Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads the JSON representation of the object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reader">The <see cref="JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
 /// <param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>
 /// <param name="existingValue">The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted.</param>
 /// <param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>
 /// <returns>The object value.</returns>
 public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
     if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)
         if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Integer)
                 var v = ActionStatus.FromValue(Convert.ToInt32(reader.Value));
             catch (Exception ex)
                 //throw JsonSerializationException(reader, "Error parsing version string: {0}".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, reader.Value), ex);
                 throw new JsonSerializationException($"Error parsing version string: {ex.Message}");
             //throw JsonSerializationException.Create(reader, "Unexpected token or value when parsing version. Token: {0}, Value: {1}".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, reader.TokenType, reader.Value));
             throw new JsonSerializationException($"Unexpected token or value when parsing version. Token: {reader.TokenType}, Value: {reader.Value}");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <TeamMember> TeamMemberToEntityAsync(TeamMemberModel model, string requestId = "")
            var teamMember = TeamMember.Empty;

            teamMember.Id           = model.Id;
            teamMember.DisplayName  = model.DisplayName;
            teamMember.Status       = ActionStatus.FromValue(model.Status.Value);
            teamMember.AssignedRole = await _userProfileHelpers.RoleModelToEntityAsync(model.AssignedRole, requestId);

            teamMember.Fields                   = TeamMemberFields.Empty;
            teamMember.Fields.Mail              = model.Mail;
            teamMember.Fields.Title             = model.Title;
            teamMember.Fields.UserPrincipalName = model.UserPrincipalName;

Exemplo n.º 3
        private async Task <ProposalDocument> ProposalDocumentToEntityAsync(OpportunityViewModel viewModel, ProposalDocument proposalDocument, string requestId = "")
                Guard.Against.Null(proposalDocument, "ProposalDocumentToEntityAsync", requestId);
                var entity = proposalDocument;
                var model  = viewModel.ProposalDocument;

                entity.Id          = model.Id ?? String.Empty;
                entity.DisplayName = model.DisplayName ?? String.Empty;
                entity.Reference   = model.Reference ?? String.Empty;
                entity.Version     = model.Version ?? String.Empty;

                if (entity.Content == null)
                    entity.Content = ProposalDocumentContent.Empty;

                // Storing previous section lists to compare and trigger notification if assigment changes
                var currProposalSectionList = entity.Content.ProposalSectionList.ToList();

                // Proposal sections are always overwritten
                entity.Content.ProposalSectionList = new List <DocumentSection>();

                if (model.Content.ProposalSectionList != null)
                    var OwnerSendList      = new List <UserProfile>(); //receipients list for notifications
                    var AssignedToSendList = new List <UserProfile>(); //receipients list for notifications
                    // LIST: ProposalSectionList
                    foreach (var item in model.Content.ProposalSectionList)
                        var documentSection = new DocumentSection();
                        documentSection.DisplayName          = item.DisplayName ?? String.Empty;
                        documentSection.Id                   = item.Id ?? String.Empty;
                        documentSection.LastModifiedDateTime = item.LastModifiedDateTime;
                        documentSection.Owner                = await _userProfileHelpers.UserProfileToEntityAsync(item.Owner ?? new UserProfileViewModel(), requestId);

                        documentSection.SectionStatus = ActionStatus.FromValue(item.SectionStatus.Value);
                        documentSection.SubSectionId  = item.SubSectionId ?? String.Empty;
                        documentSection.AssignedTo    = await _userProfileHelpers.UserProfileToEntityAsync(item.AssignedTo ?? new UserProfileViewModel(), requestId);

                        documentSection.Task = item.Task ?? String.Empty;

                        // Check values to see if notification trigger is needed
                        var prevSectionList = currProposalSectionList.Find(x => x.Id == documentSection.Id);
                        if (prevSectionList != null)
                            if (prevSectionList.Owner.Id != documentSection.Owner.Id)

                            if (prevSectionList.AssignedTo.Id != documentSection.AssignedTo.Id)


                    // AssignedToSendList notifications
                    // Section owner changed / assigned
                        if (OwnerSendList.Count > 0)
                            _logger.LogInformation($"RequestId: {requestId} - ProposalDocumentToEntityAsync sendNotificationCardAsync for owner changed notification.");
                            var notificationOwner = await _cardNotificationService.sendNotificationCardAsync(
                                $"Section(s) in the proposal document for opportunity {viewModel.DisplayName} has new/updated owners ",
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - ProposalDocumentToEntityAsync sendNotificationCardAsync for owner error: {ex}");

                    // Section AssignedTo changed / assigned
                        if (AssignedToSendList.Count > 0)
                            _logger.LogInformation($"RequestId: {requestId} - ProposalDocumentToEntityAsync sendNotificationCardAsync for AssigedTo changed notification.");
                            var notificationAssignedTo = await _cardNotificationService.sendNotificationCardAsync(
                                $"Task(s) in the proposal document for opportunity {viewModel.DisplayName} has new/updated assigments ",
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - ProposalDocumentToEntityAsync sendNotificationCardAsync for AssignedTo error: {ex}");

                // Metadata
                if (entity.Metadata == null)
                    entity.Metadata = DocumentMetadata.Empty;

                entity.Metadata.DocumentUri = model.DocumentUri;
                entity.Metadata.Tags        = model.Tags;
                if (entity.Metadata.Category == null)
                    entity.Metadata.Category = new Category();

                entity.Metadata.Category.Id   = model.Category.Id ?? String.Empty;
                entity.Metadata.Category.Name = model.Category.Name ?? String.Empty;

                if (entity.Metadata.Notes == null)
                    entity.Metadata.Notes = new List <Note>();

                if (model.Notes != null)
                    // LIST: Notes
                    foreach (var item in model.Notes)
                        entity.Metadata.Notes.Add(await NoteToEntityAsync(item, requestId));

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <Opportunity> MapToEntityAsync(Opportunity entity, OpportunityViewModel viewModel, string requestId = "")
                var entityIsEmpty = true;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.DisplayName))
                    entityIsEmpty = false;                                            // If empty we should not send any notifications since it is just a reference opportunity schema
                if (entity.Content.Checklists == null)
                    entity.Content.Checklists = new List <Checklist>();
                if (viewModel.Checklists != null)
                    // List of checklists that status changed thus team members need to be sent with a notification
                    var statusChangedChecklists = new List <Checklist>();

                    var updatedList = new List <Checklist>();
                    // LIST: Content/CheckList/ChecklistTaskList
                    foreach (var item in viewModel.Checklists)
                        var checklist    = Checklist.Empty;
                        var existinglist = entity.Content.Checklists.ToList().Find(x => x.Id == item.Id);
                        if (existinglist != null)
                            checklist = existinglist;

                        var addToChangedList = false;
                        if (checklist.ChecklistStatus.Value != item.ChecklistStatus.Value)
                            addToChangedList = true;

                        checklist.Id = item.Id ?? String.Empty;
                        checklist.ChecklistStatus   = ActionStatus.FromValue(item.ChecklistStatus.Value);
                        checklist.ChecklistTaskList = new List <ChecklistTask>();
                        checklist.ChecklistChannel  = item.ChecklistChannel ?? String.Empty;

                        foreach (var subitem in item.ChecklistTaskList)
                            var checklistTask = new ChecklistTask
                                Id            = subitem.Id ?? String.Empty,
                                ChecklistItem = subitem.ChecklistItem ?? String.Empty,
                                Completed     = subitem.Completed,
                                FileUri       = subitem.FileUri ?? String.Empty

                        // Add checklist for notifications, notification is sent below during teamMembers iterations
                        if (addToChangedList)


                    // Send notifications for changed checklists
                    if (statusChangedChecklists.Count > 0 && !entityIsEmpty)
                            if (statusChangedChecklists.Count > 0)
                                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                                foreach (var chkItm in statusChangedChecklists)
                                    sb.Append($"'{chkItm.ChecklistChannel}' ");

                                var checkLists = sb.ToString();
                                var sendToList = new List <UserProfile>();

                                //WAVE-4 GENERIC ACCELERATOR Change : start
                                var opportunityChannelId = viewModel.OpportunityChannelId ?? String.Empty;
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(opportunityChannelId))
                                    entity.Metadata.OpportunityChannelId = opportunityChannelId;
                                //WAVE-4 GENERIC ACCELERATOR Change : end

                                _logger.LogInformation($"RequestId: {requestId} - UpdateWorkflowAsync sendNotificationCardAsync checklist status changed notification. Number of hecklists: {statusChangedChecklists.Count}");
                                var sendNotificationCard = await _cardNotificationService.sendNotificationCardAsync(entity, sendToList, $"Status updated for opportunity checklist(s): {checkLists} ", requestId);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - UpdateWorkflowAsync sendNotificationCardAsync checklist status change error: {ex}");
                        //Granular bug fix: end

                        if (entity.Content.Checklists.Count > 0 && updatedList.Count > 0)
                            var items = entity.Content.Checklists.Where(x => !updatedList.Any(y => y.ChecklistChannel == x.ChecklistChannel));
                            foreach (var item in items)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - UpdateWorkflowAsync Bug fix checklist error: {ex}");
                    //Granular bug fix: start

                    entity.Content.Checklists = updatedList;

                if (entity.Content.Checklists.Count == 0)
                    // Checklist empty create a default set
                    foreach (var item in viewModel.Template.ProcessList)
                        if (item.ProcessType.ToLower() == "checklisttab")
                            var checklist = new Checklist
                                Id = item.ProcessStep,
                                ChecklistChannel  = item.Channel,
                                ChecklistStatus   = ActionStatus.NotStarted,
                                ChecklistTaskList = new List <ChecklistTask>()

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ResponseException($"RequestId: {requestId} - CheckListProcessService MapToEntity oppId: {entity.Id} - failed to map opportunity: {ex}");
Exemplo n.º 5
        private async Task <Opportunity> OpportunityToEntityAsync(OpportunityViewModel viewModel, Opportunity opportunity, string requestId = "")
            var oppId = viewModel.Id;

                var entity        = opportunity;
                var entityIsEmpty = true;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.DisplayName))
                    entityIsEmpty = false;                                            // If empty we should not send any notifications since it is just a reference opportunity schema
                entity.Id          = viewModel.Id ?? String.Empty;
                entity.DisplayName = viewModel.DisplayName ?? String.Empty;
                entity.Reference   = viewModel.Reference ?? String.Empty;
                entity.Version     = viewModel.Version ?? String.Empty;

                // DocumentAttachments
                if (entity.DocumentAttachments == null)
                    entity.DocumentAttachments = new List <DocumentAttachment>();
                if (viewModel.DocumentAttachments != null)
                    var newDocumentAttachments = new List <DocumentAttachment>();
                    foreach (var itm in viewModel.DocumentAttachments)
                        var doc = entity.DocumentAttachments.ToList().Find(x => x.Id == itm.Id);
                        if (doc == null)
                            doc = DocumentAttachment.Empty;

                        doc.Id            = itm.Id;
                        doc.FileName      = itm.FileName ?? String.Empty;
                        doc.DocumentUri   = itm.DocumentUri ?? String.Empty;
                        doc.Category      = Category.Empty;
                        doc.Category.Id   = itm.Category.Id ?? String.Empty;
                        doc.Category.Name = itm.Category.Name ?? String.Empty;
                        doc.Tags          = itm.Tags ?? String.Empty;
                        doc.Note          = itm.Note ?? String.Empty;


                    // TODO: P2 create logic for replace and support for other artifact types for now we replace the whole list
                    entity.DocumentAttachments = newDocumentAttachments;

                // Content
                if (entity.Content == null)
                    entity.Content = OpportunityContent.Empty;

                // Checklists
                if (entity.Content.Checklists == null)
                    entity.Content.Checklists = new List <Checklist>();
                if (viewModel.Checklists != null)
                    // List of checklists that status changed thus team members need to be sent with a notification
                    var statusChangedChecklists = new List <Checklist>();

                    var updatedList = new List <Checklist>();
                    // LIST: Content/CheckList/ChecklistTaskList
                    foreach (var item in viewModel.Checklists)
                        var checklist    = Checklist.Empty;
                        var existinglist = entity.Content.Checklists.ToList().Find(x => x.Id == item.Id);
                        if (existinglist != null)
                            checklist = existinglist;

                        var addToChangedList = false;
                        if (checklist.ChecklistStatus.Value != item.ChecklistStatus.Value)
                            addToChangedList = true;

                        checklist.Id = item.Id ?? String.Empty;
                        checklist.ChecklistStatus   = ActionStatus.FromValue(item.ChecklistStatus.Value);
                        checklist.ChecklistTaskList = new List <ChecklistTask>();
                        checklist.ChecklistChannel  = item.ChecklistChannel ?? String.Empty;

                        foreach (var subitem in item.ChecklistTaskList)
                            var checklistTask = new ChecklistTask
                                Id            = subitem.Id ?? String.Empty,
                                ChecklistItem = subitem.ChecklistItem ?? String.Empty,
                                Completed     = subitem.Completed,
                                FileUri       = subitem.FileUri ?? String.Empty

                        // Add checklist for notifications, notification is sent below during teamMembers iterations
                        if (addToChangedList)


                    // Send notifications for changed checklists
                    if (statusChangedChecklists.Count > 0 && !entityIsEmpty)
                            if (statusChangedChecklists.Count > 0)
                                var checkLists = String.Empty;
                                foreach (var chkItm in statusChangedChecklists)
                                    checkLists = checkLists + $"'{chkItm.ChecklistChannel}' ";

                                var sendToList = new List <UserProfile>();
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.OpportunityChannelId))
                                    entity.Metadata.OpportunityChannelId = viewModel.OpportunityChannelId;

                                _logger.LogInformation($"RequestId: {requestId} - UpdateWorkflowAsync sendNotificationCardAsync checklist status changed notification. Number of hecklists: {statusChangedChecklists.Count}");
                                var sendNotificationCard = await _cardNotificationService.sendNotificationCardAsync(entity, sendToList, $"Status updated for opportunity checklist(s): {checkLists} ", requestId);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - UpdateWorkflowAsync sendNotificationCardAsync checklist status change error: {ex}");

                    entity.Content.Checklists = updatedList;

                if (entity.Content.Checklists.Count == 0)
                    // Checklist empty create a default set

                    var roleMappingList = (await _roleMappingRepository.GetAllAsync(requestId)).ToList();

                    foreach (var item in roleMappingList)
                        if (item.ProcessType.ToLower() == "checklisttab")
                            var checklist = new Checklist
                                Id = item.ProcessStep,
                                ChecklistChannel  = item.Channel,
                                ChecklistStatus   = ActionStatus.NotStarted,
                                ChecklistTaskList = new List <ChecklistTask>()

                // CustomerDecision
                if (entity.Content.CustomerDecision == null)
                    entity.Content.CustomerDecision = CustomerDecision.Empty;
                if (viewModel.CustomerDecision != null)
                    entity.Content.CustomerDecision.Id       = viewModel.CustomerDecision.Id ?? String.Empty;
                    entity.Content.CustomerDecision.Approved = viewModel.CustomerDecision.Approved;
                    if (viewModel.CustomerDecision.ApprovedDate != null)
                        entity.Content.CustomerDecision.ApprovedDate = viewModel.CustomerDecision.ApprovedDate;
                    if (viewModel.CustomerDecision.LoanDisbursed != null)
                        entity.Content.CustomerDecision.LoanDisbursed = viewModel.CustomerDecision.LoanDisbursed;

                // LIST: Content/Notes
                if (entity.Content.Notes == null)
                    entity.Content.Notes = new List <Note>();
                if (viewModel.Notes != null)
                    var updatedNotes = entity.Content.Notes.ToList();
                    foreach (var item in viewModel.Notes)
                        var note = updatedNotes.Find(itm => itm.Id == item.Id);
                        if (note != null)
                        updatedNotes.Add(await NoteToEntityAsync(item, requestId));

                    entity.Content.Notes = updatedNotes;

                // TeamMembers
                if (entity.Content.TeamMembers == null)
                    entity.Content.TeamMembers = new List <TeamMember>();
                if (viewModel.TeamMembers != null)
                    var updatedTeamMembers = new List <TeamMember>();

                    // Update team members
                    foreach (var item in viewModel.TeamMembers)
                        updatedTeamMembers.Add(await TeamMemberToEntityAsync(item));
                    entity.Content.TeamMembers = updatedTeamMembers;

                // ProposalDocument
                if (entity.Content.ProposalDocument == null)
                    entity.Content.ProposalDocument = ProposalDocument.Empty;
                if (viewModel.ProposalDocument != null)
                    entity.Content.ProposalDocument = await ProposalDocumentToEntityAsync(viewModel, entity.Content.ProposalDocument, requestId);

                // Metadata
                if (entity.Metadata == null)
                    entity.Metadata = OpportunityMetadata.Empty;
                entity.Metadata.AnnualRevenue    = viewModel.AnnualRevenue;
                entity.Metadata.CollateralAmount = viewModel.CollateralAmount;

                if (entity.Metadata.Customer == null)
                    entity.Metadata.Customer = Customer.Empty;
                entity.Metadata.Customer.DisplayName = viewModel.Customer.DisplayName ?? String.Empty;
                entity.Metadata.Customer.Id          = viewModel.Customer.Id ?? String.Empty;
                entity.Metadata.Customer.ReferenceId = viewModel.Customer.ReferenceId ?? String.Empty;

                entity.Metadata.DealSize             = viewModel.DealSize;
                entity.Metadata.DebtRatio            = viewModel.DebtRatio;
                entity.Metadata.DisbursementSchedule = viewModel.DisbursementSchedule ?? String.Empty;
                entity.Metadata.Guarantees           = viewModel.Guarantees ?? String.Empty;

                if (entity.Metadata.Industry == null)
                    entity.Metadata.Industry = new Industry();
                if (viewModel.Industry != null)
                    entity.Metadata.Industry = await IndustryToEntityAsync(viewModel.Industry);

                entity.Metadata.Margin = viewModel.Margin;

                if (entity.Metadata.OpenedDate == null)
                    entity.Metadata.OpenedDate = DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
                if (viewModel.OpenedDate != null)
                    entity.Metadata.OpenedDate = viewModel.OpenedDate;

                if (entity.Metadata.OpportunityState == null)
                    entity.Metadata.OpportunityState = OpportunityState.Creating;
                if (viewModel.OpportunityState != null)
                    entity.Metadata.OpportunityState = OpportunityState.FromValue(viewModel.OpportunityState.Value);

                entity.Metadata.Purpose = viewModel.Purpose ?? String.Empty;
                entity.Metadata.Rate    = viewModel.Rate;

                if (entity.Metadata.Region == null)
                    entity.Metadata.Region = Region.Empty;
                if (viewModel.Region != null)
                    entity.Metadata.Region = await RegionToEntityAsync(viewModel.Region);

                entity.Metadata.RiskRating = viewModel.RiskRating;

                // if to avoid deleting channelId if vieModel passes empty and a value was already in opportunity
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.OpportunityChannelId))
                    entity.Metadata.OpportunityChannelId = viewModel.OpportunityChannelId;

            catch (Exception ex)
                //_logger.LogError("MapFromViewModelAsync error: " + ex);
                throw new ResponseException($"RequestId: {requestId} - OpportunityToEntityAsync oppId: {oppId} - failed to map opportunity: {ex}");