Exemplo n.º 1
    private void OnActorAddReply(byte[] bytes)
        ActorAddReply input = ActorAddReply.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes);

        if (!input.Ret)
            string msg = "创建Actor失败!";
            GameRoomManager.Instance.Log("MSG: OnActorAddReply - " + msg);

        if (input.CellIndex == 0)
            Debug.LogError("RoomLogic OnActorAddReply Error - CellIndex is lost!!!");

        if (GameRoomManager.Instance == null ||
            GameRoomManager.Instance.HexmapHelper == null)
            Debug.LogError("What the F**k! with GameRoomManager and HexmapHelper!!!");
        var av = GameRoomManager.Instance.HexmapHelper.CreateUnit(input.RoomId, input.OwnerId, input.ActorId,
                                                                  input.PosX, input.PosZ, input.Orientation, input.Species, input.CellIndex, input.ActorInfoId,
                                                                  input.Name, input.Hp, input.HpMax, input.AttackPower, input.DefencePower, input.Speed, input.FieldOfVision,
                                                                  input.ShootingRange, input.AttackDuration, input.AttackInterval, input.AmmoBase, input.AmmoBaseMax);

        // 每增加一个单位, 都要根据现有的AI-代理权情况来给这个单位设置一下, 批量处理在另外的地方
        var ab = GameRoomManager.Instance.RoomLogic.ActorManager.GetActor(input.ActorId);

        if (ab != null)
            ab.HasAiRights        = GameRoomManager.Instance.GetAiPlayer(input.OwnerId);
            ab.HighAiState        = (StateEnum)input.HighAiState;
            ab.HighAiTargetCell   = input.HighAiCellIndexTo;
            ab.HighAiTargetId     = input.HighAiTargetId;
            ab.HighAiDurationTime = input.HighAiDurationTime;
            ab.HighAiTotalTime    = input.HighAiTotalTime;
Exemplo n.º 2
    private static void DOWNLOAD_ACTORS(byte[] bytes)
        DownloadActors input     = DownloadActors.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes);
        RoomLogic      roomLogic = ServerRoomManager.Instance.GetRoomLogic(input.RoomId);

        if (roomLogic == null)
            string msg = $"Battlefield is not found!"; // 战场没有找到
            ServerRoomManager.Instance.Log("MSG: DOWNLOAD_ACTORS Error - " + msg + $" - {input.RoomId}");
            DownloadCitiesReply output = new DownloadCitiesReply()
                RoomId = input.RoomId,
                Ret    = false,
                ErrMsg = msg,
            ServerRoomManager.Instance.SendMsg(_args, ROOM_REPLY.DownloadActorsReply, output.ToByteArray());

        // 把房间内已有的所有actor都发给本人
        foreach (var keyValue in roomLogic.ActorManager.AllActors)
            ActorBehaviour ab = keyValue.Value;

            if (ab.CellIndex == 0)
                Debug.LogError("DOWNLOAD_ACTORS Erro - Actor position is lost!!!");

            ActorAddReply output = new ActorAddReply()
                RoomId      = ab.RoomId,
                OwnerId     = ab.OwnerId,
                ActorId     = ab.ActorId,
                PosX        = ab.PosX,
                PosZ        = ab.PosZ,
                CellIndex   = ab.CellIndex,
                Orientation = ab.Orientation,
                Species     = ab.Species,
                ActorInfoId = ab.ActorInfoId,

                Name          = ab.Name,
                Hp            = ab.Hp,
                HpMax         = ab.HpMax,
                AttackPower   = ab.AttackPower,
                DefencePower  = ab.DefencePower,
                Speed         = ab.Speed,
                FieldOfVision = ab.FieldOfVision,
                ShootingRange = ab.ShootingRange,

                AttackDuration = ab.AttackDuration,
                AttackInterval = ab.AttackInterval,
                AmmoBase       = ab.AmmoBase,
                AmmoBaseMax    = ab.AmmoBaseMax,
                // High AI params
                HighAiState        = ab.HighAiState,
                HighAiTargetId     = ab.HighAiTargetId,
                HighAiCellIndexTo  = ab.HighAiCellIndexTo,
                HighAiDurationTime = ab.HighAiDurationTime,
                HighAiTotalTime    = ab.HighAiTotalTime,

                Ret = true,
            ServerRoomManager.Instance.SendMsg(_args, ROOM_REPLY.ActorAddReply, output.ToByteArray());

            // 更新AI状态, 注: 尽管参数与ActorAiStateReply一样, 但是这里是高级AI状态
            if (ab.HighAiDurationTime > 0)
                ab.HighAiDurationTime -= (float)(DateTime.Now - ab.HighAiStartTime).TotalSeconds;
                if (ab.HighAiDurationTime < 0f)
                    ServerRoomManager.Instance.Log($"RoomMsgReply DOWNLOAD_ACTORS Error - HighAiDurationTime is less than 0 - Name:{ab.Name} - Time:{ab.HighAiDurationTime}");
                    ab.HighAiDurationTime = 0f;

            PlayerInfo pi = ServerRoomManager.Instance.GetPlayer(_args);
            if (pi == null)
                string msg = $"当前玩家没有找到!";
                ServerRoomManager.Instance.Log("MSG: DOWNLOAD_ACTORS Error - " + msg);
                DownloadCitiesReply output = new DownloadCitiesReply()
                    RoomId = input.RoomId,
                    Ret    = false,
                    ErrMsg = msg,
                ServerRoomManager.Instance.SendMsg(_args, ROOM_REPLY.DownloadActorsReply, output.ToByteArray());

            pi.IsReady = true; // 客户端准备好了,可以检测心跳了
            long OwnerId = pi.Enter.TokenId;

                DownloadActorsReply output = new DownloadActorsReply()
                    RoomId     = input.RoomId,
                    TotalCount = roomLogic.UrbanManager.AllCities.Count,
                    MyCount    = roomLogic.UrbanManager.CountOfThePlayer(OwnerId),
                    Ret        = true,
                ServerRoomManager.Instance.SendMsg(_args, ROOM_REPLY.DownloadActorsReply, output.ToByteArray());
                ServerRoomManager.Instance.Log($"MSG: DOWNLOAD_ACTORS OK - Player:{pi.Enter.Account} - City Count:{output.MyCount}/{output.TotalCount}");
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void OnActorAdd(SocketAsyncEventArgs args, byte[] bytes)
        ActorAdd input = ActorAdd.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes);

        // 这条消息是在房间内部接收的,所以要判断这条消息是否属于这个房间。如果放在外部判断,可以通过外部的函数找到该房间,然后直接调用该房间的函数
        // 放在哪里都可以,目前放在这里是因为可以测试一下,同一条消息,多个函数注册是否会有BUG
        if (input.RoomId != _roomId)

        var piir = GetPlayerInRoom(input.OwnerId);

        if (piir == null)
            ActorAddReply output = new ActorAddReply()
                Ret = false,
            ServerRoomManager.Instance.SendMsg(args, ROOM_REPLY.ActorAddReply, output.ToByteArray());
            ServerRoomManager.Instance.Log($"MSG: ActorAdd - Player not found in server! Id:{input.OwnerId}"); // 当前玩家不在本本战场!
            if (input.CellIndex == 0)
                Debug.LogError("OnActorAdd F**k!!! Actor position is lost!!!");
            ActorBehaviour ab = new ActorBehaviour()
                RoomId      = input.RoomId,
                OwnerId     = input.OwnerId,
                ActorId     = input.ActorId,
                PosX        = input.PosX,
                PosZ        = input.PosZ,
                CellIndex   = input.CellIndex,
                Orientation = input.Orientation,
                Species     = input.Species,
                ActorInfoId = input.ActorInfoId,
            ActorManager.AddActor(ab, this);

            // 转发给房间内的所有玩家
            ActorAddReply output = new ActorAddReply()
                RoomId      = ab.RoomId,
                OwnerId     = ab.OwnerId,
                ActorId     = ab.ActorId,
                Orientation = ab.Orientation,
                PosX        = ab.PosX,
                PosZ        = ab.PosZ,
                CellIndex   = ab.CellIndex,
                Species     = ab.Species,
                ActorInfoId = ab.ActorInfoId,

                Name          = ab.Name,
                Hp            = ab.Hp,
                HpMax         = ab.HpMax,
                AttackPower   = ab.AttackPower,
                DefencePower  = ab.DefencePower,
                Speed         = ab.Speed,
                FieldOfVision = ab.FieldOfVision,
                ShootingRange = ab.ShootingRange,

                AttackDuration = ab.AttackDuration,
                AttackInterval = ab.AttackInterval,
                AmmoBase       = ab.AmmoBase,
                AmmoBaseMax    = ab.AmmoBaseMax,

                Ret = true,
            BroadcastMsg(ROOM_REPLY.ActorAddReply, output.ToByteArray());