aggregate((deploy1, deploy2) => deploy2.WithFallback(deploy1));
                var p = props.WithRouter(d.RouterConfig);

                if (!system.Dispatchers.HasDispatcher(p.Dispatcher))
                    throw new ConfigurationException(string.Format("Dispatcher [{0}] not configured for routees of path {1}", p.Dispatcher, path));
                if (!system.Dispatchers.HasDispatcher(d.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher))
                    throw new ConfigurationException(string.Format("Dispatcher [{0}] not configured for router of path {1}", p.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher, path));

                var routerProps = Props.Empty.WithRouter(p.Deploy.RouterConfig).WithDispatcher(p.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher);
                var routeeProps = props.WithRouter(RouterConfig.NoRouter);

                    var routerDispatcher = system.Dispatchers.Lookup(p.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher);
                    var routerMailbox = system.Mailboxes.CreateMailbox(routerProps, routerDispatcher.Configurator.Config);

                    // routers use context.actorOf() to create the routees, which does not allow us to pass
                    // these through, but obtain them here for early verification
                    var routeeDispatcher = system.Dispatchers.Lookup(p.Dispatcher);

                    var routedActorRef = new RoutedActorRef(system, routerProps, routerDispatcher, () => routerMailbox, routeeProps,
                        supervisor, path);
                    return routedActorRef;
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new ConfigurationException(string.Format("Configuration problem while creating [{0}] with router dispatcher [{1}] and mailbox {2}" +
                                                                   " and routee dispatcher [{3}] and mailbox [{4}].", path, routerProps.Dispatcher, routerProps.Mailbox,
                                                                   routeeProps.Dispatcher, routeeProps.Mailbox));

Exemplo n.º 20
 private RootGuardianActorRef CreateRootGuardian(ActorSystemImpl system)
     var supervisor = new RootGuardianSupervisor(_rootPath, this, _terminationPromise, _log);
     var rootGuardianStrategy = new OneForOneStrategy(ex =>
         _log.Error(ex, "Guardian failed. Shutting down system");
         return Directive.Stop;
     var props = Props.Create<GuardianActor>(rootGuardianStrategy);
     var rootGuardian = new RootGuardianActorRef(system, props, DefaultDispatcher, _defaultMailbox, supervisor, _rootPath, _deadLetters, _extraNames);
     return rootGuardian;
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// TBD
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system">TBD</param>
        /// <param name="props">TBD</param>
        /// <param name="supervisor">TBD</param>
        /// <param name="path">TBD</param>
        /// <param name="systemService">TBD</param>
        /// <param name="deploy">TBD</param>
        /// <param name="lookupDeploy">TBD</param>
        /// <param name="async">TBD</param>
        /// <exception cref="ActorInitializationException">
        /// This exception is thrown when the remote deployment to the specified <paramref name="path"/> fails.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ConfigurationException">
        /// This exception is thrown when either the scope of the deployment is local
        /// or the specified <paramref name="props"/> is invalid for deployment to the specified <paramref name="path"/>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <returns>TBD</returns>
        public IInternalActorRef ActorOf(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path, bool systemService, Deploy deploy, bool lookupDeploy, bool async)
            if (systemService)
                return(LocalActorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, true, deploy, lookupDeploy, async));

             * This needs to deal with "mangled" paths, which are created by remote
             * deployment, also in this method. The scheme is the following:
             * Whenever a remote deployment is found, create a path on that remote
             * address below "remote", including the current system’s identification
             * as "sys@host:port" (typically; it will use whatever the remote
             * transport uses). This means that on a path up an actor tree each node
             * change introduces one layer or "remote/scheme/sys@host:port/" within the URI.
             * Example:
             * akka.tcp://sys@home:1234/remote/akka/sys@remote:6667/remote/akka/sys@other:3333/user/a/b/c
             * means that the logical parent originates from "akka.tcp://sys@other:3333" with
             * one child (may be "a" or "b") being deployed on "akka.tcp://sys@remote:6667" and
             * finally either "b" or "c" being created on "akka.tcp://sys@home:1234", where
             * this whole thing actually resides. Thus, the logical path is
             * "/user/a/b/c" and the physical path contains all remote placement
             * information.
             * Deployments are always looked up using the logical path, which is the
             * purpose of the lookupRemotes internal method.

            var    elements     = path.Elements;
            Deploy configDeploy = null;

            if (lookupDeploy)
                if (elements.Head().Equals("user"))
                    configDeploy = Deployer.Lookup(elements.Drop(1));
                else if (elements.Head().Equals("remote"))
                    configDeploy = LookUpRemotes(elements);

            //merge all of the fallbacks together
            var deployment = new List <Deploy>()
                deploy, configDeploy
            }.Where(x => x != null).Aggregate(Deploy.None, (deploy1, deploy2) => deploy2.WithFallback(deploy1));
            var propsDeploy = new List <Deploy>()
                props.Deploy, deployment
            }.Where(x => x != null)
            .Aggregate(Deploy.None, (deploy1, deploy2) => deploy2.WithFallback(deploy1));

            //match for remote scope
            if (propsDeploy.Scope is RemoteScope)
                var addr = propsDeploy.Scope.AsInstanceOf <RemoteScope>().Address;

                //Even if this actor is in RemoteScope, it might still be a local address
                if (HasAddress(addr))
                    return(LocalActorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, false, deployment, false, async));

                //check for correct scope configuration
                if (props.Deploy.Scope is LocalScope)
                    throw new ConfigurationException($"configuration requested remote deployment for local-only Props at {path}");

                        // for consistency we check configuration of dispatcher and mailbox locally
                        var dispatcher  = _system.Dispatchers.Lookup(props.Dispatcher);
                        var mailboxType = _system.Mailboxes.GetMailboxType(props, dispatcher.Configurator.Config);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ConfigurationException(
                                  $"Configuration problem while creating {path} with dispatcher [{props.Dispatcher}] and mailbox [{props.Mailbox}]", ex);
                    var localAddress = Transport.LocalAddressForRemote(addr);
                    var rpath        = (new RootActorPath(addr) / "remote" / localAddress.Protocol / localAddress.HostPort() /
                    var remoteRef = new RemoteActorRef(Transport, localAddress, rpath, supervisor, props, deployment);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ActorInitializationException($"Remote deployment failed for [{path}]", ex);
                return(LocalActorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, false, deployment, false, async));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public InternalActorRef ActorOf(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, InternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path, bool systemService, Deploy deploy, bool lookupDeploy, bool async)
            //TODO: This does not match Akka's ActorOf at all

            Deploy configDeploy = _system.Provider.Deployer.Lookup(path);
            deploy = configDeploy ?? props.Deploy ?? Deploy.None;
            if(deploy.Mailbox != Deploy.NoMailboxGiven)
                props = props.WithMailbox(deploy.Mailbox);
            if(deploy.Dispatcher != Deploy.NoDispatcherGiven)
                props = props.WithDispatcher(deploy.Dispatcher);

            //TODO: how should this be dealt with?
            //akka simply passes the "deploy" var from remote daemon to ActorOf
            //so it atleast seems like they ignore if remote scope is provided here.
            //leaving this for now since it does work

                return CreateNoRouter(system, props, supervisor, path, deploy, async);

            return CreateWithRouter(system, props, supervisor, path, deploy, async);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void Start(ActorSystemImpl system, EventStream eventStream, bool debug)
     system.SystemActorOf(Props.Create<EventStreamUnsubscriber>(eventStream, system, debug),
         string.Format("EventStreamUnsubscriber-{0}", _unsubscribersCounter.IncrementAndGet()));
Exemplo n.º 24
 private InternalTestActorRef(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, MailboxType mailboxType, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path)
     : base(system, props, dispatcher, mailboxType, supervisor, path)
Exemplo n.º 25
 public ActorLookupSpec()
     c1 = Sys.ActorOf(P, "c1");
     c2 = Sys.ActorOf(P, "c2");
     c21 = c2.Ask<IActorRef>(new Create("c21"), RemainingOrDefault).Result;
     SysImpl = (ActorSystemImpl) Sys;
     user = SysImpl.Guardian;
     syst = SysImpl.SystemGuardian;
     root = SysImpl.LookupRoot;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public TraceRepointableActorRef(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, MailboxType mailboxType, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path) : base(system, props, dispatcher, mailboxType, supervisor, path)
     _mailboxType = mailboxType;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public void StartUnsubscriber(ActorSystemImpl system)
     EventStreamUnsubscribersProvider.Instance.Start(system, this, _debug);
Exemplo n.º 28
 private IInternalActorRef LocalActorOf(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, IInternalActorRef supervisor,
                                        ActorPath path, bool systemService, Deploy deploy, bool lookupDeploy, bool async)
     return(_local.ActorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, systemService, deploy, lookupDeploy, async));
Exemplo n.º 29
 private InternalTestActorRef(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, MailboxType mailboxType, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path)
     : base(system, props, dispatcher, mailboxType, supervisor, path)
Exemplo n.º 30
 protected override ActorCell NewActorCell(ActorSystemImpl system, IInternalActorRef self, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher,
     IInternalActorRef supervisor)
     return new TestActorCell((ActorSystemImpl)system, self, props, dispatcher, supervisor);
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the loggers defined in the system configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system">The system that the loggers need to start monitoring.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ConfigurationException">
        /// This exception is thrown if the logger specified in the <paramref name="system"/> configuration could not be found or loaded.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="LoggerInitializationException">
        /// This exception is thrown if the logger doesn't respond with a <see cref="LoggerInitialized"/> message when initialized.
        /// </exception>
        internal void StartDefaultLoggers(ActorSystemImpl system)
            var logName     = SimpleName(this) + "(" + system.Name + ")";
            var logLevel    = Logging.LogLevelFor(system.Settings.LogLevel);
            var loggerTypes = system.Settings.Loggers;
            var timeout     = system.Settings.LoggerStartTimeout;
            var asyncStart  = system.Settings.LoggerAsyncStart;
            var shouldRemoveStandardOutLogger = true;

            foreach (var strLoggerType in loggerTypes)
                var loggerType = Type.GetType(strLoggerType);
                if (loggerType == null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException($@"Logger specified in config cannot be found: ""{strLoggerType}""");

                if (typeof(MinimalLogger).IsAssignableFrom(loggerType))
                    shouldRemoveStandardOutLogger = false;

                if (asyncStart)
                    // Not awaiting for result, and not depending on current thread context
                    Task.Run(() => AddLogger(system, loggerType, logLevel, logName, timeout))
                    .ContinueWith(t =>
                        if (t.Exception != null)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Logger [{strLoggerType}] specified in config cannot be loaded: {t.Exception}");
                        AddLogger(system, loggerType, logLevel, logName, timeout);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ConfigurationException($"Logger [{strLoggerType}] specified in config cannot be loaded: {ex}", ex);

            LogLevel = logLevel;

            if (system.Settings.DebugUnhandledMessage)
                var forwarder = system.SystemActorOf(Props.Create(typeof(UnhandledMessageForwarder)), "UnhandledMessageForwarder");
                Subscribe(forwarder, typeof(UnhandledMessage));

            if (shouldRemoveStandardOutLogger)
                var stdOutLogger = system.Settings.StdoutLogger;
                Publish(new Debug(logName, GetType(), $"{Logging.SimpleName(stdOutLogger)} being removed"));

            Publish(new Debug(logName, GetType(), "Default Loggers started"));
Exemplo n.º 32
 private InternalActorRef CreateNoRouter(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, InternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path,
     Deploy deploy, bool async)
     if(props.Deploy != deploy)
         props = props.WithDeploy(deploy);
     var dispatcher = system.Dispatchers.FromConfig(props.Dispatcher);
     var mailbox = _system.Mailboxes.CreateMailbox(props, null /*dispatcher.Configurator.Config*/);
     //TODO: Should be: system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(props2, dispatcher.configurator.config)
     if (async)
         var reActorRef = new RepointableActorRef(system, props, dispatcher, () => mailbox, supervisor, path);
         reActorRef.Initialize(async: true);
         return reActorRef;
     return new LocalActorRef(system, props, dispatcher, () => mailbox, supervisor, path);
Exemplo n.º 33
 protected virtual ActorCell NewActorCell(ActorSystemImpl system, IInternalActorRef self, Props props,
                                          MessageDispatcher dispatcher, IInternalActorRef supervisor)
     return(new ActorCell(system, self, props, dispatcher, supervisor));
Exemplo n.º 34
 public TestActorCell(ActorSystemImpl system, IInternalActorRef self, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, IInternalActorRef parent)
     : base(system, self, props, dispatcher, parent)
Exemplo n.º 35
        public InternalActorRef ActorOf(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, InternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path, bool systemService, Deploy deploy, bool lookupDeploy, bool async)
            if (systemService)
                return(LocalActorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, true, deploy, lookupDeploy, async));

            Deploy configDeploy = system.Provider.Deployer.Lookup(path);

            deploy = configDeploy ?? props.Deploy ?? Deploy.None;
            if (deploy.Mailbox != null)
                props = props.WithMailbox(deploy.Mailbox);
            if (deploy.Dispatcher != null)
                props = props.WithDispatcher(deploy.Dispatcher);
            if (deploy.Scope is RemoteScope)

            //If this actor is a Router
            if (!(props.RouterConfig is NoRouter || props.RouterConfig == null))
                //if no Router config value was specified, override with procedural input
                if (deploy.RouterConfig is NoRouter)
                    deploy = deploy.WithRouterConfig(props.RouterConfig);
            props = props.WithDeploy(deploy);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props.Mailbox))
                //   throw new NotSupportedException("Mailbox can not be configured as null or empty");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props.Dispatcher))
                //TODO: fix this..
                //    throw new NotSupportedException("Dispatcher can not be configured as null or empty");

            if (props.Deploy != null && props.Deploy.Scope is RemoteScope)
                var addr = props.Deploy.Scope.AsInstanceOf <RemoteScope>().Address;

                //Even if this actor is in RemoteScope, it might still be a local address
                if (HasAddress(addr))
                    //if (path.Elements.First() == "remote")
                    //    //this is a remote deployed actor

                    return(LocalActorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, false, null, false, async));     //TODO: replace deploy:null with deployment.headOption
                    // }

                return(RemoteActorOf(system, props, supervisor, path));
            return(LocalActorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, false, null, false, async));        //TODO: replace deploy:null with deployment.headOption
Exemplo n.º 36
 /// <summary>
 /// TBD
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="system">TBD</param>
 /// <param name="eventStream">TBD</param>
 /// <param name="debug">TBD</param>
 public void Start(ActorSystemImpl system, EventStream eventStream, bool debug)
     system.SystemActorOf(Props.Create <EventStreamUnsubscriber>(eventStream, system, debug),
                          string.Format("EventStreamUnsubscriber-{0}", _unsubscribersCounter.IncrementAndGet()));
Exemplo n.º 37
 /// <summary>
 /// TBD
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="system">TBD</param>
 /// <returns>TBD</returns>
 protected virtual IActorRef CreateRemoteDeploymentWatcher(ActorSystemImpl system)
     return(system.SystemActorOf(RemoteSettings.ConfigureDispatcher(Props.Create <RemoteDeploymentWatcher>()),
Exemplo n.º 38
        public void Init(ActorSystemImpl system)
            _system = system;
            //The following are the lazy val statements in Akka
            var defaultDispatcher = system.Dispatchers.DefaultGlobalDispatcher;
            _defaultMailbox = () => new ConcurrentQueueMailbox(); //TODO:system.Mailboxes.FromConfig(Mailboxes.DefaultMailboxId)
            _rootGuardian = CreateRootGuardian(system);
            _tempContainer = new VirtualPathContainer(system.Provider, _tempNode, _rootGuardian, _log);
            _userGuardian = CreateUserGuardian(_rootGuardian, "user");
            _systemGuardian = CreateSystemGuardian(_rootGuardian, "system", _userGuardian);
            //End of lazy val

            // chain death watchers so that killing guardian stops the application
            _systemGuardian.SendSystemMessage(new Watch(_userGuardian, _systemGuardian)); 
            _rootGuardian.SendSystemMessage(new Watch(_systemGuardian, _rootGuardian)); 
Exemplo n.º 39
 public UnstartedCell(ActorSystemImpl system, RepointableActorRef self, Props props, IInternalActorRef supervisor)
     _system = system;
     _self = self;
     _props = props;
     _supervisor = supervisor;
     _timeout = _system.Settings.UnstartedPushTimeout;
Exemplo n.º 40
 /// <summary>
 /// TBD
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="system">TBD</param>
 /// <param name="self">TBD</param>
 /// <param name="props">TBD</param>
 /// <param name="dispatcher">TBD</param>
 /// <param name="supervisor">TBD</param>
 /// <returns>TBD</returns>
 protected override ActorCell NewActorCell(ActorSystemImpl system, IInternalActorRef self, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher,
                                           IInternalActorRef supervisor)
     return(new TestActorCell((ActorSystemImpl)system, self, props, dispatcher, supervisor));
Exemplo n.º 41
        public IInternalActorRef ActorOf(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, IInternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path, bool systemService, Deploy deploy, bool lookupDeploy, bool async)
            if (props.Deploy.RouterConfig.NoRouter())
                if (Settings.DebugRouterMisconfiguration)
                    var d = Deployer.Lookup(path);
                    if (d != null && d.RouterConfig != RouterConfig.NoRouter)
                                "Configuration says that [{0}] should be a router, but code disagrees. Remove the config or add a RouterConfig to its Props.",

                var props2 = props;

                // mailbox and dispatcher defined in deploy should override props
                var propsDeploy = lookupDeploy ? Deployer.Lookup(path) : deploy;
                if (propsDeploy != null)
                    if (propsDeploy.Mailbox != Deploy.NoMailboxGiven)
                        props2 = props2.WithMailbox(propsDeploy.Mailbox);
                    if (propsDeploy.Dispatcher != Deploy.NoDispatcherGiven)
                        props2 = props2.WithDispatcher(propsDeploy.Dispatcher);

                if (!system.Dispatchers.HasDispatcher(props2.Dispatcher))
                    throw new ConfigurationException(string.Format("Dispatcher [{0}] not configured for path {1}", props2.Dispatcher, path));

                    // for consistency we check configuration of dispatcher and mailbox locally
                    var dispatcher  = _system.Dispatchers.Lookup(props2.Dispatcher);
                    var mailboxType = _system.Mailboxes.GetMailboxType(props2, ConfigurationFactory.Empty);

                    if (async)
                            (new RepointableActorRef(system, props2, dispatcher,
                                                     () => _system.Mailboxes.CreateMailbox(props2, ConfigurationFactory.Empty), supervisor,
                    return(new LocalActorRef(system, props2, dispatcher,
                                             () => _system.Mailboxes.CreateMailbox(props2, ConfigurationFactory.Empty), supervisor, path));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ConfigurationException(
                                  "Configuration problem while creating {0} with dispatcher [{1}] and mailbox [{2}]", path,
                                  props.Dispatcher, props.Mailbox), ex);
            else //routers!!!
                var lookup    = (lookupDeploy ? Deployer.Lookup(path) : null) ?? Deploy.None;
                var fromProps = new List <Deploy>()
                    props.Deploy, deploy, lookup
                var d = fromProps.Where(x => x != null).Aggregate((deploy1, deploy2) => deploy2.WithFallback(deploy1));
                var p = props.WithRouter(d.RouterConfig);

                if (!system.Dispatchers.HasDispatcher(p.Dispatcher))
                    throw new ConfigurationException(string.Format("Dispatcher [{0}] not configured for routees of path {1}", p.Dispatcher, path));
                if (!system.Dispatchers.HasDispatcher(d.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher))
                    throw new ConfigurationException(string.Format("Dispatcher [{0}] not configured for router of path {1}", p.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher, path));

                var routerProps = Props.Empty.WithRouter(p.Deploy.RouterConfig).WithDispatcher(p.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher);
                var routeeProps = props.WithRouter(RouterConfig.NoRouter);

                    // routers use context.actorOf() to create the routees, which does not allow us to pass
                    // these through, but obtain them here for early verification
                    var routerDispatcher = system.Dispatchers.Lookup(props.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher);
                    var routerMailbox    = _system.Mailboxes.CreateMailbox(props, null);

                    var routedActorRef = new RoutedActorRef(system, routerProps, routerDispatcher, () => routerMailbox, routeeProps,
                                                            supervisor, path);
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new ConfigurationException(string.Format("Configuration problem while creating [{0}] with router dispatcher [{1}] and mailbox {2}" +
                                                                   " and routee dispatcher [{3}] and mailbox [{4}].", path, routerProps.Dispatcher, routerProps.Mailbox,
                                                                   routeeProps.Dispatcher, routeeProps.Mailbox));
Exemplo n.º 42
 public TestActorCell(ActorSystemImpl system, InternalActorRef self, Props props, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, InternalActorRef parent)
     : base(system, self, props, dispatcher, parent)
Exemplo n.º 43
        public InternalActorRef ActorOf(ActorSystemImpl system, Props props, InternalActorRef supervisor, ActorPath path, bool systemService, Deploy deploy, bool lookupDeploy, bool async)
            //TODO: This does not match Akka's ActorOf at all

            Deploy configDeploy = _system.Provider.Deployer.Lookup(path);

            deploy = configDeploy ?? props.Deploy ?? Deploy.None;
            if (deploy.Mailbox != null)
                props = props.WithMailbox(deploy.Mailbox);
            if (deploy.Dispatcher != null)
                props = props.WithDispatcher(deploy.Dispatcher);
            if (deploy.Scope is RemoteScope)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props.Mailbox))
                //   throw new NotSupportedException("Mailbox can not be configured as null or empty");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props.Dispatcher))
                //TODO: fix this..
                //    throw new NotSupportedException("Dispatcher can not be configured as null or empty");

            //TODO: how should this be dealt with?
            //akka simply passes the "deploy" var from remote daemon to ActorOf
            //so it atleast seems like they ignore if remote scope is provided here.
            //leaving this for now since it does work

            //if (props.Deploy != null && props.Deploy.Scope is RemoteScope)
            //    throw new NotSupportedException("LocalActorRefProvider can not deploy remote");

            if (props.RouterConfig is NoRouter || props.RouterConfig == null)
                props = props.WithDeploy(deploy);
                var dispatcher = system.Dispatchers.FromConfig(props.Dispatcher);
                var mailbox    = _system.Mailboxes.FromConfig(props.Mailbox);
                //TODO: Should be: system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(props2, dispatcher.configurator.config)

                if (async)
                    var reActorRef = new RepointableActorRef(system, props, dispatcher, () => mailbox, supervisor, path);
                    reActorRef.Initialize(async: true);
                return(new LocalActorRef(system, props, dispatcher, () => mailbox, supervisor, path));
                //if no Router config value was specified, override with procedural input
                if (deploy.RouterConfig is NoRouter)
                    deploy = deploy.WithRouterConfig(props.RouterConfig);
                var routerDispatcher = system.Dispatchers.FromConfig(props.RouterConfig.RouterDispatcher);
                var routerMailbox    = _system.Mailboxes.FromConfig(props.Mailbox);
                //TODO: Should be val routerMailbox = system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(routerProps, routerDispatcher.configurator.config)

                // routers use context.actorOf() to create the routees, which does not allow us to pass
                // these through, but obtain them here for early verification
                var routerProps = Props.Empty.WithDeploy(deploy);
                var routeeProps = props.WithRouter(RouterConfig.NoRouter);

                var routedActorRef = new RoutedActorRef(system, routerProps, routerDispatcher, () => routerMailbox, routeeProps, supervisor, path);
Exemplo n.º 44
 public void StartUnsubscriber(ActorSystemImpl system)
     EventStreamUnsubscribersProvider.Instance.Start(system, this, _debug);
Exemplo n.º 45
 public RoutedActorCell(ActorSystemImpl system, IInternalActorRef self, Props routerProps, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, Props routeeProps, IInternalActorRef supervisor)
     : base(system, self, routerProps, dispatcher, supervisor)
     _routeeProps  = routeeProps;
     _routerConfig = routerProps.RouterConfig;
Exemplo n.º 46
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RemoteSystemDaemon" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="system">The system.</param>
 /// <param name="path">The path.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
 /// <param name="terminator"></param>
 /// <param name="log"></param>
 public RemoteSystemDaemon(ActorSystemImpl system, ActorPath path, IInternalActorRef parent,IActorRef terminator, ILoggingAdapter log)
     : base(system.Provider, path, parent, log)
     _terminator = terminator;
     _system = system;
 public void Init(ActorSystemImpl system)