Exemplo n.º 1
        public void AutoMapper_ActivityPeakDetails()
            ActivityPeakDetailCalculator calc = new ActivityPeakDetailCalculator(10001, Infrastructure.enums.PeakStreamType.Power, 10);

            calc.StartIndex = 1000;
            calc.StreamType = Infrastructure.enums.PeakStreamType.Power;
            calc.Value      = 100;

            Assert.AreEqual(1009, calc.EndIndex);

            ActivityPeakDetail mapped = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <ActivityPeakDetail>(calc);

            Assert.AreEqual(calc.ActivityId, mapped.ActivityId);
            Assert.AreEqual(calc.Duration, mapped.Duration);
            Assert.AreEqual(calc.StartIndex, mapped.StartIndex);
            Assert.AreEqual(calc.EndIndex, mapped.EndIndex);
            Assert.AreEqual(calc.StreamType, mapped.StreamType);
            Assert.AreEqual(calc.Value, mapped.Value);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Find peaks in stream for all standard durations
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <ActivityPeakDetail> FindPeaks(int?singleDuration)
            List <ActivityPeakDetailCalculator> peaks = new List <ActivityPeakDetailCalculator>();

            // if running for a single duration override the standard durations.
            if (singleDuration != null)
                _durations = new int[] { singleDuration.Value }

            foreach (int duration in _durations)
                // default value to -1 so first value found will be higher and therefore used.
                peaks.Add(new ActivityPeakDetailCalculator(_activityId, _streamType, duration)
                    Value = -1

            //   //  foreach (int l in _standardDurations)
            //   Parallel.ForEach(peaks, p =>
            //   {
            //       var xs = from n in Enumerable.Range(0, data.Length)
            //                let subseq = data.Skip(n).Take(p.Duration).Average()
            //                orderby subseq descending
            //                select new
            //                {
            //                    Start = n,
            //                    Duration =p.Duration,
            //                    Average = subseq
            //                };

            //       var results = xs.First();
            //       Console.WriteLine(results.Duration);
            //       Console.WriteLine(results.Average);
            //   });

            //// loop over the data for each possible starting point
            //for (int startDataPoint = 0; startDataPoint <= dataCount; startDataPoint++)
            //    int remainingDataCount = dataCount - startDataPoint;

            //    // loop around each duration for which we have enough data left.
            //    Parallel.ForEach(peaks.Where(d => d.Duration <= remainingDataCount), p =>

            //      {
            //          double loopPeak = _data.Skip(startDataPoint).Take(p.Duration).Average();

            //          if (loopPeak > p.Value)
            //          {
            //              p.Value = (int)loopPeak;
            //              p.StartIndex = startDataPoint;
            //          }

            //      });

            int dataCount = _data.Length;

            // loop over the data for each possible starting point
            for (int startDataPoint = 0; startDataPoint <= dataCount - 1; startDataPoint++)
                Parallel.ForEach(peaks, c =>

                    if (c.rollingValues.Count() < c.Duration)

                    double loopPeak = c.rollingValues.Average();

                    if (loopPeak > c.Value)
                        c.Value = (int)loopPeak;
                        // we've moved past the start by the duration so need to adjust accordingly.
                        c.StartIndex = startDataPoint - c.Duration + 1;


            // if we're running for a single duration then we don't need to include the
            // peaks for the full full activity duration.
            if (singleDuration == null)
                ActivityPeakDetailCalculator fullDuration = new ActivityPeakDetailCalculator(_activityId, _streamType, _data.Length)
                    StartIndex = 0,
                    Value      = (int)_data.Average()

                // reset to int.maxValue now we've updated the startIndex so it's easy to find the full duration peaks.
                fullDuration.Duration = int.MaxValue;


            // where no peak found and value remains at the starting value of -1 reset to null
            // to indicate that no value was found.
            foreach (var peak in peaks.Where(p => p.Value == -1))
                peak.Value = null;

            return(peaks.Select(p => AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <ActivityPeakDetail>(p)).ToList());