Exemplo n.º 1
        public EditorActorPreview(WorldRenderer worldRenderer, string id, ActorReference reference, PlayerReference owner)
            ID                 = id;
            this.reference     = reference;
            Owner              = owner;
            this.worldRenderer = worldRenderer;

            if (!reference.Contains <FactionInit>())
                reference.Add(new FactionInit(owner.Faction));

            if (!reference.Contains <OwnerInit>())
                reference.Add(new OwnerInit(owner.Name));

            var world = worldRenderer.World;

            if (!world.Map.Rules.Actors.TryGetValue(reference.Type.ToLowerInvariant(), out Info))
                throw new InvalidDataException($"Actor {id} of unknown type {reference.Type.ToLowerInvariant()}");

            CenterPosition = PreviewPosition(world, reference);

            var location = reference.Get <LocationInit>().Value;
            var ios      = Info.TraitInfoOrDefault <IOccupySpaceInfo>();

            var subCellInit = reference.GetOrDefault <SubCellInit>();
            var subCell     = subCellInit != null ? subCellInit.Value : SubCell.Any;

            var radarColorInfo = Info.TraitInfoOrDefault <RadarColorFromTerrainInfo>();

            RadarColor = radarColorInfo == null ? owner.Color : radarColorInfo.GetColorFromTerrain(world);

            Footprint = ios?.OccupiedCells(Info, location, subCell) ?? new Dictionary <CPos, SubCell>()
                { location, SubCell.FullCell }

            tooltip = Info.TraitInfos <EditorOnlyTooltipInfo>().FirstOrDefault(info => info.EnabledByDefault) as TooltipInfoBase
                      ?? Info.TraitInfos <TooltipInfo>().FirstOrDefault(info => info.EnabledByDefault);

            DescriptiveName = tooltip != null ? tooltip.Name : Info.Name;


            // Bounds are fixed from the initial render.
            // If this is a problem, then we may need to fetch the area from somewhere else
            var r = previews.SelectMany(p => p.ScreenBounds(worldRenderer, CenterPosition));

            Bounds = r.Union();

            SelectionBox = new SelectionBoxAnnotationRenderable(new WPos(CenterPosition.X, CenterPosition.Y, 8192),
                                                                new Rectangle(Bounds.X, Bounds.Y, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height), Color.White);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public EditorActorPreview Add(string id, ActorReference reference, bool initialSetup = false)
            var owner   = Players.Players[reference.Get <OwnerInit>().InternalName];
            var preview = new EditorActorPreview(worldRenderer, id, reference, owner);

            Add(preview, initialSetup);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public object GetObjectToSerialize(object obj, Type targetType)
            if (obj == null)
            else if (obj is IActor)

Exemplo n.º 4
        void ILintMapPass.Run(Action <string> emitError, Action <string> emitWarning, ModData modData, Map map)
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.PlayerDefinitions);
            var spawns  = new List <CPos>();

            foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions.Where(d => d.Value.Value == "mpspawn"))
                var s = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                spawns.Add(s.Get <LocationInit>().Value);

            Run(emitError, emitWarning, players, map.Visibility, map.Rules.Actors[SystemActors.World], spawns.ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Registers this Actor as a subscriber for messages of type <paramref name="messageType"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static async Task RegisterMessageTypeAsync(this ActorBase actor, Type messageType)
     if (messageType == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messageType));
     if (actor == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(actor));
     ActorId      actorId     = new ActorId(messageType.FullName);
     IBrokerActor brokerActor = ActorProxy.Create <IBrokerActor>(actorId, actor.ApplicationName, nameof(IBrokerActor));
     await brokerActor.RegisterSubscriberAsync(ActorReference.Get(actor));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static async Task <bool> DeleteActor <T>(this ActorId id, Uri serviceUri = null) where T : IActor
            CancellationToken token = new CancellationToken();

            if (serviceUri == null)
                serviceUri = ServiceUriHelper.Resolve <T>();
            var            proxy             = id.Proxy <T>(serviceUri);
            ActorReference actorReference    = ActorReference.Get(proxy);
            var            actorServiceProxy = ActorServiceProxy.Create(actorReference.ServiceUri, id);
            await actorServiceProxy.DeleteActorAsync(id, token);

            return(await Task.FromResult(true));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override async Task UnregisterMessageAsync(Type type, Uri brokerServiceName = null, bool flushQueue = false)
            if (brokerServiceName == null)
                brokerServiceName = await PublisherServiceHelper.DiscoverBrokerServiceNameAsync();

                if (brokerServiceName == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No brokerServiceName was provided or discovered in the current application.");
            var brokerService = await ServiceLocator.GetBrokerServiceForMessageAsync(type.Name, brokerServiceName);

            await brokerService.UnregisterSubscriberAsync(ActorReference.Get(ContextWrapper.Context), type.FullName, flushQueue);
        /// <summary>
        /// Unregisters a service as a subscriber for messages of type <paramref name="messageType"/> using a relay broker.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task UnregisterMessageTypeWithRelayBrokerAsync(ServiceContext context, ServicePartitionInformation info, Type messageType, ActorId relayBrokerActorId, ActorId sourceBrokerActorId, bool flushQueue)
            var serviceReference = CreateServiceReference(context, info);

            if (sourceBrokerActorId == null)
                sourceBrokerActorId = new ActorId(messageType.FullName);
            IRelayBrokerActor relayBrokerActor = ActorProxy.Create <IRelayBrokerActor>(relayBrokerActorId, serviceReference.ApplicationName, nameof(IRelayBrokerActor));
            IBrokerActor      brokerActor      = ActorProxy.Create <IBrokerActor>(sourceBrokerActorId, serviceReference.ApplicationName, nameof(IBrokerActor));

            //register relay as subscriber for broker
            await brokerActor.UnregisterSubscriberAsync(ActorReference.Get(relayBrokerActor), flushQueue);

            //register caller as subscriber for relay broker
            await relayBrokerActor.UnregisterServiceSubscriberAsync(serviceReference, flushQueue);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers this Actor as a subscriber for messages of type <paramref name="messageType"/> with the <see cref="BrokerService"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task RegisterMessageTypeAsync(ActorBase actor, Type messageType, Uri brokerServiceName = null)
            if (messageType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messageType));
            if (actor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(actor));
            if (brokerServiceName == null)
                brokerServiceName = await PublisherServiceHelper.DiscoverBrokerServiceNameAsync();

                if (brokerServiceName == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No brokerServiceName was provided or discovered in the current application.");
            var brokerService = await _brokerServiceLocator.GetBrokerServiceForMessageAsync(messageType.Name, brokerServiceName);

            await brokerService.RegisterSubscriberAsync(ActorReference.Get(actor), messageType.FullName);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static async Task UnregisterMessageTypeWithBrokerServiceAsync(this ActorBase actor, Type messageType, bool flushQueue, Uri brokerServiceName = null)
            if (messageType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messageType));
            if (actor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(actor));

            if (brokerServiceName == null)
                brokerServiceName = await PublisherServices.PublisherServiceExtensions.DiscoverBrokerServiceNameAsync(new Uri(actor.ApplicationName));

                if (brokerServiceName == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No brokerServiceName was provided or discovered in the current application.");
            var brokerService = await PublisherActors.PublisherActorExtensions.GetBrokerServiceForMessageAsync(messageType.Name, brokerServiceName);

            await brokerService.UnregisterSubscriberAsync(ActorReference.Get(actor), messageType.FullName, flushQueue);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Run(Action <string> emitError, Action <string> emitWarning, ModData modData, Map map)
            var players = new MapPlayers(map.PlayerDefinitions).Players;

            if (players.Count > 64)
                emitError("Defining more than 64 players is not allowed.");

            var worldOwnerFound = false;
            var playerNames     = players.Values.Select(p => p.Name).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var player in players.Values)
                foreach (var ally in player.Allies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ally))
                        emitError("Allies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(ally));

                foreach (var enemy in player.Enemies)
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(enemy))
                        emitError("Enemies contains player {0} that is not in list.".F(enemy));

                if (player.OwnsWorld)
                    worldOwnerFound = true;
                    if (player.Enemies.Any() || player.Allies.Any())
                        emitWarning("The player {0} owning the world should not have any allies or enemies.".F(player.Name));

                    if (player.Playable)
                        emitError("The player {0} owning the world can't be playable.".F(player.Name));
                else if (map.Visibility == MapVisibility.MissionSelector && player.Playable && !player.LockFaction)
                    // Missions must lock the faction of the player to force the server to override the default Random faction
                    emitError("The player {0} must specify LockFaction: True.".F(player.Name));

            if (!worldOwnerFound)
                emitError("Found no player owning the world.");

            var worldActor = map.Rules.Actors[SystemActors.World];
            var factions   = worldActor.TraitInfos <FactionInfo>().Select(f => f.InternalName).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var player in players.Values)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(player.Faction) && !factions.Contains(player.Faction))
                    emitError("Invalid faction {0} chosen for player {1}.".F(player.Faction, player.Name));

            if (worldActor.HasTraitInfo <MapStartingLocationsInfo>())
                var playerCount = players.Count(p => p.Value.Playable);
                var spawns      = new List <CPos>();
                foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions.Where(d => d.Value.Value == "mpspawn"))
                    var s = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                    spawns.Add(s.Get <LocationInit>().Value);

                if (playerCount > spawns.Count)
                    emitError("The map allows {0} possible players, but defines only {1} spawn points".F(playerCount, spawns.Count));

                if (spawns.Distinct().Count() != spawns.Count)
                    emitError("Duplicate spawn point locations detected.");

            // Check for actors that require specific owners
            var actorsWithRequiredOwner = map.Rules.Actors
                                          .Where(a => a.Value.HasTraitInfo <RequiresSpecificOwnersInfo>())
                                          .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a.Value.TraitInfo <RequiresSpecificOwnersInfo>());

            foreach (var kv in map.ActorDefinitions)
                var actorReference = new ActorReference(kv.Value.Value, kv.Value.ToDictionary());
                var ownerInit      = actorReference.GetOrDefault <OwnerInit>();
                if (ownerInit == null)
                    emitError("Actor {0} is not owned by any player.".F(kv.Key));
                    var ownerName = ownerInit.InternalName;
                    if (!playerNames.Contains(ownerName))
                        emitError("Actor {0} is owned by unknown player {1}.".F(kv.Key, ownerName));

                    if (actorsWithRequiredOwner.TryGetValue(kv.Value.Value, out var info))
                        if (!info.ValidOwnerNames.Contains(ownerName))
                            emitError("Actor {0} owner {1} is not one of ValidOwnerNames: {2}".F(kv.Key, ownerName, info.ValidOwnerNames.JoinWith(", ")));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public T Get <T>(TraitInfo info) where T : ActorInit
     return(reference.Get <T>(info));
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected void Run(Utility utility, string[] args)
            // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set.
            Game.ModData = ModData = utility.ModData;

            var filename = args[1];
            var flag     = args[2];

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flag))
                flag = "VH";

            bool flipHorizontal = flag.Contains("H");
            bool flipVertical   = flag.Contains("V");

            MirrorType mirrorType = MirrorType.Horizontal;

            if (flipVertical)
                mirrorType = MirrorType.Vertical;
            if (flipHorizontal && flipVertical)
                mirrorType = MirrorType.HorizontalAndVertical;

            var targetPath = "..\\mods\\dr\\maps";

            var package = new Folder(targetPath).OpenPackage(filename, ModData.ModFiles);

            if (package == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find map file: " + filename);

            Map = new Map(ModData, package);
            var size = Map.MapSize;

            switch (mirrorType)
            case MirrorType.Horizontal:
                size = size.WithX(size.X / 2);

            case MirrorType.Vertical:
                size = size.WithY(size.Y / 2);

            case MirrorType.HorizontalAndVertical:
                size = size / 2;

            // Tiles
            for (int x = 0; x < size.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < size.Y; y++)
                    var pos           = new CPos(x, y);
                    var transformTile = new TileTransform()
                        Tile       = Map.Tiles[pos],
                        MirrorType = mirrorType,
                        Position   = pos

                    foreach (var tt in transformTile.GetTransforms(Map))
                        var newPos = tt.Position;
                        Map.Tiles[newPos] = tt.Tile;

            // Actors
            actorIndex = GetHighestActorIndex();
            int multiCount = 0;

            var actorDefs    = new List <ActorReference>();
            var removeActors = new List <MiniYamlNode>();

            foreach (var a in Map.ActorDefinitions)
                var existing = new ActorReference(a.Value.Value, a.Value.ToDictionary());
                var pos      = existing.GetOrDefault <LocationInit>().Value;
                var owner    = existing.Get <OwnerInit>();

                if (pos.X < 0 || pos.X >= size.X ||
                    pos.Y < 0 || pos.Y >= size.Y)

                var actor = new ActorTransform()
                    Actor      = existing,
                    Position   = pos,
                    MirrorType = mirrorType,

                if (actor.Actor.Type == "mpspawn")

                foreach (var at in actor.GetTransforms(Map))
                    var ar = new ActorReference(actor.Actor.Type)
                        new LocationInit(at.Position),


                    if (at.Actor.Type == "mpspawn")

            foreach (var a in actorDefs)
                Map.ActorDefinitions.Add(new MiniYamlNode("Actor" + ++actorIndex, a.Save()));

            foreach (var a in removeActors)

            if (multiCount > 0)
                var mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(Map.Rules, multiCount);
                Map.PlayerDefinitions = mapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();

            // Resources
            for (int x = 0; x < size.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < size.Y; y++)
                    var pos      = new CPos(x, y);
                    var resource = new ResourceTransform()
                        Tile       = Map.Resources[pos],
                        MirrorType = mirrorType,
                        Position   = pos

                    foreach (var rt in resource.GetTransforms(Map))
                        var newPos = rt.Position;
                        Map.Resources[newPos] = rt.Tile;

            var dest = Path.Combine(targetPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".oramap");

            Console.WriteLine(dest + " saved.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets <see cref="ActorReference"/> for the actor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="actor">Actor object to get ActorReference for.</param>
 /// <returns><see cref="ActorReference"/> for the actor.</returns>
 public static ActorReference GetActorReference(this IActor actor)
     return ActorReference.Get(actor);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets <see cref="ActorId"/> for the actor./>
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TIActor">Actor interface type.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="actor">Actor object to get ActorId for.</param>
 /// <returns><see cref="ActorId"/> for the actor.</returns>
 public static ActorId GetActorId<TIActor>(this TIActor actor)
     where TIActor : IActor
     var r = ActorReference.Get(actor);
     return r.ActorId;